I Won't Let Go...

I Won't Let Go...


NaNa’a POV

After the car incident that I can satisfactorily say he almost had a heart attack, Key brought me to a dining restaurant to have our dinner and discussed a bit about the OnYeon project. Seriously that guy was way too excited for this so called project to him. I was really sad when I heard what happened to Onew-shi with the girl that name Ee Seul. I wondered what actually happened to that Ee Seul that she was willing to part with someone as kind and gentle as Onew-shi. Hmm, I still couldn’t call Onew-shi just Onew after all these weeks. It’s okay, I can start calling him Onew oppa when he really did couple up with Seungyeon. Kekeke.

Key was quite the gentleman after the incident and after we agreed to get Onew-shi and Seungyeon together. He even opened up the passenger door for me to get out of the car and offered up his arm for me to get into the restaurant. I can see that the restaurant was quite expensive looking and there was even a valet that took the car to park somewhere. This was the first time that I entered such a grand restaurant. I began to feel self conscious with my attire. I only wore a sundress that after Seungyeon kept pestering me to wear it when we went out to meet Onew-shi for the so called double date this morning. Well, come to think of it, it’s not even considered a date because Seungyeon kept on saying on the phone with Onew-shi that it was only to go out as friend. Yeah right.

So, as I was saying, I was considered under dressed in my opinion. Key looked good with his attire. Even though he wore casual attire as in jeans and shirt but he wore it in such a way that it was considered stylish and acceptable. Before we entered the main entrance, I whispered to Key's right ear, “Key, I think you should let me change my clothes first before we even go this kind of place. It looks expensive and can you really afford us eating at a place like this just to discuss about the OnYeon project?”

Key paused for a while before the entrance and looked straight at my eyes, “I am still elated to discuss the OnYeon project so don’t worry about the clothes, we’ll get a private room. And don’t worry about the payment of the foods too okay. I feel really generous today.” He said in a somewhat mysterious way. 

Then he led me into the restaurant. As soon as we entered the restaurant, the concierge in front and a few waiter and waitresses that saw Key quickly bowed and said, “Welcome Master.” 

I was so surprised by the greetings of the staff. Wow, so this is what a five star restaurant feels huh. They even call their customers Master? 

I think the head waiter came and asked Key, “Master Kibum. Welcome. It’s been a long while since you came here. How may I assist you Master?”

Key looked straight at the man’s eyes and said, “How many times do I have to tell all of you not call me Kibum anymore?” He wiggled his eyebrows.

“Ah, neh, Master Key. I’m sorry for my lack of efficiency.” The waiter bowed again to Key. This is weird. They seemed to know each other and have an easy atmosphere around them.

But before I can think more about it, Key was giving an instruction to the waiter. “Jun, please prepare us a private room for dinner tonight. Just give us the special menu of the day today and you can leave us for the rest. We’ll call for your help if there’s anything else that we want.”

“Yes, Master.” Said the waiter and quickly gives several instructions to a few waiters on hand. Then he led me and Key through a maze of table. 

The interior of the restaurant was very elegant. Chandelier that sparkles of lights on the ceiling was too beautiful I would say. I noticed each of the table had a vase with a single red rose with small candle around the vase that emitted a soothing atmosphere for the customers to enjoy. I must say that never did I have the opportunity to experience this kind of setting as me and Seungyeon and our other friends always ate at the street vendor or other local street restaurant. This is a nice change. I smiled all the way to our room which the waiter led us to the second floor and into one of the room.

The room was very cozy and elegantly designed too. Even the wall beside the door was made out from blocks of transparent glass that you can only see the silhouetted things either from the inside or the outside, so as to maintain a private setting and not totally just surrounded by a four wall. The waiter helped us to our seat then went out the door. I kept on surveying the room. The table setting was the same as the downstairs' table setting but instead of chandeliers hanging on the ceiling as a source of light, the room had wall lights that emitted a soft warm light. It really was a pretty room.

I finally turned my attention to Key who was watching me surveying the room. “So, what do you think of this restaurant?” He said.

“It’s really a nice and elegant restaurant I would say. How did you found this place anyway?” I asked him.

“Hmm? How do I found it? It’s a mystery.” He said with his sly smile.

“Yah. What mysteries are you going for anyway? And I noticed that it seems as if you and the waiter know each other for a long time.” I tried to dig in for more information from him again.

“Haha.. Yeah, we’ve known each other for a long time.” Key said and just stopped at that. He doesn’t seem to want to continue with the explanation.

“But then, how can you know a waiter here a long time? You’re only 21 years old.” I said.

“*Bi-mi.” He said while putting his forefingers to his lips. Then he smiled a secretive smile. 

I sighed in frustration of his unwillingness to explain anything. He really was annoying. 

“Haha.. Catch you huh.” Key said.

“What catch are you talking about.” I said grudgingly and crossed my arms on my chest.

“Piqued your interest. I just tried out one of my cousin’s move when he hit on girls. I really am curious as to how girls reacted cause he always brag about how effective it is. So I guess it’s true.” Key said while laughing out loud. Thank goodness that we’re in a private room or else the whole restaurant would stare at us.

“You experimented your cousin’s move on me?! Why you!!! This is why we can’t be together in a place for long time.” I said indignantly.

“Haha. I guess so. But, didn’t you feel like you kind of want to get to know me more and started to fall for me? Cause Jonghyun hyung said you should be by now. Haha.” He laughed again while holding on to his stomach.

My face was red from holding on to my anger. He was actually quite correct. I felt like I want to know more and felt a bit of attraction to him. Gah! What a napeun-namja.

“You wish blondie.” I said sarcastically to hide my actual feeling.

That was a magic word. Key immediately stopped laughing and stared at me. “I said not to call me that anymore.” He said stonily.

“Well, you started it with your so called crazy experiment. We’re supposed to discuss about Seungyeon and Onew here.” I said while staring at him.

He was quiet for a while. “Okay. You’re right.” He sighed. “But it was such a fun thing to do to tease you. But I guess my future nieces and nephew is much more important.” He said again and grinned at me.

“Well, as fun as you find it to be, I know I can make it worse for you." I said and smiled mischievously. "And what's with this nieces and nephew you're talking about since previously.” I added up.

As soon as Key saw my smile, he quickly sat straight and pushed a buzzer on the wall that I think indicate for a waiter to come in. Hah, he knows he can’t really beat me. He must be remembering the time when I almost jumped off the car. Served him right. I settled more comfortably on my chair when the waiter came in with our foods and drinks and this nieces and nephew talk is really weird.

Key’s POV

After NaNa said that she can do worse, I quickly rang Jun to bring in our food. I still can’t shook the thought of NaNa supposedly nearly jumped off the car. That stunt is just way over my delicate heart to deal with. So, I just let the teasing dropped. I didn’t mean to in such a way but she was asking questions that I’m not willing to answer at the moment. Well, I was the one who asked her opinion about the restaurant. Stupid me. Wanting to know her opinion but I didn't think she'll ask a lot of questions. 

I never did tell anyone that I’m actually rich as in really rich. This restaurant is actually mine but at the moment it’s Jun who is handling it. He’s not only the head waiter but the one in charge of everything else in this restaurant. Only the other four knows about it. Even they only know about half of it. Jonghyun hyung is the only one who is aware that I’m super rich cause he’s my cousin. And if people know how ridiculously rich I am and they know that Jonghyun hyung is my cousin, there will be questions as to why he’s not as rich as I am. Well, truthfully there’s nothing much about it. My parents made it big and Jonghyun parents didn’t make it especially after Jonghyun’s father died two years back. My dad was devastated that his brother passed away earlier and wanted to help them but Jonghyun hyung’s mother did not want my dad to help support them. Jonghyun hyung’s mother can be very determined and can make people listened to her. So, that’s the story actually. But Jonghyun hyung and I don’t like to talk about out family financial matter. We are comfortable as the way we are right now. Maybe one day I’ll tell NaNa about it but not now. Hence, the teasing part. 

But I actually enjoyed it. It’s fun to be with NaNa though it can get super annoying. Omo, did I just said that? Urgh. I don’t want to think about it. 

We just enjoyed our meal while discussing a bit of how to help Onew hyung to confess to Seungyeon. There was not a confirmed solution as to how to get them to confess to each other that we agreed upon. There were a lot of ideas but none that both of us agreed upon.

“How about we both write a letter to the both of them and ask them to meet somewhere and said there’s something important that they want to talk with each other?” NaNa suggested.

“Hmm. We can, but then where can they meet that would make them actually confess to each other just like that?” I said and pinpoint the weakness for the idea.

“Ah, *dang-shin ma-ri ma-ja.” She said while putting her face on her hand.

“We need something more exciting than that.” I said while thinking hard. But no matter how hard I was forcing myself to think I can’t seem to think of any other idea at the moment.

“Argh. It’s actually a difficult thing to do. Who knows that just to brainstorm of a situation to make them confess is such a hard thing to do.” She said while putting both of her hands on her head.

“Yeah. I can’t think of anything else now.” I said while wiping my face. “Let’s just call it a night and discuss about this again some other day. I think I need to shower to let my brain work some more.”

“You’re weird. Taking a shower for ideas to come?” She said at me quizzically.

“Yeah. You try it. It really work.” I said sincerely. I really do by the way. The freshness that you feel when you showered can speed up your brain activity. Hehe.

“Okay. Whatever. I’m so tired now that I think I would straight away go to dreamland when my head lands on the pillow.” She said.

“Well then, let’s go.” I said and led her out of the restaurant to my car.

“You’re not going to pay?” She asked.

“It’s been taken care of.” I said carefully. “Anyway, come on. I’m super tired too especially when I remembered your stupid stunt.”

“Yah. It’s not stupid.” She said and kept going on. Sigh, she finally dropped the food bill subject.
The valet brought my car and I led NaNa to the passenger seat. After that I took the drivers seat and drove us back to our own respective place.

A few week passed

Taemin’s POV

Sigh. I plopped on top of the living room sofa. I felt so bored out of my mind. There’s really nothing to do on this summer holiday. Everybody has their own thing that they do. It’s not like the previous summer where all five of us went to have our summer holiday in one of Key hyung’s dad’s villa near the sea. It was such a fun time. Now, we didn’t even get to enjoy the summer with all five of us. Even Yoseob, Dongwoon and Sulli are not available now. Yoseob went to his family vacation and Dongwoon followed Sulli’s family on their family vacation too.

Onew hyung always went out with Seungyeon noona. Almost every night, Onew hyung went out to accompany Seungyeon noona and sometimes NaNa noona home if Nana noona’s shift is the same as Seungyeon noona. I understand that Onew hyung just want to make sure Seungyeon noona is safe, but I don’t think he had to do that every night though. It’s not like they are dating or something right. Umm, are they? I quickly sat to a sitting position. Is Onew hyung dating Seungyeon noona? Argh.. I tossed and ruffled my hair. I can’t believe I didn’t notice Onew hyung is spending more time with Seungyeon noona because he likes her. Why didn’t Onew hyung tell me anything? Urgh, I hate being thought that I’m too young. 

Okay, I’ll deal with that later. Jonghyun hyung is not around that much either. He has his part time job as a DJ every Monday, Wednesday and Friday night. In fact, he just ran out of the house just now and muttered something about being late and Minho hyung didn’t wake him up to go to work. Other than those night he would most probably went out with his friends, play video games or chasing around the house with Key hyung. 

Key hyung is currently busy with something too it seems. He’s always on the phone and sometimes he yelled on the phone too. I wonder how the person at the other end protects his or her ear drums. Sigh. If he’s not on the phone then he’ll be out. When I asked him about it, he only looked at me and said “It’s a big project that I had to plan for some one in the house. Don’t worry my son, umma will be on time to cook your meals for you.” With a big smile on his face then he’ll hug me while ruffled my hair. I know, it’s weird right. What’s with this big project anyway?

Minho hyung was always out with his friends to play sports too. Sometimes, he brought me along with him. But I hate it when he got all serious with the games. Sigh. If he was not out, he’ll be in his room reading his self motivation books. I don’t understand why he keeps on reading those book. I think hyung already motivated enough. Ah, come to think of it, I think Minho hyung is in the room. 

I walked to Minho hyung and Jonghyun’s hyung room and just burst into the room. I walked straight to his bed and plopped across his stomach that made him out of breath.

“Yah, Taemin ah. Why did you suddenly plopped on my stomach with no warning?” he said while putting down the book which entitled “How to play football more effectively”. “Even though you’re skinny, you still weight a lot.”

“I’m bored.” I whined while taking his book and flipped through it.

Minho hyung took back his book and just read where he left off and ignored me. I can’t stand to be ignored. I’m so bored. I tickled Minho hyung on his waist and that made him yelped and threw his book while trying to take me off him. 

“Ah, Taemin. That tickles. Get up. Yah, Taeminie.” Minho hyung yelled while laughing and trying to get me off. 

I hold on to him and tickled him some more. This is what I call fun. Hehe. “Nope. I don’t want to. I want to play.” And keep on tickling him.

“Okay okay. I get it. You want to play. Stop this and I’ll think of something and play with you okay.” Minho hyung plead.

I stop tickling him and sat on the side of his bed waiting for him.

He sat up and said, “Okay, what do you want to do?”

I think hard. “Come we spy on Key hyung.” I said eagerly.

“Mwo? Spy on Key? Why all of a sudden?” Minho hyung asked.

“Didn’t you notice hyung? Key hyung was always on the phone and at one time I asked what was he doing and he was saying that he had a big project that his doing for one of us in the house. What do you think it is Minho hyung? For who is the big project and for what?” I asked Minho hyung. It really made me curious when Key hyung said that to me last night.

Minho hyung was silent for a while. “Huh, I guess Key noticed it too and doing something about it?” he said.

“What? What noticed something and what doing something hyung? *Jebal, marhae jwo-yo. Why do you guys always keep things from me? I’m not some 9 year old okay. I’m 19 years old.” I said, stressed on the age.

“We know. But we still feel that you’re our baby brother. But, since you asked of it, I don’t see why you shouldn’t know anyway, since you’re going to know about it soon.” He said.

“What is it hyung? Palli, tell me about it.” I said and pushed his leg a few times.

“I think Key was trying to plan out something to make Onew hyung confess to Seungyeon.” He revealed.

“Mwo? So Onew hyung like Seungyeon noona?” so Onew hyung really like Seungyeon noona but have not coupled with her yet. “That’s why Onew hyung always went out at night to accompany Seungyeon noona home?”

“Neh.” Minho hyung answered while looking at me. “Are you okay with your hyung to go out with Seungyeon?”

“Umm. I’m not so sure hyung.” While I look down at Minho hyung’s bed sheet. “I’m happy if Onew hyung find some one that he loves but I can’t forget the time when Onew hyung got hurt by Ee Seul noona.” I said sadly.

Minho hyung hugged and tapped my shoulder. “I think it’s going to be okay this time. Since Onew hyung really love her I guess and I think that Seungyeon feels the same.”

“Well, that’s it hyung. Isn’t it if you love someone you’ll get hurt more if they hurt you? I’m glad that the break up between Ee Seul noona and Onew hyung did not affect him very deeply. It hurts me to see Onew hyung heartbroken Minho hyung.” I said and looked at him with worried eyes.

He looked at me and said, “You do grow Taemin. I didn’t know that you thought so much about it.” 

“Of course I thought a lot about it. Onew hyung is my dearest brother. I can’t let him suffer again.” I said vehemently.

“Taemin. For this time, try and support Onew hyung. I’ve been observing him. This time, it’s different from the last time. Onew hyung seems to love Seungyeon. With Ee Seul noona, I think Onew hyung do loved her but not the same as this time.”

“Cheongmalyo? I haven’t get to meet Seungyeon noona properly. So, I don’t know how she is. With Ee Seul noona, I like her but I think I don’t feel to want to be much closer to her. Maybe because she didn’t really acknowledge me much except I’m Onew hyung’s namdongsaeng.” I said.

“I can’t promise that this time it’ll work out Taemin. But we can help them right. And maybe you get to meet her up someday.” Minho hyung said while smiling.

“I hope so hyung.” I said and smiled back at him.

Minho’s POV

I looked at Taemin after he replied me and went to play the computer game. All thoughts of spying Key flew out of his head after talking about Onew hyung. I guessed he’s a bit upset that Onew hyung didn’t tell him about it. Hmm, if only I can think of something to make Taemin a bit reassured that Onew hyung is okay if he end up with Seungyeon. Even though I didn’t get to meet Seungyeon after the accident, I can take a guess by the way Onew hyung mentioned about her last time and to think that Key is on his way with his planning to get Onew hyung confess to Seungyeon, it seems that Seungyeon is perfect for Onew hyung.

I know for sure Key would not simply plan on something like this if he feels that Seungyeon is not right for Onew hyung, since we all knew about Onew hyung’s past relationship. I trust in Key for this. My eyes fell on my calendar on my side table beside my bed. A red circle is on the 18th. This month is July. Ah. Taemin’s birthday is next week. I almost forgot about it. Then, I better plan something up with the rest of them to do a surprise birthday party for him and maybe we can get Seungyeon to come too. Yes, that will be a good way to introduce them both.

I took my phone and dialled Key’s number. He’s out so often these days.

“Neh Minho, what is it? You seldom call me on my phone, so I guess there’s something up?” Key answered the call.

“Neh. Do you know that your son’s birthday is next week?” I said to him. The best planner is Key, so better let him handle another project to add on the current one.

“Omo. Omo. Omo, omo. I nearly forgot about it. How can I almost forget my son’s birthday?” he screamed on the phone. I took the phone away from my ear before putting it near my ear again.

“Umm, because he’s not really your son?” I said.

“What do you mean? Taemin will always be my baby son. Don’t you try to take that away from me.” He said.

“Hey, calm down. That’s why I remind you of it. So, I just talked to him actually.”

“About what?”

I told him about my conversation with Taemin. How he was worried about Seungyeon doing the same thing as Ee Seul noona to Onew hyung someday.

“So I thought maybe we can do a surprise birthday party and invite Seungyeon too to introduce them together and let them know each other rather than like last time where Ee Seul noona only pay attention to Onew hyung and doesn’t really care about Taemin.” I explained.

“Ah. I see. I get what you mean. Omo, my son is really growing up. He’s so worried about his appa. Not to worry Minho ah. Leave it to me. I plan something up for my son. You just make sure that he doesn’t remember his birthday is coming up.”

“Mwo? How can you make people don’t remember their birthday? It’s not like he doesn’t look at the calendar at all.”

“Distract him then. Take him out and make sure he spent his energy so that he won’t have the time or energy to think of something else.”

“.... You really expect me to do that?”

“Well, you’re the one suggested to surprise him in the first place.” 

“Ah. Neh. Well, okay then. I’ll think of something.”

“Come to think of it, you don’t have think some more. You like to play sports right, then bring him to play sport till he is exhausted everyday. That’s your mission for now. I have to go now, I have another big project to plan.”

“Huh, don’t think I don’t know about it Key. It’s Onew hyung right.”

“Omo, you really have a knack of knowing things huh.”

“It’s not that hard to read people.” I said.

“Hmm, must be all because of your books. Okay then, I really have to go now. Ciao.” He said and clicked off the phone before I can answer him. Tsk, he really made himself busy.

Ah. Now I had to think of things to make me and Taemin busy. I guess Taemin got his wish to play now. I stood up and walked out the room to take Taemin out to play.


To be continued...

*Bi-mi = Secret
*dang-shin ma-ri ma-ja / ma-ja-yo = You're right / yes
*Jebal = Please, marhae jwo-yo = tell me

Here is another chapter update. It's bit longer than all the previous chapter right. Hope you guys enjoy this chapter. It's more to the OnYeon project and another project that coming up. Taemin's birthday. Haha.. I really like to speed up things. Keke.. Happy reading and comments are love~~ :D

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lee_onew13 #1
i like the ending..funny...
Awh! It's finally over. I really love it unnie. :D
bubbleBanana #3
job well done unnie :) I will miss them! hehe
This is an amazing story. U r a good writer
the end ?? im gonna miss this story .. its really beautiful and amazing . u r an awesome writer !! thankfully, the story end with with happy endings.. except for minho.. hope that he will find his true love soon ^^
onewjjang #6
@Iheartlife: Hope you have a good reading all this while. :)<br />
@khey_onsooni: Neh this story really is finish. Thank you for loving the last chapter. I hope that this epilogue you would enjoy too. Aww, thank you for reading this and comment in this fic. I do have another fic. You can click on it at the Author's Note. :D I hope to see you there too. GBU my dear. ^_^<br />
@bubbleBanana: Hehehe.. His ever sweetness neh. That is how he is here. :D
bubbleBanana #7
owww.. I'll miss Onew's sweetness! :D
kezia_onsooni #8
So the story is already finished?? Omo....omo....<br />
I just can't predict that, kekeke....<br />
Anyway, I love this chppy, cuz everyone is happy, keke.....<br />
Thx for making this story...<br />
Waiting for another fic....<br />
Gbu :)
Iheartlife #9
update soon :D
onewjjang #10
@Iheartlife: Thank you for reading and commenting.. :D<br />
@bubbleBanana: Ehehe, I think you already know after you read this chapter neh. :D