I Won't Let Go...

I Won't Let Go...

Key’s POV

We were wet from the sudden heavy rain. What's more, I parked my car a block away as I’d told NaNa as to not raise any suspicious before the plan can be executed. Thank goodness I’d lifted up the hood of the car earlier or it’ll be all wet. We quickly get into the car. I started the engine of my car and the heater so that it will be warm. NaNa was trying to dry off her hair with her hand.

“I have a small towel at the back. You can get it and dry yourself off.” I said.

“Oh. Okay, thanks.” She said. Then she turned to the back and retrieved it. She dried her hair while her other hand texted a message on her phone. I took out my phone and texted Onew hyung too. Twice to be exact. I smiled at what would’ve happened to them now. I believe Onew hyung will take this chance. Then I just concentrated on the road in front of me.

There was silence the whole journey to NaNa’s dorm. I guessed it’s not that easy to be back to normal again. Well, I’ll just give her some time. I hope she’ll come around. It’s not as if I planned to do that. I was just carried away with my anger and jealousy.

After we reached her building, the heavy rain got heavier if possible and there’s lightning and thunder too. NaNa seemed hesitant to go out from the car. I switched off the engine and took the big umbrella from the bottom of the backseat. I got out and went to the passenger’s side to get NaNa out. I opened the door and gestured for NaNa to get out from the car.

She quickly got out from the car and got under the umbrella. I closed the door and locked the car. We quickly walked to the dorm building. After we reached the building I shook off the rain water that fell on me from the wind. 

“NaNa, you should quickly go back to your room and take a shower immediately. I don’t want you to get sick.” I said worriedly to her. 

“Neh. I will.” She said. But she continued to stay rooted to the spot. Suddenly the night sky was lighted from the lightning and thunders followed suit. NaNa jumped from the sound.

She’s actually afraid with the storm? I thought NaNa is not afraid with anything. “Are you okay? Do you want me to keep you company through the storm?” I said. “I think it’s okay right, since it’s still holiday season and there’s not many student left in the dorm.” I tried to reassure her.

She seemed to think about it some more before she nodded her head slowly. So, we went to her room which she stayed with Seungyeon. She quickly took out her clothes and towels from her closet to get her shower. I just waited in the room while surveying her room. Their room is cosy. I smiled at a picture where NaNa and Seungyeon both did a mehrong to the camera. So adorable. Sigh.

Then she came out from the shower looking fresher than before. “You should get your shower too. I don’t have any men’s clothes but I can lend you my big sweater and baggy sweatpants.” She said but not meeting my eyes. 

“I’m sorry you have to stay here to accompany me. Usually Seungyeon was always here when there’s any storm. Or if she’s not here, I’ll be at our friends room beside us, but they went back home.” She continued.

“Ah. Neh. It’s okay. That’s good enough. Why are you so afraid of the storm anyway?” I said to her. Curious.

“Hmm?" She seemed surprised that I asked her. But she explained it to me nonetheless. "I was once lost in the storm when I was a child and because I was stupid enough to go out to play until late. I nearly fainted from fatigue and cold. Thankfully there was one ahjussi on his way back home and saw me crying in the storm and get me safely back home.” 

I didn’t know that she has been through that. She always talked about how hard life has been to Seungyeon but she never said anything about her hardship or incident that happened to herself.

I went to her and give her a hug to comfort her. She hugged me back even though I’m still wet. I’m glad that she doesn’t push me away. “I’m sorry to hear that NaNa. You never talk about it before.” I said and caressed her hair. 

She just shrugged and slowly disentangled herself from the hug. “Thank you for comforting me and for caring about Onew oppa and Seungyeon to carry out the plan. I think it will go well.” She smiled.

“No problem. I do care about them. That’s why I did it. And hey, just because last night’s incident, doesn't mean that we can’t be friends. I’m really sorry.” I said sincerely.

“... Well, you shouldn’t have done it in the first place.” She said and looked down at her feet.

“I know NaNa. I have been regretting about my action from the moment I realized what I had done to you.”

“Emm. I know that. Just give me time Key. It’s not that easy to forgive.” She said quietly. “You should take your shower now.”

I looked at her then nodded my head and headed to the bathroom to take my shower.

NaNa’s POV

After Key went to take his shower, I prepared the extra clothes for him on Seungyeon's bed. Then I laid down on my bed facing the ceiling. I can't bring myself to get angry with him anymore. The feeling in my heart seemed to be saying other things. Like how I feel comfortable and assured when he hugged me. I don’t know what to do with this feeling. 

I felt so confused. I heard the door knob turned and I quickly pull up my blanket and fake my sleep. I felt him standing over my bed for a while and heard him whispered, “Cheongmal mianhae NaNa.” And then I heard Seungyeon’s bed creaked from his weight as he settled down. 

I know Key’s sorry for what he had done. I should be glad that he seemed to be remorseful of what he did but there’s just something in my heart that didn’t really regret that kiss. Aish. Why do my feeling so complicated that I barely understand it myself? Gah!! I need to stop thinking about it and get my rest to wake up early tomorrow and see what happened to Onew oppa and Seungyeonie. I smiled when I thought of them. They will be the sweetest couple ever.

Onew’s POV

I was shouting to the door for the people outside to open up the door but to no avail. It seems that the person on the other hand has left. Then I saw Seungyeon reached for her phone and read her message. Whatever that message contained it must have been a shocking one since Seungyeon stared hard at her phone then hung open.

Before I can asked her what had happened, I felt my phone vibrated in my pocket. I reached down to take it. As I flipped open my phone, I saw a text message arrived. I opened it and begin to read.

“Hyung, what are you waiting for? Now is the time to confess to Seungyeon about your feeling towards her since it’s only the two of you in the cafe. Hwaiting.” –Your Almighty Key-

What?! How did he know that I’m alone with Seungyeon in the cafe? I looked around me trying to find him hiding behind anything but I didn’t see any other soul except the two of us. And how did he know about my feeling towards Seungyeon? I thought only Minho and Taemin knows about it. Aish. Did everybody know about it already in the house? Am I that transparent to them? I scratched my head trying to think into it. Then another message came up.

“Don’t think too hard hyung. We’ve given you opportunity now and you better use it wisely or else you’re going to lose Seungyeon to another guy cause NaNa just told me there’s someone after her. So you BETTER make a move now if you don’t want to regret it later. And just in case you’re wondering how I know you like Seungyeon? It is kind of transparent. Lol. Annyeong.” –Your Almighty Key-

What?!! My eyes widened at the second message from Key. Someone is after Seungyeon? No! Choltae andwae. I can’t let anybody else get to Seungyeon. Key’s right. I need to confess to Seungyeon before I regret for not doing it. I mean, even if Seungyeon rejects me, at least I made my feeling known to her. Yes. I’m going to confess to her. I read back Key’s message in the end about me being transparent. Hmm, so I was that transparent. But why can’t Seungyeon see that? Ah, it’s my fault too for not saying anything. Sigh.

I read the message for the third time and noticed that Key use the verb “We” instead of “I”. So he’s not alone in doing this then for I know surely this locking people inside the cafe is his idea. I bet it’s NaNa who collaborated with him, since they went out a lot before. But then for them to do this tonight means that they’re okay with each other now after last night’s incident? Gah. This is so complicated. I better focus on confessing to Seungyeon only for now and tackle the rest later on.

I looked at Seungeyon again. Her shoulder was slumped as if she’s tired. It must have been a long day for her and this happened. I’ll confess to her later and let her rest for the night for now. 

“Seungyeon.” I called out to her. She looked up at me. “Gwaenchanayo?”

“I think so. I mean I just got a text from NaNa and she’s the one who lock us in.” She said.

So I was right in thinking that NaNa is the one behind it with Key. Sigh. They really are determined in getting us together huh. “Neh, Key just texted me too.”

The atmosphere became a bit awkward for us after that. I guess both of us guessed at what’s being said in our text. I played with my phone. Then I remembered that Seungyeon needs her rest. It’s past midnight already and she’d been working since early this morning. Well, to be more accurate, it’s yesterday’s morning since it’s past midnight now.

I cleared my throat. “Seungyeon ah. It’s past midnight already and we are not going to be able to get out of this cafe until morning. Why not we get some rest first? You’ve been working from the morning.”

She looked at me and looked a bit surprised. “Ah, yes. We should. We can rest at the employees’ room.” She said and led the way to the employees’ room.

She opened the door and switch on the lights. The bright light spilled into the room and I can see the sparse furniture in the room. One wall on the right was the locker for the employees’ things. In front of us is a long couch with a big afghan blanket with a few small pillows. On the left wall a small pantry where the sink and plates with microwave were. There's boxes in a corner too. It’s a small room but pretty cosy. They even put a vase with fresh flowers on a small table near the couch and a small table lamp. 

“This is our employees’s room. It’s small but we love it. It’s comfortable.” Seungyeon said with a smile on her face.

“Neh. I can see that. This is good. It gives off warm feelings.” I smiled at her. 

Seungyeon went to the table lamp and switch it on and asked me to switch off the main light. The room was bath in warm orange light. She settled herself on the couch. I walked to the couch and lie down on the floor near the couch. The floor is hard and cold. But I just closed my eyes and tried to think of other comfortable things so as to not think about the floor and the coldness.

“Oppa, gwaenchanayo? The floor might be cold since it’s still raining heavily outside. You take the afghan blanket then.” She offered the afghan blanket to me.

I turned to the couch where she lied down. She her hand with the blanket to me. “Ani. Gwaenchanayo. You need it too. It’ll be cold so you take it. I have my jacket here.” I said, trying to reassure her.

“Your jacket won’t protect you from the cold." She said. "D-do you want to share the couch with me?” She suggested.

I looked at her as she suggested sharing the couch with her. Is she serious? It’s not that I don’t want to but I don’t want her to feel uncomfortable.

“Ah, gwaenchanayo. It’ll be a bit uncomfortable for you since it’s not that big.” I said to her.

“It’s okay oppa. I can handle being uncomfortable a bit rather than seeing you catch the cold later. I’ll be worried if you do. So let’s just share the couch neh.” She said while smiling.

She’d be worried if I get sick? I feel a flutter in my heart. Well, at least she cared for me. I smiled to myself. 

“W-well, if you said so.” I said.

“Yes oppa.” She said and scooted over.

I scrambled to my feet not too gracefully. Seungyeon took the inside corner of the couch so that I have room on the outer side of the couch. I slowly lie down on the couch. I faced the other side opposite Seungyeon and tried to not take up so many space and crushed her. But it’s a tough thing to do since the couch is not that big. I felt Seungyeon spread the afghan blanket on top of us. I tried to adjust the space again but after trying so hard to adjust the space I nearly fell down from the couch. 

Before I can fall to the floor I felt Seungyeon’s arms on my waist to prevent me from falling over. I froze. My back still facing Seungyeon. I can’t see her face. Then Seungyeon slowly pried her hands from my waist. I stopped her action by grabbing her hands and held it firmly. I gathered up my courage and the couch to face her.

Her face now is very close to mine. I can see that she was avoiding from looking me in the eyes. I smiled and squeezed her hands which was in my hand. I brought it up to my lips and kissed it slowly. She looked surprised and stared at my eyes. I can see she’s quite confused. So Taemin was right then. 

“Seungyeon ah.” I said softly to her.

She just stared at my eyes. “Hmm.” She replied.

“I-I want to say this to you earlier.” I begin. I felt my heart seems to want to break free from my ribcage. It beats so fast as if I just ran for a mile nonstop. “I-I like you Seungyeon. I-I mean, more than a-a friend.” I stuttered.

She just stared at me. Then a smile breaks from her lips. She squeezed my hands and said, “Oppa, I like you too. Very much.”

I felt my cheeks going to be stretched wide as I smiled brightly. So Seungyeon do like me too. I felt so happy. It was so stupid of me worrying about what she would think all these while when we can officially be together as a couple rather than as friends only. *Chaega pabo nika. 

“Seungyeon ah. You didn’t know how much that means to me.” I said and gathered her in my arms and hugged her tightly. She wrapped her arms around my waist and hugged me tightly too. I felt so warm and the happiness in me feels like I can do anything.

I let go of her a bit and softly put a kiss on her forehead. She closed her eyes from my action with a smile on her face. This encouraged me and I slowly moved down to the tips of her nose and kissed it softly too. She began to giggle. I kissed both of her cheeks. Then I paused to look at her beautiful face. Trying to take it all into my memory. I want to remember her face when we first kissed. (Though I've kissed her before when I gave her CPR. But that doesn't count.) She slowly opened her eyes and we stared at each others’ face. I moved my face a little more closely to her and she moved a little bit closer to me too. Then I moved in to kiss her sensual lips. I slowly kissed her. Trying to familiarize myself with the contour of her lips. She responded to my kiss eagerly. 

I slowly pulled away from the kiss. The kiss was a sweet one. I let go of a sighed. Then I kissed her again and we were deeply involved in a lip lock. I put my hand behind her neck and angled my face to deepen the kiss. It was a sweet moment to me. This time she was the one to pull away. She leaned her forehead to mine. 

“Oppa, saranghae.” She whispered.

I smiled when I heard her said that. I gathered her more firmly into a bear hug and put her head below my chin. “*Nado, saranghae.”

And we stayed like that until we fell asleep.


*Chaega pabo nika = I’m a fool
*Nado, saranghae = I love you too

I'm back with OnYeon finally confess to each other. Sigh. I've waited so long for this. Lol. Thank you Key and NaNa. >.< I hope this chapter satisfy you readers. :D I try to make it sweet because I started this fic with lots of sweet moments in the story. Hahaha. Hope you enjoy this chapter and all your comments are greatly appreciated. :D 

By the way, I have started another fic. It's titled
 Gangsta Boy. If you're interested you can click on the title. Hope you'll check it out too. :D

Until the next chapter for I Won't Let Go... Annyeong...

@theclumsywitch: Lol. Is it cruel? They just want to help Onew and SeungYeon. :) I hope this chapter satisfy your anticipation on waiting their confession. ^_^

@lolisho: Yep. The plan finally accomplished. I hope you like this chapter. ^_^

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lee_onew13 #1
i like the ending..funny...
Awh! It's finally over. I really love it unnie. :D
bubbleBanana #3
job well done unnie :) I will miss them! hehe
This is an amazing story. U r a good writer
the end ?? im gonna miss this story .. its really beautiful and amazing . u r an awesome writer !! thankfully, the story end with with happy endings.. except for minho.. hope that he will find his true love soon ^^
onewjjang #6
@Iheartlife: Hope you have a good reading all this while. :)<br />
@khey_onsooni: Neh this story really is finish. Thank you for loving the last chapter. I hope that this epilogue you would enjoy too. Aww, thank you for reading this and comment in this fic. I do have another fic. You can click on it at the Author's Note. :D I hope to see you there too. GBU my dear. ^_^<br />
@bubbleBanana: Hehehe.. His ever sweetness neh. That is how he is here. :D
bubbleBanana #7
owww.. I'll miss Onew's sweetness! :D
kezia_onsooni #8
So the story is already finished?? Omo....omo....<br />
I just can't predict that, kekeke....<br />
Anyway, I love this chppy, cuz everyone is happy, keke.....<br />
Thx for making this story...<br />
Waiting for another fic....<br />
Gbu :)
Iheartlife #9
update soon :D
onewjjang #10
@Iheartlife: Thank you for reading and commenting.. :D<br />
@bubbleBanana: Ehehe, I think you already know after you read this chapter neh. :D