I Won't Let Go...

I Won't Let Go...

Key’s POV

After walking out from the cafe

After teasing Seungyeon and Onew hyung just now, I took NaNa’s hand and we went out of the cafe together while still smiling because of the two in love person but didn’t want to recognize their own feelings. Seriously, those two are so dense to not recognize that both are attracted to each other. They really need help to speed things up. Seeing how it’s going today, I may have to wait a lifetime for my little nieces or nephew.

I walked to my car, intended on thinking of a plan to help Onew hyung to confess to Seungyeon when I was stopped short. I glanced at my back and realized that NaNa was behind me.

“What are you doing following me around? You’re free to go wherever you want to you know.” I said to her.

She rolled her eyes then said, “How can I go if you’re holding my hand you dimwit Mr. Height.” She retorted back to me.

I was surprised by what she said then glanced at my hand. True enough, I was actually still holding her hand. I totally forgot that I took her hand when we went out of the cafe. Argh, why didn’t I let it go just now? Am I getting old to even forget taking people’s hand? I quickly relinquished her hand and started to clear my throat.

“Ah, umm, sorry. I didn’t realize it.” I said trying to act cool enough. I can't let her see that the Almighty Key is in any way less than cool. Wait a minute. What did she called me just now? Mr. Height? This girl really wants to get it from me right. You can’t win over me.

“Jamkkanman. What did you called me just now?” I said while paying my full attention to her.

She looked at me nonchalantly and said, “Just now? Mr. Height as in your meter height. That’s your name right blondie.”

“Mworago?!” She dared called me height and blondie? This is too much. I can’t let this go. “Height? I’ve told you before that my name is Key as in a key to unlock anything, and don’t call me blondie. It makes me feel like some kind of a and I’m a man okay.” I said with a raised voice.

“Pfft. Who in their right mind wants to be called Key anyway? You’re one weird guy. So what if I call you blondie, you’re blonde anyway. Suits you.” She said again. “And I mean the name blondie and not the hair mind you.” She added.

Argh. She was really pissing me off right now. How in the world did I ever thought that she’s attractive before? Bleh. Now, all I feel like doing is strangle her long neck. What? Long? No, make it her SHORT neck. That’s much better. Huh.

“Neo... *Neo mitchigesso?!!” I yelled at her. “Why did you keep on finding a problem with me?”

“Me? Crazy? You should be asking about that to yourself. You’re acting like one for your information. People are looking at us you know. You sure like to be the center of the attention aren’t you?” she said calmly.

Calmly okay. That makes me even mad. I took her hand and dragged her to my car. 

“What are you doing? Let me go you *napeun namja. Let go.” She shrieked and trying to pull off her hand and dug in her feet to the ground. But I don’t even give her the chance. I just lifted her up on my arms and dumped her none too gently on the passenger seat. Then I jumped in on the driver’s seat. (For you readers information, Key’s car is a sport car that the hood can be drawn up and down) Started the ignition and drove away.

“Yah!!! Are you crazy? Where are you taking me? Stop this car right now or... or I’ll jump off the car.” She tried to threatened me.

“I’m not crazy.” I said with gritted teeth. “Just shut up and sit properly or better yet, if you said you want to jump off the car, you’re welcome to do so.” I said and snickered.

She took a look on the speed meter which indicates 150km/h and her face went pale. Hah. She’s scared now. Didn’t have the guts huh. I felt the corner of my lips lifted up. Then out of the blue, she started to stand up on her seat to prepare herself to jump off the car. Yah! Is this girl really out of her mind?!

“Hey. YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND?!!!” I was trying to grab her hand to prevent her from doing so while my other hand controls the steering wheel. “Sit down. You want us to get in an accident NaNa?!!” I yelled through the rushed of winds.

She turned to me when I shouted my instruction and she slowly lowered herself down on the seat. She looked like she’s considering something.

I let out a sigh of relief. I steered the car to the road side then stopped the car. I turned to her and said seriously, “What are you trying to do just now? Don’t pull that kind of stunt again okay. I was driving more than 100km/h for goodness sake. Who’s going to take the responsibility is something happened to you? Think of how your parents and Seungyeon feels.” I lectured her.

She just looked at me wonderingly and said, “You just called me NaNa for the second time today.”

“What? Is that why you lower down yourself?” I asked incredulously.

“Neh. I never heard you ever called my name before except when you called me the first time and at the cafe just now.” She said.

“Did I?” I said stupidly. The scene that happened just now still plastered in my head and the panicked in my body haven’t left me fully yet that made my brain worked a bit slow to my disappointment.

“Neh.” She confirmed while looking at me. “It’s nice to be called by your name you know.” She said.

“Huh. Then why did you called me names then.” I said. Feeling my senses coming back to me.

“Oh. That. It’s just a fun thing to do to tease you.” She said with a grin on her face.

I was completely knocked out by this woman. Nobody ever teased me like her. Even Jonghyun hyung always give up when we teased each other.

“So, your act to want to jump off the car is just that, an act to tease me too?” I said with an incredulous expression on my face.

She laughed and said, “I’m not that stupid you know. I value my life thank you very much.” 

“Neo...” I really don’t have any word to retort her. This is the first time I was rendered speechless by anyone in my whole 21 years of life.

“Aish. I don’t have anything to say to you.” I said bitterly while facing my face and body to the front.

“Haha. So, you don’t feel like you can unlock anything now aren’t you.” She tried to tease me again.

Sigh. “*Keuman-hae. I don’t think I have any more energy to quarrel with you. I just need to rest from your stupid stunt.” I said while closing my eyes to rest for awhile.

“Hey. Don’t you ignore me. Why in the first place you bring me here anyway.” She shook me.

I opened my right eye to look at her and answered her, “Because you pissed me off just now.”

“What?! Only because of that? You better bring me back now. I have to be in a calm atmosphere to think of something to help Sengyeonie with Onew-shi.” She said while shaking me again.

I opened both of my eyes and looked straight at her eyes. “That’s it. That’s what we have to do.” I said excitedly. All the event just now just flew off my head and the many plans for Onew hyung and Seungyeon to get together coming on to my mind now.

NaNa’s POV

I was just telling Key (Yes, I plan to call him Key now. It’s only fair) that I wanted to go back and think of some plan to help Seungyeonie and Onew-shi when Key suddenly opened his eyes and sat up straight to look at me in the eyes.

“That’s it. That’s what we have to do.” He said excitedly.

“What? What do we have to do?” I was puzzled by his sudden outburst.

“Like what you said just now. Do something to get Onew hyung and Seungyeon together.” He said to me with a big smile on his face.

I just looked at him. He looked quite adorable when he smile like that. Eh? Scratch that. What adorable. He’s still someone that I can’t really trust.

“What do you mean? You’re actually planning to get them together too?” I asked him.

“Neh. I was thinking about it for quite some time. If we let them go on like this, it’ll be forever till they ‘fess up to each other.” He said.

I looked at him. I was still very cautious about this sudden turn of event. Does he really mean it?

“What’s in it for you if you get them together?” I queried.

“Let’s just say I can't wait for the outcome of their getting together.” He said with a sly smile.

That smile kind of creeped me out. “I don’t buy it. What’s the outcome that benefits you anyway if they get together?” I interrogated him some more.

“Like I said before, it’s in the later future. Anyway, what’s with the thousands question anyway? Didn’t you yourself said that you want to get them together?” He countered me back.

“Yeah. I do. But I want to do it for Seungyeonie’s happiness. I feel that Onew-shi is a very nice guy that can take care of Seungyeonie.” 

“Ah. So you’re tired of taking care of Seungyeon then that you want to dump her on Onew hyung.” He accused.

“I do not mean it that way and you know it.” I raised my voice indignantly. Then I realized that he’s beginning to laugh while holding both of his hands on his stomach.

“Yah, why are you laughing? What’s so funny anyway?” I asked him while pushing him.

“Haha. I know that you didn’t mean it but your indignant face is just funny. Haha.” He continued to laugh. 

“Your face just now reminds me a lot of how Jonghyun hyung’s indignant face too. It’s similar. Gosh, the two of you should see how your face is like together.” He burst out laughing again. More louder than before. He’s practically howling with laughter now. 

“Yah!” I yelled at him. “Keuman-hae!! It’s not funny.” 

He tried to control his laughter. After taking a few long breath and wiped the tears in his eyes, he finally composed himself but still smiling. “Okay, okay. I get this. Hah. That’s the best laugh for me since I make Jonghyun hyung fall in the toilet.” He said and would’ve started to laugh but I prevented him by pinching him on his arm.

“Ouch ouch ouch!!! Okay okay I get it alright.” He said grudgingly while his arm where I pinched him. 

“Sigh. I pity this Jonghyun hyung of yours. He must have a very miserable life with you.” I said to him while feeling sorry for this Jonghyun guy.

“Hah. He had his moments with me too. He ever added a bubble gum pink dye in my shampoo a few months ago okay. Bubble gum pink!!! Can you imagine the horror of what he’d done to my precious hair?! And I didn’t even realized it until he started to laugh on the floor while pounding the floor with his hand. I knew that something was wrong. So don’t start to feel sorry for him.” He retorted.

I laughed at that moment. “Bubble gum pink?!! That would be an epic joke. Haha. I'm beginning to like this Jonghyun guy. Maybe you should introduce us.” I said half jokingly. I’m quite interested with this Jonghyun guy for his brilliant move on Key. Haha. Bubble gum pink indeed.

“Dream on. I wouldn’t for the world ever introduce you two. The equation of the two of you spelled DISASTER for me.” He said.

“Aww, little Key is afraid for what we might do.” I some more. I just like to make him pissed off.

“Don’t start NaNa. I just want to have peace in my life okay.” He said.

“Well, whatever. So what’s the plan for OnYeon to get together?” I asked.

“Ah.. A good name you have there. Let’s call this an OnYeon couple mission. Wuah, I feel like a detective on the move already.” He said excitedly.

I looked at him with incredulity. “You’re really something alright. Getting worked out for the smallest things.”

“You need to be excited for this kind of things okay.”

“Like you have any great experience with many women before to speak that confidently.” I said.

“I.. I.. I do actually.” He said. I snapped my head to look at him after facing the front just now. What? He has experienced on how to hit on girls before? 

Key’s POV

“I.. I.. I do actually.” I lied. Well I couldn’t possibly said that I’ve never really have a serious relationship with a woman before right. She would think that I’m weird or worst.. Gay! I like woman just that I haven’t found my match yet. So for the time being I just use Jonghyun hyung’s experienced with women before. Thankfully I know all the details cause he wouldn’t stop babbling it all to me.

“You do?” she asked.

“Yeah, I do.” I said more confidently.

“Okay, since you know about how to get woman so tell me what’s your grand plan that can make either Onew-shi or Seungyeon to confess first. Knowing Seungyeon I know that she wouldn’t be the one to say it. So it just left Onew-shi to make the move. How are you going to do that? Since I can see that Onew-shi is quite shy too.” I said.

“Hey, don’t look down on Onew hyung alright. He had a girlfriend before.” I said.

“What? He did? Then what happened to that relationship. I can’t see how someone can let go off Onew-shi or vice versa. He’s just so kind and sweet." NaNa said with a curious expression on her face.

“That’s the problem. He’s just too kind and sweet that Ee Seul noona left him. Saying that he’s boring and stuff. I can’t understand that girl. Thankfully Onew hyung doesn’t really heartbroken that he can’t move on. He was fond of her but I think he realized that he doesn’t really love her to last forever.” I explained to her. I can still remember the day as if it was just yesterday. Then I began to tell the story to NaNa.


We were all running towards the entrance of the Seoul International Airport with Onew hyung in front of us. He was running to the big LCD screen monitor to check out the flights out of Seoul to America. Then he ran with full speed to one of the gateway to the boarding waiting area.

We just continued to follow him until he stopped and yelled, “Ee Seul!!”

Ee Seul who was just going to pass her boarding check-in ticket turned to Onew hyung’s voice then walked slowly to him.

“Ee Seul. Why did you do this? Going to America without even telling me at all. If it’s not because of Jonghyun telling me that you’re here, I would just missed your flight without even seeing you.” Onew hyung said while taking her hand in his.

Ee Seul took back her hand and looked at Onew hyung with a stone like face, with no emotion at all and said to Onew hyung, “I have to go to America. Please don’t ask why. And I have to break up with you oppa. Long distance relationship is not my thing.”

Onew hyung looked crestfallen. “But why Ee Seul? Why did you suddenly act like this. Did I do anything wrong? If I did, you can tell me about it and I’ll change.” Onew hyung pleaded.

“No. It’s not about you. Please don’t ask me anymore. Just forget about me alright. You focus on your studies now. It will determine which college you can go to. I have to go now.” Ee Seul said then turned her back on us without even glancing back at us once. She just held her head high and walked straight passed the boarding pass check-in counter. We all just looked at her retreating back until we can't see her no more. 

I glanced at Onew hyung and saw him crying silently. His tears ran down his face like a river flow. His face was pale and scrunched up to hold on tight to his emotion. Taemin approached him and hugged him tightly. I joined him to hug Onew hyung and the rest followed suit. The action made Onew hyung resolved to hold on to his emotion just crashed like that and he dropped to the floor. We continued to hug Onew hyung tightly on the airport floor as if we can transmit our strength to him. We didn't care at all with all the passers-by who stared at us and whispered to one another about a bunch of guys hugging each other while crying. I can't help it but to cry with Onew hyung.

I was so sad that it ended up like this to Onew hyung. He’s the kindest and gentlest man I’ve ever known. From that moment on, I vowed that I’ll do anything to help Onew hyung reach his happiness that he deserved if he ever found someone that is worth for his love. I will make sure of that.

End of flashback

“Ah, so that was what happened to Onew-shi. I never would have imagine it. Poor Onew-shi.” NaNa said. “But how would you know that Seungyeon is the one who can make Onew-shi happy?”

“From what Seungyeon calls Onew-shi.” I said while smiling.

“Eh? By Seungyeon’s calls to Onew-shi? I don’t understand.” She said while shaking her head.

“Didn’t you notice that Seungyeon calls Onew hyung, Jinki oppa?” I asked her.

She thought for a while then, “Ah. You’re right. I just realized it now. I was wondering why she called him Jinki instead of Onew. I never did get to ask her about it.”

“Since I heard her called him Jinki oppa in the hospital I was more sure that she’s the one that can make Onew hyung happy. Only Onew hyung's parents called him Jinki. Even Taemin his own dongsaeng called him Onew hyung.”

“Why though? Why didn’t everybody calls him Jinki?” NaNa asked.

“I’m not sure of it myself.” I answered her truthfully.

“Okay then.” She said with conviction and clapped her hand twice. “Let’s get the plan rolling. I want to see both of them happy too.”

I smiled at her. “Yes, let’s brain storm about the plan.” I said while ing my hand towards her for her to shake to make a deal.

“Let’s.” She said and shook my extended hand to her. “This is going to be fun.”


To be continued...

*Neo mitchigesso = You’re crazy (Neo is pronounce as No) 
*Napeun namja = Bad man 
*Keuman-hae = Stop

Ta~da.. A NaNa and Key chapters and a glimpse of Onew's past life. :) How is it everyone? I hope this peak up your interest more. Hehe.. There will be characters build up for the next chapters. Until the next chapter again. Comments and subscribers are love. :D

Comments replies:~~

@theclumsywitch: Yeah, Key and NaNa is always fun. :D The phone conversation.. Hmm, Key who eavesdrop. :) Thank you for liking the date. 

@lolisho: Lol. Yes, Key and NaNa is really the matchmaker for Onew and Seungyeon. :D And yes, Key really think far into the future. Hehehe..

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lee_onew13 #1
i like the ending..funny...
Awh! It's finally over. I really love it unnie. :D
bubbleBanana #3
job well done unnie :) I will miss them! hehe
This is an amazing story. U r a good writer
the end ?? im gonna miss this story .. its really beautiful and amazing . u r an awesome writer !! thankfully, the story end with with happy endings.. except for minho.. hope that he will find his true love soon ^^
onewjjang #6
@Iheartlife: Hope you have a good reading all this while. :)<br />
@khey_onsooni: Neh this story really is finish. Thank you for loving the last chapter. I hope that this epilogue you would enjoy too. Aww, thank you for reading this and comment in this fic. I do have another fic. You can click on it at the Author's Note. :D I hope to see you there too. GBU my dear. ^_^<br />
@bubbleBanana: Hehehe.. His ever sweetness neh. That is how he is here. :D
bubbleBanana #7
owww.. I'll miss Onew's sweetness! :D
kezia_onsooni #8
So the story is already finished?? Omo....omo....<br />
I just can't predict that, kekeke....<br />
Anyway, I love this chppy, cuz everyone is happy, keke.....<br />
Thx for making this story...<br />
Waiting for another fic....<br />
Gbu :)
Iheartlife #9
update soon :D
onewjjang #10
@Iheartlife: Thank you for reading and commenting.. :D<br />
@bubbleBanana: Ehehe, I think you already know after you read this chapter neh. :D