I Love Him... I Love You

Boku wa Romeo! HSJ FanFic

Mizuki arrived at Hikari’s ramen shop and noticed Hikari, Chinen, Midori and Yuya all sat inside. She entered the shop, ‘hello everyone.’ She took a seat next to Midori.

‘Have you been crying?’ Hikari asked.

‘Oh yeah don’t worry about it…’

‘Hello! Isn’t it a beautiful day… ahh the birds are even singing…’ Daiki walked through the door hand in hand with Abbi. ‘It’s great day to be in love, right?’

Abbi smiled. Everyone exchanged looks, Hikari knew what had happened.

‘Did you 2 have ?’ Hikari said without looking up.

‘Ahh so blunt Hikari-chan…’ Chinen looked shocked at her.

‘Chii~ don’t look all embarrassed. There’s no chance until we are 18.’ Hikari poked her tongue out to him.

Daiki and Abbi were blushing stood by the doorway.

‘Wow, I guess that makes you our senpai in love!’ Yuya said putting his arm around Midori.

‘Well that’s piece of mind, knowing my onii-san hasn’t taken advantage of Midori, yet.’ Hikari said then kicked him under the table.

They all laughed.

‘Eri should be here what’s taking her so long…’ Hikari continued.

‘Is she coming with Ueda-kun?’ Mizuki asked thinking she’s the only there alone.

‘No, but she’s got her younger brothers coming, they love my parents ramen.’ Hikari said smiling and looking at her mum working hard behind the counter.

‘Sorry I’m late,’ Eri walked through the door with two younger boys. ‘This is Ryutaro; he’s in his first year of high school, and Shintaro; he’s in his second year of Junior high.’

They both smiled and walked over to the counter and ordered their favourite ramen.

‘Ah, my mother seriously loves to do this to me.’ Eri sat next to Chinen.

‘Eri-chan, Daiki and Abbi had !!’ Chinen yelled out.

‘Okay, that’s nice.’ Eri looked up at them smiling.

‘Eri, are you not a ?’ Mizuki leant forward.

‘Nope, Ueda and I decided last summer it was time.’ Eri smiled. ‘But we have been together a long time, and he was going into university I knew I wouldn’t see him much.’

‘Wow, so mature…’ Chinen looked at the table.

Eri looked at the disheartened Mizuki and asked her, ‘Mizuki, is there anyone you like?’

‘Huh… me’ Mizuki looked up to her across the table. ‘Well there’s someone, but it doesn’t matter as I don’t really think I know my own feelings so I’m not going to be confessing anytime soon.’

The door opened and then in walked Ryosuke, Mizuki’s heart dropped.

‘Welcome…’ Hikari’s mum shouted.

‘Can I have the shop special?’ Ryosuke said to Hikari’s mum.

‘My, of course you’re a handsome boy aren’t you?’ Hikari’s mum smiled. ‘And that uniform do you guys all know each other?’

‘He’s in our class, Okaa-san.’ Hikari said smiling.

Eri noticed Mizuki suddenly became belittled.

‘Anyway where were we the guy you like Mizuki?’ Midori started.

Daiki and Abbi were in their own world in the corner, Mizuki looked at them envious.

‘Mizuki…’ Hikari said getting her attention.

‘Oh, sorry…’ Mizuki started. ‘It’s like that…’ She pointed at Abbi and Daiki, ‘when I’m with him I’m in our own little world.’ She looked away, ‘I get impulsive, and do things I’d never think of…’

‘I know how that feels…’ Hikari said putting Chinen’s arm around her.

‘Yeah…’ Chinen said kissing her nose gently.

‘Is it Keito-kun?’ Midori smiled completely engrossed in Yuya.

‘Oh yeah, I forgot about Keito, have you 2 been in contact.’ Hikari said.

‘You’d really suit’ Daiki added.

‘That guy that ran away that time, he seemed to really like you Mizuki-chan!’ Abbi said brightly.

‘I love him…’ Mizuki said.

‘You love Keito?’ Midori said confused. ‘That’s fast?’

‘Yeah…’ Chinen said looking at her.

‘No… I love him…’ Mizuki stood up. ‘I do love him.’ She shook her head. ‘I’m so stupid how could I not… I love him…’ She turned and faced Ryosuke. ‘I love you.’

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Yangmei #1
Finally, a Japanese fanfic <3 <3 <3 Totally subscribing and I read half of the first chapter, sounding good ^ w ^ I don't have time to read it now but will do later, I promise.
Whaaa(:<br />
Alot of chapters are up already ^^. Thanks.<br />