I Won't Let Go...

I Won't Let Go...

A few weeks passed

Seungyeon’s POV

I slowly wipe the glass with a clean white tea towel which is in my hands. I can’t really concentrate in wiping the glass. All I could think about the passed few weeks is Jinki oppa. I feel it’s high time that I should forget about him. I mean, it’s already been weeks since the drowning incident happened. I thought I can forget about him and this weird feeling and just move on with my life. But no, I always think about him. His eye smile, his dark hair, his smooth face skin, his smiling lips. Ah. Don’t even go there Seungyeon. I shook my head hard.

I always loose my concentration in class because of him. I can’t concentrate on my new job because of him. I can’t even do my assignment well because of him. It’s all because of him. And to top it all of, I can’t get a good enough sleep and that makes me like a walking zombie around the campus.


Sigh. Who is calling who now? Such a bother.

“Miss.” Again that annoying voice called.

Someone jabbed me on the side that made me almost drop the glass that I have been wiping for I don’t know how long.

“Tsk. Who jabbed me?” I said with an annoyed face. Awared of my surrounding again.

“Seungyeonie. A customer has been calling you for a couple of times already.” NaNa who was the one that jabbed me with her elbow whispered to my ear.

“Eh? Sorry. I didn’t hear him.” I quickly put down the glass and the tea towel. I took my pen and memo pad to the customer that has been calling me for a few times already.

“How can you hear when your mind is a thousand miles away?.” I heard NaNa muttered while shaking her head behind the counter where I stood before.

Sigh. Okay this is what happened when you have a lot on your mind.

“Sorry sir. I didn’t hear you just now.” I bowed and apologized.

“Pay more attention later miss. How can you do business with this kind of attitude?” He said while giving me advice. At least he didn’t shout at me. “Please get me a pancake and a watermelon juice please.”

“Neh. I’ll be right back. Sorry again sir.” I bowed once more and retreated to the back of the counter to prepare the order.

And right on cue, NaNa is right beside me again. I have a feeling that she’ll nag me some more for neglecting my work. And true enough, it started.

“Seungyeonie. I love you and all that, but you have to pay more attention on your work girl. You can’t be like this forever.” NaNa said with some exasperation in her voice.

“I know NaNa. I’ll try harder okay.” While preparing the pancake for the customer.

“You know that this job is important for you to pay for your studies in SNU. I can’t help you anymore if you loose this job. Think more about your mother and your namdongsaeng, Yoogeun please. You don’t want to disappoint them right.” 

That made me stop at what I’ve been doing. I turned to her, “I know NaNa. But I can’t help my own thoughts.” I said while making a sad face.

“It’s about that Jinki guy again right.” She said.

I can’t read her from her tone of voice. Her face doesn’t reveal anything if she was okay with it or not. However it is, NaNa’s opinion mattered to me. She is the sister that I never had.

I hesitated before I answered her truthfully. “Neh. Are you mad?” I asked.

She was silent for a while, the she said, “You do your job first and we’ll talk more about it when we get back to our dorm.” And with that she turned and went to the cash register counter to attend to some customer.

“I hope she’s not mad at me.” I whispered while I continued with my customer’s order. I guessed I will only know about it when we get back to our dorm room. Sigh.

At Seungyeon and NaNa’s room

NaNa’s POV

After we had our dinner, we laid down on my bed. Seungyeon on the left side of my single bed and I’m on the right side. We just stared at the ceiling silently before Seungyeon broke the silence by asking me, “NaNa, are you mad at me for what I’ve said at the cafe before?”

She turned her head to face me. I kept silent for a while to think. Actually I’m not mad at her. I just wondered how can my Seungyeonie finally have feelings for a guy? I mean, not that she is not interested with guys, but as I said before, she is not that easy to fall for any guy at all. I can still remember their interaction at the hospital. Onew kept on holding her hand and Seungyeonie never removed her hand. She even looked disappointed when Onew have to go. She must have really fall for Onew big time for her to be distracted for these past few weeks.

“Hmm. It’s not that I’m mad Seungyeonie. I’m just wondering at your situation.” I said.

“What’s there to wonder about NaNa? I just got distracted all this while because I kept thinking about Jinki oppa. It’s not that I voluntarily want to think about him you know. It just happened that way. Maybe because I’m grateful to him that he saved me.” 

“I don’t think so Seungyeonie.” I said with a serious face while turning to face her.

“You don’t think what NaNa? You begin to confuse me with your words.” She said while her eyebrows drew close together to show that she’s been thinking hard.

I smiled while pointing my finger in the middle of her frown. “Relax. What I’m trying to say is, there’s a perfect explanation on your behaviour all this while.” I explained.

“There is?” she said with a surprised face.

“Yeah. You fall for Onew-shi aren’t you.” I said while my grin widened.

She stared at me for a moment. Then she sat up quickly from lying down and turned her head towards me. “Yah NaNa. Where did that come from?”

“Figured that you will act like this. Okay then, let me list down all your weird behaviour since you left the hospital weeks ago. You keep on daydreaming and loose focus easily no matter what you were doing at the moment. Don’t tell me that you didn’t even did that cause you just confessed that you were distracted all this while because of him. Then, you keep on looking at the paper that has his number that he gave you all the while. Honestly speaking, it’s quite irritating at times. Why don’t you just call him or text him or something to get it over with?” I said while sitting up to face her.

“No way. How can I do that? Maybe he doesn’t want to be disturbed by me. And besides, I’m not even sure that if this feelings of mine is love.” She said.

“How would you know? Didn’t you said that he ever asked you to go out with him sometime? And some more, you need to get to know him more to make sure of your confused feelings.” I challenged her again.

“Aish. Sometimes I regret spilling all my secrets to you.” She said while pulling her face.

I laughed. “You wouldn’t be able to even if you want. Now listen to me and just give him a call and ask him to meet you somewhere just to hang out.” I urged her.

“But.. NaNa~~ It’ll be awkward. It’s been 2 weeks since that day. He must be surprised that I suddenly give him a call after all this while.” She moaned.

“That’s your problem. Who told you to not even let him know that you’re doing okay? He must be worried seeing how he took care of you the whole night.” I tried to put in the feeling of guilt in her. I’m such a bad friend. But this is for her own good anyway. I’m sure Onew-shi is a good person.

She looked worried after I said that. “Ah! You’re right NaNa. Aww, how stupid can I be? I didn’t even let him know that I’m okay. And he already saved my life and took care of me. NaNa, *eottokae?” 

“That’s why I said, listen to me this time, and I’m sure you wouldn’t go wrong on this.” I assured her.

“But, how would you know?” 

“Cause I know that I don’t want my best friend to suffer and I’m going to make sure that this will work out.” I said with conviction.

“NaNa~~” she said.

“No need to say another word. Now, let’s start.” I grabbed her mobile phone on the table between or single bed and took Onew’s number (Seriously, she’s been carrying the paper with her phone but didn’t even save the number.) and begin to dial his number.

“Yah, NaNa, what do you think you’re doing?” She quickly shoot up from the bed.

“Calling Onew of course.” I said calmly.

“MWO?! Andwae NaNa. I’m not ready yet.” She whined while trying to grab her phone from me. I just kept on turning away from her and listened to the calling tone of Onew.

As soon as I heard the call being picked up on the other end, I the phone to Seungyeon’s ear.

3rd person POV

Seungyeon held the phone to her ear after NaNa suddenly the phone to her.

“Hello?” The voice at the other end of the call said.

“He.. Hello.” Seungyeon replied nervously. NaNa just stared at Seungyeon and gestured her hands to indicate her to keep on talking.

“Hello. Who is this?” The voice said again.

“Hi. Jinki oppa.” Seungyeon managed to get it out of her.

A pause. “Seungyeon? Is this Han Seungyeon?” Onew said, sitting up straight from his bed.

“Neh. Sorry to call you this late at night.” Seungyeon said while slowly lowered herself on the edge of NaNa’s bed. NaNa just followed suit while keeping up with Seungyeon’s conversation.

“Aniyo. It’s okay Seungyeon. I’m not even asleep yet.” Onew said while Key only smirked at his hyung while getting ready to sleep on his upper bunk bed that he shared with Taemin who is already asleep on the lower bunk. It’s actually quite late at night. It’s 15 minutes to 12 midnight. “What a bad liar Onew hyung is.” He thought while concentrating on their conversation. This is a chance that he wouldn’t let go. This is about his aim to get to be called *samchoon by Onew hyung's future children.

A long pause. “Do you have anything that you want to say Seungyeon?” Onew broke the silence.

“Ah. Neh.” Seungyeon said while NaNa kept on gesturing with her hand to tell her to let Onew know that she’s find and ask him to go out. “I just want to let you know that thanks to your care, I’m very healthy now.” Seungyeon said in a rather high pitched voice.

“Oh. That’s good then. I’ve been worried all this while. I want to call you but I forgot to get your number.” Onew said while smiling by himself. He remembered his discussion with Minho that night weeks ago and gathered his courage, “Seungyeon?”

“Neh, oppa?” Seungyeon said.

“Do you still remember the question that I’ve asked you at the hospital?”

“Umm, about you asking me out as a friend sometime?” Seungyeon asked.

“Yeah. About that. So, would you like to go out with me maybe this coming Saturday? We could just hang out in a cafe or something.” Onew said with a rush.

“Neh, oppa. I would like to. Then, can I bring along a friend?” Seungyeon said. NaNa just slapped her palm to her forehead with her friend’s request. NaNa brought up both her hands, palms faced up near her shoulder while mouthing “What are you doing?” to Seungyeon. Seungyeon just ignored her while waiting for Onew’s answered.

“Oh, sure. I’ll bring a friend too. I’m sure we’ll have a fun time together.” Onew said while smiling. He didn’t expect Seungyeon to invite another friend, but it’s okay as long as he can get to out with Seungyeon. Key just widened his eyes when he heard Onew will bring a friend. Is he dumb?

“Okay then. So, where will we meet?” Seungyeon asked.

“Hmm, how about the cafe near the SNU library? It’s near the field, and maybe we can take a walk there afterwards.” Onew decided.

“Sure. Then I’ll meet you there with my friend around 11am, is that okay?”

“Yes. That would be great. See you then. *Dwae-ji-kkum kku-se-yo.” Onew said while smiling.

“Good night and sweet dreams to you too Jinki oppa.” Seungyeon said with a wide smile on her face.


To be continued...

*eottokae = What to do
*samchoon = Uncle
*Dwae-ji-kkum kku-se-yo = Good night and sweet dreams

Finally!!! They’ll be going out together.  Though it’s not only the two of them but a foursome. Hehe.. Not so fast with being together. Keke. I think most of you know who Seungyeon will bring right. And I think you know who Onew will bring.  That’s all for this chapter. Until the next chapter. Happy reading. Comments are appreciated and subscribers are love. :D

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lee_onew13 #1
i like the ending..funny...
Awh! It's finally over. I really love it unnie. :D
bubbleBanana #3
job well done unnie :) I will miss them! hehe
This is an amazing story. U r a good writer
the end ?? im gonna miss this story .. its really beautiful and amazing . u r an awesome writer !! thankfully, the story end with with happy endings.. except for minho.. hope that he will find his true love soon ^^
onewjjang #6
@Iheartlife: Hope you have a good reading all this while. :)<br />
@khey_onsooni: Neh this story really is finish. Thank you for loving the last chapter. I hope that this epilogue you would enjoy too. Aww, thank you for reading this and comment in this fic. I do have another fic. You can click on it at the Author's Note. :D I hope to see you there too. GBU my dear. ^_^<br />
@bubbleBanana: Hehehe.. His ever sweetness neh. That is how he is here. :D
bubbleBanana #7
owww.. I'll miss Onew's sweetness! :D
kezia_onsooni #8
So the story is already finished?? Omo....omo....<br />
I just can't predict that, kekeke....<br />
Anyway, I love this chppy, cuz everyone is happy, keke.....<br />
Thx for making this story...<br />
Waiting for another fic....<br />
Gbu :)
Iheartlife #9
update soon :D
onewjjang #10
@Iheartlife: Thank you for reading and commenting.. :D<br />
@bubbleBanana: Ehehe, I think you already know after you read this chapter neh. :D