Yuya's Feelings

Boku wa Romeo! HSJ FanFic

A quiet day at the Takaki Ramen shop, Midori arrived through the door meaning to meet Hikari. When faced with an alone Yuya, Midori became nervous. ‘Just act cool.’ She said quietly.

‘Good Morning, Midori-chan.’ Yuya walked over with his bright smile.

‘Good morning Yuya!’ She said smiling back to him. ‘Where’s Hikari?’ she glanced around the shop and saw nothing.

‘Her and Mum have gone out, last minute mother-daughter day.’

‘I wish Hikari would tell me, I was really looking forward to the movie.’ Midori slumped into one of the shop chairs.

‘What movie?’ Yuya sat across from her.

‘A new romance film, ‘Kimi ni Todoke’’ Midori leant on the table disheartened, thinking ‘Hikari you meanie…’

‘ahh.. I want to see that film! But none of my friends do…’ Yuya still half smiling looked to the back room. He turned back around. ‘Want to go together?’

‘Really… Me and you…’ Midori looked surprised.

‘Of course… Why couldn’t we?’ He walked to the backroom taking off his apron. ‘Dad said its fine, he’ll watch over the shop.’

‘Uh, Okay then’ Midori’s face lit up.

On the way to the train station they walked closely, everyone in Yuya’s neighbourhood thought ‘he’s got a new girl’ but it didn’t matter to Midori as she was happy that Yuya asked her. On the train they sat next to each other and other girls looked at Yuya and were giggling about him. Midori still in a complete wonderland wasn’t noticing anything. They got off at the stop and had to walk about 10 minutes until the cinema, Midori heard whispers of people thinking they were a cute couple, she couldn’t help but blush. Yuya saw Midori blush and smiled as bright as ever.

Arriving at the cinema Yuya got the tickets, ‘Do you want popcorn Midori-chan? My treat.’

Midori smiled and nodded back at him.

They walked into the cinema screen together and sat, the room was filled with couples. Midori started to feel a little bit awkward as they weren’t a couple.

‘Midori-chan, are these seats okay?’ Yuya said.

‘mm, they’re fine.’ She smiled once again.

‘You smile a lot don’t you Midori-chan?’

‘Well, I think it’s better to smile then not.’ She looked towards the screen that had gone black ready to start the film. ‘We made it in time.’

Yuya sat staring at her. He was always amazed by her gentle smile. He always felt like smiling around her, and knew that he liked her a lot since a long time ago. He thought to himself, ‘maybe I should confess to her today…’ but after going through many scenario’s in his head he realised he was really nervous, he had made loads of confessions and succeeded every time, maybe Midori would be the end of his winning streak, Yuya had never been worried about what a girl might say before, he truly felt something deeper than just ‘like’ with Midori.

30 minutes into the film and Yuya’s eyes were shifting between Midori and the screen. Midori was completely engrossed in the film. Yuya couldn’t help himself and made a move. He slowly yawned and put his arm on the back of her chair. Midori was oblivious to his move which made Yuya worry and move his arm forward to actually touching her shoulder. Midori flinched at his hand suddenly being beside her she looked at it, and then turned her attention to his face.

‘Oh sorry’ he whispered, and started to remove his arm.

Midori grabbed his arm and pulled it back down to behind her and held his hand there. ‘It’s okay Yuya’

The film had almost finished when Yuya realised the reality that him and Midori looked like a real couple… sat in shock Midori leant to him a bit more, hinting for a reaction. But nothing Yuya was in a complete trance, with a half-smile on his face. Midori was curious at what he was thinking about with such a face, so Midori swiftly leant her head on his shoulder. Yuya looked down at her and started to panic.

‘She thinks I’m a playboy, so why is she like this’ he thought to himself.

‘Are you okay Yuya?’ Midori said walking out from the screen next to him. ‘You seemed a bit spaced in there?’

‘I’m fine.’ Yuya looked at her and blushed.

Midori blushed too.

‘Uhh… Midori-chan…’ Yuya stuttered.

‘Yes?’ She looked up at him.

‘Midori… I… li…’ With that they were interrupted by the sound of Hikari’s voice coming along the street. Yuya grabbed Midori and pulled her behind the wall and held her close.

‘Yuya, what…’

Yuya put his finger on , ‘Shhh…’ he said softly.

After Hikari had walked by, Yuya looked out to see if she was out of sight. But Hikari pulled him back behind the wall.

‘I was just seeing if she was…’ He was interrupted again, but this time by Midori’s quick kiss. They stood looking at each other, both eyes diverted to the floor and Midori started to walk out onto the street. Yuya followed and grabbed her hand. ‘Lets’ go, I’ll walk you home.’

Midori was confused as she thought she did wrong by kissing him, he walked fast and hardly looked at her. ‘Don’t feel like you have to walk me home it’s not like we were on a date or anything.’ She let go of his hand and started to walk ahead.

‘It wasn’t?’ Yuya stopped.

Midori stopped and turned to look at him, ‘of course it wasn’t?’ She turned away again. ‘I’m sure you do this with other girls a lot, so I can see how you would get confused’ a tear fell down Midori’s cheek. She started to walk forward with her head down.

Yuya ran forward to her and hugged her tightly, ‘are you stupid?’ he stopped and pulled her forward to become face to face. ‘There’s no other girl that I’ve gone to see a film with, and there’s no other I’d want to see it with.’

Midori looked away, ‘don’t tell me what I want to hear so easily…’ her tears still flowing.

Yuya gently wiped her cheeks, ‘I might have a reputation as a playboy…’

‘But what I’m different?’ Midori interrupted.

He pulled her close again. ‘Yes, you’re the girl I like Midori-chan.’

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Yangmei #1
Finally, a Japanese fanfic <3 <3 <3 Totally subscribing and I read half of the first chapter, sounding good ^ w ^ I don't have time to read it now but will do later, I promise.
Whaaa(:<br />
Alot of chapters are up already ^^. Thanks.<br />