
진실한 사랑은 기다리는 (True Love Waits)

(Jaejoong's POV)

‘’Joongie! It’s me Jessica!’’ I heard her say.

‘’I know, baby. Welcome back to Seoul.’’ I smiled as I imagined her face.

I continued to talk to Jessica as I went into my bedroom. I took the small box from the nightstand and took the ring out.

‘’I love you, Joongie!’’ Sica said before hanging up the phone.

I sighed and left the ring on the nightstand before falling asleep.

I opened my eyes, and I was back in my house. I turned around and shouted as I saw who was lying beside me. She opened her eyes and looked at me confused.

‘’What’s wrong, Jae?’’ She asked, concerned

I furrowed my eyebrows, more confused than ever. What is she doing here? Why is she in my bed? I stood up from my bed and pulled my pants on, since I was only wearing my boxers.

‘’What are you doing here?!’’ I shouted.

‘’Jae, what do you mean?’’ ____ asked me. She seemed as though she was confused too, but because of my actions.

‘’Stop calling me Jae!’’ I shouted back. ‘’What are you doing in my room again?’’

She sat up on my bed and pulled the sheets to cover her body. ‘’W – What? Jae – Jaejoong…’’ She answered with tearful eyes. I didn't understand why though, but my heart ached when I saw her like that. What does ____ mean to me?

‘’Jaejoong . . . Jaejoong . . . Jaejoong . . .’’

As I turned to look at the door that was now opening, I saw Jessica walking in.



‘’Jaejoong,’’ someone whispered as she shook my arm. ‘’Jaejoong.’’

"NO!" I shouted, waking up instantly.

____ jumped back, scared at my reaction. I slowly sat up from my bed and turned to look at her. I was surprised to see her. ‘’W-What time is it?’’ I asked as I rubbed my eyes.

‘’It’s already 7:00 p.m. Dinner’s ready, we’re going to eat down at the beach.’’ She informed me.

‘’Sure, I’ll go in a minute.’’ I said. She simply nodded and walked out of my room before closing the door behind her.

Did I just dream with her? Why was she in my bed, and not Jessica? I sighed and ruffled my hair. Don’t even think about it, Jaejoong, you love Sica. I nodded and stood up from my bed. I took a bath and then went to the beach to eat with the guys. Yoochun was already putting some food on the plates.

‘’Hyung! You’re here.’’ Yoochun grinned as I took my seat next to Yunho.

‘’Let’s make a toast!’’ Junsu grinned. ‘’For us! For our friendship and our summer break!’’

Everyone lifted their glasses as we did the toast. While I was eating, I looked at the ocean.

(End of Jaejoong’s POV)


You remembered when you offered to go look for Jaejoong. You slightly knocked on his door, but there was no response. You slowly opened the door and found Jaejoong sleeping. He was sweating and he would furrow his eyebrows. Is he having a nightmare? You thought. But what he was dreaming wasn’t exactly a nightmare.

‘’Jaejoong,’’ you whispered as you gently touched his arm. He had strong arms. You shook his arm, ‘’Jaejoong.’’

He opened his eyes, flustered, "NO!"

You couldn’t understand the expression he gave you, and the sudden reaction scared you, making you jump back. When he calmed down a bit, he spoke, ‘’W-What time is it?’’ He asked and rubbed his eyes.

‘’It’s already 7 p.m. Dinner’s ready, we’re going to eat down at the beach.’’ You informed him.

‘’Sure, I’ll go in a minute.’’ Jaejoong said. You nodded and turned around to leave his room, when you were already outside you closed the door behind you.

You went into your room and took Dong-Min’s picture out. You looked at the picture and smiled. If you could see me right now, you thought, what would you think? Yuri introduced me some of her friends. I’m sure you would’ve got along really well with them.

You put Dong-Min’s picture on your pocket and walked out of the house and towards the beach. Yoochun was already serving the food.

‘’____!’’ Junsu exclaimed when you sat down.

A few minutes later, Jaejoong came and took a seat next to Yunho oppa. He looked kind of tired.

‘’Hyung! You’re here.’’ Yoochun said and then he sat down. Then Junsu lifted his glass, ‘’Let’s make a toast! For us! For our friendship and summer break!’’ We all lifted our glass then.


After dinner, you decided to stay on the beach. You pulled out Dong-Min’s picture. You used to have a crush on him, and he liked you too, but you never started a relationship with him. Then you had a flashback of the day when he died.

’Yoboseyo?’’ You answered your phone.

You were in Yuri’s house then, waiting for Dong-Min to arrive. It was Friday night, and the three of you were going to watch a movie.

As the person on the other end spoke, your heart ached and it began to beat faster. You needed air. Everything was blurry now as the tears were forming in your eyes. Yuri was in the kitchen making some popcorn, but as soon as she saw you she ran towards you and hugged you.

‘’What’s wrong, unni?’’ She whispered. Since you didn’t answer back, she took the phone out of your hand and found out what was happening.

Yuri pulled you up from the couch and out of her house as the two of you quickly headed to the hospital.

You had started to cry. The next thing that was in your mind was how Dong-Min looked when you arrived at the hospital.

‘’____, what’s wrong?’’ Junsu asked as he sat beside you and pulled you into a hug.

You couldn’t talk right now as you leaned down on his chest to cry more. Junsu didn’t mind when his shirt started to get wet.

‘’Mianhae,’’ you whispered as you pulled back.

‘’Hey, don’t worry. Are you okay now?’’ Junsu asked with a sweet smile. You didn’t do anything as you looked down at the picture you were holding.

‘’He’s Dong-Min.’’ You said as you showed Junsu the picture. He took it out of your hands to have a better look. Junsu then turned to look back at you, waiting for you to continue. ‘’He was my best friend… he died because I asked him to come to Yuri’s house, and so he had a car accident.’’

Junsu then pulled you back into a hug and whispered into your ear, ‘’____, it was not your fault, it was an accident.’’

You hugged Junsu back. ‘’I need my ring back…he gave it to me.’’ You whispered.

Junsu took your chin into his hand and lifted your head. ‘’I promise that you’ll have it back.’’

From behind the two of you, Yuri had seen everything but she couldn’t hear what you two were talking about. She could only see the back of you two. In that moment, Yuri’s heart ached, and she was jealous of you. She wanted to be you in that moment, to have Junsu’s attention.

‘’____, can I ask you a favor?’’ Junsu asked when you were calmer. You nodded and waited for him to continue. ‘’Would you help me ask Yuri out?’’ You smiled and nodded.

‘’Of course!’’ You giggled.

Yuri turned around and ran away from there as the tears had started to form in her eyes. She didn’t know what you two were talking about, but she could see that the two of you were hugging close and that you two were happy.

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I love all your stories,I think I've read them all so far :) I finished this one in just one day which is today, I feel proud ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Angelz0715 #2
Chapter 44: I love this story!!!
Chapter 43: Ooh, Jae is such a sweetheart :3
I loved this story! Thank you, authornim :D
Fighting!! (ღ˘⌣˘ღ )
Kris_Paulene #4
Jaejong looks cute when he's jealous!
Kris_Paulene #5
aww.... so sweet! (ch.23)
at chapter 33 [just imagine its the month of your birthday...] but... it is!!! my birthday is at 18th lol XD
shinsookyo #7
just keep writing <3
claribelmiranda #8
awwwwwwwwwwww............. done reading your story! the last one to read is, "this is love" and then atlast, I've read all of your stories, kyaaaaaaa, but what happen to jessica? jaejoong's ex? just disappear? :))) and didn't become a villian? kekekekekekee, love your stories chingu! :)<3
koreankendi #9
Waaah! ^_^ good storyline!<br />
Chincha! :)))