I Won't Let Go...

I Won't Let Go...

At the apartment

Saturday morning

Onew’s POV

I was flipping through my clothes in our closet after taking a shower (which me, Key and Taemin share since we share the same room) when Key burst into the room and plopped on my bed while staring at me.

“So, hyung. You’re going out?” he asked.

“Neh.” While considering a black round neck shirt with Reebok words written all over the front of the shirt with rainbow colours.

“Don’t use that hyung, it’s hot out there and you’re considering wearing black?” He walked over to me. He pushed me away with his hip and started to rummaged through the closet.

“What are you doing Key? I need to get ready to meet Seungyeon. I’m going to be late.” I said while standing beside Key with my hands on my hips and trying to secure my towel knots.

“That’s why you need me to pick out your clothes for you. You usually go for comfortable clothes rather than the trend fashion clothes.” Key nagged.

“What’s wrong with that?” I said. A bit hurt from Key’s words.

“Don’t take it to heart hyung. You’re a good looking guy you know that? Thankfully you don’t need to go to the extreme to make yourself looks good, but in this case, you need to at least dress to impress okay.” Key said while taking out a red sleeveless shirt with big wording on the front and another lightweight button up white shirt out of the closet and ing it to my chest. “Wear that clothes hyung. You look good in red.”

I took the clothes and started pulling it on top of my head. Then I felt Key another clothes to my chest which made me stumbled a bit then grabbed the black tight pants with zipper all around.

“I thought you said black will make it more warm.” I said, puzzled at his contradicting words.

“Well, pants is okay and anyway, that outfit that I prepared for you is just perfect for you hyung. Don’t argue. Palli put in on.” He kept on nagging.

“*Arasso, arasso. I’m putting it on already.” I felt like I’m the younger one than him. Really, Key is just like an umma. 

He walked back to my bed and sat with his hand behind his back supporting him. “So, who are going to take with you to your date?” He asked.

I stopped my action to button up my pants. How did he know that I’m supposed to bring a friend? Ah, I forgot to ask any of my friends. “How did you know about it? I don’t think I’ve ever mentioned it to any of you guys.” I said while staring at Key.

“Ah, I.. I.. I mean..” Key stuttered while brushing his hands on his thigh. A nervous action I would say.

“You were eavesdropping on my conversation with Seungyeon the other night didn’t you?” I asked while staring hard at him. I’m not angry at Key. I just wanted to play with him. Haha.

“Umm, I don’t mean to hyung. I just haven’t fallen asleep as you thought I did.” Key said. Well, at least he’s honest as always. I slowly grinned at him.

“What’s with the grin hyung. You seemed scary for a while.” He said nervously.

Since he knows about it earlier, why not I just bring him together with me. Hah. I bet Seungyeon will bring NaNa along with her. There might be an entertainment for us with Key following me. Those two seems to be in a war or something. 

“Well, since you practically forced me to put on this clothes,” I said slowly while buttoning my pants then arranging my collar,”and you actually eavesdropped on my conversation with Seungyeon, I’m bringing you with me.” I said with determination. “And I won’t take No for an answer.”

“Aww, hyung.” Key whined. He stood up and walked to me, grabbed my hand and pleading with me with his pout and puppy eyes. “Please let me off the hook for this one. Seungyeon must be bringing NaNa along with her, and it will be hell for me.”

“Cheongmalyo?” I acted as if I don’t know what’s he’s talking about. “If you don’t want to follow me, then I can say to Seungyeon and NaNa how much you really like NaNa and wants to go on a date with her someday.” I said.

Key gasped out loud. “You wouldn’t hyung.” While shaking his head.

“I don’t even know what I’m capable of.” I shrugged nonchalantly.

He thought hard for a while then said, “Okay okay. I’ll follow you. Argh, why do I let my mouth slipped.” 

“Komawoyo Key.” I hugged him while smiling brightly then let him go. “Go on and change. We’re leaving in 10 minutes and we’re bringing your car.” I declared then walked out of the door to go to the bathroom to do my hair.

“What hyung? Why always my car?” He whined.

At the cafe

Seungyeon’s POV

NaNa and I walked into the cafe. At the left corner of the cafe were where Jinki oppa and Key seated. Ah, so he brought Key along. My heart beat a bit faster than usual when I saw him. He looked good in his red shirt with a white lightweight button shirt. So this feeling is still here. I felt a bit nervous meeting him again. I smiled at them while walking to their table. I felt NaNa beside me tensed up. What’s with her? Is it because of Key? I remembered that the two of them did not end up on a good note at the hospital. We reached at their table and took our seat. I sat opposite Jinki oppa and NaNa opposite Key. Both of them looked like they rather be anywhere but here. Weird.

After changing our greetings I asked them, “Have you two been waiting for long? I’m sorry if you’ve wait quite a while. NaNa took a while to get ready.” I said truthfully. NaNa kicked me on my leg and hissed at me.

“I didn’t.” She said.

Jinki oppa just laughed it off. “It’s okay. We just arrived too. This person beside me took a long time to get ready himself too.”

“And whose fault is that? Telling me 10 minutes before you’re going out.” Key snapped at Jinki oppa.

I chuckled at them. He must have been dragged by Jinki oppa at the last minute. Poor Key. “Then you’re just the same as NaNa.” I said.

“WHAT?!” Key and NaNa said in unison. “I don’t” again in unison. “Why are trying to copy me!” again..

“Umm, you’re attracting a lot of attention Key, NaNa-shi.” Jinki oppa said.

“Well, don’t put me in the same level as her.” Key said while crossing his hands on his chest.

“Who wants to be at the same level as you anyway.” Countered NaNa.

Oh boy. This can get ugly if I don’t do something about it. “Okay guys. Calm down. Let’s order our drinks okay.” I said, trying to calm them down.

It seemed to work. They silently opened their copies of the cafe’s menu. I slowly opened mine when Jinki oppa asked me, “What would you like to have Seungyeon?” 

“Hmm, I would like to have the ice shaved orange flavour.” I said. It’s quite hot outside. Thankfully, it’s air conditioned inside the cafe. “How about you oppa?”

“I think, I’ll have the ice latte.” He said.

I felt two pair of eyes watching us silently. I turned to my right side and saw both Key and NaNa were silently observing me and Jinki oppa.

“*Wae? Is something wrong?” I asked.

Then Jinki oppa turned to them too. “What’s wrong Key?” He looked puzzled.

“Nothing. You two look so sweet together discussing which drinks you want.” NaNa replied with her right hand under her chin and eyeing both of us with a twinkle in her eyes.

“Yeah. It’s just too sugary that I want to have a Cappuccino with less sugar.” Key said while leaning on the back of the chair.

His comment with NaNa made me blushed and I looked down at my lap. I saw Jinki oppa rubbed the back of his neck at the corner of my eyes and his face was red too. Aigoo. He looks so adorable when he acted like that. Omo, what have I just been thinking. I felt my face getting redder than before.

Key suddenly laughed and said, “You two are red like the tomatoes.”

NaNa joined him and laughed out loud too. Making it more awkward for me and Jinki oppa.

“NaNa-shi, why don’t we leave these two young adults and go somewhere so that they can have a much more private sweet moment?” Key asked NaNa while extending his hand to NaNa.

NaNa took Key’s hand and said, “Let’s do that. The atmosphere is just too sweet here.” While laughing gaily. I was quite surprised. Didn’t they just have a row a while back? Wow, I didn’t know that it only took an order to turn the situation around. Both of them walked together out of the cafe.

“That is out of the blue.” Jinki oppa said while still staring at the cafe entrance.

“Yeah. I didn’t know that taking an order can turn the situation around.” I said. Then I remembered what Key and NaNa mentioned just now and blushed again. Ah, why did this turn out like this? It ended up with only me and Jinki oppa here.

The atmosphere got a bit awkward after Key and Nana left us alone. Sigh, why do they do this to us. We’re only here to hang out as friends. Yes, that’s right. We were only hanging out as friends, so I shouldn’t be this nervous. I took a deep breath to calm myself down then started a conversation with Jinki oppa with a big smile on my face.

Here goes nothing. “Emm, Jinki oppa.” I broke the awkward silence.

“Neh Seungyeon.” Jinki oppa replied while raising his head and looked straight at me. I felt myself started to blush by his stare and tried to control myself again. 

“I think we should order our drinks before we talk to each other right.” I smiled. “It’s what we’re here for isn’t it? To talk and to get to know each other as friends.” 

“You’re right. We should order first, and yes, I want to talk with you and get to know you. I want to be friends with you.” He said earnestly.

I chuckled at his honest face. “I’m glad that you want to be my friend.” 

After that Jinki oppa signalled a waiter and ordered our drinks. While waiting for our drinks, he started the conversation this time.

“So Seungyeon. Last time you said that you’re on your 2nd year in college right. What are you majoring in and which college did you go to?” Jinki asked.

“I’m majoring in writing skills. I love to write. It doesn’t matter if it’s a story or facts or biography of somebody, I just like to write things down and I’m a student in SNU.” I explained to him.

“Cheongmalyo? You are a student in SNU? Then why didn’t I ever seen you in campus before?” He said while raising his eyebrows.

“Well, SNU is big and you’re in your final year and I’m only on my 2nd year. And besides do you take writing too?” I asked him.

“Ah. Yes, that’s probably it. I’m taking music broadcasting. I just love music and I plan to be a singer songwriter. Maybe I’ll let you see me in action in the future.” He said.

“I want to.” I said excitedly. 

“Great. Then maybe you can sing with me for a duet.” He said while giving me his big smile.

“Uh, oppa, that might not be a good idea. I don’t think I can sing well.” I said while playing with my fingers. 

Before Jinki oppa can answer me, our drinks arrived. Jinki oppa took his drink then replied me, “You wouldn’t know if you haven’t tried it yet.” He encouraged me. 

“Hmm, maybe. We’ll see.” I replied vaguely while stirring my drinks with the straw. “Oppa, you said before that you have a namdongsaeng who’s on his final year in high school right. What’s his name already?” I asked to divert his attention of asking me to sing.

“Neh. Taemin. Lee Taemin. I only have him and my parents. My parents have their own business back at home.” He said.

“Oh. I'd mentioned before that I have a namdongsaeng too right. He’s 5 years old and his name is Yoogeun. He’s just the cutest little guy ever. I missed him already.” I said with a smile. “Ah, I have his photo in my mobile phone. Let me get it and show you his photo.” I said on impulse and took my phone and browsed to my picture gallery searching for Yoogeun’s adorable face. 

“Here it is.” I said while handing him my phone so he can have a better look.

“Aww, *nomu kyopta.” He said with a smile.

Then he handed me my phone back. He took out his phone from his pocket and browsed through it. Then he handed me his phone. I took it and our hands brushed against each other. I blushed again and didn’t dare to lift my eyes to look at his reaction. I just stared at the picture on his phone. Ah, why do I keep on blushing every time he stared or our hands touched? Silly me. Do I like Jinki oppa? I mean sure I like him but this accelerated heartbeat and all this things been happening to me. I don’t think this is normally what happened when you’re with a friend right. Don’t tell me that I fall for him. No. It can’t be. It’s just too fast. I mused by myself. But how else could I explain this feelings? I totally forgot about his phone in my hands until he spoke to me.

“That’s Taemin. We just took it a few days ago.” He said.

I looked at the picture and saw Jinki oppa smiling face with another red headed boy with a hand peace sign near his right eye. I guess that is Taemin. Aww, he looked so adorable with that pose. Both of them have milky white skin that made their hair colour contrast so much. I smiled while admiring the picture.

“He’s really cute and at the same time he looks handsome.” I complimented his dongsaeng.

He smiled and said, “He is. Sometimes I just can’t believe that he’s actually a part of our family. He’s just too pretty to me.” He said while laughing.

His laugh. I really like his laugh. Omo. Again. I don’t want to admit this feeling of mine but at the same time I can’t just ignore it. I think, I’m really beginning to fall for this guy name Jinki.

Onew’s POV

I just looked at her face when she looked at my picture with Taemin. I felt that I could stare at her face for hours. Haha. Very unusual for me. Then I remembered my discussion with Minho that night and made a decision that I’ll get to know Seungyeon as friend first so as not to surprise her. I acknowledged that I’ve fallen for Seungyeon, but it doesn’t mean that Seungyeon has fallen for me. I’ll try my best to win her heart. 

She looked quite distance for a while. “Seungyeon?” I called her.

“Neh?” she said as if she’s surprised by herself. “Oh, here you go.” She said while handing me my phone back even though I didn’t actually asked for it back. I just called her name to get her attention. She must be thinking of something else just now.

“It’s okay Seungyeon. Emm, after this would you like to take a walk around the park or something? Just enjoy the weather outside.” I suggested.

“Sure oppa.” She agreed.

So I called the waiter to pay for our drinks and we went out to the nearest park to take a walk. We were walking side by side and enjoying the view of summer around us. The sun was shining bright on us. After walking around 10 minutes with only silence accompanied us, I finally broke the silence when we neared a stall selling sandwiches and some fried chicken and stuff. 

“Seungyeon ah, how about we go to that stall and have a sandwich or the fried chicken?” I said. I was quite hungry to be truthful. 

She glanced at the stall then turned to me and nodded her head. So we settled ourselves on the provided bench and have our sandwich. We were once again enveloped by a silence that was not so awkward but kind of a compatible silence. It seemed that Seungyeon had something on her mind since we left the cafe.

“Penny for your thoughts?” I asked her.

She looked up at me from her sandwich with a start. “Huh?” she said.

“I said, a penny for your thought.” I repeated the question.

“Oh. Nothing much oppa. Just thinking that it’s nice to be able to enjoy the summer like this. It’s been such a hectic week for the past weeks due to our exams right. It’s a relief that we have a break now.” She said while taking a bite from her sandwich. I didn’t know if she was telling the truth but at least she talked. It was quite good to go out after the gruelling exams. It had been a week since we were on our summer break.

She got some mayonnaise at the corner of her lips when she took a bite. I took a napkin on the table then wiped the mayonnaise off her lips. She looked so surprised and blushed. Hmm. Must be the heat of the summer. But she looked so pretty when she blushed. “You got some mayonnaise at the corner of your lips.” I explained to her.

“Oh. Umm, komawoyo oppa.” She said and took a drink from her cup.

Then silence invaded around us again. But I don’t mind. As long as I’m by her side. I kept on smiling while eating my sandwich.

“What are you smiling about oppa?” She finally said while looking at me curiously. 

“Hmm? Well, it’s just nice to be out here with you. I get to know a bit about you and all. So it’s something good that I can’t help smiling.” 

“I have a good time with you too oppa. You’re very comfortable to be with.” She said with a smile that reached her eyes. She really looked so beautiful. I felt my hands lift up to brush her fringe aside then checked myself in time by ruffling my hair. I don’t want to scare her. Besides, this is only the first time we go out. And as friend at that.

“You’re so adorable oppa.” She said while smiling. “You ruffled your hair and now your hair is disheveled.” She put down her sandwich to arrange my hair back. She stood up a little and leaned closer to me. I could smell her sweet floral fragrance when she came close to me. I felt myself holding my breath, unwilling for the moment to stop. But after she arranged my hair, she leaned back and took her seat.

“Umm, thanks Seungyeon.” I said with a silly smile pasted on my face. I can’t help it. I felt happy just because she came closer. 

“No problem oppa.” She said.

After we had our so called lunch, we took a walk around the park again and talked about random things. I was talking about the five of us who live together and my parents while she talked about NaNa and her family. I found out that she only have her namdongsaeng Yoogeun and her mother. Her father died a couple of years ago due to an accident where a careless drunken driver ran into his father when he was on his way home from work. It’s been a difficult time for her at the time because it was her final year at high school which she had to do well on the exam to be able to go into a good college. 

She had to help her mother to pay the bills by getting a part time job and also to look over his brother for he was only 3 years old at the time. She’s still taking a part time job now to pay off the college’s fees. It’s quite sad that Yoogeun won’t be able to know his father more. I was sad to hear that she has been through a lot to get to where she is today. I vowed to myself that I’ll try my best to make her happy whenever we meet again.

When it’s getting darker I walked her to her dorm room. When we reached her front door, I said, “Seungyeon. Thanks for your time spent with me. I really had a great time today. Thank you for your sharing about yourself and your family too.” I said while gazing at her eyes.

“No. I should be the one to say thank you to you oppa. You have been so nice to me. You took me for a walk and sharing about your life to me. I think I get to know you more.” She said with a bright smile.

“Then we are the same.” I said while smiling. “Emm, would you like to hang out some other time too? Maybe we’ll run into each other in campus.” I said hopefully.

“Yeah. Let’s hang out some time. It’s good to have a change of friend after all this while. I think I’ve been too cooped up with NaNa.” She said while laughing. “But I can only hang out with you when I don’t have any shift at the cafe that I worked as a part time. NaNa is working there too.”

“Ah I see. Then might as well I come to the cafe and spend time with you. Maybe when you’re going to close up time, so I can walk the two of you back.”

She looked at me then said sincerely, “Thank you oppa. You’re just too kind.”

“*Ani-e-yo. I would love to do that. Just tell me when is your work schedule.” I said truthfully. I really do want to walk her back to her dorm. Who knows what will happen if they close up late.

“Sure oppa. I’ll text you my schedule later. Bye.” She said with a little wave.

“Okay. Bye.” I made sure she went into her room and turned back to walk back to our apartment. I was reminiscing our time together and unconsciously smiling all the time while walking back home. Thankfully our apartment is not so far from the campus site. Since Key left me and went off with his car. I wonder what happened to him and NaNa. From what I know, they’re not fond of each other. Hopefully, they don’t kill each other. Sigh.


To be continued...

*Arasso = Understand
*Wae = Why
*Nomu kyopta = Very adorable
*Ani-e-yo = No problem/You’re welcome

Hi people.. Thank you for your comments. Hopefully you'll enjoy this chapter.  Not so much of a double date huh. Keke.. See you all till the next *I think it's an exciting chapter* update.  :D

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lee_onew13 #1
i like the ending..funny...
Awh! It's finally over. I really love it unnie. :D
bubbleBanana #3
job well done unnie :) I will miss them! hehe
This is an amazing story. U r a good writer
the end ?? im gonna miss this story .. its really beautiful and amazing . u r an awesome writer !! thankfully, the story end with with happy endings.. except for minho.. hope that he will find his true love soon ^^
onewjjang #6
@Iheartlife: Hope you have a good reading all this while. :)<br />
@khey_onsooni: Neh this story really is finish. Thank you for loving the last chapter. I hope that this epilogue you would enjoy too. Aww, thank you for reading this and comment in this fic. I do have another fic. You can click on it at the Author's Note. :D I hope to see you there too. GBU my dear. ^_^<br />
@bubbleBanana: Hehehe.. His ever sweetness neh. That is how he is here. :D
bubbleBanana #7
owww.. I'll miss Onew's sweetness! :D
kezia_onsooni #8
So the story is already finished?? Omo....omo....<br />
I just can't predict that, kekeke....<br />
Anyway, I love this chppy, cuz everyone is happy, keke.....<br />
Thx for making this story...<br />
Waiting for another fic....<br />
Gbu :)
Iheartlife #9
update soon :D
onewjjang #10
@Iheartlife: Thank you for reading and commenting.. :D<br />
@bubbleBanana: Ehehe, I think you already know after you read this chapter neh. :D