I Won't Let Go...

I Won't Let Go...

NaNa’s POV

After the kissing incident with Key, I ran out of the apartment. I ran and took the elevator that right at the time stop at the 7th floor. I went in and pushed the ground floor button. I lifted my hands to my lips. My fingers were shaking. I can still feel Key’s kiss on my lips. And I bet it must be red due to his pressing his mouth hard upon my lips. I still can’t believe it happened. I mean that was my first kiss for goodness sake. How can it end up like this?

The elevator stopped on the ground floor and opened. I ran out of the elevator and suddenly stopped at the building’s entrance. I forgot Onew-shi was supposed to send Seungyeon and me back. So I just stood there and waited for them while hugging myself tightly. Really, what came over Key anyway to suddenly get angry like that? He never got that angry when I before. This is the first time that I saw how dangerous his eyes can be. I felt like I want to cry for losing my first kiss in that situation.

Then I felt anger rise up from my chest. Why would I want to cry? He’s not worth it. Who did he think he is anyway that he can do this to me? You wait Key. I’ll think of something to pay you back. 

A pair of hands grabbed hold of me from behind. “Gwaenchanayo NaNa?” I heard Seungyeon’s voice.

I turned to face her and she released her hands from me. I took a deep breath and said, “Yeah. Don’t worry about it. I’m okay.” Then I smiled at her to prove that I was okay.

“You know you can’t lie to me that easily NaNa. I grew up with you and I know that it’s not okay for you.” She said and held my hands tightly.

I just looked at her and finally cried out, “That was my first kiss.” And I went to her arms which she hugged me and cried my heart out.

“Shh.” She soothed me and rubbed her hand from the top of my head to my back and up again. “Let it all out. I’m here.”

So I just cried on her arms with my shoulders shaking and she soothed me quietly. By the time Onew-shi came down I’d stopped crying and both of us were sitting on the small steps in front of the building with my head on Seungyeon’s shoulder.

“Sorry girls. Got held back for a while up there. Are you okay NaNa?” Onew-shi asked, placing his left hand on my right shoulder.

I raised my head from Seungyeon’s shoulder and stood up to face Onew-shi. Seungyeon did the same beside me. “Neh. I’m okay now. Thank you for asking Onew-shi.” I said.

“Hey, even after all this while you still call me Onew-shi? Please, call me oppa is fine.” He said while smiling and ruffled my hair. I felt like Onew-shi was like a brother that I can trust and leaned on to.

I smiled at him and said, “Neh. Onew oppa.” 

“Good. That’s my *yodongsaeng.” He said with a bright smile on his face.

I raised my eyebrows. He called me as her yodongsaeng? “Yodongsaeng?” I asked.

“Neh. I’ll take care of you as my own dongsaeng. You can lean on me.” He said while pounding his hand on his chest to show me that I can rely on him.

I smiled widely at him and gave him a big hug. “Komawoyo Onew oppa.” 

“You’re welcome NaNa.” He said and ruffled my hair some more. “Now, let’s go or Seungyeon won’t be able to wake up in the morning.” He said and took my hand and Seungyeon’s hand. We walked together to Onew oppa’s black car which was parked nearby and he drove to send us back to our dorm room. 

Jonghyun’s POV

I was so shocked at what had happened just now. How did the night end with Kibum kissing NaNa full on the lips in front of everybody to see? What is actually going on? That is so not Kibum’s style.

After Seungyeon ran out to catch up with NaNa, Onew hyung asked Key, “Why did you do that?”

Key looked at the floor and answered quietly, “I don’t know.”

I rose from the couch and grabbed his arm to make him turned to face me. “What exactly happened just now Kibum? Why did you suddenly kissed her like that? I know you knew her earlier than me but what makes you think that you can do that to her?” I demanded him with anger in my voice. 

I felt as if a fire of jealousy and of betrayal consuming my heart at the moment. Even though I just met NaNa for a week, but I felt something towards her. I know Minho said to not start a relationship with her if I ‘m not really sure of my feelings but as I saw Kibum kissed her, I felt something clutched my heart to make it stop. I can’t stand it.

Kibum looked at me in the eyes. I can see confusion and guilt in his clear hazel eyes. What’s with Kibum? “I don’t know” Again the same answer he gave Onew hyung.

“What do you mean by saying you don’t know?” I raised my voice while my hand still clutching Kibum’s arm.

I felt someone placed his hand on my shoulder and squeezed it as if to calm me down. I know it’s Minho behind me. He always did that if I’m pissed of at anything. “Hyung.” Minho said. “You’re scaring Taemin.”

I tore my gaze from Kibum and saw that Minho was right. Taemin who was asleep just now was now standing beside Onew hyung and clutching Onew hyung’s arm and shirt. Fear displayed on his clear eyes. I didn’t know that I was that loud to woke him up. Man, it’s his birthday and I acted like this in front of him. I let go of Kibum’s arm and looked at the floor. I could talk this out calmly with Kibum but I let my emotion get hold of me. 

“Jonghyun hyung.” Taemin said timidly. “Don’t be angry at umma, please.” He said with sad eyes.

I looked up to Taemin and felt my heart melt from his timidity. I don’t want him to fear me. I quickly went to his side and brought him to my arms. “I’m sorry Taeminie. I shouldn’t raise my voice to your umma. Please don’t be afraid. I’m sorry.” I soothed him. After a while I felt him hugging me back.

“Neh hyung.” He nodded on my shoulder. 

I let go off him and looked at Onew hyung. I saw his eyes trying to convey something to me. I know that he was trying to say not to go so hard on Kibum. Then Onew hyung whispered softly to my ear. “He’s confused. Please be patient.” Then patted my shoulder and said to the others. “I should get going and send the two ladies back. Please behave yourselves. I’ll be back in an hour.” Then he signalled Minho with his eyes and glanced at Taemin.

We all looked at Onew hyung’s retreating back until he went out the door. Then I turned to Kibum who still stood rooted to the floor where I left him. Minho took Taemin by the hand and led him to the bedroom. I see that as if Kibum is not even aware of what’s happening around him. What exactly is playing on his mind now? My anger had subsided after Minho’s calming effect. I shouldn’t have raised my voice like that to him, do I? But then, he shouldn’t do that in the first place. 

I placed my hands on his shoulders and said to him softly, “Kibum, what happened? Please, say something.”

Key’s POV

“Kibum, what happened? Please, say something.” Said Jonghyun hyung.

I was so confused and I felt guilty at what I had done to NaNa. I know it’s not fair to her. I have been feeling so off since I saw Jonghyun hyung brought NaNa in the evening. I felt angry and hot every time I saw Jonghyun hyung placed his hand on NaNa. And the worst thing was, NaNa even let him do that. She didn’t even bothered to take off Jonghyun hyung’s hand off her. I think because of that and her teasing before she ran off was the top for me. I was so pissed of by her saying I’m not always right when clearly I was helping her by getting her off from Jonghyun hyung. 

After that I didn’t know what came over me to suddenly grab her and kissed her. That was my first kiss. Despite what the others may think, I have never had a serious relationship to the extent that I want to kiss them. I know it’s a bit old fashion, but I was waiting to have my first kiss with the person that I felt I fell in love with.

That is why I can’t answer Onew hyung nor Jonghyun hyung’s question to me. I looked at Jonghyun hyung’s face. How do I convey it to him? I feel that why I felt angry towards them is because I begin to have feelings with NaNa. Wae? Why do I have to have this feeling towards her? I let myself dropped on the couch without answering Jonghyun hyung.

He followed me and sat beside me. Still waiting for me to talk to him. I grabbed my head and hunched over the couch with my both my elbows on top of my thigh. Since when do I have this fluttery feeling when I meet NaNa? I guess, I didn’t see it coming since we’re always teasing and bicker with each other. But that what’s made me confused. How did I fall for her when all we did was teasing and bickered with each other when we meet up for the OnYeon project. Argh, this is so confusing. I mean I’ll understand it if it was like Onew hyung and Seungyeon who have a mutual feelings towards each other from the start.

Sigh. The next complication is Jonghyun hyung seemed to like NaNa too by the look of things tonight. I have a divided feeling on me now. One is to have NaNa fall for me and be together with her. But another part of me don’t want to take her from Jonghyun hyung. He’s practically like my own brother. He is my brother even though we’re only cousins. He was there with me since before we can even walk. 

How do I to tell him? Am I willing to let go of my love for Jonghyun hyung?

“Kibum ah. Please say something to me. I’m sorry for raising my voice to you just now. I was just shocked. Cause, I like her you know.” Jonghyun hyung shattered the silence in the living room.

I knew I can’t let him know that I actually have feelings for NaNa. I know he will let go of NaNa to me. He had gone through so much after his father died. Maybe NaNa is the one for him that can finally tame his playboy syndrome all these while. I decided to not pursue NaNa. But if ever Jonghyun hyung hurt NaNa, I would not hesitate to take NaNa from him. 

I felt my heart break at what I’m about to do. This is the first time that I felt this deep feeling towards a girl. And I have to let go of her before I can even begin. 

I collected myself and breathe in deeply. I rose from my hunch and faced Jonghyun hyung. “Mianhae hyung. I know I shouldn’t do that. I really don’t know what came over me. I guess it’s because I get so angry that she always looked down on me. It’s pretty common for us to bicker and teased each other. But I guess, it’s a bit over just now.” I explained to him as best as I can without revealing the core feeling that I felt.

“Really?” He asked me with a serious expression on his face. 

“Neh. Jjinjayo” I said with a smile on my face to assured him. “It doesn’t mean anything else.” I said again and gulped on the words.

“Well, if you said it like that. So, you don’t mind if I start to gong out with her? I ask you because you seemed to know her earlier and knew her more.” He asked.

“N-Neh hyung." I gulped down the words again. It's so hard to say that simple word. "It’s okay. I only go out with her to plan for Onew hyung and Seungyeon to get together officially.” I said.

“Ah, so you’re planning for them with NaNa? Minho did mention that you were on to something to help Onew hyung.” He said with an excited voice. “So how is it going?”

I tried to make my voice as excited. “It’s going to be accomplished soon. I just need to re-confirm with NaNa when we’ll proceed with our plan.” In fact our last conversation before tonight’s event was to execute our plan in these few days after Taemin’s surprised birthday party. Of course at the time, we didn’t even know that it’s the same birthday party that both of us are involved. Now I don’t even know if NaNa still wants to speak to me. I’m such a pabo.

“That’s good. I wish all the best for you and NaNa’s plan for Onew hyung and Seungyeon. They deserved it.” He said with a smile on his face. I just nodded my head with a fake smile on my face. 

Yeah. Onew hyung and Seungyeon deserve it especially Onew hyung. But do I deserve this fate of mine?


To be continued...

*Yodongsaeng = Younger sister

Well well well. What do you know? Key actually like NaNa and he just confirm this to himself. Jonghyun sis just so blessed to have Key who is willing to give NaNa to him. So now, you know how are the three Jjong/NaNa/Key's feelings at this point. What happened next? Wait until the next update. :) Thank you for reading, subscribing and commenting.  ^.^

@theclumsywitch: Glad that you find it exciting. :)

@lolisho: Hi.. So long I didn't see your comment. I thought you already left and abandon from reading this fic. Hehehe.. I personally like the OnTae scene too. Kekeke.. Yep, it is a surprising thing for Key to do so.

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lee_onew13 #1
i like the ending..funny...
Awh! It's finally over. I really love it unnie. :D
bubbleBanana #3
job well done unnie :) I will miss them! hehe
This is an amazing story. U r a good writer
the end ?? im gonna miss this story .. its really beautiful and amazing . u r an awesome writer !! thankfully, the story end with with happy endings.. except for minho.. hope that he will find his true love soon ^^
onewjjang #6
@Iheartlife: Hope you have a good reading all this while. :)<br />
@khey_onsooni: Neh this story really is finish. Thank you for loving the last chapter. I hope that this epilogue you would enjoy too. Aww, thank you for reading this and comment in this fic. I do have another fic. You can click on it at the Author's Note. :D I hope to see you there too. GBU my dear. ^_^<br />
@bubbleBanana: Hehehe.. His ever sweetness neh. That is how he is here. :D
bubbleBanana #7
owww.. I'll miss Onew's sweetness! :D
kezia_onsooni #8
So the story is already finished?? Omo....omo....<br />
I just can't predict that, kekeke....<br />
Anyway, I love this chppy, cuz everyone is happy, keke.....<br />
Thx for making this story...<br />
Waiting for another fic....<br />
Gbu :)
Iheartlife #9
update soon :D
onewjjang #10
@Iheartlife: Thank you for reading and commenting.. :D<br />
@bubbleBanana: Ehehe, I think you already know after you read this chapter neh. :D