Mizuki & Ryosuke... a couple?

Boku wa Romeo! HSJ FanFic

 Walking down the road hand in hand, Yabu and Kei were in their own world. They didn’t notice the people staring at them, and quite frankly they didn’t care.

‘So Kei, when can I meet your dad properly?’ Yabu smiled in his usual innocent way.

‘Soon I hope, you know he works late all the time if you come back to mine randomly, my sister will have her boyfriend there, and he’s an awkward person.’ Kei forced a smile. Knowing that up until the day he admitted how he truly felt, his father was the one holding him back, growing up without a mum, no wonder why Kita had her tough exterior but Kei, he was always classed as the ‘feminine’ of the twins. If his father knew he wouldn’t know what he’d do.

‘That’s fine, I’m a little nervous anyway, does he know about me yet?’

Kei didn’t know what to say, he would never say that his father wouldn’t approve. ‘He’s not been around I haven’t had the chance to tell him yet.’

‘It’s fine, don’t feel pressured. It’ll be hard for your dad. I know it was hard for my parents but they got used to it.’

Kei smiled and they carried on their way to school, Yabu dropped Kei off at the gates.

‘Kei, Yabu… morning!’ Midori ran over with her usual happy smiles with Yuya by her side.

‘Morning’ they both blushed and giggled in sync.

‘Yabu, shall we get going, we are going to be late.’ Yuya smiled and kissed Midori good-bye.

‘Sure, see you later Kei.’ He lightly kissed him on the cheek and waved to Midori.

As they walked away, Midori grabbed Kei’s arm. ‘Come on else we’ll be late.’ She smiled pulling him towards the shoe lockers.

‘Oh, isn’t that Mizuki and Ryosuke?’ Kei stopped and pointed at the cute hand in hand couple walking towards them nervously.

‘Mizuki! I see you caught up with her Ryosuke!’ Midori smiled. Hikari and Eri had spent the best of that night explaining everything to Midori so she finally understood what was happening.

Ryosuke nodded with his usual distant aura.

‘Did I miss something?’ Kei said in his quiet voice.

‘I’m dating Ryosuke now… Wish us luck, ne?’ Mizuki said happily.

Ryosuke smiled as well, this much cuteness from Mizuki he was in overload.

‘Looks like everyone is pairing off these days…’ Midori said happily. ‘You know we should all go to the amusement park!! It’ll be so much fun!’

‘Let’s do it,’ Mizuki said smiling still holding onto Ryosuke’s hand. ‘Kei invite Yabu-kun!’

‘Yes sure I’ll ask him.’ Kei smiled. They started to move forward in the school. Kei thought he and Yabu would look out of place with all the couples. But then shook off his thoughts, as he was happy finally being with Yabu.

They arrived in their classroom. ‘Congratulations Mizuki and Ryosuke…’ Hikari was sat on Chinen’s lap smiling at them at the door. ‘Holding hands isn’t it fun.’

Mizuki smiled and walked into the classroom. The class was shocked to see Ryosuke with a girlfriend. He didn’t seem so untouchable anymore. Thoughts of a nice sweet Ryosuke crossed people’s minds.

Daiki and Abbi walked in close as ever. Chinen felt upset thinking that they had had before him and Hikari, as they had been going out for a year now.

‘Hey how about all us couples go to the amusement park this coming holiday?’ Midori smiled eagerly.

‘What?’ Hikari smiled, ‘another one of your plans to spend all your time with my brother.’

‘No, it’ll be fun’ she smiled. ‘Me & Yuya, You & Chinen, Eri & Ueda, Kita & Koki, Daiki & Abbi, Kei & Yabu and the newly paired Mizuki & Ryosuke.’

‘Okay.’ Chinen said. ‘I’ll go if Hikari wants too?’

‘Sure why not, for once your idea doesn’t seem stupid Midori-chan!’ Hikari laughed at her putting her arms around Chinen’s neck.

‘Ueda has that holiday off too. I’ll text him now.’ Eri said pulling her phone out of her bag.

‘Great, Kei, Yabu, Mizuki and Ryosuke all agreed outside.’ Midori smiled and nodded in confirmation with everyone. ‘So Kita will you?’

‘Why not, I’d love for you all to meet my ‘gang-banger’ boyfriend.’ She gave Kei evils, who giggled to himself when she mentioned it.

‘And… Daiki & Abbi’ Midori finished.

‘Yay amusement park, I love them, let’s go Daiki!!’ Abbi started pulling his shirt acting a little spoilt.

‘Okay, anything for you.’ Daiki smiled and held the hands that clasped his shirt so tight.

‘So that’s everyone?’ Midori was happy that her idea was agreed with for a change.

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Yangmei #1
Finally, a Japanese fanfic <3 <3 <3 Totally subscribing and I read half of the first chapter, sounding good ^ w ^ I don't have time to read it now but will do later, I promise.
Whaaa(:<br />
Alot of chapters are up already ^^. Thanks.<br />