I Won't Let Go...

I Won't Let Go...

Jonghyun’s POV

I ran out of the house after I quickly put on my clothes and combed my hair to a more presentable state. I didn’t even hear my alarm clock went off. Minho didn’t even bother to wake me up, though he claimed to have shouted my name out many times but I didn’t respond to him. How can I hear him anyway if I’m in a far far away land with a beautiful princess on my side? Ah, I really will be nag by the manager this time. I quickly ran and reach out for the pub’s door when I hit on someone. I fell to the ground as well as the other person. The contents of a bag were strewn across the pavement floor. I quickly took the things that fell off and put it in the bag of the person. It seems that it’s a girl’s bag. She was rubbing her head and was about to say something when I handed her bag to her and helped her stood up. Then I get to see her face. She is one hot babe. Tall. Almost taller than me but I see that she wore heels so I guess not taller than me then. She had a long pretty hair and her sense of style is up to par. That really reminds me of Kibum. Since he always dressed to the nines. 

“I’m sorry I ran into you miss. I was in a hurry and didn’t see you. Sorry.” I said and put on my killer smile.

As I expected, she smiled back instead of yelling at me, “Oh, gwaenchana. It’s my fault too. I was walking while searching something in my hand bag and didn’t see you too.”

“Well, I would really love to chat with you, but I have to go in now. Maybe we’ll be meeting again?” I said.

“Oh, I’m sorry to hold you up. You should go. I’m going to this pub here where the SNU students always hang out since the booze is controlled here.” She said while pointing to the door that I just want to enter in.

“Oh, you’re coming to Cheer Pub too? Let’s get in then, we may get to talk later after my shift is done. That is, if you’re still here.” I said. I hoped she said yes. I crossed my fingers behind my back.

“You work here? Sure. My friends and I plan to stay quite long here.” She said and smiled to me. She really has a beautiful smile.


We walked in. She went to her friends and I went to the DJ booth. As expected, Manager Oh was waiting near the DJ booth and nagged me at being late and threatened to cut my pay if I’m to be late in the future again. After saying a thousand of sorries to him, he finally stopped. I walked on the DJ booth and played the songs for the night. My shift was from 7pm till 12am. I hope the girl will still be here by then. I like to know more about her. She gave a pleasant aura and it seems that she have spunk. I can’t wait to finish my shift. Usually like to do my shift but tonight I just want to talk to her. 

Finally my shift is over. When I was on my way to the door, I saw her sitting on one of the bar stool sipping drinks with a few people that I assume her friends. I went up to her and tapped on her shoulder. She turned around and faced me.

“Miss me?” I said with a playful smile.

She laughed. “Haha. You wish. So you’re the DJ here.”

“That is correct.”

“You look cool there. Take a seat. Let me introduce you to my friends. This is Hyomi and Misun.” She indicated to her friends. Then he said, “Girls, this is.... Emm, this is stupid, I didn’t even know your name.” She said while touching her hand on her head.

I chuckled at her cute action. “I’m Jonghyun.” I said, “Nice to meet you Hyomi and Misun.” I looked at her and said, “Now that I know your friends name, what about yours?”

“Ah. Again. Such bad manners I have, though these two will say I do. My name is NaNa.” She said and held out her hand for me to shake.

I shook her hand. It was soft and slender. “NaNa. That’s so adorable, just like the owner.” I said. But the name is quite familiar. Where did I heard of it? Never mind. Now I know her name is NaNa. 

She blushed and took her hand back. Her friends suddenly said, “NaNa ah, we think we’ll be off first. There’s extra class for us tomorrow for we signed up for extra classes in the summer. See you.”

“Ah, ok then. Nice to catch up with you girls. Bye.” They said their bye after hugging each other.

“The fact that you didn’t follow them back means that you’re willing to spend time with me?” I said.

“Hmm, that would be a yes. Since my roommate will be back near 1 am. So I have more than half an hour to wait for her. I’m bored to stay at my room alone.” She said.

“Haha. I get bored too if it’s only me in the house. But usually I wouldn’t get so bored cause I have my cousin to always riled me up.” I said while I thought of Kibum who always teased me and that made us crazily running around the house. I don’t mind though, that’s how we are since we’re small. It will be weird if we suddenly stop from doing it even though we’re now in college.

“Really? You must love him even if he riled you up.” She said.

“Yeah. I’ll be bored without him to chase me around or nag at me. He’s really good at nagging people. Even the eldest in the house will bend to him if he put his mind to it.”

“Haha. Your home must be very happening. I wish to have that.” She said with a small smile.

“You’re not happy with your roommate now?”

“No. It’s not that. I mean at home. I’m the only child. So it’s quite lonely.” She said. “Thank God I have my roommate. She’s my best friend since we’re small and she’s like my own sister. I love her to bits.”

“Lucky of your friend to have you then.” I smiled to her. I feel so comfortable while talking to her. I’m glad that I met her tonight.

We talked more about our families and studies and about random things. There’s no awkward moment for us. It’s just a flow of conversation that I enjoyed talking with her.

She glanced at the clock on the wall and took a double look. “Omo. It’s already 1am. I really have to go. My roommate must be wondering where am I now. You’re so easy to talk to. I really had a great time.” She said and smiled genuinely.

“The same with me. I didn’t feel the time fly so fast. Let me accompany you back home. It’s late.” I said.

“It’s okay. I stayed at the college dorm. So it’s near.” She said.

“It’s okay. We can talk more. My apartment is not that far too.” I said with a smile.

“Ok then. If you insist. Let’s go.”

I walked her to her dorm and asked for her number. We exchanged phone numbers and say our goodbyes. I see to it that she’s safe then walked back home. I’ll meet her up again. This is the first time that I met a girl who I am comfortable in talking to since Ee Seul. I missed her. I know that she hurt Onew hyung, but she’s my friend too. I know there must be a reason for her to do that though she didn’t confide in me at the time. I always have an easy time when I talked with her. I wonder how she is now. She only mentioned that she’s excited to meet her sister again after so many years. That’s the only thing that she was happy about to go back to the states. I wished she confide in me her problems. Sigh. Anyway, I hope to get to know NaNa more. I smiled all the way back home.


As I walked into the apartment, the first thing that I saw was the living room lights were switched on and all of the guys are sitting in a huddle on the couch except Taemin. They haven’t gone to sleep yet? Usually, it was pitch black when I arrived back home after my part time job. I took off my shoes and walked towards them. All of them turned to me.

“Good, you’re here. What took you so long Jonghyun hyung? We were waiting for you. Usually it’s Onew hyung who came back late from sending Seungyeon home.” Key complained.

I took a seat next to Onew hyung, away from Kibum who sat at the other end with Minho. I’ll get hit by him again if I sit close to him. 

“Nothing. Just talking with someone that I met and didn’t realize the time flew by. So, what is it that you guys were discussing? What’s up?” I said excitedly while bouncing on the couch.

“Stop bouncing Jonghyun or we’ll all going to fall from the couch.” Onew hyung reprimanded gently.

“*Sorrey.” I stopped my bouncing immediately. “I’m all ears.” I said while looking expectantly at them. I’m curious to what they’re planning. Maybe we’re going to go for a vacation again. Yay..

“So, we’re just discussing about going to make a surprise small birthday party for Taemin. Minho just reminded me this afternoon about it.” Key sighed. “I’m still shocked that I forgot my son’s birthday. How could I.” Key said with a miserable face. I think he really took it hard that he forgot his beloved son’s birthday. Ah, yes, Taemin’s birthday is next week. No wonder he’s upset. It’s a week away and he just remember it after Minho reminded him today. I mean yesterday, since it’s past 12am now.

“It’s okay Key. Now that Minho had reminded you, you can do something right.” Onew hyung tried to reassure Key.

“Yeah. Okay, so this is what we’re gonna do. All this week, I asked Minho to make Taemin very busy and tired with all the activities that Minho had plan and believe it or not it’s all sports.” Key said while rolling his eyes. “He can do some other things okay. My poor son going to be so tired.”

“Hey, you’re the one who said to make him tired until he can’t remember his own birthday. That’s exactly what I’m trying to do.” Minho defended himself. I almost forgot he’s there for he’s so quiet since I came back.

“You’re contradicting your own words Kibum.” I said.

“Yah, who needs your opinion. I haven’t finished yet.” He said. Figured. He always doesn’t want to acknowledge that he’s wrong. Sigh.

“Neh. Continue then. And lower down your voice please, Taemin is asleep right. You don’t want your son to wake up and listen to this don’t you? Then there’s no point in doing this surprise birthday party.” I relented so as not to make a commotion. I figured Taemin is asleep if they’re planning this.

“Ah. Ma-ja. Okay. So, as I was saying, Minho will make Taemin busy and on that day, I’ll bake a cake for him. Minho, you’re going to take him out again, but bring him back by evening. Onew hyung and Jonghyun hyung, you can help me prepare the house for the party. Oh, and Onew hyung, if you want to bring Seungyeon, it will be good too. You haven’t introduced her to Taemin properly right. In fact, none of them other than you and me have really talked to her.” Key said, giving orders as usual to us. 

I have to admit that the rest of us other than Key and Onew hyung ever talked to this Seungyeon before. The last time we saw her was at the beach when Onew hyung saved her. They’ve been pretty close lately. Is there something going on that I’m not aware of?

“Oh. Is it okay? But, we’re not a couple or anything.” Onew hyung said.

“Yah, even though you’re not together doesn’t mean that you couldn’t bring her right. By the way, Minho said it’s better to bring Seungyeon to meet with Taemin anyway because he seems to want to meet her. So you’re going to grant that wish to my son. *Araseo?” Key said.

“Ah? Taemin wants to meet her? Why all of a sudden?” Onew hyung asked. His eyes opened wide in surprise.

“Yeah. Why did Taemin suddenly asked about it?” I seconded.

I saw Key looked at Minho and Minho just stared in front of him as if nothing is wrong.

“Emm, for reasons undisclosed.” Minho said while putting on a serious face on us.

“Okay~`” I said while raising both of my hands up as if surrendering to something. If Minho doesn’t want to talk about it, then better not to pursue it.

“So, meaning, we can bring a friend too if we want?” I asked Key.

He seemed to think about it for a while before answering me, “Well, there’s nothing wrong with that I guess. The more the merrier. I was thinking of inviting Taemin’s close friend Yoseob, Dongwoon and Sulli too. But it seems that all of them went to their family vacation. No wonder *uri Taemin is lonely and bored. I should have spent more time with him.” He said.

“So why don’t you?” I asked with my eyebrow raised in question to him.

He coughed. “Well, I have something equally important that I have to take care of at the moment.” He said while avoiding eye contact with us.

“What could be more important than your son? I thought Taemin is the only thing that you took prevalence over other things?” Onew hyung asked. He must be wondering as I was. Key really dotted on Taemin. You could say more than Onew hyung did, Taemin’s own hyung. He really took care of Taemin.

“Neh. I still do and will do for the rest of my life. But the thing that I’m doing currently is important too. So no more questions for me please.” Key said while holding his palm up to us. “All of you can bring someone to join the party too. And all clear to what your role is already, correct?”

“Neh~~” All of us said in unison.

“Good. Then now, we can adjourn to our own room.” Key said then stood up to walk to his, Onew and Taemin’s room. Minho followed him to go to our room. Onew hyung stayed on the couch and took out his cell phone. I stood up and walked to our room to catch Minho before he went to bed.

I entered our room and went straight to his bed and pushed him to make room for me to lie down too.

“What’s up hyung?” Minho asked. “I’m really tired from taking Taemin out to play today.” He said while putting his arm on his eyes.

I turned to face him and said, “Don’t go to sleep yet Minho ya. I have something to ask you.” While shaking his arm and making my puppy dog eyes to him.

“What is it?” He said.

“Well, I met a girl tonight at the pub that I worked part time in.” I said excitedly.

“And?” Minho asked. Arms still on his yes.

“So, we talked a lot to each other. It really reminds me of the time when the last time that I talked really comfortably with any girl before is Ee Seul.”

“Hyung, what are you trying to say? You know that Ee Seul noona has left Onew hyung right. And I know for a fact that you do have feelings for Ee Seul noona before. Are you saying that you’re seeing a chance to be with this girl as a replacement of Ee Seul noona?” Minho asked and turned to look at me.

I felt uneasy with Minho staring at me like that. It’s like he can see through my soul. I know it sounds ridiculous, but Minho really have a knack with digging what’s inside that matters.

“I don’t know Minho. I admit that I do have feelings for Ee Seul before. We were friends before I introduced her to Onew hyung and they fell in love. I don’t blame Onew hyung or Ee Seul though.” I said while staring at the ceiling.

“But Ee Seul noona left Onew hyung in the end. She let go of him. It’s hard for him. You witnessed it yourself. Why do you think Key is busy for at the moment that he forgot Taemin’s birthday?”

I looked at Minho. I don’t have any idea at all. It’s not like Key at all to forget any of our birthdays especially Taemin. So whatever that he’s doing now is considered very important to him. So I just shook my head.

“It’s because Onew hyung finally find someone that he fall in love with and couldn’t really confess to her. So Key is actually planning something to help him without Onew hyung even realizing it.” 

“Cheongmalyo? Kibum really did that?” I asked. I never thought that Kibum really cared for any of us that much since he didn’t really show it. Except for Taemin of course.

Minho just nodded his head then said, “So if you really like this person, go on and have a good relationship with her. But don’t begin a relationship if it’s only to replace her with someone else. It’ll only hurt you and her in the end.” 

I thought about it deeply. What Minho were saying is true. The problem is, I really want to get to know NaNa more, but I can’t help to remember the times I had with Ee Seul when I was with NaNa too. I don’t know why. Maybe I just missed Ee Seul. I know that she doesn’t really mean it to let go of Onew hyung. Even if the others didn’t realized it but I do because I always observed Ee Seul more closely. Even more than Onew hyung I dare say.

“But Minho,” I said while looking at him, “how do you know about all these things? You’re really like a counsellor that has every answer to every question.” I asked.

He just stared at me. “You wouldn’t want to know.” He said in his deep voice. Then, “I need to sleep hyung.”

That means the conversation had ended. I rose up from his bed and went to my bed. I plopped down on my bed and stared some more at the ceiling. Then said, “Komawo Minho ah.” In a small voice.

I didn’t know if Minho heard me but then there’s a muffled, “No problem. Sleep hyung.”

I smiled then close my eyes to enter dreamland.

3rd person’s POV

The week is a hectic week for Minho and Taemin. Taemin was always brought out by Minho and played around till dark. Taemin didn’t know that when he asked for Minho hyung to play with him, Minho will take it very seriously. So a week passed by with activities all day and by the time they get back home, he was too tired to do anything else but to eat, took a shower then sleep. And the routine will continue the next day.

Minho was actually having fun playing with Taemin. It’s been a long time that he got to spend time with Taemin and hang out with him since he was so busy with assignments in campus and Taemin is quite busy in his senior year. The only time they get to spent was when Taemin did his homework with him when he was doing his assignments at home.

For Key, he was busy preparing for Taemin’s upcoming birthday party and planning his big project for Onew hyung and Seungyeon with NaNa most of the time. And most of the time that Key and NaNa spend together was full of bickering. But, they finally had a plan to get Onew hyung and Seungyeon together. They plan to actually execute it the week after Taemin’s birthday. Key had actually asked NaNa to join Taemin’s birthday party but NaNa rejected him because someone had asked her out to their friend’s birthday party too. Key was actually a bit disappointed. But being Key, he doesn’t show it but it made him louder if that is possible.

For Onew, he was either busy with completing his thesis to graduate from college since it’s his final year and he has to submit his thesis and present it after summer break or he was hainging out with Seungyeon. You can say that he was closer to Seungyeon day by day. They’ve always talked to each other when Onew walked Seungyeon back to her room after her shift at the cafe, be it Seungyeon’s afternoon shift or night shift. When Seungyeon has her day off from work, Onew would brought her out to movies or do something to spend time and get to know her more. But Onew never did confess to Seungyeon that he like her more than a friend. That actually made Seungyeon quite confused with their status of relationship now. They’re acting like a couple but in reality they’re not. 

Jonghyun was enjoying his time when it’s the day that he goes to work. Because that was the time that he get to spent time with NaNa. Jonghyun had asked her out on day time before but NaNa always declined for she always go out with a friend to plan out something that she didn’t want to tell him or she has her shift for her part time job. But he had a good time in talking and hanging out with her after his work was done. He finally get NaNa to agree on joining him for Taemin’s birthday party after always been declined when he asked her out in day time. NaNa had explained that she’s only free when her plan that she’s planning at the moment is accomplish. It really reminds him of Key who had quite the same attitude these past week which now he knows thanks to Minho. 

That is basically what happened to them for the rest of the week.

The night of Taemin’s surprised birthday party

NaNa’s POV

I just finished putting on my strawberry pink lip gloss when I heard knocking on the door. I quickly put down the lip gloss on our dressing table and walk to the door. When I opened the door Jonghyun is in front waiting for me in his blue shirts with black jacket on and skinny jeans with black shoes that has white base line. He looked dashing to my eyes. Ever since the night that we met outside the Cheers Pub, we’ve been constantly seeing each other after his work shift is done. It so happened that all the days of his work shift is when my shift at the cafe was in the afternoon and not at night. So I have the chance to meet Jonghyun when he has his shift.

Right now, I feel my heart beat just a little bit faster when I saw him so dashing in front of me than before (not that he’s not dashing at other times but tonight he just feels different) with his side smile that I came to like. 

“Hi NaNa. Are you ready? You look really beautiful.” He asked then complimented me. His compliment made me feel all warm inside. I was wearing a blue denim skirt that fall until the middle of my thigh, a white black fitted blouse with white jacket on top of it. I was wearing a black sneakers wedges heel to complement my casual attire.

“Ah. Kahamsamnida. Yes, I’m ready. I just need to take my purse.” I said then went to retrieve my purse on top of my bed. I walked back to the door and went out to close the door and locked it. 

As I turned to face Jonghyun, he said, “You don’t need to be formal to me you know.”

“Huh? Formal?” I asked, confused.

“Just now. You were saying Kahamsanida instead of Komawo. You don’t need to be formal with me.” He said while smiling at me.

“Ah. That.” I laughed a bit. “It’s just a habit. I don’t really hear people compliment me that often.” I explained.

“Cheongmalyo? Then I’ll say it to you often from now on.” He said while clapped his hand once and nodded his head as if he had made a good deal.

“Y-y-you don’t have to. I feel more awkward then.” I said while quickly walking from the door.

“Then all the more reason that I need to say it often enough so that you’re used to it.” He grinned as he catches up with me.

“Neo.. Ah.. Whatever that you want to do then.” I gave up on his request.

“Your roommate is not in the room? Since you locked it earlier.” He asked while he guided me to a red sport car that seemed quite familiar to me. It looked just like Key’s car but unfortunately I can’t remember his car plate number, so I can’t make sure of it.

“Yeah. She has her shift at the cafe that we work at and her shift ends at 6pm today and her friend will pick her up to some party tonight. I have my off day today.” I explained.

Jonghyun opened the red car’s passenger door and ushered me to get into the car. I walked to the passenger side and slide in the car. Then he walked to get into the driver’s seat and started the engine.

“Emm, is this your car?” I asked.

“Hmm? Ah, ani. It’s actually my cousin, Kibum’s car. I haven’t had my own car yet. That’s why I got a part time job actually. To earn enough money to buy my own car in the future. My cousin got this car for his 21st birthday from his parents. They’re quite rich. So in the mean time I usually borrowed his car if I want to.” He explained while driving to his place for his friend’s birthday party. Someone called Taemin.

“I see. You and your cousin must be pretty close that he trusted you with his car.” I said.

“You can say that. Though most of the time, we always tease each other and ransacked the house by our chasing around the house.” He said and chuckled.

“Haha.. That is so adorable of you guys. I can see that that’s how you show your love to each other.” I said while laughing at the image that played on my head. “You’re so blessed to have your cousin and the friends that you live in with now.” He always talked about his cousin and his friend that live together with him. Though he didn’t tell me all their names so I had no idea who all these people are.

He smiled. “Yeah. I do.” 

He drove in silence afterwards. It’s not an awkward silence but I know he was just reminiscing his time with Kibum his cousin. I wished I have any cousin that I’m really close to. But I’m happy enough that I got Seungyeon. Hmm, I think I should share to him more about my dearest person which is Seungyeon to him too, since he shared a bit about his cousin which is dear to him.

“Here we are.” He said after he parked the car and turned off the ignition. He got out of the car and walked to the passenger side to open the car door for me. “After you my beautiful lady.” He said while waving his hand like a gentlemen. I giggled at his action and got out of the car.

He offered me his arm and I just took it and he walked us to the apartment. We rode the elevator to the 7th floor then Jonghyun unlocked one of the doors with the number 77 on the door. “Come on in.” Jonghyun said after he opened the door and walked in to usher me into the house.

I can hear people’s voices inside of the house when I’m standing outside. I can’t see who was inside since Jonghyun is standing in front of the door. There’s someone yelling about something, “Yah, Onew hyung, don’t eat the chicken yet. We have to wait for Minho and Taemin to arrive. Jonghyun isn’t even here yet.” Hmm, that voice sounds so familiar.

“Ouch. You don’t have to slap my hand that hard.” Said another voice. Okay. That voice sounds familiar too.

“Oppa, it’s okay. Here you can have this drink first neh.” I was surprised because I know this voice very well. I grew up with listening to her voice. What is Seungyeon doing here? So the one who was whining just now is Onew as in Jinki oppa who likes Seungyeon? And the other voice is Key?

I just stood there with my eyes going to popped out of my eyes anytime. What is their relationship this Jonghyun, Onew and Key have?

“NaNa, why are you still standing there? Come on in. Those guys inside won’t eat you up.” He said and laughed. “Come on.” He took my wrist to drag me inside when I still did not move from my spot.

“Ah, Jonghyun hyung, you’re here with your friend? We’re in the living room.” Key called. I’m pretty sure that it’s Key. And lo and behold, when I came in, I was staring right at Key who was kneeling near the coffee table arranging the plates of food. He turned towards the door and I can see that he was shocked seeing me here with Jonghyun still holding my hand.

“Yes we’re here. This is my friend that I was talking about. Introducing, this is NaNa.” Jonghyun said with a big smile on his face while the others looked shocked at me.


To be continued...

*Sorrey = The way Jonghyun pronounce it in Hello Baby.. ^.^
*Araseo = Understand
*Uri = Our

Tada... So the NaNa that Jonghyun met is the same NaNa that Key knows and Seungyeon's roommate. What will happened at Taemin's so called surprised birthday party? Now we have another twist other than what's at hand with Onew and Seungyeon. This is another long chapter I would say. Enjoy reading and comments are greatly appreciated. :) Subscribers are love. :) Until the next chapter. Annyeong.. ^_^

I just want to let you guys know that I started another SHINee fic as well here called Gangsta Boy. If you're interested, you can have a read on it. I thank earlier for those who subscribes and comment on it. ^^ Just click on the title. :D Thank you. :)

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lee_onew13 #1
i like the ending..funny...
Awh! It's finally over. I really love it unnie. :D
bubbleBanana #3
job well done unnie :) I will miss them! hehe
This is an amazing story. U r a good writer
the end ?? im gonna miss this story .. its really beautiful and amazing . u r an awesome writer !! thankfully, the story end with with happy endings.. except for minho.. hope that he will find his true love soon ^^
onewjjang #6
@Iheartlife: Hope you have a good reading all this while. :)<br />
@khey_onsooni: Neh this story really is finish. Thank you for loving the last chapter. I hope that this epilogue you would enjoy too. Aww, thank you for reading this and comment in this fic. I do have another fic. You can click on it at the Author's Note. :D I hope to see you there too. GBU my dear. ^_^<br />
@bubbleBanana: Hehehe.. His ever sweetness neh. That is how he is here. :D
bubbleBanana #7
owww.. I'll miss Onew's sweetness! :D
kezia_onsooni #8
So the story is already finished?? Omo....omo....<br />
I just can't predict that, kekeke....<br />
Anyway, I love this chppy, cuz everyone is happy, keke.....<br />
Thx for making this story...<br />
Waiting for another fic....<br />
Gbu :)
Iheartlife #9
update soon :D
onewjjang #10
@Iheartlife: Thank you for reading and commenting.. :D<br />
@bubbleBanana: Ehehe, I think you already know after you read this chapter neh. :D