I Won't Let Go...

I Won't Let Go...

Chapter 28


3rd Person’s POV

The aftermath of what had happened on the fateful night where Onew left Seungyeon at the cafe was not a pleasant one. After that incident, Onew had not met or talk with Seungyeon. The anger was still there in his heart. Though he missed her, it was always dampened by the image of that guy Nickhun kissing her. What pissed him off was the fact that he saw Seungyeon kissing Nickhun back and saying there’s nothing wrong with that. How couldn she say that there was nothing wrong with that? Seeing the one that you love kissing somebody else than you was painful. So Onew kept to himself all the while. He hardly took his meal well or speaking to his housemate at all. The rest of the resident in the house thought that Onew was back to his days when Ee Seul had left him. Back to confining himself in his room.

Taemin couldn’t stand to see his hyung acted as if he was just a walking zombie at home. He tried to talk to Onew of what he thought happened at that night but Onew wouldn’t even glance at any of them. Even when he tried to talk to Onew in their shared room, Onew would always turn his back on him or pretended to sleep. He was at his wit’s end. Taemin asked Minho to try and talk to Onew but to no avail either. Onew just wouldn’t want to listen to anybody. Jonghyun and Key tried to approach Onew by asking him to join them in playing games or just hang out with them as the hyungs in the house, but Onew only stayed silent throughout the ordeal. When one of them tried to talk about something else, he would drop everything and went to their room. Taemin was getting really pissed off by his hyung’s behaviour. But most of all he was angry at Nickhun. Because of him, Onew was back to his dark days.

At the other hand, Seungyeon was getting the cold treatment by NaNa. She was confused at why NaNa was angry at her. Nobody told her anything about what Nickhun was supposedly did wrong. One second she was asleep on the chair that Taemin led her to, the next she saw Nickhun was punched by Onew. She didn’t get it at all. What had surprised her was that Onew actually raised his voice to her and left her just like that. He didn’t even contact her once after the incident. She tried to call him but all she got was the female’s voice to leave a message in his voicemail. All this made her feel hurtful. Her best friend was angry with her and her boyfriend wouldn’t even meet her. That is, if he is still her boyfriend. With this condition, she couldn’t say that for sure.

With all the worries in each of them, there was one person who was struggling with her own emotions and conscience. She was burdened by her own actions. Her purpose that she thought was a reasonable one was lost in her. She couldn’t bring herself to actually carry on with her plans anymore. Her conflicting emotions made her exhausted. At one hand, she was trying to suppress her feelings for a certain guy that kept coming on her mind; and because of that her heart was warmed by the guy’s gesture and the rest of his friends which include Onew. Again, thinking about Onew made her feel different emotions. One being guilty in causing his relationship to be in a rocky stage and another was struggling with the remaining emotion that was left in her when she came back to Korea. Anger and revenge. After Nickhun’s speech to her at the cafe, it kind of set her off. He made her re-think of all the things that she’d done. And she was afraid of what the outcome will be when all was strip down to the core.

Seungyeon’s POV

A pair of eyes was trained towards me across the bed. NaNa was staring at me without saying anything at all. She was doing that for a whole 10 minutes since I forced her to talk to me at what actually made Jinki oppa acted the way he acted on that night. I can’t take it anymore that the two important people in my life wouldn’t say anything to me.

“NaNa. Jebal, *marebwa. Why are you being like this? It’s enough that Jinki oppa won’t talk to me. I can’t take it if you won’t say anything to me too. If I’ve done something wrong on that night, then let me know. Though I don’t know what is it that made you guys treat me like this. I had enough of this. Please!” I said desperately. A tear escaped at the corner of my eyes. I can’t take this anymore. It’s been a week and I had enough.

NaNa’s face softened. “Didn’t you remember at all Seungyeon? Weren’t you aware of what happened before Onew oppa acted that way?”

I looked at her questioningly. Remember what? “What was there to remember before Jinki oppa punched Nickhun NaNa? You saw it too. Taemin led me to the chair for me to rest. I fell asleep right after I rested my head and the next thing I know Jinki oppa had punch Nickhun in front of me.”

NaNa stared at me. “That’s it? You actually fell asleep on the chair and oblivious to all that happened?” NaNa asked me.

“Yes. I don’t know what happened. Why would you think that I somehow know about anything that happened?” I asked her.

NaNa rubbed her temple and let out a sigh. Then she looked straight at me again. “Then tell me Seungyeon, why did you kiss Nickhun back?”

That totally floored me. “What?! Kiss Nickhun? Where did that come from? What are you talking about NaNa? Why would I kiss Nickhun? I won’t be unfaithful to Jinki oppa no matter what.” I said indignantly.

“You tell me Seungyeon. That was what Onew oppa, Taemin and I witnessed on that night. We saw how Nickhun kissed you and you were kissing him back.” NaNa said.

I was deadpanned. How did that even possible? I want to say that what they saw must be their imagination. But to have 3 people to say the same thing was another thing. Apparently I was kissing Nickhun back? I tried to remember if that was what had happened. I didn’t kiss anybody at all that night except Jinki oppa. What? Wait. Did we? I remembered I was kissing someone before I woke up because of the punches. 

Argh!!!!! I know that one day, my dreaming of Jinki oppa would backfired on me. How could I admit it to NaNa that I was actually dreaming of Jinki oppa? That he was kissing me goodnight in front of our dorm room? That was embarrassing. But wait a minute. So it was actually Nickhun that I was kissing at the time? Gah!!!

I quickly stood up from my bed and ran towards the bathroom. I opened the tap water on the sink and washed my mouth in the hopes of getting rid of the imprint of Nickhun’s kiss. No! No, it can’t be. Everything began to dawn on me and understanding of the situation slowly sinking in me.

No wonder Jinki oppa was so angry. Who wouldn’t? I would do the same thing if the situation was reversed. No.

NaNa came to my side and held me on the shoulder. “Seungyeon ah. What is it? Why did you suddenly did that and why are you looking horrified?” She said worriedly.

“NaNa, I didn’t mean it. I didn’t know that I was kissing Nickhun.” I said to her.

“So what actually happened?” She asked.

I looked away from her. “I thought it was Jinki oppa that I kissed.” I said quietly.

NaNa’s mouth hung open. “Don’t tell me you were actually dreaming of Onew oppa at the time when you were asleep?”

I just nodded my head.

“Seungyeonie. I don’t know what to say.”

Minho’s POV

I stood rigidly in front of Onew hyung, Key hyung and Taemin’s room. The rest of them were out of the house. All of them had their morning classes today. My class only started in the afternoon. I knocked on the door. There was no reply from inside the room so I turned the knob to check if it was lock. It was not. I entered the room.

Onew hyung was actually sitting on the bed with paper sheets all over the bed and on the floor. I walked in and picked one up. It seems that it was one of his lyrics that he was working on. Looking at the papers, I was a bit relief. Relief that Onew hyung did think of something else other than what had happened with Seungyeon. Taemin had recounted the incident to us with Key contributed in with what he heard from NaNa too. From what I heard from Taemin, it seems that Seungyeon may not even aware of what had happened. But because of Onew hyung who didn’t want to listen to anything that we were trying to say make it difficult for us and him too.

I cleared a few of the papers off from his bed and placed it on the floor. I took a seat on his bed. He didn’t even looked up at me but continued to write on his papers.

“Hyung, how are you?” I said tentatively.

He wrote a couple more things then he put down his pen and finally looked at me in the eyes. What surprised me was, there were worries and indecision in Onew hyung’s eyes.

“Like I was thrown into the abyss.” He said.

I was silent for a while. “Well hyung. I know that you’re still thinking about Seungyeon aren’t you?” I tried to pry into his feelings.

“How can I not?” He said quietly then looked down at his music sheets on the floor. “I missed her and I want to meet her. But every time I want to do so, the image of her kissing with that guy will make me angry again and I abandoned all the resolution of wanting to meet her.”

“But hyung. Not that I don’t trust you, but then again, everything that we saw were not usually what it was supposed to be. Isn’t it? Didn’t you think about it in Seungyeon’s point of view?” I asked him.

“You are asking me to ask her how was it kissing with Nickhun?” Onew hyung asked incredulously. “Are you crazy Minho?”

“No, No. Hyung, you misunderstood. I didn’t mean it like that. I mean, if you really love her as you said a lot of times, why don’t you give her a chance to explain it? I’m sure there is something going on that we didn’t know. Because I don’t believe it that Seungyeon would be unfaithful to you hyung.”

Onew hyung stayed silent. I could see that he was thinking hard on what I was saying to him.

“I mean, come on hyung. Even with Soo Min came here and shocked everyone with her appearance, and you were acting strangely, did she abandoned you?”

“No.” He said quietly.

“Did she get angry with you when you told her about Ee Seul too? Didn’t she stay by your side and listen to your explanation? Because if she didn’t I don’t think you will still be with her after Soo Min came.” I said sternly. I wanted Onew hyung to realize how precious their relationship is and make sure that it was driven home to his brain.

That left him speechless. I’m not trying to condemn Onew hyung. But I have to make him see that he can’t continue to be like this. I want him to resolve this with Seungyeon. All of us do. Taemin was really agitated with all this and I could understand it well. He didn’t want his hyung to be like this. He was slowly growing up, that boy. He even took care of Seungyeon for Onew. I guess Taemin took it to his heart to protect those treasured people around him.

“Think about it hyung. Would you just let go of your relationship with Seungyeon away just like that? Does it not mean more to you?” I said. Without waiting for his answer, I stood up and walked to the door. 

Before I closed the door, I heard him say, “No. I won’t let go.”

I smiled at hearing that from him. Finally my words are getting through him.

Taemin’s POV

“Okay guys. Meet you all tomorrow for the dance practice again okay. Don’t be late.” I said to the rest of our dance team. As usual, Amber went straight out of the room. I wanted to talk to her more about our duo dance routine but she left the room so fast. Sigh. Anyway, I don’t think I have the time anyway. I have to pick Seungyeon noona up. Wait, what time is it? I looked at the wall clock which indicates that it was 10 minutes after Seungyeon noona’s ending shift. Ah. I’ll be late.

I quickly grabbed my stuffs and ran out of the room. I didn’t even bother to take a quick shower. I wanted to arrive on time to pick noona up. I didn’t want that creep Nickhun to do something to her again. After a few minutes of running, I finally arrived at the cafe’s back door. I grabbed the door knob and opened the door. I let myself in and walked to the front. 

What I saw was Nickhun standing in front of Seungyeon noona. Oh no. Not again. What is it this time? I searched for NaNa noona. She was standing not that far from Seungyeon noona. Sigh. Okay, that means nothing bad happened right. I walked to Seungyeon noona’s side.

“What do you want now?” I said aggressively to Nickhun. Though he was a bit taller and muscular than me, he didn’t intimidate me.

“Hey, relax red haired. I won’t do anything to Seungyeon.” He said. 

What?! Red haired?! He called me that?

Seungyeon noona held my arm. “Not to worry Taemin ah. I’m not as stupid as that night tonight.” She said.

I looked at her quizzically? Then I looked at NaNa noona. NaNa noona just nodded her head at me. Then Nickhun bowed 90° to Seungyeon noona. What is he doing?

“I’m sorry Seungyeon for what happened the previous week. I don’t expect you to forgive me now. I know it was my fault to do that to you. I was taking advantage of you.” Nickhun said.

So he was actually apologizing. About time. I looked at Seungyeon noona. She was keeping silent the whole time with NaNa noona.

“I shouldn’t have done that. I should have known better than to disrupt your relationship. I’m sorry that I let Soo Min make me do it.” He said again.

What?! Soo Min? So it was Soo Min behind all this? Really, I have been on edge towards her since the beginning. While the rest of them was giving her the benefit of the doubt, I just couldn’t help but to feel something was off with her. So I was proven right, didn’t I?

“What? Soo Min?” NaNa noona said. “What did this have to do with Soo Min?”

“Ah. I... Emm.. No, please don’t be mad at her.” Nickhun quickly trying to protect Soo Min. “I mean she was a sweet girl. A very confident, kind girl and was always a happy person. But, there was something happened that made her like that. I don’t think she meant it to be like this. I know her since we were still young.” He was trying to explain to us.

“What can possibly be the reason to do this thing to someone? Is she happy now that Onew hyung and Seungyeon was apart? Is she happy that she was the reason for this?” I said with narrowed eyes.

“Again, I’m sorry. I apologize on her behalf too. I can’t tell you the reason. That wouldn’t be my place to do so. I’m sorry.” He said again.

“Tsk.. Why would you apologize on her behalf? It’s not your place to apologize right. If she is remorseful of what she did, she can do it herself.” I said tersely.

Seungyeon noona who was silent all this while finally spoke up. “Taemin, please take me home now.” And with that she turned to go to the employees’ room to take out her things.

I followed her and waited for her outside the room. As Seungyeon noona came out of the room, I glanced at NaNa noona who was still standing there, “NaNa noona, sorry we can’t wait with you. But I’m sure Key hyung is on his way if not already here. I’m going to send Seungyeon noona first.”

“Neh. I understand. Go on.” She said. Then I glanced at Nickhun who just hung his head. We walked out through the back door.

Seriously, what’s the reason for Soo Min to do that anyway? Did she like Onew hyung too? But if that’s the case, then why did she always stick with Jonghyun hyung anyway?

Girls. I can’t understand them.


To be continued...

*Marebwa = Talk

Jejeng. Confrontation, confrontation. What will you do in this situation? So it was revealed that it was Soo Min’s fault that it became like that. But would you really blame it all on Soo Min? I mean, it takes a lot to have and maintain a good relationship. Without enough trust, things can turn pretty ugly. You would think that a couple as perfect as OnYeon wouldn’t have any weakness in their relationship, but it was proven wrong right. A catalyst was put into place, but is it all the catalyst fault? Lol. I’m being random here again. But I just want to let you guys know that blames shouldn’t be put on only one person neh. In fact why would you blame others when all humans are not perfect? Sigh. Sorry for the melancholy. But even though this is a fanfic, but I hope I can put in a lesson learned too. Hehe. You know that this whole fic is about relationships right. :D See you in the next chapter. ^^

Oh and another thing. This fic is going to end really soon. It only left with 2 chapters and an epilogue. Sigh. It had been a long time neh. Took me nearly a year to finish this. Lol. I hope you will enjoy this until the end. And not to forget thanks to all your comments and subscribing. ^_^

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lee_onew13 #1
i like the ending..funny...
Awh! It's finally over. I really love it unnie. :D
bubbleBanana #3
job well done unnie :) I will miss them! hehe
This is an amazing story. U r a good writer
the end ?? im gonna miss this story .. its really beautiful and amazing . u r an awesome writer !! thankfully, the story end with with happy endings.. except for minho.. hope that he will find his true love soon ^^
onewjjang #6
@Iheartlife: Hope you have a good reading all this while. :)<br />
@khey_onsooni: Neh this story really is finish. Thank you for loving the last chapter. I hope that this epilogue you would enjoy too. Aww, thank you for reading this and comment in this fic. I do have another fic. You can click on it at the Author's Note. :D I hope to see you there too. GBU my dear. ^_^<br />
@bubbleBanana: Hehehe.. His ever sweetness neh. That is how he is here. :D
bubbleBanana #7
owww.. I'll miss Onew's sweetness! :D
kezia_onsooni #8
So the story is already finished?? Omo....omo....<br />
I just can't predict that, kekeke....<br />
Anyway, I love this chppy, cuz everyone is happy, keke.....<br />
Thx for making this story...<br />
Waiting for another fic....<br />
Gbu :)
Iheartlife #9
update soon :D
onewjjang #10
@Iheartlife: Thank you for reading and commenting.. :D<br />
@bubbleBanana: Ehehe, I think you already know after you read this chapter neh. :D