I Won't Let Go...

I Won't Let Go...

Chapter 27

Onew’s POV

I parked my car at the curb near the Lily’s Cafe which Seungyeon and NaNa’s part time work place. I got out of my car and locked back the car. It’s a nice Saturday night. The temperature was warm enough that made you want to linger a little longer outside. 

I looked at the cafe which was already half close. I guess they’re still cleaning the place up. Might as well go in and help them. Maybe Junho is in today. I smiled to myself with the thought in my head. I walked to the back of the cafe to get in as usual. As I entered the kitchen I saw the kitchen staff was cleaning up the place. I walked pass them to the front of the cafe where I know Seungyeon and the rest will be. 

I came out of the kitchen and saw Seungyeon was busy sweeping up the floor while NaNa was counting the cash in the register cash. Junho and Mia were no where to be seen. But there was a tall guy busy with cleaning the tables and putting up the chairs. There must be a new employee in the cafe.

I went to greet NaNa since she was the closest to me. I hugged her sideways. She looked a little surprise that I came in without a noise. I put my forefinger on my lips to indicate for her to keep her silence and pointed out to Seungyeon. She followed the direction of my finger and smiled while nodding her head in understanding. I was going to surprise Seungyeon.

Since Seungyeon’s back was facing me, I tiptoed myself to her. Then without waiting for her to realize that someone was behind her, I grabbed her waist from behind and lifted her off her feet. She was so surprised that she dropped her broomstick and yelled in surprised.

“Ah~~~” Seungyeon yelled with a panic face.

I laughed at her yelling and put her back down on the floor. She quickly turned around to face me who was still laughing. NaNa was laughing at the cash register too. Seungyeon turned her head to NaNa and gave her a glare.

“NaNa, you knew Jinki oppa was behind me and you just kept silent right.” She said.

NaNa just shrugged her shoulder and went back to counting the cash with a grin still on her face. Shaking her head to the left and to the right.

Seungyeon turned back to me and slapped my arm. “Oppa, that was really embarrassing. Nickhun-shi will think that I’m such a coward.” She said.

Who is Nickhun? 

“Ani Seungyeon-shi, your surprised face was very cute.” The tall guy said with a chuckle.

Ah, so the tall guy is Nickhun. I narrowed my eyes on him. He seems to be quite close to Seungyeon for someone new in the cafe.

“Who is he Seugyeon?” I asked Seungyeon. Even though I’ve already guessed it myself, I still want her to inform me about it.

“Jinki oppa, this is Nickhun-shi. He is the new employee here to help us all out since Junho and Junsu couldn’t make it more than 3 days a week. So he’s going to be working full time as Mia. Though Mia was absent today because she fell sick.” Seungyeon explain to me. So that’s why I hardly saw the other guys here and Mia was not here today too.

“Ah, I see.” I nodded my head, looking at Nickhun.

“Nickun-shi, this here is my boyfriend Jinki oppa.” She introduced me to Nickhun while hooking her arms into my left arm. I smiled at her. I loved it when she introduced me as her boyfriend to anybody. It never gets old. Then I turned my attention to Nickhun while extending my right hand to shake hand with him.

He looked at me with a smiling face while shaking my offered hand. But I can’t shook off the feeling that it was not a sincere smile. He let go of my hand and turned to Seungyeon.

“Ah, Seungyeon-shi already has a boyfriend. What a pity, I guess I have to give up my intention to ask you out then.” Nickhun said with a joking tone. I hope it was a joking tone. What’s with this guy and talking about getting Seungyeon in front of me? I’m her boyfriend. I began to have an uneasy feeling with this Nickhun person. My stance became wary and I unconsciously replaced my arms on her waist and pulled her closer to me.

“What are you talking about Nickun-shi?” Seungyeon said with a joking voice. “Anyway, we have to clean this all up. Come on. Oppa, do you want to help us?” Seungyeon said to me with a smile.

I smiled back at her. “Of course. I’ll mop the floor then.” I said and walked to the cleaning equipment closet to get the mop.

After the cafe was cleaned, I took Seungyeon and NaNa back to their dorm. NaNa went inside their room first while Seungyeon and I still standing outside their room.

Seungyeon looked up at me. “Komawo oppa. You should go back now and have a good rest neh. Get ready for your interview tomorrow. Don’t forget your files and demo okay. And one more thing, ask Key to iron your shirt, you may burn it when you get nervous.” She said lengthily.

“I do not burn my shirt.” I said indignantly.

“You do. It was just the other day that you did it oppa. Don’t deny it. It was for the interview for Y Company. You ended up coming late for the interview.” She said firmly with her hands on her hips. That really looked like what Key would do to me. And yes, I did burn my shirt now that I think about it.

I scratched my head. “Umm, yeah. I remember now.” I said sheepishly.

“So, don’t screw this up tomorrow kay. I really hope oppa can get it.” Seungyeon said softly. “So, all the best oppa.” She said and quickly tip toed to give me a short gentle kiss on the lips before she turned around to go into her room. 

I was still a bit shocked by her action that I didn’t get to say goodnight to her. But after a few seconds, the door to her room opened. Seungyeon stuck her head out. “Goodnight oppa. Now go home and rest. Palli.” She said with a bright smile.

“Neh. Goodnight Seungyeon.” I said and blocked the door from being closed to plant a quick kiss on her forehead. “Dream of me.” I said cheekily and turned to head off to my car with a smile on my face.

Taemin’s POV

I was panting really hard from the gruelling dance practice. My team and I were practicing really hard for the upcoming dance competition held by SNU at the end of year festival that they held. It was the biggest festival in SNU whereby the entire faculty will have their own competition and exhibition. Although it’s still months away, we felt that with constant practice, we would win the competition.

I sat down near the wall mirror in the dance studio. I grabbed my white towel to wipe off the sweat on my face and neck.

“Wah, Taemin ah. That was one heck of a move you made there. I hope it’s your solo part and not all of us are going to do it.” Said Junhyung which was one of our team members. 

There were five of us in the team. The rest were Mir, Hyunseung and Amber. Amber was the only female in our group. Don’t ask me why she doesn’t want to be paired up in another all girls team but the fact that she wanted to be in our team and ready to work hard was enough for us. Anyway, she looked more like a guy with her short blonde hair. She could be cute at times but she never acted girly at all. It’s cool for us though, because we feel very comfortable around her. She picked up all the moves very fast too.

I put the towel around my shoulder, flipped my red bangs aside and looked at Junhyung who sat beside me. “Well, I was thinking that it will be a duo move. Amber, can you catch the moves that I made just now?” I called out to Amber who was lying in the middle of the dance floor.

She turned her head towards us. “Yeah. It was still stuck in my mind.”

“Good. Then Amber and I will do the moves.” I announced. The rest of them took a breath of relief. “What? Is the moves so hard that none of you want to do it?” I asked them innocently. Truthfully, the moves that I made were difficult. I myself have a hard time to perfect it. I’m surprise that Amber can catch it. She really caught up every choreo so fast.

“Are you saying that is not hard Taemin?” Mir asked with wide eyes.

“Yeah, I was wondering if Amber really caught the move as she claimed.” Hyunseung said.

“I do.” Amber said indignantly. She stood up. Played the music and dance the moves that I made just now. She did it almost perfectly. For someone who just saw it in a short time, it was really good.

I nodded my head. “Good. That’s good Amber. Keep practicing it. I have a feeling we will win the competition.” I said confidently.

“Don’t worry Taemin. We will.” Junhyung said and patted my back.

I looked at the clock on the studio wall. It was already past 9pm. Wuah. We practiced for 4 hours straight? No wonder I am hungry.

“Ah. It’s past 9. We’ll stop here then. We’ll continue our practice the day after tomorrow. Have a rest tomorrow.” I said while gathering up my stuffs.

“Sure thing Taem.” They said in unison. At the corner of my eyes, I watched Amber gathered her stuffs then went out the door without saying goodbye to us. It was always that way with Amber. She would always went out without saying anything. I shrugged and slung my backpack over my shoulders.

“I’m going guys. See you.” I rose up my hands to the rest of the guys before going out of the room. I looked to the left and right. No traces of Amber. I thought I want to catch up on her to ask her about the moves. Well, I can always ask her on our next practice. I turned right to go out of the dance faculty building.

The lamp posts on the street shone their mediocre light to the dark pavement. I’m so hungry. Ah, Lily’s Cafe is just around the field. I took out my cell phone and saw that it was 9.30pm. They will close the cafe soon. I hope they still have something for me to eat.

I ran to the cafe direction. Within less than 5 minutes, I reached the cafe. They were starting to close the cafe to clean it up. Oh no. Wait for me. I came in through the back door and walked to the front cafe.

“Seungyeon noona, NaNa noona. Please feed me.” I called out and slumped down to the nearest chair near the cash register.

Both of them turned to look at me with a tall brown haired guy that I never seen before. Must be a new employee. I noticed that Seungyeon noona looked tired than usual. 

“Oh, Taemin ah. What brings you here this late at night?” Seungyeon asked and pasted a smile on her tired face.

“Practice.” I answered her. She was about to go to the kitchen to bring something for me, then I said, “Seungyeon noona, you look tired.” I stood up and went to her side. The tall brown haired guy was standing not too far from us.

“Yah Seungyeonie. That’s why I told you to take a rest in the evening.” NaNa noona said.

“But today there were so many customers.” Seungyeon noona defended herself.

“Still Seungyeonie. Go and have a rest on one of the seats. I’ll bring Taemin to take some snack in the kitchen. Come on Taeminie.” NaNa noona called out to me.

“Seungyeon noona, go on and rest for a while.” I said concernedly and brought her to one of the seat near the wall. Seungyeon noona took a seat and lay back on the couch seat.

“Komawo Taeminie.” Seungyeon noona whispered and was asleep in no time. She was really tired then for her to be asleep as soon as her head hit the couch. 

I turned back to follow NaNa noona to the back in the kitchen. I glanced at the guy which continued to wipe the table. When NaNa noona and I were in the kitchen, Onew hyung came in from the back door. Ah, he came to fetch Seungyeon noona. 

I was still munching the last bite of the sausage bun that NaNa noona gave me, “Omnu hyung. Mou mmcaeme.” I said with a full mouth.

Onew hyung looked at me and shook his head. He patted my cheek and said, “Taemin ah, how many times do I have to tell you that no talking when your mouth is full of food?”

I held up my hand to ask him to wait when I struggled to down my food. NaNa noona saw my struggles and she gave me a glass full of water.

“Here, drink this.” She said.

I took the glass of water and gulped it down with the food in my mouth. “Ah. Thanks for the food noona.” I said with a smile to NaNa noona. I turned to Onew hyung, “Neh hyung. I’m just excited to see you. Then I can follow you back home.” 

Onew hyung ruffled the top of my hair. “Sure thing Taemin.” He said. Then he asked NaNa noona, “You guys already finished?”

“I guess so. Nickhun-shi should be finishing up in front.” NaNa said.

So the guy’s name is Nickhun. Hmm.

“Okay. So let’s get Seungyeon and go back home.” Onew said and walked to the front of the cafe. NaNa noona and I followed.

All of a sudden Onew hyung stopped in his track. We almost ran onto his back. What’s with hyung? I looked at him and saw a surprised expression on his face. I looked to the front and took a step back from the scene in front of us. I heard NaNa noona gasped beside me. Upon hearing NaNa noona’s gasped, that Nickhun guy quickly stepped back.

What we saw just now was that Nickhun guy and Seungyeon noona was kissing. Seungyeon noona was still on the seat that I took her to while Nickhun was leaning himself onto her, kissing her. How dare this guy was kissing my noona? And noona, why did she kiss him back? I’m sure that I saw her kissed him back. I was a bit confused but I figured there must be an explanation. Just as I was about to speak up, Onew hyung walked with a purposeful step towards Nickhun. Onew hyung’s face was expressionless. He stopped in front of Nickhun and suddenly took Nickhun by the collar and landed a forceful punched on his face. Even though Nickhun was a bit taller than Onew hyung, it didn’t stop Onew hyung from punching him. 

The punch made Nickhun stumbled a few steps back. He put his hand on his jaw. Flexing his jaw from the punch.

“What do you think you were doing?” Onew hyung said in a controlled deep voice.

This is not good. It is very rare to see Onew hyung angry. I looked at Onew hyung worriedly. NaNa was rooted at her place while Seungyeon noona slowly opened her eyes and taking in the situation at hand. Her face expression was confused. She looked between Onew hyung and Nickhun.

Nickhun chose that time to taunt Onew hyung. “It’s as you see what it is, of course. What else would it be?” Nickhun said slyly. “I must say, she’s so sweet.”

That made me mad too. I was about to teach that guy. But Onew hyung once again punched him on the nose which made Nickhun’s nose bled. Seungyeon noona who just saw the second punch quickly stood up and went to Nickhun’s side to help him up. He was punched quite hard that he stumbled to the floor.

“Are you okay Nickhun-shi?” She said while holding Nickhun by the arm to make sure he was stable on his feet. She turned to Onew hyung, “Oppa, what are you doing to Nickhun? What did he do wrong anyway?”

Oh no. Noona, what are you saying? Did you not realize what had happened just now? This is really not good. And sure enough, her statement only made Onew hyung angrier.

“Mworago?! Seungyeon! Are you defending him?” Onew hyung raised his voice. Seungyeon noona was surprised by Onew hyung’s voice. “Are you saying that what he did just now was right?” Onew hyung asked her.

Seungyeon noona was confused by Onew hyung’s question. I guess she really didn’t know what happened. That means she was actually still sleeping at that time. Again I tried to voice out my opinion but Seungyeon noona voice out hers before I can say anything.

“What did Nickhun did wrong anyway oppa? He didn’t do anything wrong at all.” She said.

Urgh. I palmed my face in frustration. I looked at NaNa noona for helped. She was gritting her teeth. She looked angry.

“NaNa noona?” I whispered.

“That pabo.” She said between her gritted teeth.

Onew hyung stared at Seungyeon noona. Then he nodded his head. “So that’s how it is huh. So be it.” He said tersely and turned around to walk out of the cafe.

No one moved after Onew hyung went out. Then all of a sudden NaNa noona moved from her spot and went to Seungyeon noona and Nickhun. She raised her hand and slapped Seungyeon noona on the face. I was so surprised by what NaNa noona did to Seungyeon noona. Seungyeon noona was shocked by the slap.

“You deserved it for being a pabo. Stay silent before you know what exactly had happened.” NaNa noona said angrily at Seungyeon noona.

Then she turned to Nickhun who was still standing beside Seungyeon noona with a sly smile. But the smile didn’t last long though when NaNa noona raised her hand again and slapped his face with all the strength that she has. Nickhun face was red with the mark of NaNa noona’s fingerprints.

“Neo. I don’t know what are you planning but I warned you not to cause trouble here. Or you will hear it from me.” She said with a frown. She turned back and grabbed her things while dialling a number on her cell phone. “Hello? Key, please come and fetch me now.” She said through the phone and hung up.

She stopped beside me. “I can’t deal with this now. I’m just full of anger. Please take care of Seungyeon. I don’t care what you want to do with Nickhun though.” She said. I just nodded my head and she walked away.

I looked at the two of them in front of me. Nickhun was surprised and was deep in thought. Seungyeon noona was still holding her cheek that had been slapped by NaNa noona. There were tears gathered at the corner of her eyes.

I sighed heavily. What a mess this is. I narrowed my eyes at Nickhun. And it was all because of him. I ignored him and went to Seungyeon noona who was now on the floor crying. She must be shocked at what had happened. It all happened so fast. I knelt down and comforted her.

“Shh, noona. Calm down. Come now. Let me send you back noona.” I pulled her up, turned to Nickhun. “Thanks to you for all of this.” I said sarcastically. “So, I trust that you can handle the shop now.” Then I turned away without waiting for his reply. I pulled Seungyeon noona and grabbed her stuff before going out of the shop.

3rd Person’s POV

She stepped out from her hiding place outside of Lily’s Cafe and walked into the now empty shop except for the tall brown haired guy. She had witnessed everything that happened inside the cafe. Truth be told, she didn’t feel all that happy from the outcome at all. There was this little sense of right and wrong called conscience in her that gnawed at her heart. It didn’t want to let her feel joy from the wreckage that happened from her plan. 

No. I should be happy that Onew went away angry at Seungyeon right. Why is it though all I feel was guilt? No. I have to harden my heart. I need to focus. I can’t let this guilt eat me.

The girl tried to push the guilt aside. So she composed her facial expression to a cool and indifferent expression. She walked up to the guy and stop in front of him. She crossed her arms in front of her chest and looked steadily at him.

“Well done Khunnie oppa. That was splendid. I’m sorry though that you have to endure the punches from Onew.” She said.

Nickhun just stared at her with a serious expression on his handsome face. “I don’t think I can do this. They don’t deserve this.” He said with guilt on his voice. He shook his head from left to right. “I don’t want to hurt Seungyeon.”

She raised one of her eyebrows. “Don’t tell me that you begin to feel something for that girl oppa. I didn’t expect this from you. You wouldn’t even give a damn to any of your dates before.” She taunted him.

He glared at her. “It doesn’t have to be I have a certain feelings for her or not. But to disrupt their relationship is a bit too much don’t you think.” He said to her. “What will you gain if they fall apart anyway? It’s not like you like the guy or anything. In fact, from what I can see, you are pretty smitten with that Jonghyun guy.” He accused.

The girl was momentarily taken aback from that accusation. It hit right on the mark. True, she was beginning to fall for Jonghyun. 

But I can’t let my feelings mess this up. I can’t.

“You know damn well why I wanted to do this oppa.” She said with her arms on her sides. Her hands clutched to a fist.

Nickhun just stared at her with sadness. “You should let it go. It wouldn’t bring anything back as the way it is. Let it rest.”

She stared angrily at him. “How could you say that? When you witnessed it with me yourself? How could you?!” She said bitterly.

“It’s the past. Just move on. Don’t let yourself stuck to the past.” He advised her.

“No. No I won’t. You don’t understand me at all. You don’t!!!” She yelled at him and ran away from the shop. Her tears ran down her cheeks.

Nickhun was once again left alone standing in the shop. Staring at her fast disappearing figure. He sighed heavily. Thinking of what he had done and what can he do to fix things up.


To be continued...

There, the appearance of our red head maknae Taeminie. I miss him. Really. He’s been in the background for a long time neh. I hope you enjoyed his appearance again. :D Yes, another crisis has arise. As I had said before, it’s not the happily ever after for the OnYeon couple yet. Did JjongxKeyxNaNa have lured you away from OnYeon? Keke. Don’t worry though. The reasons for all this will be uncovered soon. Hope you enjoyed this update, though it is quite a drama. See you all on the next update. Annyeong. And thank you thank you for your comment.

An announcement that I want to make. This fic is going to end soon. With only 3 chapters and an epilogue left. Just want to let you guys know about it. And if you are interested I have another fic in this site called Gangsta Boy . You can clicked on the title and it will redirect you to the site. Thank you for your attention. Kekeke. ^_^

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lee_onew13 #1
i like the ending..funny...
Awh! It's finally over. I really love it unnie. :D
bubbleBanana #3
job well done unnie :) I will miss them! hehe
This is an amazing story. U r a good writer
the end ?? im gonna miss this story .. its really beautiful and amazing . u r an awesome writer !! thankfully, the story end with with happy endings.. except for minho.. hope that he will find his true love soon ^^
onewjjang #6
@Iheartlife: Hope you have a good reading all this while. :)<br />
@khey_onsooni: Neh this story really is finish. Thank you for loving the last chapter. I hope that this epilogue you would enjoy too. Aww, thank you for reading this and comment in this fic. I do have another fic. You can click on it at the Author's Note. :D I hope to see you there too. GBU my dear. ^_^<br />
@bubbleBanana: Hehehe.. His ever sweetness neh. That is how he is here. :D
bubbleBanana #7
owww.. I'll miss Onew's sweetness! :D
kezia_onsooni #8
So the story is already finished?? Omo....omo....<br />
I just can't predict that, kekeke....<br />
Anyway, I love this chppy, cuz everyone is happy, keke.....<br />
Thx for making this story...<br />
Waiting for another fic....<br />
Gbu :)
Iheartlife #9
update soon :D
onewjjang #10
@Iheartlife: Thank you for reading and commenting.. :D<br />
@bubbleBanana: Ehehe, I think you already know after you read this chapter neh. :D