Finale - Graduation

Boku wa Romeo! HSJ FanFic

A year later~

‘Mizuki… Mizuki!’ Ryosuke shouted from her front garden. ‘It’s time to go!’

Mizuki picked up her bow and tied it perfectly as always. ‘The last time I’ll wear this…’ She smiled to herself.

‘Yah, your boyfriend is waiting!’ Ryosuke became impatient.

Mizuki quickly grabbed her bag, ran down the stairs and out the door stumbling into Ryosuke’s arms. ‘Good morning!’ She said in English.

‘If we’re late, I’m blaming you…’ Ryosuke said putting her back on her feet and grabbing her hand.

‘But you were always late until I showed up…’ Mizuki said smiling.

‘I didn’t have a reason to get up so early, now I have a beautiful face to look at every morning.’ Ryosuke blushed slightly and carried on walking looking away embarrassed.

Mizuki also blushed at his comment. The walked slowly together looking at the surroundings they saw every morning. Mizuki looked at the park, where they shared so many memories. She smiled and held Ryosuke’s hand tighter, which told him what she was thinking about. They slowly made their way to school to see all of their friends sat in their seats. ‘Good morning…’ She greeted as she did every morning. They took their seats next to each other by the window and Junno walked in.

‘Congratulations everyone… I hope you all go on to do amazing things…’ Junno said tearing up. ‘Right, time to go to the ceremony.’ He wiped away his tears. ‘Line up!’

The ceremony went on and they collected their diplomas one by one. After the ceremony had finished, they were all outside the front in their group chatting. With final exams over with they could finally talk together like they used too, though they were split into pairs and little groups.

‘So, Eri, you’re attending Ueda’s University?’ Midori said smiling holding tightly onto Yuya’s hand.

‘Of course, I hate him being away from me, so we’re moving in together too. Plus the fashion course was perfect for me!’ She smiled.

Hikari and Chinen went to the gym where they could talk more privately. ‘We never really spoke that day or since, I though since we’ll be attending the same university we should be on talking grounds?’ Hikari broke the tension.

‘Hikari you cheated on me… I didn’t know how to respond to that.’ Chinen said looking away from her.

‘I know, and it was so wrong, I couldn’t even bear to explain myself… it’s been a year, finally I want to have the courage to apologise to you properly.’ She moved towards him and put her hand on his shoulder. ‘I’m sorry Chinen, I ruined what we had and I want us to at least talk again, and I know forgiveness I don’t deserve but, still I truly am sorry.’

‘Hikari it’s been a year?’ Chinen smiled. ‘You don’t know what’ll happen in the future, right?’ He winked at her and then left the gym to find the others.

The others were all chatting about their next step; Mizuki and Ryosuke were attending Tokyo U, studying business. Midori applied for a Photography Apprenticeship. Kei will attend a University in Kobe specialising in Fine Art. Koki and Kita are going to Tokyo U to study Law.

‘So what about you Daiki…’ Midori said smiling.

‘I’m going to work at my dad’s shop, and take it over when Abbi and I get married.’ He smiled looking around for her to appear.

‘Talking about Abbi shouldn’t she be here by now.’ Hikari said waving her diploma around in different directions taking note that she wasn’t there.

Daiki’s face stayed smiling as he had faith in their promise. He held up his hand and pointed to his wrist where Abbi’s thin blue bracelet hung. ‘This is our promise.’

They started taking pictures and saying good-bye to teachers and other classmates. Everyone was looking at Daiki’s expression which didn’t change, he wasn’t worried… nor did he think Abbi would just leave him.


Daiki smiled brighter and turned around to see Abbi at the school gates holding the hand of a one year old boy whose face was the double of Daiki’s, chubby cheeked, cute smile and adorable eyes. Daiki’s heart stopped at first sight of his son. ‘Abbi, you’re late.’

‘Sorry, Riki wasn’t helping much this morning.’ She walked forward with Riki who walked excitedly towards the group.

‘Riki, hello…’ Daiki said putting his arms out to him.

‘Go to daddy, Riki?’ Abbi leant him towards Daiki and straight away Riki went to him with a big smile on his face.

The group all smiled and looked at the three together.

‘Awh, Riki is too cute… I want a baby now!’ Midori said playing peek-a-boo with him.

‘Don’t even think about it you...’ Yuya grabbed her back and smiled also making Riki giggle.

The group laughed and for the last time went to Hikari’s ramen shop, where they acted as always. Forgetting that high school was over, but believing in tomorrow.

Writers note: I'm so sorry about the sudden ending, I was writing 2 other FF's at the time, and wanted to fully concerntrate on them... They will be posted up soon aswell. Thank you for taking the time to read, when in all honesty im not the best writer out there <3 Arigatou !!!

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Yangmei #1
Finally, a Japanese fanfic <3 <3 <3 Totally subscribing and I read half of the first chapter, sounding good ^ w ^ I don't have time to read it now but will do later, I promise.
Whaaa(:<br />
Alot of chapters are up already ^^. Thanks.<br />