I Won't Let Go...

I Won't Let Go...

Onew’s POV

I just can’t take my eyes away from her. She finally regained consciousness and coughed the water all out. I rubbed her back and held tight to her hand while sweeping her hair from her face so that she can cough out all the water that she had swallowed. She must have swallowed a lot of water for her to coughed that much out of her chest. I just felt this feeling of protectiveness towards her and my heart thumped so fast while holding her this close. Like there’s something that pulling me to her. Argh. So complicated. I don’t even understand this feeling of mine. I should ask Jonghyun later. Since he’s the pro in this emotion kind of stuff.

She finally ceased coughing and leaned on my arms. I like that. The fact that she leaned on me means that she at least trusted me enough right. Then she slowly opens her eyes and our eyes met. Just like that *BAM* I felt I just ran into something hard and my heart beats much faster than before if it’s even possible. Heart, please behave. I just stared into her eyes and she did the same. I felt as if there’s only the two of us in the universe. Yeah, call me cheesy, but that is how I feel. Suddenly, she in her breathe as if something is hurting her.

“Please miss, you don’t have to talk. You’re still weak. We’ll bring you to the nearest hospital okay. You’re going to be okay.” I said. I was so worried and scared that something bad will happen to her.

I quickly lifted her up again and intended to bring her to my car when Jonghyun talked to me after the long silence.

“Hyung, can you drive? You just went in the ocean too. I don’t think you should drive. It’s not safe. Let one of us drive you two to the hospital please.”

“Ah, okay then. Key, help me drive us to the hospital please. The rest of you please pack up our things and go back to the apartment. We’ll be back. And Minho, Jonghyun, please look after Taemin and make sure that he do his homework.”

“Neh hyung” Key said while grabbing his bag and his car key from the floor and headed toward his red sport car. (His parents are rich, so the car is his 21st birthday gift.) 

“We always take care of Taemin. *Geokjonghaji marayo hyung.” Minho said while smiling.

“Yeah, and I’ll help him with his homework later.” Jonghyun said. That’s a first from him. Voluntarily helping Taemin with his homework. 

“Please be careful Onew hyung. Come home safe.” said Taemin while waving his hand.

“Neh. *Komawoyo.” I said with a smile and quickly turned to head to Key’s car. I entered at the back of the car with the girl so that there’s space for her. And soon Key sped up to the nearest hospital.

Key’s POV

I quickly drove to the nearest hospital. Before I can really stop the car, I saw Onew hyung already opening the car door to get out of the car.

“Wait hyung. I haven’t even stop the car properly yet. Aish, what’s chasing him anyway. At least the girl did regain consciousness just now.”

“Neh. But still, we don’t know if there’s any other injury. I’m going.”

“Wait hyung.” I yelled at him. I quickly turned off the ignition and ran after him.

Onew hyung stopped in front of a nurse and explained the situation to her. The nurse quickly went and brought out the stretcher. Onew hyung laid the girl on top of the stretcher and followed them to an examination room. I followed them from behind. I don’t want to obstruct their way. Finally they went in the examination room and the nurse asked Onew hyung and me to wait outside the room. I can tell from Onew hyung’s face that he wanted to go in too. I went to his side and tugged him to the seat provided.

We sat there and waited for the examination result from the doctor. Onew hyung just kept silent and I don’t want to disturb him, so I keep my silence too. It’s hard for me to be silent since I like to talk. But I don’t think Onew hyung wants to talk. Just as I think I may go and find some coffee for us, Onew hyung finally broke the silence.

“Do you think she’ll be okay Key?”

I hesitated before I answered him. Because I really don’t know what will happened. “Well, hyung. I can’t be sure. But I think she’ll be okay since you saved her in the nick of time.”

Onew hyung hung his head. “I really hope that she’ll be okay. I know I’ll feel guilty if something happened to her. Silly me right. I don’t even know who she is.”

“You’re doing fine hyung. If you didn’t saw her in time, the outcome may be very different from now. And it’s okay to feel worry for her hyung. You’re always so kind to everybody anyway.”

“But this is different. I don’t know Key. I just feel something different towards her.” He said while turning his head to look at me. His eyes reflecting his worries over the girl and something else that I can’t point out at the time.

“What do you mean hyung?” I asked. But before he can answer my question, the examination room opened and a doctor came out and headed towards us.

“How is she doctor?” Onew hyung asked.

“Well, are you her family members?” the doctor asked.

“No, but Onew hyung is the one who save the girl” I replied.

“Oh, so you save her from drowning then?”

Onew hyung just nodded his head.

“Well, since the two of you are not her family, I don’t think I can explain her situation to you.” The doctor explained.

“But, doctor, we don’t even know her name, much less her family members.” Onew hyung said.

The doctor looked at Onew hyung and me then said, “Okay then. She’s fine. You save her just in time. If you’re a minute late, then she could be dead. Thanks to you, she’ll recover soon. She’ll only be suffering from a bit of headache because the lacked of oxygen for quite some time and sore body. For now, she’s sleeping for I injected sleeping medicine to her for her to get some rest.”

I let out the breath that I unconsciously held. It’s the same with Onew hyung. It seems that she’s going to be okay. Thank God that Onew hyung saw her much earlier. I can’t imagine if someone died in front of me. I felt my body shivered.

“Then, can we see her doctor? I can take care of her while she’s resting. She must be scared after the episode.” Onew hyung suggested.

“Sure. Then you can ask her for her family contact number to call when she regain consciousness. I’m sure her family will be worried. Take good care of her son.” Said the doctor while patting Onew hyung’s shoulder. “You’ve done a brave thing today by rescuing her. There should be more men like you in this world.”

“Neh. I will. Don’t worry. And I’m sure anybody in my position would do the same thing” Onew hyung replied.

“You’ll be surprised.” Is the only thing the doctor said. “She’ll be moved to room 1412 on level 8.”

“Kamsamnida” Onew hyung and I bowed to the doctor.

I saw Onew hyung slumped on the seat he vacated just now. 

“Hyung, *gwaenchana?” I asked.

He wiped his face with his hand. He seems tired. And I just realized that he is still in his wet attire. He could catch a cold if he didn’t dry himself up. I quickly took a towel, spare shirt and pants from my bag and handed it to him. “Take this hyung and change your clothes. You’re going to catch a cold if you remain like this."

“No, I should go and find her room.”

“*Andwae. I won’t let you meet her if you do not change your clothes first.” I said firmly while putting my hands on my hips and glared at him. You dare to challenge me hyung. I’m immovable when it comes to our little family health. You can say that I’m like the umma in our little family (I like to call us five as little family, for I love them all very much.) and he’s the appa since he's the eldest among us. 

He looked like he wanted to argue again, but after seeing my death glare he finally took the clothes and find a washroom to change. Hmm, that’s more like it. Now, I just wait for him to change and find the girl’s room together. Feeling satisfied that at least I manage to take control of this small thing the whole day. Then I took out my mobile phone and dialed a number.



At the apartment

Jonghyun’s POV

I was looking at the wall clock again for the umpteenth times. I think my neck started to hurt from the constant turning. After we reached our home I quickly asked the two magnaes to wash up and get ready for dinner. Since we missed our lunch because of the incident at the beach, I took all the foods and heated it up for us to eat. I’m sure the two of them will be very hungry. Especially Taemin who is still growing up. I swear, he’s getting taller by day. It must be the milk that Onew hyung prepared for him every morning. Sigh, without Key and Onew hyung in the house, I have to handle all the things at home. 


“Jonghyun hyung, I’m hungry.” Taemin said while walking into kitchen.

“Come and eat dinner then. I just finished heating up the food that Key prepared for lunch. Tell Minho that the food is ready.” I said while busying myself with the bowls and plates on the dining table then wiped my hands on Key’s pink apron that I borrowed. Why did he have to picked pink colour? Among all hundreds of colours there are in this world. He just have to pick PINK! Aish. I look silly in this apron. But I don’t want my shirt to be ruin by any grease. No choice. Sigh.

“Minho hyung, *palli. The foods are ready.” Taemin yelled for Minho.

“Hyung, where’s the chopstick and spoons?” Taemin asked.

“Ah, I forgot. Wait, I’ll take them.”

“I’m so hungry that I think I could eat a horse.” I heard Minho saying to Taemin.

“Haha. Then I could eat two horses.” Taemin replied.

“You two, stop talking and eat your dinner.” I said while handing them the chopsticks and the spoons.

After we ate, the two of them washed the plates and went to do their homework. I know I should teach Taemin his homework like I promised Onew hyung, but I know that Minho will help him since he’s doing his assignment too at the moment. So I sat on the couch staring at the TV while glancing at the clock.

End of flashback

Suddenly, my mobile phone is ringing. The caller ID written is Key’s. Finally he called. I was worried about them. I picked up the phone.

“Yah, why it took you so long to call?” I said.

“You don’t need to get angry with me okay. The doctor just finished examined the girl.” Key said.

“I’m worried okay. How is she? And how is Onew hyung?”

“She’s fine. It seems that Onew hyung saved her in time. It could turn out ugly.”

Ugh. I can’t imagine it. I cleared my head. “So when are you two coming back?”

“Not so sure hyung. Onew hyung wants to stay by the girl’s side until she awakes.”

“*Mwo? Why all of a sudden?”

“Hyung.” A pause. “I think Onew hyung fall in love with the girl.”

“MWO?” I raised my voice. 



To be continued...



*Geokjonghaji marayo = Don’t worry
*Komawoyo = Thanks (informal) Kamsamnida (Formal)
*Gwaenchana = Are you okay
*Andwae = No
*Palli = Hurry
*Mwo = What

Here is the update for Chapter 2 IWLG.  Hope you guys enjoy reading it.  There's not much going on in Chapter 2. Just that we know Seungyeon is going to be okay and Key's observation. 
Happy reading and commenting.  Peace.. Keke.


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lee_onew13 #1
i like the ending..funny...
Awh! It's finally over. I really love it unnie. :D
bubbleBanana #3
job well done unnie :) I will miss them! hehe
This is an amazing story. U r a good writer
the end ?? im gonna miss this story .. its really beautiful and amazing . u r an awesome writer !! thankfully, the story end with with happy endings.. except for minho.. hope that he will find his true love soon ^^
onewjjang #6
@Iheartlife: Hope you have a good reading all this while. :)<br />
@khey_onsooni: Neh this story really is finish. Thank you for loving the last chapter. I hope that this epilogue you would enjoy too. Aww, thank you for reading this and comment in this fic. I do have another fic. You can click on it at the Author's Note. :D I hope to see you there too. GBU my dear. ^_^<br />
@bubbleBanana: Hehehe.. His ever sweetness neh. That is how he is here. :D
bubbleBanana #7
owww.. I'll miss Onew's sweetness! :D
kezia_onsooni #8
So the story is already finished?? Omo....omo....<br />
I just can't predict that, kekeke....<br />
Anyway, I love this chppy, cuz everyone is happy, keke.....<br />
Thx for making this story...<br />
Waiting for another fic....<br />
Gbu :)
Iheartlife #9
update soon :D
onewjjang #10
@Iheartlife: Thank you for reading and commenting.. :D<br />
@bubbleBanana: Ehehe, I think you already know after you read this chapter neh. :D