Eating Out At Dairy Queen

Falling In Love

Hey guys listen to this before you read the story. Play this:



You all drove into the EXO van to Dairy Queen to eat some icecream. Chen and Tao was staring at you cause you were Kris's cousin.

"Hi boys!" You say smiling and waving. They smile and wave back and start to ask you some questions.

"What was Kris like as an 11 year old boy?" Chen asked you excitedly. You smiled and answered.

"Quiet, but energetic too! He was also very manly when he was a kid and very determined too. JUST LIKE ME! Except...I wasn't manly..." You said embaressed and rubbing your neck they giggled together and turned around, you were at the back seat with Kris.

"How's my cuz?" Kris asked wrapping his shoulder around your neck and messing up your hair by rubbing it. You looked at him and shoved his arm off your shoulders and fixed your hair mumbling something under your breath.

"How many times have I told you don't touch the hair!" You scolded him. He laughed and wrapped his arm around your shoulders once again.

"You know baby cuz...I have missed you since I debuted." Kris said holding your hand. You looked out the window and smiled.

"I know cuz. I missed you too..." You said quietly looking down at your hand touching his. He kissed your head and you slept on his lap.


(30 minutes later)

"WERE HERE!" Suho yelled. Everyone cheered and exited out of the car. Kai saw Shix and moved over to her. Shix saw him moving closer and she blushed.

"The members are over there..." Shix said still blushing avoiding his stare. Kai interlocked with her hand and put it into his. Shix was surprised by this skinship and tried to pull away but her mind and heart told her not too. So she just held his hand blushing on the outside but on the inside she was screaming like a fangirl. They entered into the restarunt and found a booth big enough for the 15 of them. All the guys sat in one booth and the 3 girls sat in one booth. you guys smiled to each other and did an "eep!" sound but longer than it's soppose to be held and you guys said it all together.

They boys looked back at them and smiled, some smirked and some laughed.

"You never told me you had a hot cousin!" Tao slapped his arm.

"Yeah! Why didn't you tell us?!" Baekhyun asked him furious.

"Woah, guys....take some chill pills." Kris told them laughing.

"How?! She could have killed me!" Sehun yelled at him. Kris stared at him and laughed.

"Why do you find this so funny hyung?" Kai asked him.

"You guys think she would have murdered or killed him? hahahahaha! You guys are too funny!" Kris said laughing. All the guys stared at him with serious looks. Kris smiled and backed away, he than got an idea and told all the guys to huddle together but Sehun. He felt left out while the others were snickering. They nodded heads and smiled. 

"Hey guys, I am gonna call for a bigger booth, I feel squished." Baekhyun told them. They all smiled and nodded. He got up and asked the waitress for a new table. They had a booth in one glass room and she led them there. After 20 minutes of being there D.O. said something.

"Hey who wants to go to the bathroom with me?" D.O. asked. All the people in that room raised their hands except for the three girls and Sehun. Kai saw Shix and tapped her on the shoulder and whispered into her ear.

Shix, come to the bathroom with us. We want to leave Yana and Sehun together..."

She nodded her head and grabbed Kai's hand and smiled. Suho than looked at lela and saw her staring at Sehun and got jealous. Suho went over to her and grabbed her hand and led her outside the room. Everyone was out except for you and Sehun, they shut the door and locked it. Lay did a laughing face at Sehun and he got mad and mouthed I'm gonna kill you guys. Lay just laughed and ran away like a child. Luhan was outside the room and giving him a thumbs up and smiled than left for the bathroom.

"Sehun Oppa..." You called out to him. He was surprised you called him Oppa cause he thought you were older than him.

"Yes?" Sehun replied.

"Did they just leave us alone together?" You asked him with your hands on the table and playing with a fork. Sehun smirked at what you were doing and than got serious again.

"NOOO, they are still here! Watching you and Staring at you! Of course they left us alone idiot!" Sehun yelled at you. You stuck your tounge out at him and crossed your arms slouching in your seat and pouting. Sehun apoligised and called you over next to him. You went there next to him without hesitation and sat down. He got out his phone and showed you some pics of him. You laughed at some and you died laughing at some. Sehun had to catch you everytime you looked like you were about to fall.

You laughed hard one more time and fell out of the seat and onto the floor, luckily you didn't hit your head. Sehun's eyes got big and he hurried out of his seat to help you. You got up by yourself and dusted yourself off. He helped you and you guys met eye to eye, he was about to kiss you when D.O. came in and interuppted.

"OoooooooooooooO!!!!!! We got a party boy!" D.O. exclaimed. All the guys and 2 of the girls came rushing in and saw them.

"OOOOOO!!!! Way to go Yana! You striked gold!" Lela shouted. You and Sehun blushed and rubbed your necks at the same time and backed away at the same time.

"Aww! Look, their even going in-sync with each other!" Xuimin said putting his hands to his chest.

"You better take good care of her Sehun!" Kris yelled at him.

They all laughed and had a good time, Sehun and you stared at each other and smiled.

OMO! Sehun oppa is staring at me! Thanks Kris for finding me!


OMO! I love this couple so much! Haha! Its like gonna be complicated for them now...I mean come on, You are Kris's cousin and if Sehun hurts you he will end up paying. He has to be careful around you, or if he does hurt you...will you tell Kris? Or stay loyal to Sehun and not get him in trouble? or do you think Kris would find out? Bye guys Update tomorrow! <3 

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Chapter 30: Ahh the kady next door died... Lol.. Lay always the dork
Chapter 3: emegeeddddzzzz . nabbaliw ako sa story :D ang bilis ng mga pangyayari, hahahah enjoy :)
sherrie1999 #3
Chapter 25: Omg..she kill someone -,- I really love your story!!
goldsm #4
Chapter 39: they were so stubborn wkwkwkwk but i found its cute :D
make the sequel pleaseeee ;)
Chapter 39: Sequel now unnie!!!!
Qilabathowi #6
Chapter 36: I really love the ending... Nice
Chapter 39: Love the cute ending!!
Chapter 39: Sure! D a sequel! Lol so true Sarcastic jokes are the best! But Yeasshh do a sequel
kimmyraaa #9
Chapter 39: Author-nim, please update "Fragile like a fdqkjzkj" for us. :))))
xxEMOPANDAxx #10
Chapter 38: lol awww... a happy ending :)