I Won't Let Go...

I Won't Let Go...

It reached it's 20th chapter. Hope you will enjoy this chapter. There are more OnYeon in this chapter. After such drama from KeyNaNa, presenting to you..

Chapter 20

3rd person point of view

Time passed by quickly for them. Without realizing it, the summer holiday is only three weeks left before the next semester start. Jonghyun and NaNa had their date on that Saturday that Jonghyun had set. They’ve been meeting regularly afterwards. Although Jonghyun has confessed to NaNa that he likes her more than a friend and they’ve been going out on a date frequently, they never really utter the three letter words to each other. Nobody knows about it though. Most of the people around them thought that they really like each other and their relationship is running smoothly. But little did they know about what is going on inside both of their minds.

Key is trying his best to act as normal as he can. True to his word, he never told NaNa his true feelings to her and he never let himself show anything that indicates he is in love with NaNa. He didn’t tell Jonghyun anything about his feelings too. Only Minho who really knows what he is going through. Onew did notice Key’s behaviour is a bit off but he never really know the truth. He can only guess from the way Key acted. 

For the other couple, Onew and Seungyeon, their relationship pretty much have a smooth sailing. They meet up regularly for Onew always fetch Seungyeon from her work place. For Taemin, there was nothing much that he did in the summer break except practicing his dance move, going out with his three friends Dongwoon, Sulli and Yoseop; and getting ready to enter university. He will know which university that he’ll be entering two weeks before the semester starts. That was how most of their summer went by.

Sometime during the summer break

Onew’s POV

The television in front of us was broadcasting some commercial film break from the movie that Seungyeon and I were watching. We were comfortably snuggled with each other on the couch. Tonight we decided to just stay at my place and watch movie on the cable. After Seungyeon’s shift in the cafe end in the evening, I picked her up and we went for dinner before we came back here. The rest of the guys were not at home that night. 

Jonghyun was at the pub for his DJ part time work. Key was out dragged by Minho and Taemin for a sudden surge of shopping spree. When I was on my way out to pick Seungyeon in the evening, Minho and Taemin was planning on kidnapping Key for a shopping spree.


I was just getting ready in my room to pick Seungyeon up from her work place when I heard whispers outside my room. Why would they whisper in the house? I walked to the door and open it up to reveal Minho and Taemin who were whispering animatedly. 

“Okay Taemin. Remember to hold on to Key tightly when we are going to bring him out, okay?” Minho instructed Taemin with a serious facade.

“Neh hyung.” Taemin whispered his answer while rubbing both of his hands together and listening to Minho with a serious face too. “But hyung, I feel like we are kidnapping Key hyung.”

“Ah~~ You’re right.” Minho said. “Well, it doesn’t matter. As long as we can make him happy for even just a while. So it’s okay if it feels as if we’re kidnapping him.” He said while nodding his head as if trying to justify his own action to himself.

“What are you two up to now, Minho ah, Taemin ah?” I asked them after listening to them a while.

Both of them were a bit surprised to see me standing at the doorway of the room observing them.

“Ah hyung~~ Shh.. You surprised us there. Since when were you standing there?” Minho asked, still in their whispering mode.

“Long enough to know your plan of kidnapping Key from his own house.” I replied in a whisper too. “Care to explain to me what is going on here? And why do I have to whisper like you guys?” Suddenly realized that I was unconsciously whispering with them too.

Minho and Taemin were looking at each other for a while, then Taemin just point his finger towards Minho. “It’s all Minho hyung’s idea. I’m just following his order.” Taemin said innocently.

“Yah Taemin ah. You yourself who was eagerly wanting to do this.” Minho said. His eyes went wide open with Taemin’s accusation.

“Okay okay.” I said and putting both of my hands in front of me to try and calm them down. “Now Minho, tell me what are you two plan to do with Key?” I asked him again.

“Well, you know how Key is lately right hyung. He is not so energetic as before even though he seems quite normal to us. So I just want to bring back the super annoying Key back for a while. Not that I’m complaining he is not so nagging nowadays.” Minho said.

I just stared at him. Wow, such a long explanation from Minho. But Minho is right about Key. I did notice that he is not his usual loud and nagging self. I mean he is still loud and nagging at us, but the level of his loudness and nagging is lower than the usual. I did notice that he begun to act like this since Jonghyun was going out with NaNa. I think I can guess what he was feeling but I didn’t really ask him about it. I thought that if Key wants to talk about it, he will talk it out. I will just wait for him to talk to me. Or maybe he already talked to Minho. Well, either way, as long as he has someone to talk to.

“I see. Well, don’t tell me that you two are going to drag him out right after he comes out of his shower.” I said to them for Key was at the moment in the bathroom taking his sweet time to shower.

“Ani. We’ll just act like normal and drag him after he is decently clothed. He always wears nice clothes anyway.” Minho said.

“I wish to have Key hyung’s sense of style.” Taemin mused to himself.

“You will someday. By the look of things nowadays, you’re beginning to turn to the next Key in this house.” Minho said to Taemin.

“Ah. I see.” Taemin said while nodding.

I’m not sure if he knows it for sure. I just shook my head. Then Key came out of the bathroom with a towel on his waist and another towel on his hands drying off his wet dyed blonde hair. He looked up at the three of us. His eyebrows furrowed together. “What are the three of you doing in front of our room?” Key asked us.

“Umm..” I started to say something. But before I can say more Minho interrupted me.

“Oh nothing. You want to get dressed? Go on in. Onew hyung is just going to go out to pick Seungyeon. Right hyung?” Minho said and stared hard at me.

“O.. Umm. Neh. I was just on my way out. But I think I’ll just grab something from the kitchen first.” I said making an excuse so I can stay longer to witness the scene that was about to happen in a while. I walked away from the doorway for Key to enter our room. Minho just looked at Taemin and signalled him to get ready when Key comes out of the room. I went to the kitchen as I said to them and stand in the corner to watch them.

After a while of waiting, Key came out of the room. Before he can register what was Minho and Taemin still doing outside the door, Taemin had already grabbed Key’s hands and lock it behind him.

“Yah!!! Taeminie!! What do you think you’re doing to your umma?!” Key said in a loud voice.

“Mianhae Key hyung. We’re going to kidnap you to go on a shopping spree with us.” Taemin said in a not guilty voice at all.

“Yeah Key. You have to come with us. We need a new style for the opening of our semester in a few weeks time. Especially Taemin here who is going to enter university.” Minho said while starting to lead the way to get out of the house. “I don’t feel like using my car today. We’ll bring your car Key.” Minho said as an after thought and grabbed Key’s car key which is hanging besides Minho’s and my car keys near the doorway. 

“Yah!! Who gives you the permission to take my car? I don’t like it when people use my things without my permission. And you’re forcing me to go shopping when I don’t feel like it.” Key complained while struggling to get out of Taemin’s hands.

They just dragged and pushed Key out of the door without heeding any of his complaints. I just laughed myself off with their actions. Cheongmalyo, Minho is really taking care of the people in the house.

End of flashback

“How is Key nowadays oppa?” Seungyeon suddenly break the comfortable silence.

“Hmm. How should I explain this? He is still acting as usual but with less spark as before. That’s why Minho and Taemin decided to take him out tonight.” I said and pause. “Ani. Let me correct that. They were literally kidnapped him from the house.” I said and laugh at the memory playing in my head.

Seungyeon turned her head to look at me with wide eyes. “Mwo?! Kidnapped him? Why the sudden act?” She asked.

Then I told her about the incident that happened before I went out of the house to pick her up. After I finished telling her the story, she joined me in laughter at Minho and Taemin’s plan.

“Aww, that shows how much they want Key to be like his usual self.” Seungyeon said. “Well, I wish NaNa can be truly happy with Jonghyun too.”

“Why are you saying that? Aren’t they happy with each other? Jonghyun seems like his usual self.” I said, narrowing my eyes.

“NaNa is happy I think. But I still feel that she is not completely happy. Don’t get me wrong. She do like Jonghyun oppa. I mean.. Ah, I don’t know what I am saying now. It’s just that I feel NaNa is trying hard to make herself happy I guess.

“Is she? Hmm. I’m not sure what do we have to do about it.” I said while trying to think of something.

“There’s no use. I’ve talked to her many times and she still insists that she is okay and happy now.” Seungyeon said. “Anyway oppa, let us drop the subject neh. It’ll just make me anxious and worry more about them.” Seungyeon plead.

“Sure thing Seungyeon.” I said while caressing her hair absent mindedly. She smiled at me and gave me a small peck on the lips.

I raised my eyebrows. “Only a peck now huh. No more kisses for me?” I said and pouted. 

Seungyeon’s POV

I looked at his cute pout and chuckled at his action. He is such a child sometime. “Aigoo uri oppa begins to ask for more neh.” I said while pinching his cheek. 

“Aahh.. It hurts.” Jinki oppa whined with his hand placed on the spot that I pinched him.

I chuckled again at his antic. I leaned closer to him and landed a quick kiss again at his pouted lips. The action made him looked at me in surprised. I smiled at him and slowly leaned closer to him. My lips made contact with his full lips. The kiss that I intended to be a gentle and short kiss for him turned to something else altogether. Our kiss deepened. Without realizing it, my hands were both behind his neck. One of Jinki oppa’s hands were on my cheek while the other was on my back, pulling me closer to him. This is the most intense and sensual kiss that we ever shared since we’re officially together for the past few months. When I pulled back to take a breathe, Jinki oppa pulled me back for another kiss. And so, the kiss continued again. While we’re still in a lip locking session, suddenly three voices teasing us made us part with each other. I was trying to reorganize my hair and clothes that was dishelved because of our kissing and hugging each other.

“Yah! You two should just get a room or better yet, get married so I can have my nieces and nephews soon.” Key said with a smirk on his now cheerful face. Ah, I think the shopping spree that Minho and Taemin did for Key is paying off well. I’m glad that he is happy. But at the same time, I felt embarrassed by what he just said. Are we that intense that he suggested that? Omo. I can feel my face was heating up.

“Yah Key, stop teasing us. You make Seungyeon embarrassed.” Jinki oppa said to Key. “And what’s with this nieces and nephews you are talking about? Seungyeon haven’t even finished her course yet. What marriage are you talking about.” He said indignantly.

“Well she may have not finished yet but you will graduate in a few months time. You’ve already sent your final project a few weeks ago and you know you’ll pass with flying colours. So you can get settled soon.” Key explained.

“Araseo, araseo.” Jinki oppa said to Key. Then he mumbled something under his breath that caught by everyone on the room. “I’m just waiting for the right time anyway.” 

The three of them looked at Jinki oppa with a surprised face. I looked at him with a surprised face too. I never thought that he actually took it seriously.

“Is that a proposal I hear Onew hyung?” Minho finally said something with a smile blooming on his handsome face.

“Neh? What did I say?” Jinki oppa looked at Minho with a questioning face.

“Ah cheongmal. This old guy.” Key said irritated. “Don’t bother to ask him anymore. He’s just playing dumb.” Key said and walked to the other sofa to sit. He took the TV remote on the coffee table to change the channel.

The rest followed suit and sit themselves on the remaining empty seat. I just looked at them then turned to Jinki oppa to see his reaction. He was just smiling to himself and returned his attention to the TV. He put his arm around my shoulder and pulled me closer to him. 

What had just happened? I got confused by their train of conversations. Is this how guys communicate with each other? Then I don’t think I’ll get to understand them at all. I put the thoughts out of my mind and joined them in watching the show on TV which was an episode of Star King. I really like how Hodong oppa conduct the show. He is just a funny guy. Then a boy around the age of 5 was seen displaying his talent in playing a guitar. Ah, that reminds me of my own brother Yoogeun. Omo, I forgot to tell Jinki oppa that umma and Yoogeun are coming to Seoul for the last two weeks of the summer break. They will come here next week for a few days time to visit me and to visit around in Seoul.

“Ah, oppa. I forgot to tell you that umma and Yoogeun are coming to Seoul next week and they want to meet you.” I delivered the news to him while facing him.

He looked a bit surprised from the news. Then his face turned to anxiousness. “Cheongmalyo? Ah, I really want to appear a more presentable self to your family.” Jinki oppa said.

“Don’t worry oppa. They will surely like you.” I said and gave him a reassuring smile.

“Noona’s family coming to Seoul? Wuah, then bring them to our house so that all of us can meet them.” Taemin suggested excitedly.

“Neh. You said the name Yoogeun. Is that your brother?” Key asked interested.

“Neh. He’s my namdongsaeng. He is just 5 years old.” I said happily.

“Jinjja? I want to meet him already. A child to play with is really fun.” He said with a bright smile on his face.

Minho just looked at Key and shook his head. “Yah, you’re really excited to have a child of your own don’t you.” Minho said to Key.

“I wish I can have them without getting married.” Key said.

“How is that possible hyung?” Taemin asked with a confused face. “Don’t you have to get married or you know, have ual to have them?” He said with a straight face.

All of us stared at Taemin. Then Key was the one who broke the silence. “Omona. Onew hyung, uri adeul has upgraded himself in his education. Let umma advice you not to do anything without thinking of the consequences. Araseo? If you can, only do that when you get married.” Key nagged and made his point clear to Taemin.

“On a second thought. Scratch the “If you can”. Only do that when you get married. You hear me?!” Key said again with both of his hands on his hips and sitting up straight on the sofa facing Taemin.

Taemin only looked at Key with an expressionless face and answered. “Neh umma. I haven’t even got my first kiss yet. How will I end up doing that?” He said.

“Yah! You don’t know what young people are capable of doing nowadays. We have an example in the house which is your Onew hyung.” Key said. My eyes widen for a while. Wae? We’ve been set as a bad example? 

“Yah Key! We’re only kissing alright. I won’t do anything to Seungyeon. God forbid. And what young people are you referring to? Are you saying you’re old?” Jinki oppa said to Key.

Key rolled his eyes. “It’s just a figure of saying my dear. Anyway Taemin ah, just remember what umma has been saying okay.” 

“Neh~~” Taemin said in a somewhat defeated tone.

“Okay~~~ Let’s get back to the subject that my family coming to Seoul neh?” I tried to bring back the topic to our previous conversation. “Since you asked for them to come here, I will do so. Why not let them meet the rest of you guys anyway.” I said and smiled to them.

“Yay! I get to meet Seungyeon’s namdongsaeng. I bet he is adorable.” Key said excitedly.

“He is. Then I’ll bring them here next Friday afternoon for lunch. Is that okay with you Key?” I asked.

“Sure thing. Just leave it to me.” Key said. I can see that his brain is working for what he wants to make for that day. 

Then I felt Jinki oppa whispered to my ears, “So, after we meet your family, come and meet my parents too.” 

I looked at him and said, “Okay. Why not.”


To be continued...

How was this chapter for you guys? So, you may guess correctly that it will be meeting their parents for the next chapter. :) Omo, this made it sounds like they're going to get married with meeting the parents right . But that is a far far assumption. Kekeke. It's only to get to know the family. ^_^ Hope you enjoyed it. Comments are super appreciate. :D

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lee_onew13 #1
i like the ending..funny...
Awh! It's finally over. I really love it unnie. :D
bubbleBanana #3
job well done unnie :) I will miss them! hehe
This is an amazing story. U r a good writer
the end ?? im gonna miss this story .. its really beautiful and amazing . u r an awesome writer !! thankfully, the story end with with happy endings.. except for minho.. hope that he will find his true love soon ^^
onewjjang #6
@Iheartlife: Hope you have a good reading all this while. :)<br />
@khey_onsooni: Neh this story really is finish. Thank you for loving the last chapter. I hope that this epilogue you would enjoy too. Aww, thank you for reading this and comment in this fic. I do have another fic. You can click on it at the Author's Note. :D I hope to see you there too. GBU my dear. ^_^<br />
@bubbleBanana: Hehehe.. His ever sweetness neh. That is how he is here. :D
bubbleBanana #7
owww.. I'll miss Onew's sweetness! :D
kezia_onsooni #8
So the story is already finished?? Omo....omo....<br />
I just can't predict that, kekeke....<br />
Anyway, I love this chppy, cuz everyone is happy, keke.....<br />
Thx for making this story...<br />
Waiting for another fic....<br />
Gbu :)
Iheartlife #9
update soon :D
onewjjang #10
@Iheartlife: Thank you for reading and commenting.. :D<br />
@bubbleBanana: Ehehe, I think you already know after you read this chapter neh. :D