I Won't Let Go...

I Won't Let Go...


Seungyeon’s POV

“Do you want to go out with me sometime? I mean, only if you want.” Jinki Oppa asked me. I was surprised. I’ve never been asked out before. Seriously. I’m not kidding. “As friends I mean.” He continued while hanging his head. Ah, just as a friend. I somehow felt disappointed. Aish, why do I feel disappointed anyway? 

I just smiled at him. “Sure Jinki oppa. I would love to. We can go out and hang out sometime as friends.”

I can see him breathe out a sigh of relief. Is it so hard for him to ask me out just as a friend? Never mind that. At least I have the chance to hang out with him again.

“Thanks for accepting Seungyeon.” Jinki oppa smiled at me.

“No problem oppa.” I smiled. “That’s the least I can do for what you have done for me.” I squeezed his hands that still holding on to mine. “Thanks again.”

Jinki oppa smiled at me. At the time, I felt happy just to see him smile at me.

Key’s POV

Aish. Where is that NaNa girl? She sounds so panicky when I told her the news about Seungyeon. I thought she’ll be dashing here. Well, to give her credit, it hasn’t even been 10 minutes since the call. I just don’t like to wait. 


“Hello. This is NaNa.”

“Hi NaNa. This is Key. You don’t know me, but I have news for you regarding your friend Seungyeon...”

“What about Seungyeon. How dare you do anything to her. What do you want? We’re only college students and we don’t have any money to give you. You better not do anything to her or else.. Or else I’ll kick your .” The person whose name was NaNa said on the phone. What the heck?! What is she talking about? I haven’t even finished talking yet and she just jumped to conclusion. What a feisty girl.

“Yah, I haven’t finished talking yet and you jumped to conclusion already. I was just about to say...” and I didn’t get to finished my sentence. Again.

“I swear, if you do anything to Seungyeon, you’ll pay it big time Mister.” She said with vehement.

“Yah!!!” I yelled through the phone. And without missing a second, “Listen first before you accuse innocent people okay. Seungyeon is in the hospital now...”

“What?! You monster. She’s in the hospital? What have you done? You better tell me which hospital she is in now. Palli.”

I was shocked to silence for a while. My. You won’t want to mess with this woman. Such temper.

“Yah!! Do you here me Mister *height or short or whatever is it that you said just now. Do you even hear me? I said...”

“For your information, my name is Key okay. As in key to unlock things. And yeah, I heard what you said clearly okay. Your shouting voice can be heard for several blocks anyway.” I cut in before she can finished her sentence.

“What?! I didn’t...”

“Just come to Seoul Hospital Room 1412 Level 8.” And I ended the call just like that. Hah. Take that you stupid woman. I have to go through such painful phone call just to let her know where her friend is. Aish. What’s with me with ending call like this anyway. First Jonghyun hyung and now this so called NaNa person. Well, as long as I was the one who ended the call anyway. Who can beat me the Almighty Key. Hahaha.

End of flashback

Suddenly I heard a set of heels running towards my direction. A woman who’s appearance can rival any artist in the Korean entertainment industry. She wore a white blouse with red wide belt on her waist and a black skirt with a black leather jacket and 4inch black peep toes high heels. Did she just run here with those killing stilettos? Wow. Hmm, she has a good sense of fashion. Maybe I can talk to her later to talk about her clothes. Well, being a fashionista myself, I won’t let those who have a fashion sense go away before I can interrogate them. 

She walked toward me and asked, “Do you know where is Room 1412?”

Crap. So this is NaNa. Urgh. I was just admiring her just now.

“You’re NaNa right. Follow me.” I said coolly. Let her know who’s in charge here. You don’t cross Almighty Key. Hmph.

NaNa’s POV

I quickly ran to Seoul Hospital after receiving that annoying call. Wait till I see that impolite guy. I show him what happens when someone cross me. Huh. Thankfully I’m in a cafe near Seoul Hospital. “Seungyeonie, please be alright. I’m on my way to you now. I won’t let that annoying guy harm you.” I whispered under my breath.

As I entered the hospital, I quickly took the elevator to the 8th floor as that Key guy told me. I started to run, searching for the right room when I saw an attractive blonde guy standing at the corner as if waiting for someone. Wow, there are actually guys who look that attractive in the hospital. Why can’t I see one in college anyway? He looked cool in that outfit of his. I walked toward him to ask for Seungyeonie’s room.

“Do you know where is Room 1412?”

He looked at me coolly. “You’re NaNa right. Follow me.” He turned around leading the way. I was surprised by his attitude. Ookay, why did he acted so cold just now? I barely know him. And how did he know my name? Omo, is he some gangster or what. Maybe I shouldn’t follow him right. My mind's imaginations begin to run wild. This is the result of watching too many dramas. Sigh.

“What are you still standing there for? You’re going to Seungyeon’s room right.” 

Ah, he even knows Seungyeon’s name. Omo. Well, since he knows where’s the room, might as well just follow him. He wouldn’t harm me in public places anyway right. I begin to imagine all sorts of karate moves that I saw on TV. “Ne.. Neh.”

“So, come on and make a move.” Now he sounds irritated.

I just followed him and thankfully we arrived at a door which has the plate number 1412. Sigh. I’m here at last. He opened the door and slipped in followed by me. 

What I saw in front of me was Seungyeon on the hospital bed while some guy is holding her right hand. Omo. Where did this guy come from? I can’t see his face since his back was facing me. I know for sure that Seungyeon is not the type of girl who let anybody hold her. Especially guys. Who are these two guys? At that moment, Seungyeon turned to face me. She must have seen my confused face.

“NaNa. I’m so glad that you’re here. Come here.” She extended her left hand to me. I walked and reached for her hand.

“Gwaenchana Seungyeonie?” while lifting my right hand to checked on her body temperature. “Are you hurt anywhere? What happened anyway? I was so shocked and panicked when I got a call from some Key person who was, I must say very annoying. I thought he did something to you.” I babbled.

Seungyeon looked confused at my explanation. Then I heard a smirked from the blonde guy who was standing at the other guy’s back. What’s with him anyway?

“Yah. The annoying guy that you mentioned is me okay. And I am surely not annoying. It’s your fault that you can’t even wait for my whole explanation. You really have a loud voice.”

“What! It’s you. Mr. Height? How would I know what you’re trying to say anyway? I’m not a mind reader.” I snapped back.

“That is why I said, in the future let the other person complete their sentences first. You’re really good at cutting people’s sentences don’t you?”

“Yah!!” I shrieked and would have continued if it’s not because of Seungyeonie.

“Calm down NaNa.” Seungyeonie said. “Sorry Key-shi. NaNa is usually like that. She’s just very excited.” What? I can’t believe Seungyeonie apologized to that kid for me. I’m not in the wrong here. Uh, I think.

“NaNa just have this protectiveness over me. She’s been like that since we’re small. Sorry.” She said while bowing her head.

“A.. Ah.. It’s okay Seungyeon-shi. Don’t move too much. It’ll cause your head hurt more. I’m okay. Don’t worry.” The blonde guy stuttered. I still refused to say his name. Hmph.

“Seungyeonie. Your head hurts? Sorry Seunyeonie, it’s okay. I won’t bicker with him anymore. You should rest. But you must tell me what happened? I was worried so much last night when you didn’t pick up your phone. Your mom called me to ask where you were too cause she can’t get through you, and I lied to her that you went to bed early cause you’re tired.” 

“Sorry NaNa. I didn’t mean it to happened this way.” She begins to tell me what had happened yesterday. She was fired by her recent part time job in a cafe because of some stupid incident where this one erted customer tried to grabbed her and she threw the drinks in her hand onto the man’s head. Served him right. Trying to grab people’s on bright daylight. Stupid man. Then she went to the beach to cool off her anger. She didn’t realize she swam too far. Her leg cramped in the middle of the sea. Thankfully she was saved in the nicked of time. And the guy that saved her was Onew, which was the guy that held Seungyeonie's hand when I came in, which he still holding on by the way. I wonder what is going on in between them at the moment.

“Ah. I see. Thank you Onew-shi for saving my friend. Thank you.” I said with all my heart. I can’t even bear to imagine if I lost Seungyeonie. She’s my bestest friend, my childhood friend and the person that I confide all my secrets to.

“Don’t mention it NaNa-shi. It’s my responsibility to help Seungyeon.” He smiled. He really have a soothing smile. I like this guy. I wouldn’t mind if they ended up together. I have a feeling he can take very good care of my Seungyeonie. It’s not easy for me to hand over my friend okay.

The door of the room opened. A doctor in his white lab coat and stethoscope with a nurse behind him came in. “How are you Seungyeon? Feels better after the night’s rest?” While checking Seungyeon’s heartbeat with the stethoscope.

“Yes doctor. Thank you. Just a mild headache.”

“Ah. That will soon fade away. Young man, you’ve took care of her well.” Then the doctor turned to me. “Are you her sister?”

“No doctor. I’m her best friend. Her family is not here. They’re in Daegu.”

“I see. Okay. I have great news for you Seungyeon. You can go home in the evening. You seem healthy enough and I’m sure this group of friend of yours will take care of you.” He said while smiling.

“Yes doctor. I’ll take care of her. Thank you.” I said while standing and bowing to the doctor which the blonde guy and Onew-shi did too. I realized Onew-shi released Seungyeon’s hand to shake the doctor’s hands. I looked at Seungyeon and surprised to see her disappointed face just as Onew-shi let go of her hand. Omo. Someone falls in love. Knowing Seungyeonie, she must've not know about her own feelings yet. Sigh. That is why I can’t stop worrying about her.

After spending a few hours with Seungyeonie, the blonde guy finally asked Onew-shi that they should go back.

“Hyung, let’s go now. I’m getting worried with the boys all alone at home. I don’t trust Jonghyun hyung to take care of the house. He might just go out and play. That guy really needs my lecture again.” He sounded like an umma just now. How cute. Wait. What did I thought just now? Cute? Bleh. Not with him. Urgh.

“Neh. We should go. Seungyeon, this is my number.” He scribbled his phone number in a piece of paper and gave it to her. “Just call me whenever you want.” He smiled and started to turn and leave. At the last minute he turned back to suddenly hug Seungyeon briefly. Then he said his goodbye to us and leave. 

Seungyeonie was still in shocked over the action while blushing madly. Hah. Now, there’s no need to buy blusher right.


To be continued...

The pronunciation Key in Korean is the same as height. So NaNa misunderstand Keys’ name to *height. Hehe.
So the episode with Key is NaNa. Quite a short chapter, but I'll make it up to you guys for the next chapter that's going to come and I'll post it up very soon.  I hope you enjoy reading this chapter.  I will appreciate it if you can leave a comment too >_< Subscribers are love. :D 

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lee_onew13 #1
i like the ending..funny...
Awh! It's finally over. I really love it unnie. :D
bubbleBanana #3
job well done unnie :) I will miss them! hehe
This is an amazing story. U r a good writer
the end ?? im gonna miss this story .. its really beautiful and amazing . u r an awesome writer !! thankfully, the story end with with happy endings.. except for minho.. hope that he will find his true love soon ^^
onewjjang #6
@Iheartlife: Hope you have a good reading all this while. :)<br />
@khey_onsooni: Neh this story really is finish. Thank you for loving the last chapter. I hope that this epilogue you would enjoy too. Aww, thank you for reading this and comment in this fic. I do have another fic. You can click on it at the Author's Note. :D I hope to see you there too. GBU my dear. ^_^<br />
@bubbleBanana: Hehehe.. His ever sweetness neh. That is how he is here. :D
bubbleBanana #7
owww.. I'll miss Onew's sweetness! :D
kezia_onsooni #8
So the story is already finished?? Omo....omo....<br />
I just can't predict that, kekeke....<br />
Anyway, I love this chppy, cuz everyone is happy, keke.....<br />
Thx for making this story...<br />
Waiting for another fic....<br />
Gbu :)
Iheartlife #9
update soon :D
onewjjang #10
@Iheartlife: Thank you for reading and commenting.. :D<br />
@bubbleBanana: Ehehe, I think you already know after you read this chapter neh. :D