
Boku wa Romeo! HSJ FanFic

 It was Mizuki’s first day at her new school Sakura High School; it was half way through the first semester of her second year, so Mizuki was curious of what her new classmates would be like. This is the first time Mizuki lived in Tokyo, as she was born and raised in Hokkaido. Her father got a new job in Tokyo University as an English lecturer. Her family is made up of her Father (Japanese), Mother (English) and herself (Japanese/English). Always having such a small family she has always had a sheltered life, she knows both Japanese and English fluently. She is a top student with incomparable grades, but due to her lack of common sense she’s usually seen as ‘Dumb’ by those who are total strangers to her.

As she approached the gates in her blue and white classic ‘anime’ uniform she thought to herself, ‘Lets do this!’ she walked through the gates and carried on along the what seemed a long path, the school was large, she knew she was going to a high rated school thanks to her grades but she never imagined something like this, a school for the smart and/or rich. She entered the building and looked towards the shoe lockers, ‘Class 2-A’ she mumbled quietly.

‘2-A is here, but I’m sure you are not in my class?’ a voice from behind spoke.

Slowly turning on the spot Mizuki was faced with a small but happy looking girl, much like herself, light brown hair, small facial features, she was cute. ‘Sorry, I’m new, my names Wataru Mizuki, nice to meet you.’

‘Wow, new student I didn’t know! Sorry.’ Her smile lit up the shoe lockers in a second. ‘Hello I’m Sato Hikari, nice to meet you too! Shall I show you to the classroom? And as for the shoes put them next to mine it’s been empty since we started here.’

‘oh, mm.’ Mizuki took off her shoes and put on her new white indoor shoes and smiled to herself. She was happy she had made a friend quickly.

‘This way… I think we are a bit late but don’t worry Junno-kun wont mind.’

‘Junno-kun?’ Mizuki replied.

‘Yes our homeroom sensei. He’s great, although when other teachers are around we have to call him Taguchi-sensei, as apparently in his old school there was a rumour he was seeing a student, but we don’t believe it!’

‘Seeing a student!’ Mizuki repeated. ‘That’s really… Naughty!’ She laughed loudly.

‘Naughty? You, you’re funny, everyone’s going to love you. You’re cute and you don’t even look Japanese, even though your name is?’ She giggled sweetly.

‘Oh, yes that’s because my mum…’ She was interrupted by two taller girls who stopped Hikari.

‘Hikari-chan, Good morning!’ they spoke in sync.

‘Good Morning indeed look… new student for our class. Her names Mizuki and this is Midori-chan and Eri-chan.’ She smiled once again.

‘Nice to meet you…’ they shared a look and Midori-chan said, ‘Mizuki-chan!’ with a large smile.

‘Let’s go in and introduce you to everyone.’ Eri-chan said she looked a lot older and more composed then the other girls. Her smile was comforting and she walked fearlessly.

As Mizuki walked into the classroom, she knew she had to smile so she looked up and tilted her head a little and stood with Hikari smiling. The class was energised and they all looked refreshing. Mizuki was happy and smiled naturally to everyone and even giggled a little. Then a racket came from the corridor and a tall dark haired idol was stood in the doorway. Mizuki was blinded by his brightness and looked away. He came closer.

‘Ahh… another girl who instantly falls in love with me. I am one lucky sensei.’ He turned to the class and winked. To which the class laughed.

‘Junno-kun?’ Mizuki said wearily.

‘Oh, who told you about me I like playing the idol type role… Hikari it was you wasn’t it standing there all innocent’ he pinched Hikari’s ear jokingly.

‘Oi baka, let her go!’ Then a dark haired boy got up and looked jealously at the sensei. ‘Don’t touch what is another mans’

‘Oh so you’ve already confessed to the cute Hikari-chan, ne?’ Junno-sensei replied.

‘Yep. Last year’s festival after our performance, and she accepted so…’ he stuck his tongue out.

Hikari interrupted. ‘Boys play nice we have a new classmate you haven’t even introduced yourselves yet? Useless.’ She smiled at Mizuki and continued. ‘Introduce yourselves then.’

‘Junno-sensei, though when we are outside of this classroom call me Taguchi-sensei’

‘And I’m Chinen Yuri, but everyone just calls me Chinen.’ Said the boy who turned out to be Hikari-chan’s boyfriend.

Then all of a sudden another student entered, he stopped in the doorway and looked up and Mizuki. ‘His eyes’ Mizuki realised after she said it and widened her eyes and looked down.

‘Yama-chan~ you’re late again… what will we do with you, if you didn’t score the highest mark on your entry exam you would probably be in a lot of trouble… plus your parents are rich so that helps I suppose.’ Junno-sensei spoke half laughing.

He looked at Mizuki and walked towards her. ‘New?’ he said  still getting closer, slowly his face drew closer to hers.

‘Those eyes…’ Mizuki said quietly.

He smirked and moved away to the back of the classroom where he sat right next to the window and put his head on the desk.

‘Sorry about him, He’s Yamada Ryosuke.’ Another student added. ‘Oh and I’m Arioka Daiki, but everyone calls me Dai-chan.’ He smiled and looked straight at Mizuki. He was not too tall but full of energy his smile was even more brightening then Hikari’s.

‘Right we’ve wasted a lot of time shall we work?’ Junno-sensei piped up. ‘English… Yatta!’

Mizuki sat down in her seat behind Hikari and next to Eri, but she was in front of Yamada Ryosuke and didn’t feel too comfortable there. Then Mizuki felt a tug on her long hair, she turned her head and saw his eyes looking back at her, ‘You know I really love long hair.’ He twirled it around his fingers and said, ‘if you don’t like it tell me to stop.’

Mizuki loved people playing with her hair so she turned and listened to the lesson again, ‘I like it too’ she replied and even blushed a little but she knew by his eyes that this was going to be complicated.

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Yangmei #1
Finally, a Japanese fanfic <3 <3 <3 Totally subscribing and I read half of the first chapter, sounding good ^ w ^ I don't have time to read it now but will do later, I promise.
Whaaa(:<br />
Alot of chapters are up already ^^. Thanks.<br />