Out At The Park

Falling In Love

Okie guys, chapters 1, 2 and 3 are all in one day. They aren't different days. OK, open a new tab or page on your computer or phone. Play this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TfF99e62W60

Thanks! :)


All the guys were walking and the 3 girls were laughing and squealing while the boys smirked. They could over hear everything that you girls were saying.

"And than he was like "NO DUH!" and he called me over to the seat and we looked at pics together!" You squealed. Your 2 friends squealed along with you and than Lela talked.

"I think Suho likes me!" Lela said looking at Suho. He smirked and put his hand in his pockets.

"Should we ask him?" You and Shix asked while you guys were smiling at each other. Lela shook her head and smiled.

"And than Kai touched my hand! eeeeeep!" Shix squealed. Kai walked backwards and wrapped his arm around Shix's shoulders and walked with her. Suho than walked backwards and held hands with Lela making her blush. All the guys saw and ran except for Sehun. He was left alone, all the girls ran leaving you alone. You walked faster than Sehun trying to not make eye contact, he smirked and grabbed your wrist and you tightened your eyes and turned around smiling at him, all he did was frown.

"I know you like me." Sehun said. You looked at him like you didn't know what he was talking about.

"Wha? Ani! I have a boyfriend." You told him shaking your head. He smirked.

"No girl can resist me." Sehun said.

"I can resist you, I never even liked you." You said.

"Than why were you squealing when you were talking about me to your friends?" Sehun asked. You closed your eyes tight and shaked your head in dissapointment.

Stupid stupid stupid! He heard everything you said! You were poking your head with your pointer finger looking the cutest you could ever be. Sehun looked at you and smiled, from the cute face you were making. You opened your eyes.

"I never said anything and you can't prove it!" You yelled and dashed away like a little kid, he just walked following you into the park and smiled.

Sehun...your falling in love. Wait what?! YOUR falling in love?! Aish!!!!


Kai and Shix were on the swings holding hands together and swinging, they looked like 2 kindergardners falling in love. They looked at the ground and smiled. Kai looked at her and saw her blonde hair with pink highlights falling onto her face and covered one part of her eye and Kai got his hand and removed her hair from her face so he could see her big blue eyes.

Suho and Lela were making sand castles in the sand box and looked like a 2 second graders playing together, Lela threw sand at Suho and he did the same thing back and Suho grabbed a pile of sand and Lela got up running and Suho was chasing her trying to pelt her with it.

Than it comes to you and Sehun, and man is it awkward for you guys. You both sat on a bench and stared up into the beautiful starry night. Sehun looked at your eyes and saw a hint of shine from the moon entering your eye and thought it looked beautiful.

"Isn't the stars pretty?" You asked looking at him. He saw the moonlit night shining on your hair and a hint of light in your eyes and you looked like a beautiful manga character he once read in a comic. He replied back.

"Uh....yeah. The stars are really beautiful..." Sehun said back smiling and staring in amazement at the stars. He than looked at you and he saw you staring at him and he smirked, He leaned in for a kiss and was close to your lips and and than Lela called your name and you turned your head and got up causing Sehun to miss your lips and kiss the bench instead. You looked at him and laughed.

"Coming!" You yelled back. Sehun got up and stared at you and rubbed his neck from embarresment from kissing the bench.

Smooth Sehun, Smooth!

Luhan than walked past Sehun from buying icecream and patted you on the shoulder, you looked at him and saw him walking.

"Good job Sehun! How well does the bench kiss?" Luhan asked him laughing. Sehun chased him and Luhan started running laughing, he saw you and ran past you and Sehun wasn't paying attention and instead he bumped into you causing you to fall on the cement scraping your kness and hands. Sehun's eyes widened and he got down to examine your scraped knee and hands.

The guys and your friends saw and got out their phones and started taking pictures.

"Way too go Luhan for setting them up!" Tao smiled at him. Luhan nodded and smiled than looked at Sehun and you and took out his phone.

"Say cheese!" Kai and Shix yelled.

Sehun and you stared at them and Sehun held you up and hugged you so you were away from the camera and your head was on his muscular chest, you smiled but winced in pain.

"Get your last pic and leave her alone!" Sehun yelled at them. They smiled and laughed.

"oooo! Sehun is getting over protective of a certain girl..." Chen yelled. 

"You guys have three seconds to run." Sehun told them getting annoyed. They all stared at him and their eyes widened when they saw Sehun count down to two. They all ran and Sehun got to one and released you from the hug and chased them down. You looked at him and smiled. Than you felt a touch on your shoulder and got startled than turned around to see your cousin.

"Is he treating you well?" Kris asked you.

"Yes Kris, as a matter of fact he is..." You replied back smiling.

"Listen cuz, I get that your falling in love, but you have to be wary about boys and their wants and needs and the way us boys do stuff." Kris told you. You looked at him confused and he sighed and rubbed his eye.

"I mean, when your dating Sehun you have to be careful and wary when your around him. Like all the other guys in this band. For example, you are dating me and your mom told you "Be wary around that guy and careful" and you nodded and blah blah blah! Than you would be all wary about my actions. I might be confused for a bit but than I will catch on. If i hug you and you don't feel comfortable than do something that let's me know that your uncomfortable and next time I would ask you. I get the tendancy to do stuff to girls I date, not like those stuff...but you get what I mean. Be wary of what I do too you, don't be afraid to speak up, ok? You do that with Sehun, not all guys are safe. I would even admit that, when I get mad it's better not to disturb me or I could hit you or something. I am just warning you to be careful around him, ok?" Kris asked you to see if you understood it. You nodded and he smiled.

"Good, now come on. Let's get you and your friends home." Kris said holding your hand. You smiled and walked with him.

Oh Sehun, please don't ever hurt me in anyway...I don't want you to get in trouble with my cousin and I don't want to be afraid of you. Treat me well oppa, treat me well.


This would be what I do if I was in her shoes. But this character is YOU! Ok, so Sehun and you had a moment and he wanted to kiss you but you made him miss, way too go. :) haha! I wouldn't blame you, ecspecially if you weren't ready for it. And gotta make sure you are wary about his actions. OK? I will update another chapter today but I can't update anything right now cause I gotta take a shower, so see ya guys in...30 minutes or so. :D BYE! All the lovers, don't compare!" that song is good with this chapter. :)


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Chapter 30: Ahh the kady next door died... Lol.. Lay always the dork
Chapter 3: emegeeddddzzzz . nabbaliw ako sa story :D ang bilis ng mga pangyayari, hahahah enjoy :)
sherrie1999 #3
Chapter 25: Omg..she kill someone -,- I really love your story!!
goldsm #4
Chapter 39: they were so stubborn wkwkwkwk but i found its cute :D
make the sequel pleaseeee ;)
Chapter 39: Sequel now unnie!!!!
Qilabathowi #6
Chapter 36: I really love the ending... Nice
Chapter 39: Love the cute ending!!
Chapter 39: Sure! D a sequel! Lol so true Sarcastic jokes are the best! But Yeasshh do a sequel
kimmyraaa #9
Chapter 39: Author-nim, please update "Fragile like a fdqkjzkj" for us. :))))
xxEMOPANDAxx #10
Chapter 38: lol awww... a happy ending :)