I Won't Let Go...

I Won't Let Go...

Onew’s POV

“Onew hyung. Help me carry this basket please.. It’s so heavy. I think Key hyung put a boulder inside this instead of our food.” Whined Taemin while struggling to carry the huge basket with both of his hands.

I was admiring the scenery in front of me which the white sand and the blue green of the ocean with the skies’ not so bright and not so dark background when I heard Taemin’s call. I turned my back from the scenery and looked at Taemin. Aigoo. My dongsaeng is so adorable even with complaining about the heavy basket. With his newly dyed red hair that swept to his right side, he looked so pretty. What’s with the wind blowing gently swept his hair. Yeah, I know. I’m complementing my own dongsaeng too much. I sometimes wondered if umma have mistakenly taken Taemin after the birth delivery. Taemin is just too perfect. Maybe it’s the gene from our previous ancestor. Yeah, that must be it. I’m so lucky though to have a dongsaeng as caring as Taemin. He never disobey me before. I just started to take a step towards him to help him out when Jonghyun came to his side.

“Aigoo Taeminie. Pity you to have to carry this heavy food basket. Come here, hyung will take it and you take this blanket to hold.” said Jonghyun. Taking the food basket from him and handing Taemin the blanket that we’ll use later.

“Komawo Jonghyun hyung. Ah, I feel relief.” said Taemin while stretching his arm upwards.

“Yah, Kibum. What did you packed for us to eat? A dozen of turkeys? It’s not even Christmas yet.” yelled Jonghyun.

“Yah, pabo ya. How can a dozen turkeys fit into the basket hyung. In case you didn’t know, the size of a turkey is big okay. Didn’t you watch Mr. Bean when the turkey stuck in his head? Now that is only A turkey and not a dozen.” Key snapped back.

“You dare call me pabo? Yah, you really will get it this time. Come here so that I can strangle you.” said Jonghyun while putting the basket on the white beach sand and started to get at Key.

“Omo, Minho ya. Come and help me. Jonghyun hyung is going crazy again.” said Key while trying to hide behind Minho’s tall frame. Minho was just standing there and admiring the place too when suddenly Key was at his back and using him as his shield against Jonghyun.

“Go go Jonghyun hyung.” shouted Taemin. Encouraging Jonghyun to catch Key while pumping his right hand in the air then clapping his hand.

I silently laughed at the scene in front of me. Those two always bickering with each other. But I know they care about each other since they grew up together, being cousins and all. Minho is always so cool, but he’s beginning to be very talkative lately. Hmm. Sigh. It’s a relief to get off the assignments and constant studies that we had for the past week. We just finished our exams in Seoul National University. That is, the four of us of course, excluding Taemin. Taemin is in his final year in high school, Seoul Academy, which is not that far from our university.

We decided to hang out on the beach today as it is a Saturday, and there’s no activity today. Furthermore, the rest of us doesn’t feel like going back to our respective home. We are currently living together in an apartment near our university and Taemin’s high school. We feel it’s better to be together since we’ve been friends since our elementary school. I’m actually on my 4th year and final year taking broadcasting music. I love music. And I plan to be a singer songwriter someday.

While the others are still playing around, (with the addition of Taemin joining them) I took the blanket which Taemin just dump on the sand in a rush to play with the rest and spread it under a big tree. I smoothed down the blanket, took the food basket to the middle of the blanket and start to take out all the food inside. I’m getting hungry and i can’t wait for them anymore. I took out sandwiches, fried chicken, kimbap, drinks, jam, desserts, napkins, glasses, paper plate, etc. No wonder it was so heavy with all these food. Key can really cook for an army. I chuckled. At least he didn’t forget the fried chicken for me. I know, people might say that I’m a chicken maniac, but I don’t really care. 

I’m just going to call them to eat when something caught my attention at the corner of my eyes. I turned right to the sea and saw something or more accurately hands flailing around as if the person wanted to get out from there. I fixed my eyes on that hands and slowly it dawn on me that someone is drowning. Abandoning all the food behind and the rest of the guys, I ran as fast as I possibly can and dove into the ocean to get to the person. “Hang on a while please. I’ll get you.” I thought. And when I get closer, I can see that the person already stop thrashing on the water and slowly begun to sink. I quickly swam and tugged at the person’s hand as hard as I can to bring the person back up above the water. I noticed that the person is actually a female. I grabbed her hand, swam up above the water, hooked my arm just below her jaw and swam to the shore. 

By the time I reach the shore the rest of the guys was already waiting and handing me towels. I guessed they realized what had happened and prepared it for us.

“Here hyung.” said Minho while putting the towel on my shoulder. I was drenched from head to toe. My red shirt and short pants was soaked to my skin.

Thank God that they brought the towel and helped me. Then he handed me another towel. I took it and wrapped it around her body. Her body was so cold with only her blue swimsuit with a white tee.

“Are you okay hyung? Is she going to be okay?” said Taemin in a nervous tone.

I just grunted my answer and lifted her up to bring her to our spot and laid her down. She looked so pale and her long hair is all over her face. I swept her hair aside, and I can’t help it but admiring her face. She looked so sweet and beautiful. Her eyelashes are so long and black, smooth white skin and her lips is pale. Pale?! Ah, neh, she’s pale because of swallowing too much sea water. What am I thinking, perusing her like this when her life is in jeopardy? I quickly positioned myself to give her CPR. I pressed hard on her diaphragm a few times then blowed air into . I did it a few times and I can’t help thinking that, this is how my first kiss is. Doing a CPR. But I don’t mind though. I wanted to save her life. I was scared that I wouldn’t be able to. And somewhere in my heart I felt something stirred but decided not pay attention to it. What’s important now is for her to regain consciousness. 

Minho’s POV

I silently stood at the beach and admiring the scenic view. Suddenly Key grabbed me from behind and used me as his shield from Jonghyun hyung while Jonghyun hyung was trying to get to Key by grabbing my hand and pulled me to the side to get to Key. Sigh. Again. How many times do I have to be their intermediary object when these things happened? I swear these two guys just never stop. I wonder how their mothers handled them when they were small. Cause I know they’ve been doing this since they’re still small. Sigh. 

“Key, stop pulling on my shirt. You’re going to tear it apart.” I said to him.

But might as well I didn’t say it, for the only reply that I got was, “I’ll buy you another new one which is much better than this. My sense of fashion is much better anyway.” Key said.

“Just because you take fashion and design doesn’t make you the King of all fashion style.” I said.

“To me, I’m the best. Haven’t you got used to my nickname yet? Almighty Key alright.” Key said.

“Pfft. As if. If you’re so almighty you wouldn’t get caught by me. Haha.” Laughed Jonghyun hyung after he managed to grab Key’s hand and tackled him to the floor and pinned him down. “That’s what you get when you are not paying attention ‘Almighty Key’. Haha” said Jonghyun hyung.

Sigh. I’m kind of glad Jonghyun hyung caught Key, He’s starting to suffocate me with him pulling my shirt collar. Taemin came and helped me to arrange my shirt again and watched Jonghyun hyung and Key on the floor while laughing all the while. I guessed it’s fun for him to watch his two hyung act like children.

Key was wriggling on the floor to get up from Jonghyun hyung’s weight. “Okay okay. I give up okay. Sorry for calling you pabo. I won’t do it again alright.” Key said.

“You better stick to your promise.” Jonghyun hyung said while letting him go.

But as soon as he let go, Key was standing and starting to run while shouting “Pabo. Who says anything about promise? I didn’t even utter the word promise. Haha.”

Jonghyun hyung was just about to catch him again when I noticed Onew hyung running at full speed to the ocean. 

“Onew hyung” I shouted to get his attention. But he did not even acknowledge that he heard me. The rest stop for whatever they were doing at my shout to Onew hyung and started to follow me as I ran to the shore.

We all watched Onew hyung swam to a person who seemed like drowning. I was so shocked. There’s someone who is drowning and we have no idea and still playing around. Thank God that Onew hyung saw the person. I quickly ran back to where we dropped our bags, pulled out a few towels and ran back to the shore waiting for Onew hyung.

When he reached the shore I spread the towel on his shoulder and said, “Here hyung.” Then I handed another towel for him to put on the poor girl.

Then I heard Taemin asked Onew hyung, “Are you okay hyung? Is she going to be okay?”

Seems that the person whose almost drown is a girl. I hope that she’s going to be okay. Onew hyung lifted her and brought her to the spread blanket and lays her there. We all followed suit. 

Key was saying how the poor girl can nearly drown. ”Maybe she got cramp. It happens a lot to people right Jonghyun hyung.” Key said. 

“I guess. Now be quiet Kibum.” replied Jonghyun hyung.

Onew hyung swept the girl’s hair aside and it seems that he was admiring her face. I admit that the girl is pretty. But now is not the time. As if he read my mind, he quickly performs CPR for the girl to regain consciousness again. After a few times of Onew hyung repeating the steps, the girl finally coughed the water out. Her chest heaved up and down. She coughed out a lot of water. Onew hyung helped lift her head up so she can coughed it all out much easier while sweeping her hair away and rubbing her back. He did it with such gentleness. Then with the hand that swept her hair away, he holds her hands firmly. Hmm, do Onew hyung feel something for this girl? His gaze to the girl is so different.

Seungyeon’s POV

*Cough cough* Ah, I feel there’s so much water in my chest. *Cough cough* ?? It’s me who’s actually coughing and water kept on coming out of my mouth every time I cough. I kept on coughing until I felt that there’s no more water in my chest and lungs. Ugh. My head hurts and my body is so tired and hurt too. *Jamkkanman. How do I get out of the water? I felt there were a lot of people watching me, but I don’t dare to open my eyes. Am I dead? Am I somewhere in Heaven? But I feel cold and my body is hurting. Especially my head. I don’t think anybody feel any pain in Heaven will they? Then am I in Hell? But isn’t it supposed to be hot? Aish, I’m so confuse.

Ah! I remembered the silhouetted figure before darkness claimed me. Am I saved by that person? Right then I felt someone squeezed my right hand. The hand felt so warm and the squeeze made me feel as if that person was reassuring me that it’s going to fine. My heart thumped and I can feel heat started to spread to my whole body by that action. What is this feeling? Then, I slowly open my eyes and I see the most gentle and handsomest face I’ve ever seen. My heart skipped a beat. I can see my hand in his grip and I realized that I’m actually lying in his arm. His arm supported me strongly. Again I feel safe. 

His eyes are small but his gaze is so intense with concern and gladness that I could not take my eyes away from his gaze. It just registered to my mind that his skin is smooth and his face is just perfect with his short wet black hair. Wet hair. I guess he’s the one who had rescued me. Again I felt myself warmed by that thought. This handsome guy has saved me. I should thank him properly. But just as I want to thank him, I felt a sharp pain as if something jabbed me inside of my head and I took an involuntary short breathe.

“Please miss, you don’t have to talk. You’re still weak. We’ll bring you to the nearest hospital okay. You’re going to be okay.” The guy was saying to me. It hardly registered as the darkness claim me again and I can still feel my head throbbing. But one thing for sure, I’m so much reassured by his gentle and soft voice and I smile in returned.



To be continued...

*Jamkkanman = Wait

So, chapter 1 is up. So it's actually a girl who is almost drown and the silhouetted figure is Onew. What will happened to her? 

I hope you all will enjoy this chapter. :D

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lee_onew13 #1
i like the ending..funny...
Awh! It's finally over. I really love it unnie. :D
bubbleBanana #3
job well done unnie :) I will miss them! hehe
This is an amazing story. U r a good writer
the end ?? im gonna miss this story .. its really beautiful and amazing . u r an awesome writer !! thankfully, the story end with with happy endings.. except for minho.. hope that he will find his true love soon ^^
onewjjang #6
@Iheartlife: Hope you have a good reading all this while. :)<br />
@khey_onsooni: Neh this story really is finish. Thank you for loving the last chapter. I hope that this epilogue you would enjoy too. Aww, thank you for reading this and comment in this fic. I do have another fic. You can click on it at the Author's Note. :D I hope to see you there too. GBU my dear. ^_^<br />
@bubbleBanana: Hehehe.. His ever sweetness neh. That is how he is here. :D
bubbleBanana #7
owww.. I'll miss Onew's sweetness! :D
kezia_onsooni #8
So the story is already finished?? Omo....omo....<br />
I just can't predict that, kekeke....<br />
Anyway, I love this chppy, cuz everyone is happy, keke.....<br />
Thx for making this story...<br />
Waiting for another fic....<br />
Gbu :)
Iheartlife #9
update soon :D
onewjjang #10
@Iheartlife: Thank you for reading and commenting.. :D<br />
@bubbleBanana: Ehehe, I think you already know after you read this chapter neh. :D