You Remember

Falling In Love

OK ok ok! Really this song fits the title and the thingies going on in this chapter. Please play "Thinking Of You" Katy Perry Lyrics.                                                                         

                                                                                  (20 days later)
(Yours and Taecyeon convo)
Hey babe.
Hi sweetie.
How was your sleep?
Good yours?
Great, how about I come and pick you up so we could go to a cafe.
Sure! I love cafe's.
Ok, can I call you a nickname?
Sure, what is it?
Yana-Lama, it fits and ryhmes.
 *conversation has ended*
You were done texting and you stared at the blank wall with tears forming in your eyes.
Sehun used to call me Yana-Lama...but whenever Taecyeon says doesn't sound right knowing that it came from someone you don't even like very much. Yana why are you so STUPID?!
Taecyeon blind folded you so you wouldn't see what he brought you too. You were laughing and smiling and anxious to know where you guys were heading, he took off the blind fold and there, right in front of you the sign that says Lovers Cafe. Your smiling went to frowning and memories flashed back to when Sehun took you there.
You started crying and Taecyeon saw and dried them with his fingers.
"Why you crying?" He asked you. You looked down at the cement ground and shook your head no and looked up than opened the door and walked inside. He tried to pull a seat out for you but you rejected.
"I can do it..." You told him quietly and pulled out the seat yourself. He rushed over to the other side of the table and sat down. You looked at him seeing him staring down at the menu and pictured he was Sehun.
He threw a menu at your nose and caused your nose to bleed.
"Ya! why did you throw a menu at me?!" You asked him.
"I'm hungry..." sehun said defending himself. He looked at you and tossed you a napkin, you stared at him confused and he rolled his eyes and sighed than got up and wiped your nose with it. While Sehun was wiping your nose you guys met eye to eye, sehun tried to avoid staring at you and cleared his throat than stood straight up and threw the napkin on the table.
"Why did you wipe my nose?" You asked him still feeling it to see if its broken.
"Your nose was bleeding..." Sehun replied. You smiled and noticed how sweet he is."
"Yana!" Taecyeon yelled your name. You snapped out of your mental state of thinking and looked at him.
"Huh?" You asked him.
"Do you want eggs and french toast?" He asked you.
"Um...sure..." You said unsuringly.
"Something troubling you?" He asked worried. You scratched your ear and responded.
"This is where my boyfriend took me..." you looked down and got up.
"I'm not with out me." You told him. You walked off crying and exited out of the building, getting into a taxi and driving home.
You got back home and opened your door than slammed it and ran up to your roomand texted your friends.

(yours and Lela's convo)

Im sad...
Why yana?
I know, but is it really my fault?
No not really, if sehun kept his cool and tried to stay calm around you than you wouldn't have broken up. But this whole broken up thing is because of you, that's why Sehun snapped and started throwing a hissy fit!You really scared everyone yana...alot. Including me and Shix.
Great now I feel all guilty...
Yana, look. It is both your faults the way I look at it. You are just the biggest reason why you guys broke up. Ok?
So i'm a mistake to him?
ani...that's not what im saying! Look you have teacyeon, be with him and forget Sehun! He isn't worth your time and you surely are not worth his time.
Ok, see ya.
 *conversation has ended*

(Yours and Shix's convo)

It's Sehun again...
God girl forget about him!It's well past your breakup! It's been 20 days and you are still remembering him?! Listen to yourself Yana! he hurt you, why are you still thinking of him?
Cause...i'm always thinking of Sehun...
Ani! Don't! Your with Teacyeon, deal with it and let sehun go. Sehun should be miserable for letting you go, and all s are probably scolding him about it.
We shared everything Shix...
Yes I know, you met at the movies, had a date, kissed and became together! You also had a trip alone with him and than tony that creeper guy came along and had to ruin your whole relationship! Basically Tony ruined some of your relationship, but you were the biggest reason. You scared the hell out of Sehun and seeing you all cut up and wounded doesn't make it any better for him instead, it makes him more scared and worried about you! and than sehun snapped and you guys broke up. 
I can't forget about him...cause when i'm with taecyeon I am thinking of Sehun.
Try yana, try. Come on over to EXO's dorm and Lela, Suho, Kai and I will have fun with you all day! Arrso?
Arraso, ok goodbye!
 *conversation has ended*

Im really miss sehun dont you? spamming you with new updates! MWAHAHAHAHAHA! enjoy the chapters! :D

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Chapter 30: Ahh the kady next door died... Lol.. Lay always the dork
Chapter 3: emegeeddddzzzz . nabbaliw ako sa story :D ang bilis ng mga pangyayari, hahahah enjoy :)
sherrie1999 #3
Chapter 25: Omg..she kill someone -,- I really love your story!!
goldsm #4
Chapter 39: they were so stubborn wkwkwkwk but i found its cute :D
make the sequel pleaseeee ;)
Chapter 39: Sequel now unnie!!!!
Qilabathowi #6
Chapter 36: I really love the ending... Nice
Chapter 39: Love the cute ending!!
Chapter 39: Sure! D a sequel! Lol so true Sarcastic jokes are the best! But Yeasshh do a sequel
kimmyraaa #9
Chapter 39: Author-nim, please update "Fragile like a fdqkjzkj" for us. :))))
xxEMOPANDAxx #10
Chapter 38: lol awww... a happy ending :)