Morning of the BIG Date

Boku wa Romeo! HSJ FanFic

Mizuki in her underwear was deciding on what to wear on her big first date with Ryosuke, when her phone starting to vibrate.

‘Hello’ she answered. It was Ryosuke checking what time they’d meet out front. ‘About 12… That way we’ll have a lot of time to get there.’

‘Okay, so 12, are you going out like that?’ Ryosuke started to giggle.

‘Like what?’ Mizuki got confused and turned to face the window.

‘TURN AROUND NOW!’ Ryosuke suddenly yelled down the phone.

Mizuki quickly turned. ‘What… what was that?’ Mizuki was even more confused. ‘Why are you yelling at me?’

‘Your curtains are open!’ Ryosuke said angrily. ‘I can see you from my window… so other people can to!’ Ryosuke sounded jealous. ‘… Close the curtains’

Mizuki dropped to the floor. ‘How can you?’

‘My bedrooms at the front of my house too… I looked out when I opened my curtains…’ Ryosuke spoke in a quiet, jealous voice. ‘Please close…’

With that Mizuki’s head popped up to the window, ‘why are you still looking.’

‘I’m checking other people aren’t looking…’ Ryosuke said stupidly.

Mizuki giggled. ‘I never saw you as the jealous type Ryosuke?’

‘Shut up and get ready…’ Ryosuke carried on looking checking she would close her curtains.

‘I will but you’re not watching’ Mizuki poked her tongue out at him from the window and closed the curtains. ‘See you in a bit’

‘Okay, love you…’ Ryosuke said and hung up quickly.

Mizuki giggled standing up. ‘Baka.’


Kita and Kei were both getting ready, Kei decided to look casual, and Kita was in her typical converse style outfit.

‘Kei what time are you meeting Yabu?’ Kita walked into Kei’s room and sat on his bed.

’12.30 at the train station, what time are you meeting Koki?’ He smiled whilst brushing his teeth in his bathroom.

‘Ahh he’s meeting me at the amusement park. Usual Koki, mind if I come with you’

‘No problem…’ Kei said washing out his mouth.


Midori walked into Hikari’s ramen shop and greeted their mum and dad. She waited for Hikari to come downstairs and heard Chinen come through the door.

‘They aren’t ready yet,’ Midori smiled at him.

‘Okay’ Chinen sat down next to Midori. ‘Yuya not ready either… I swear he can be worse than a girl.’

‘Yeah, I don’t see why I don’t care what he looks like, he’s great as he is.’ Midori smiled to herself.

‘GOOD MORNING~’ Yuya came down the stairs cheerful as always. ‘Ah, my beautiful girl was waiting… how long have you been waiting?’

‘Only 5 minutes, don’t worry…’ Midori looked up at him.

‘No a promise is a promise… 5 minutes = 5 kisses.’ Yuya walked over to her. ‘1…’

Midori stopped his face from getting closer, ‘not here.’ She blushed.

Chinen looked at the 2 of them and felt a bit disheartened that he wasn’t like that with Hikari much.

‘Chii~ Did I hear you come in.’ Hikari said coming down the stairs.

Chinen jumped up and smiled. ‘Morning Hikari-chan…’ He walked towards her and grabbed her hand. ‘Are you all ready?’

‘Yes! Yuya are you?’ Hikari smiled at her brother awkwardly as he was still faffing about with Midori by the door.

‘We’re ready.’

‘Then can you stop for a second.’

‘But I owe her 5 kisses… she’s feeling weird because mum and dad are here.’

‘I’m feeling awkward for her, leaving now mum and dad.’

They all walked out together and went on their way.


Abbi and Daiki had met at her house after her parents left for work.

‘Daiki, stop it, that tickles.’ Abbi and Daiki were sat on the sofa messing around giggling.

‘How long until we're going to leave?' Daiki said grabbing Abbi around the waist and pulling her on top of him on the sofa.

‘About, 20 minutes?’ She giggled leaning her head on his chest and hugging him tightly.

‘Shall we watch telly for 20 minutes?’ Daiki said moving his hand up her back and Abbi’s hair.

‘That is not what I expected you to say,’ Abbi leant her head up and looked at him. ‘But if that’s what you want to do.’ So she reached up and above his head to reach the remote.

Daiki grabbed her arm, ‘What were you thinking.’ He giggled and pulled her hand down to his face. Then he tickled her side.

Abbi fidgeted and fell sideways off the sofa pulling Daiki on top of her. ‘ouch.’ She said softly.

Daiki giggled and kissed her gently. Then looking into her eyes kissed her again but more deep and passionate.

Abbi put her arms around Daiki’s neck and he rolled off her and laid beside her. Daiki went to kiss Abbi again but she got up, ‘come on let’s go…’ she smiled nervously. ‘It’s going to be time to meet everyone soon, so let’s not get too into it okay.’

They both got their shoes on and left to meet everyone.

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Yangmei #1
Finally, a Japanese fanfic <3 <3 <3 Totally subscribing and I read half of the first chapter, sounding good ^ w ^ I don't have time to read it now but will do later, I promise.
Whaaa(:<br />
Alot of chapters are up already ^^. Thanks.<br />