I Won't Let Go...

I Won't Let Go...

Key’s POV

After taking my shower, I went to the kitchen and prepared for our dinner. The rest of them were still watching Spongebob in the living room. Their laughter can be heard ringing in the air. Sigh. I just can’t bring myself to laugh again after what happened at the cafe. The scene that happened just now was still fresh in my mind. But I can’t be like this. Surely they will realize that I was acting weird. Key, you have to act normal no matter what. I drilled that mantra in my head. To keep myself from thinking or remembering much of what happened. 

Suddenly a voice from the back surprised me till I dropped the spatula in front of me. 

“Yah, Key. Why did you put milk in the kimchi stew? Are you inventing a new recipe?” Minho said from my back.

“Huh? Minho?” I said. Looking at the spatula on the floor and the kimchi stew in front of me with white liquid bubbling from the heat. Ah, I put in MILK in a kimchi stew?! I slapped my forehead with my hand. How stupid can I get? Who in the world ever put milk with kimchi? 

“Argh.. I have to cook a new one.” I complained and took the stew and throw it away. I washed the pot and fill it up with water for the second time. After I filled it with water I put it on the stove. Before I can proceed to take another new kimchi from the fridge, Minho halted me from doing so.

“Key, stop this for a while. Let me cook dinner for tonight. Or else all of us will have constipation because of your mindless cook.” Minho said and pushed me to sit on the dining chair. I just sat on the chair that Minho pushed me to. 

“Yah, constipation?! I never cooked anything that made any of you have stomach upset.” I denied his words.

“Yeah. YET.” He said and continued to take out the kimchi from the fridge and cutting it. “You’re about to make it with you putting milk in the kimchi.” 

I pulled a face on that statement. “Well, I didn’t realize it.” I said.

For a while, Minho just does his cooking in silence. I just kept silent too. Too preoccupied with my own thoughts to start any conversation. It’s really so not like the usual me, I know that. Usually I will talk nonstop and Minho have to actually ordered me to shut my mouth up. Or else he will make me go jogging with him every morning. He knows that I hate doing any sports. So we spent our time in the kitchen with a quite comfortable silence.

When he finally near finishing up with his cooking, he turned to me and just stared at me from near the stove. I stared back at him. I have a feeling that Minho wants to ask me something. It’s clear from his face that he has questions for me. I think I know what he wanted to ask me. But I just keep my silent. I don’t know if I can tell him anything at all if he ask me what happened straight up.

“How are you feeling Key?” He asked me. I raised my eyebrows. I didn’t expect him to ask me how I am feeling. I thought he would ask me straight forward what has happened. His question took me off guard.

“How am I feeling? *Jigeum?” I asked him back.

“Neh. How are you feeling now? Truthfully.” Minho asked again. He turned from me to switch off the gas behind him for the stew is already cooked well. Then he turned to face me again.

I looked at my fingers. “Honestly?” I paused for a while. Then I looked up at him. “I feel so burden up. I feel my heart is crashing down to a million pieces and I don’t know if I can piece it up together again.” I pour out my feelings on Minho. I know I can trust on him that whatever that I shared with him; he will keep it by himself. You can’t get any more loyal friend than Minho. 

“And what makes you feel this way?” He kept on asking me with his low tone of voice. It kind of soothes me. So I begin to open up to him.

“Jonghyun hyung has confessed to NaNa and NaNa accepted his love.” I said with a small voice. Bowing down my head looking at my fingers again.

“How did Jonghyun hyung confessing to NaNa and NaNa accept him make you feel burden up and your heart to break into million pieces?” Minho asked again with his arms crossed on his chest.

I looked up to him. Why did he keep on asking me questions? Surely he knows the reasons already. I know he is the most observant among the five of us in the house. He saw my questioning eyes and said, “Just answer it Key.”

Then I begin to understand why Minho keeps on asking me these questions. It helped me to come to terms with my own feelings and to lighten my burden.

So I looked straight at him and said, “I feel burden up because I was stupid enough to let go of NaNa to Jonghyun hyung even before I can confess to her my true feelings. That I actually begin to fall for her in our times spent together. That my heart broke into a million pieces to hear her saying yes to Jonghyun hyung. But I can’t really blame Jonghyun hyung because it was my own stupid self that has admitted to him that I have no feelings for NaNa except as a close friend. And I can’t blame NaNa for saying yes to Jonghyun hyung because I did not do anything to tell her how I feel. So that led me to my own destruction.” I said lengthily to Minho.

Minho just stood there and looked at me. Then he move to sit opposite of me and stared at me again. “So, what are you planning to do from this point onwards?”

I looked back at him. Shook my head and answered him, “I seriously don’t know. I don’t know if I can face it if they’re together in front of me. I guess I can always act happy. I’m quite good at it I think. But one thing that I’m sure of, I won’t tell NaNa of my feelings. I don’t want her to have to choose between us. And I won’t tell Jonghyun hyung about it too. I love him. He’s like my own brother. I don’t want to hurt him too.”

“Are you sure you’re okay with this Key?” Minho asked me sincerely.

“Neh. But, if Jonghyun hyung ever hurt NaNa, I will make sure that I’m gonna be there for NaNa and I will make my move.” I said with conviction in my voice.

NaNa’s POV

I was standing in front of our room and searching for our room key in my bag when suddenly a pair of hand circled my waist and hugged me tightly from behind me. I was surprised and quickly turned around. I saw Seungyeon behind me with a big smile on her face. 

I put my hands on my chest and said to her, “Ah~ Seungyeonie, *kamchak teurigu.”

Seungyeon just giggled as her answer and took the room key in my hands to unlock the door. She pushed it open and went straight to her bed. She let herself fell down on her bed facing the ceiling. Big smile still pasted on her face. I just shook my head and come into the room and close the door. I walked to my own bed and put down my bag on the floor. I looked at Seungyeonie who was still resting on her bed and twirling the end of her hair with a smile on her face.

“Okay Seungyeonie. Spill it out now. I can’t stand watching your smiling face anymore.” I said to her while throwing one of my small stuff animals on my bed towards her.

The stuff animal landed on her smiling face. She was surprised by the landing of the stuff animal on her face. She took the stuff animal then hugged it tightly and turned her whole body towards me. She smiled at me.

“Hmm~~~ NaNa ah. I’m so happy today with my date with Jinki oppa.” She said happily. I smiled back at her. Well, at least there is someone who is truly happy with their day.

“Cheongmalyo? So tell me in details where and what did the two of you did the whole day?” I asked her while I took off my hair band and shook my hair from the tangles.

So Seungyeon told me her story for the day. I envy her. I mean, it can safely be said that her relationship with Onew oppa is so perfect. How can you beat that? Watching sunset at the beach together. The two of them just oozing sweetness out of their relationship. Even before they were an official couple. Whereas for me, I’m still in confusion with what had happened to me today. I want to share my feelings to Seungyeon but I didn’t want to burst her bubble of happiness. I was quiet for a while I think, cause suddenly, something was thrown to my face. I looked up and saw Seungyeon was sitting up on her bed and my stuff animal was on my lap. I guess Seungyeonie threw the stuff animal to me.

“Yah, NaNa ah. What’s up with you? You went quiet all of a sudden. What happened to you? Did Key do something to you to make you sad?” Seungyeon asked me with a worried face.

“Hmm.. Ani. Umm. It’s just that, something unexpected happened at the cafe today.” I said carefully. I don’t want to suddenly dump the news on her. But I don’t see any other way to tell her of what had happen today.

“Cheongmalyo? What happened then?” She asked curiously.

“Well, I hope you won’t be too surprised.” I said to her. She just nodded her head and urged me to tell her.

“Jonghyun went to the cafe this afternoon and he found out that Key spent the night with me.” I started.

“Mwo?! NaNa, Key was here last night? I didn’t know that.” Seungyeon said. Surprised was written all over her face.

“Ah.. Yeah~~” Oops, I forgot, even Seungyeonie don’t know about it. There’s no time to actually tell her of what happened when she was locked up with Onew oppa in the cafe. “But nothing happened Seungyeon ah. Key just accompanied me here cause there was storm that night remember. You know how much I’m afraid of the storm.” I explained to her. She nodded her head.

“So, what happened when Jonghyun oppa knows about it?” She asked.

“Well, he was actually angry about it. I had a hard time to explain it to him. Even Key can’t really open his mouth to explain cause Jonghyun kept on cutting his words.” I said.

“Why would he get mad?” Seungyeon asked. Then her eyes went wide open. “Don’t tell me that Jonghyun oppa actually like you NaNa?” She asked. Oh, she got it totally right.

I nodded my head. “Neh, Jonghyun actually confessed to me this afternoon and asked for a date this weekend.” I confirmed Seungyeon’s guess.

Seungyeon just looked at me in silence. I honestly don’t know what she was thinking at the moment. I can read her expression and body language most of the time but not for this time though. 

“What were you thinking now Seungyeonie?” I asked.

“Well, what is your answer to Jonghyun?” She asked me instead of answering me.

“Umm, I said yes to him.” I said and look down from her stares.

She kept silent for a while. I thought she will be happy with this news and congratulate me or something close to that. Not this silence that was hanging in the air making me uncomfortable. So I just played with my stuff animal which was still on my lap. I pinched on the *tokki’s nose. 

Then Seungyeon finally broke the silence. “Are you happy NaNa?”

I looked at her. “Neh. Why would I not be happy?” I said and smiled at her.

She just looked at me sideways and simply said, “*Kojimarayo.”

Who was I trying to fool? Seungyeon knows me very well as I know her well enough to know if she is truly happy or not. I can’t say that I am truly happy or sad. I am happy to some extend and a bit sad too. 

“I don’t know Seungyeonie. I’m actually still a bit confused with my own feelings. I mean, I am happy that Jonghyun like me. I guess I do have some attraction to him.” Just not as strong as my feelings to another person.

“But?” Seungyeon asked.

“But, in a way, I am not truly happy because I think I like this other person more.” I said.

“So, what are you going to do NaNa?” She asked me with a serious face.

I twirled the tokki’s long ears and said, “I will still go out with Jonghyun. Maybe my feelings to him will grow stronger with time.”

“*Hwaksil-rhae-yo?” Seungyeon asked.

“Neh. I mean, this other person didn’t even show me anything to indicate that he likes me for more than a friend. So why can’t I accept the one that actually confessed to me that he likes me?” I know that I am making an excuse for myself. I know I can be the one to ask him, but I’m afraid of rejection. And that could jeopardize our friendship. I don’t want our friendship to be severed. So, I will settle with this situation. I know that Jonghyun will love me the way I am. 

Seungyeon was silent once again. Then she rose up from her bed and went to me. She pulled me into a hug. “As long as you know what you’re doing and not regret it later. I will support whatever decision that you make NaNa. I just wish you to be happy.”

I hugged her back and nodded to indicate that I get what was trying to say to me. I just hope that I won’t regret my decision as Seungyeonie said.

Seungyeon’s POV

The room is in darkness with only the moon’s light cast a shadow on our study table. I can’t sleep. I was tossing around most of the time. I looked at NaNa who was already deeply asleep. I guess I can’t sleep because I kept on remembering my date with Jinki oppa. How perfect everything is. I can’t ask for more than that. It’s just picture perfect. Jinki oppa is the nicest, gentle, kind, funny, romantic guy there is in my world. I was smiling to myself again. Aigoo. Seriously, Jinki oppa really make me can’t sleep properly. I should push him away from my thoughts for a while.

Sigh. But then, when Jinki oppa is not on my mind, automatically NaNa will come to my mind. I’m really worried about her. I know that she actually likes Key more than Jonghyun. She even admitted it herself. I kind of understand her when she said he doesn’t show anything that indicates he likes her for more than a friend. I know she feared to be rejected. I was in her position too. But thankfully for me, Jinki oppa took the first step. For NaNa, Key doesn’t do anything. I thought he felt the same way towards NaNa since they really spent most of their time together. 

I am not so sure about Jonghyun oppa. Not because of I don’t like him. I do like him. I like all five of them. But, I hardly know him. I only ever really have a conversation with Key, Minho and Taemin. I hope that their relationship will work up well. I don’t want their relationship to be over before it can really be called a relationship.

The same thing goes to my relationship with Jinki oppa I guess. It may be perfect now, but I can’t say that it will always be as perfect as it is now in the future. I hope that whatever challenges that we have in the future we can work it out together. Trust in each other as well as loving each other unconditionally. I hope to maintain my love with Jinki oppa as happy as it is now. Slowly I felt myself to fall asleep and entering the dream world.


To be continued...

*Jigeum = Now
*kamchak teurigu = I was surprised
*tokki = Rabbit
*Kojimarayo = Don’t lie
*Hwaksil-rhae-yo = Are you certain

Now, this chapter gives you insight of how Key, NaNa and Seungyeon's feelings and thoughts after their confession/date. There's not much going on here but I hope you guys enjoy reading it. :D As always thank you for reading and commenting on this fic. Love you guys. >.<


@theclumsywitch: Aww, don't be heartbroken. Lol. Oh you're quite okay with Jjong then. Well, yeah, there is reluctance from NaNa. You noticed it. :) Hope you enjoy this update too. ^^

@Maiko_chan: Oh. I'm happy that you actually feel sad for Key in his POV. Don't get me wrong though. I won't want you to be sad. Hehe. Happy that I can get the emotion out of the readers. :) Thank you for loving this. Yeah, it's okay. As long as anyone who reads this enjoy it. :D Anyway, if you're interested I have another fic of SHINee too. You can check it out. :) http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/53719/gangsta-boy-hongki-jonghyun-key-minho-onew-shinee-taemin Thank you for your support. ^_^

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lee_onew13 #1
i like the ending..funny...
Awh! It's finally over. I really love it unnie. :D
bubbleBanana #3
job well done unnie :) I will miss them! hehe
This is an amazing story. U r a good writer
the end ?? im gonna miss this story .. its really beautiful and amazing . u r an awesome writer !! thankfully, the story end with with happy endings.. except for minho.. hope that he will find his true love soon ^^
onewjjang #6
@Iheartlife: Hope you have a good reading all this while. :)<br />
@khey_onsooni: Neh this story really is finish. Thank you for loving the last chapter. I hope that this epilogue you would enjoy too. Aww, thank you for reading this and comment in this fic. I do have another fic. You can click on it at the Author's Note. :D I hope to see you there too. GBU my dear. ^_^<br />
@bubbleBanana: Hehehe.. His ever sweetness neh. That is how he is here. :D
bubbleBanana #7
owww.. I'll miss Onew's sweetness! :D
kezia_onsooni #8
So the story is already finished?? Omo....omo....<br />
I just can't predict that, kekeke....<br />
Anyway, I love this chppy, cuz everyone is happy, keke.....<br />
Thx for making this story...<br />
Waiting for another fic....<br />
Gbu :)
Iheartlife #9
update soon :D
onewjjang #10
@Iheartlife: Thank you for reading and commenting.. :D<br />
@bubbleBanana: Ehehe, I think you already know after you read this chapter neh. :D