I Won't Let Go...

I Won't Let Go...


2 years passed by...

Everywhere around me is a flurry of movements. The makeup artist is busily applying makeup to my face. There are a few shouts here and there to make sure everything is in their place. NaNa is busily handling the dresses in a corner for Amber and Soo Min. She herself has already donned with her baby blue coloured dress. I smile at their antics through the mirror.

I look at myself in the mirror and sigh. A lot has happened in the past 2 years. After the incident at Soo Min’s mansion, everything has change. I can say that it change for the better. 

Jonghyun is now a famous composer and had happily married to Soo Min just a year ago. It was not a big event as some may have thought just because Soo Min is rich. Instead, it was a private wedding at Soo Min’s mansion’s backyard, which was decorated so beautifully. They only invited their close friends and families to celebrate their union in marriage. It really was a beautiful wedding. The two of them were so happy and still are until today. Soo Min is now pregnant with their first child. Jonghyun and I are quite worried about her because this is her 8th month of pregnancy which is close to her 9th month. Even the doctor had warned that the baby would come at any time. But Soo Min said adamantly that she would not miss this event at all. Once Soo Min made her decision, no matter how much Jonghyun pleaded, there is no way to change her mind. Hence, the busyness of Soo Min trying to fit in the blue dress of the bridesmaid at the corner with NaNa.

Key who has made his dream of becoming a fashion designer has his own boutique now. What’s more, he had proposed to NaNa and they’re going to get married in 6 months time. NaNa has been busy with planning her own wedding and helping me out with mine. Yeah, I am getting married. With who else but my Jinki oppa. I smile again just thinking that in a few hours time, I will be walking down the aisle. Anyway, back to the whereabouts of the boys.

Surprisingly Minho is now a very successful and well-known model in Seoul. Most people thought that he would become a coach in any school or college with his degree in Sports Science. But he surprised everyone by his first audition to become a model last year. About his love life, well, all I can say is that he was hurt by his first relationship with a girl 2 years back. Until now, he hasn’t found that special someone to share his love yet.

As for our beloved Taemin, he is currently in his final year in SNU. Believe it or not, he actually found someone along the years that he studied in SNU. After the year end festival in SNU 2 years ago, he has been dating Amber ever since. I still remember how I thought the two of them are so different but they are still going strong in their relationship. 

Onew is now a famous songwriter singer. He has fans that always send him gifts and letters all them time. At first it is quite an overwhelming experience for me to witness. But we manage to deal with it. We had just broadcast our plan to get married to the people through the media last month and thankfully, the fans did not pull any riot. 

As for me, I am currently a freelance writer. It’s always been my passion to write. For the women, NaNa is the editor of one of the popular magazine here in Seoul. Soo Min has actually succeeded her families’ business and trying to juggle everything in her life as best as she could. Amber is on her final year in SNU with Taemin too.

“Seungyeonie, come on, you need to get into your wedding dress now.” NaNa demanded while walking to me and pulled me to the dressing corner. “Come now, we have to hurry. I didn’t realize that it is almost time.” She said in a panic voice.

I giggled. “Yah NaNa, who is the one getting married? You or me? Relax okay.” I said with a smile.

“How can I be when everything is not done yet? I wish Key is here to help me out around here, but no, he is happily enjoying his time with Onew them all.” She complains.

Just as she said that, there’s a knock on the door and a familiar face poke in.

“Did I hear my name being called out?” Key said and walks into the room calmly.

“Yah, guys are not allowed in this room.” Soo Min said.

“But my baby needs me.” Key said innocently.

“Soo Min, please let him help me.” NaNa said while batting her eyelashes to Soo Min.

“Aish, you guys. Then faster make all things done.” She says and begins to turn to Amber to fix her dress and hair. People wouldn’t believe that the so called tomboy Amber is now in a dress and pixie styled hair. She is so adorable.

After another round of flurry movements, everything is settled and we are on our way to the cathedral.


At the cathedral

I stand in front of the double doors of the cathedral with NaNa as my maid of honour, Soo Min and Amber as my bridesmaids and Yoogeun as the ring bearer. NaNa’s aquamarine dress looks very beautiful and y on her. The dress hugs her every curves. Her long wavy hair is decorated with baby’s breath flower looks so beautiful. Soo Min looks dashing herself even with her big belly. The fact that she is pregnant add more radiance to her milky skin. Her flowy light blue dress sways every time she moves. I am very surprised by Amber’s appearance. Never in the whole time that I met her have I seen her so beautiful in a dress before. Her knee length A-line blue dress looks so pretty on her. I see that Soo Min managed to put a headband with little pearls on her head. I chuckle silently to think how Amber must have fought to not want to wear it. But she looks stunning with it and a black sandal heels on her feet. Truly, today is the transformation of the tomboy Amber to a beautiful woman. I wonder how Taemin would react when he saw Amber. NaNa’s father is the one that will walk me down the aisle since my father had passed away. He looks dashing himself with a tuxedo. The nervousness that was absent before in the preparation room now come with full force. I feel that my hands are clammy with sweat under the see through glove. My stomach is now full of butterflies and my feet feel like jellies. Oh my gosh. Why do I experience the anxiety attack now? Wae?

NaNa’s father looks at me and squeezes my hands that hooked on his arms. “Calm down Seungyeonie. Don’t be nervous. Once the door open, just focus on your beloved’s face and everything will fall into place.” He said to me calmly.

I smile gratefully at him and nodded my head. I did not trust my voice at the moment. I am in a jiggle of emotions. I am afraid I will tear up with every single sweet thing that is said to me.

Then the double doors are open. Yoogeun walk in first as the head of the procession. His back is ramrod straight while proudly bringing the two platinum rings in a white satin small pillow. NaNa come in after Yoogeun, follows by Soo Min then Amber. From here I can see how beautiful each of them with their suit and dresses. Yoogeun looks so adorable with his white crisp long shirt with a black vest. His black pants looks sleek with his new shiny black shoes that he picked by himself. He was so happy that he picked it himself instead of always taking whatever that umma gave him. NaNa’s dad slowly bring me down the aisle. Instead of the normal wedding march that we had our rehearsal with, it is Jinki oppa’s voice that I hear reverberates in the cathedral. I search for him in front of the altar but he is not there. Then I see him sitting in the baby piano near the side of the altar playing the piano while singing. It is such a surprised to see him sing.

This very moment, right here and now
Begins the journey of my dreams
On to forever, hand in hand
With the one who matters most to me
I have tomorrow to look forward to
For God has given me you

To have and to hold
To cherish and honour
To love and call my very own
To share all I am with
Body, heart and soul
You are mine and I am yours
To have and to hold

Partner, companion, lover, and friend
Keeper of all things I hold dear
I see you before me and my heart is filled with joy
For everything that has brought me here
And I have tomorrow to look forward to
For God has given me you

I have tomorrow to look forward to
For God has given me you

To have and to hold
To cherish and honour
To love and call my very own
To share all I am with
Body, heart and soul
You are mine and I am yours
All of my days, all my life
To have and to hold

I arrived at the front of the altar. Jinki oppa walks towards me to take my hands from NaNa’s father’s arm. We are smiling from ear to ear. The nervousness that I felt just now was nowhere near me. I am now full of gratefulness towards this moment. I want to treasure every moment of this day.

The wedding mass is going on without any hiccups. When the priest in front of us got to the part of exchanging vows and rings, my heart once again beats crazily. Jinki oppa takes one of the rings and slowly slip it in my ring finger. “Han Seungyeon, take this ring as a sign of my love and fidelity.” He gazes right through my eyes to my heart.

I did the same to him with the other ring. “Lee Jinki, take this ring as a sign of my love and fidelity.”
With that the priest moves forward to the vows.

“Lee Jinki, do you take Han Seungyeon, to be your wife? Do you promise to be true to her in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health, to love her and honour her all the days of your life?” asked the priest.
Jinki oppa look sincerely into my eyes and says, “Yes, I do.”, and smiles the sweet smile of his.

“Han Seungyeon, do you take Lee Jinki, to be your husband? Do you promise to be true to him in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health, to love him and honour him all the days of your life?” asked the priest to me.

I squeeze Jinki oppa’s hand which still holding mine and said with all my heart, “Yes, I do.”

The priest then said with a smile, “With this exchange of vows, I pronounce you as husband and wife.” He indicates with his hand to Jinki oppa, “Lee Jinki, you may kiss the bride.”

Jinki oppa then turn towards me and slowly lifts my veil. He takes his time gazing at my eyes and slowly lean forward to kiss my forehead with tenderness and love. But right then, the congregation is making a noise. We can hear Jonghyun’s high pitch voice amongst the crowd saying, “Do it properly hyung.”

Jinki just chuckle without turning to look at Jonghyun. Without warning, Jinki oppa take me by surprise and kiss me on the lips sweetly. His kiss is full of promises and love that I am overwhelmed with the emotions. As he lift up his face the crowd was clapping and rising from their seat to congratulate us.

I can still feel the heat on my face from Jinki oppa’s kiss when he takes me by the hand to walk out of the cathedral to have our photo session with our families and friends. There are much noise and shuffling of feet where the people make ways for us to walk before them to the door. While walking there are some people that congratulate us again. As all of us made our way outside the cathedral, I can see NaNa and Key waving to us on the little steps of stairs in fron of the cathedral.

“Jinki hyung, Seungyeon! Come here. We will take our picture here.” Key shouted merrily.

We then made our way to him and begin to arrange ourselves for our picture to be taken. NaNa and Key appointed themselves as the coordinator. Their voices can be heard among the chatting voices of the other people. Before the photographer could take the first picture with all our friends and families around us, Jinki oppa lowers his head and whisper to my ear, “Have I told you that you look stunning and I love you my dear wife?” 

I look at him saying cheekily, “Nope. How about you show your love to me later?”

Jinki oppa raised his eyebrow in surprised of my cheekiness, grins widely, and then turns towards the camera. After the first click, a commotion starts to happen when Soo Min who was near Jinki with Jonghyun, doubled up with her arms on her stomach.

“Yeobo, wae?” Jonghyun exclaim in panic.

Soo Min then turned to Jonghyun and said calmly, “I think my water broke.”

Then all hell breaks lose.


Hi to all readers. Here is the epilogue of this fic. I know it is long. An epilogue is supposedly short, but it also said an epilogue is sometimes detailing about the fate of the characters. So this is the details of the characters. The rest, I will leave it up to your imagination. Hehehe.

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lee_onew13 #1
i like the ending..funny...
Awh! It's finally over. I really love it unnie. :D
bubbleBanana #3
job well done unnie :) I will miss them! hehe
This is an amazing story. U r a good writer
the end ?? im gonna miss this story .. its really beautiful and amazing . u r an awesome writer !! thankfully, the story end with with happy endings.. except for minho.. hope that he will find his true love soon ^^
onewjjang #6
@Iheartlife: Hope you have a good reading all this while. :)<br />
@khey_onsooni: Neh this story really is finish. Thank you for loving the last chapter. I hope that this epilogue you would enjoy too. Aww, thank you for reading this and comment in this fic. I do have another fic. You can click on it at the Author's Note. :D I hope to see you there too. GBU my dear. ^_^<br />
@bubbleBanana: Hehehe.. His ever sweetness neh. That is how he is here. :D
bubbleBanana #7
owww.. I'll miss Onew's sweetness! :D
kezia_onsooni #8
So the story is already finished?? Omo....omo....<br />
I just can't predict that, kekeke....<br />
Anyway, I love this chppy, cuz everyone is happy, keke.....<br />
Thx for making this story...<br />
Waiting for another fic....<br />
Gbu :)
Iheartlife #9
update soon :D
onewjjang #10
@Iheartlife: Thank you for reading and commenting.. :D<br />
@bubbleBanana: Ehehe, I think you already know after you read this chapter neh. :D