Hikari's Mistake

Boku wa Romeo! HSJ FanFic

The group had just come back from England; all was well except for Chinen and Hikari’s argument. The couple were still not talking and both were uncertain about each-others feelings.

School had just ended and Hikari was on cleaning duty with Midori who had to leave early to meet Yuya, Hikari smiled until she was out of sight and down the flight of stairs. She couldn’t believe what had happened she wanted to talk to Chinen, but was more reserved than usual. Hikari sat at Chinen’s desk and looked at his tattered books; that were rarely used to study but instead to hit Daiki on the back of his head. The door opened and Junno entered. ‘Oh, Hikari, you’re on duty today.’

‘Yeah’ Hikari tried to put on a brave face in front of her sensei, but truthfully, she wanted to cry… she couldn’t help but think of Chinen, seeing other men even triggered her thoughts slightly. ‘I’m almost finished.’

‘Okay,’ Junno said sitting down at a desk at the front of the class with his head in his hands.

‘Junno-sensei, are you okay?’ Hikari moved forward toward him.

Junno lifted his head up and looked at her with teary eyes. ‘Why can’t I find someone Hikari?’


Meanwhile Chinen and Daiki were sat up on the roof ignoring club activities as always. ‘Chinen, I can tell your upset… just go and talk to Hikari.’

‘She won’t listen to me, I was horrible, and honestly I don’t know if this relationship will work, maybe London was the test for us?’

‘You’re an idiot.’ Daiki started. ‘A test would be about yourselves you argued about me and Abbi…’

‘Yeah…’ Chinen looked out over the school grounds and saw Midori leaving on her own.

‘You understand that right?’

‘Yeah, yeah… I wonder why Hikari hasn’t left yet…’ Chinen became curious whether she was okay or not.

‘Why don’t you check… and whilst you’re at it… TALK TO HER.’

Chinen looked back at the laid back Daiki sat on the floor staring aimlessly to the sky. ‘Know what’s funny… you’re the one going to be a dad… at 16! And yet I’m the one complaining about my love life…’ He smiled at Daiki who was still looking elsewhere. He walked towards the door. ‘I’ll see you tomorrow.’

Daiki smiled. ‘She’ll probably still be in the classroom…’


‘Sensei, I should probably leave…’ Hikari saw hurt in his eyes and felt uncomfortable, as she went to leave Junno grabbed her arm. "Sensei I..." Hikari was interrupted by Junno's impatient lips pushing against her own. Hikari blushed pushing Junno away touching her lips shocked.

"Sorry, I just..." Junno felt ashamed. Hikari watched him and then pulled on his shirt making him lean over her. Junno caressed her face and softly kissed down her jawline as their lips met Junno eagerly her lips wanting to be closer to her.

Hikari closed her eyes tight and let Junno take complete control of her. Junno slipped his tongue into Hikari's mouth, she let go of the grip she had on his shirt and moved her hand upto his neck loosening his tie. They continued kissing, as Hikari pulled away for air. Junno continued kissing down her neck, she covered as she moaned delicately, he had found her turn on spot he continued kissing there as he did he lifted her so she was sat on the desk they had been leaning against.

Junno began hestitantly undoing the front of Hikari's school shirt. Hikari crashed their lips togther, not wanting to think. As Junno ed Hikari's last button he started to pull out of their kiss biting her bottom lip as he did. Junno placed kisses all over Hikari's chest.

"This is wrong" Hikari said as Junno wrapped his arm around her back making her use him as support as he kissed all over.

Junno stopped and stared into her eyes "if it feels right that's all that matters" he kissed her again deeply so she couldn't resist. Hikari knew she was able to push him away since he didn't have a tight grip on her, though she knew it was wrong he was right it did feel good, she let her mind wonder as Junno continued kissing her.

Hikari started to pull Junno's top off. Junno helped her do so that he could continue quicker. Hikari ran her hands across his smooth body. Junno moved his hand from her waist and started fondling her chest, he bit at her bra. Hikari watched him unable to do anything as she began to get hotter under his touch. She pulled his face back up to hers, Junno kissed her roughly she wrapped her arms around his neck pulling him deeper.

Junno ran his hand up her leg raising her skirt further up her thigh he grazed along her underwear.

The door crashed open, Hikari looked up shocked seeing Chinen teary eyed and heartbroken.

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Yangmei #1
Finally, a Japanese fanfic <3 <3 <3 Totally subscribing and I read half of the first chapter, sounding good ^ w ^ I don't have time to read it now but will do later, I promise.
Whaaa(:<br />
Alot of chapters are up already ^^. Thanks.<br />