I Won't Let Go...

I Won't Let Go...

Jonghyun’s POV

Hmm.. What a good weather it is today. After the storm last night, the sun was shining brightly today with winds blowing that made you want to stay outside longer. I slowly walked to the cafe’s address that Onew hyung gave me. I want to enjoy the weather a bit more before I meet NaNa. She must be surprised to see me suddenly visiting her. I smiled to myself while shoving one of my hand into my pants pocket and my other hand is holding a lollipop into my mouth. 

I really begin to like NaNa more and more after I get to know her. Since the first time that I met her outside Cheer Pub, I felt the attraction towards her. She is a girl who is none like the other girls that I’ve went out with before. She doesn’t flung herself to me. She talked to me without whining voice or trying to make herself looked cute. She actually listened to what I was saying and responded accordingly. I was bored with all the girls who try to look pretty by doing a lot of agyeo that doesn’t suit them at all. NaNa is very different. She has her own opinion and her fashion sense is really good. 

Finally I arrived at the cafe front step. I stood outside the cafe and pulled my shirt collar straight, crunched what’s left of my lollipop, then throw the stick in the nearest bin. Then I walked into the cafe. I opened the door and the chimed of a tiny bell rang. I surveyed the cafe. It was a quaint cafe. It’s not that big but it has a welcoming and warm feeling once you stepped inside the cafe.

“Welcome to Lily’s Cafe!” Someone greeted me. I turned to the voice and was face to face with none other than NaNa. I smiled brightly at her.

She looked surprised to find me here. “Omo, Jonghyun. You’re here.” She said cheerfully. “Come on, I’ll bring you to a table.” She directed me to a corner table near the big window overlooking the street outside.

“So, how may I help you? What do you want to order? I’ll put it in the house.” She said brightly. I really do like her bright smile. So brilliantly bright. I can’t help it but smiled widely at her too.

“Hmm, what the special menu for today?” I asked her.

“Today, we have our special vanilla latté. Do you like vanilla flavoured drinks?” She asked me while tucking her hair behind her ear.

“How about I have you instead?” I asked her playfully.

She just laughed it off as a joke. “How can you drink me Jonghyun. Come on, would you want to try it out? It’s really good actually.” She said, still smiling at me.

“Sure. I’ll have it.” I said.

“Great. I’ll ask Key to bring it to you in a while. We’re quite short with employees this afternoon.” She said apologetically. 

“Ah, Kibum. Onew hyung did mention just now that he helped you out here since you asked them to go out on a date. That’s really generous of you NaNa.” I said.

“It’s nothing. I’m really happy for them. I’ve been waiting for this day to happen since the first time they met each other. They’re just so slow.” She complained but with a caring voice. It shows that she really cared.

“But how come you didn’t ask me to help you out? I thought we’re friends?” I pouted to .

“Oh.” She said and blushed. Why did she blush? Did she feel embarrassed to ask for my help? “Umm, Key just happened to be here and he volunteered himself.” She said quickly. “Well, I better send your order to the kitchen.” She said and quickly walked towards the kitchen.

Hmm, I wonder what made her so flustered by my simple question. I’ll ask Kibum when he delivered my drinks later. So I just looked around the cafe while waiting for my drinks. The cafe was filled with the chatter of the other customers and soft background music. I really like the atmosphere in the cafe. I smiled to myself. Omo, I find myself smiling too much today. Then Kibum appeared beside me with the vanilla latté. He settled down the glass in front of me on the table.

“Here you go hyung.” He said. “What made you come here today?” He asked while holding on the serving plate that he used for the drinks.

“Onew hyung told me that you’re here helping NaNa out. So I just drop by to see you guys.” I said. I didn’t say that I plan to ask NaNa out though. 

“Ah, I see. So Onew hyung had told you three about his good news?” Kibum asked me while smirking.

“Hahaha. Of course. But he doesn’t talk about it straight away. I have to ask him why he didn’t come back last night and hence the story came out.” I said and chuckled when I remembered the incident this morning.

“You and NaNa came out with a brilliant idea huh. I don’t know what else happened to them last night.” I said while shaking my head.

Key laughed out loud making other customers to look at us. “Oh hyung. You should witness it when NaNa and I walked in on them in the employees’ room this morning. They’re cuddling with each other on the small couch. They looked so sweet.” Kibum said and laughed again.

“Mwo? Both of them on the couch and cuddling with each other? I didn’t know that Onew hyung have that side of him.” I said and joined Kibum in laughter.

But wait. Kibum said when he and NaNa walked in on hyung and Seungyeon this morning together? Why were they together since early in the morning? I stop laughing and asked Kibum. “You said you and NaNa came in together in the morning?”

“Hmm?” Kibum said, trying to stop his laughter and looked at me. “Yeah, we saw them together.” He confirmed.

“But why are you together with NaNa in the morning? And you did not get back home last night.” I said.

“Oh.” Kibum exclaimed. “Umm, I was with NaNa last night.” He said and not meeting my eyes.

“You were with NaNa last night?” I asked again.

“Umm. Yeah. I accompany her last night in her room. That’s why I was not at home.” He said.

“Mwo?! You slept with NaNa last night?” 

Seungyeon’s POV

I quickly took my shower after Jinki oppa dropped me off. We agreed to go out later in two hours time. I know there’s a lot of time to take a rest and everything but I just can’t help to look my best on our official first date. I smiled to myself while washing my hair. I can’t help but to replay last night again and again in my head. It was the happiest moment in my entire life. I can’t believe it that I am now officially Jinki oppa’s girlfriend and he is my boyfriend. 

I mean he is my first boyfriend and that was my first kiss. My dream of my future boyfriend and how our first kiss would be was nothing like what I have experienced last night. It was a sweet memory for me. I blushed by myself when I remembered how Jinki oppa initiated our kiss. It just made my heart pound faster again. Kya~~ I need to restrain myself. After I took my shower, I walked to the sink and looked at the mirror in front of me.

I wonder what Jinki oppa sees in me. I mean he is the most gentlest and kind person that I ever met. Not to mention caring, sweet, protective and the list goes on and on. I can’t believe he picked simple me. There were so many girls out there who were more beautiful and better than me. My hair which is dark brown in colour and wavy was long. It just passed my shoulder. My eyes were big and I have thick eyelashes. If people were to ask me which part of my face that I am most confident with, I would say it’s my eyes. I like my eyes. My eyes were dark brown in colour too. I have a small nose and mouth. I cupped my cheeks with my palms. I wonder what did Jinki oppa sees? Whatever it is, I’m happy that I’m together with him now. I dried my hair with my towels and wrapped myself with another dry towel. 

I walked out to my room and begin to search for suitable clothes to wear. I opened my closet and flipped at all the clothes that I have. I tried almost every clothes that I own before I settled with a light blue flowing sundress with white lace below the skirt which end on my knees. It’s simple but I feel comfortable and light in it. Then I picked on a light blue wedge heels to go with my dress. Now, what do I do with my hair? I looked at the dressing table mirror and turned my head from side to side. I think I just leave it as it is. 

I begin to apply some make up to make myself not to appear so pale. After all of the preparation, I looked at the clock on the table in between my bed and Nana. Hmm, I got half an hour more before Jinki oppa come to pick me up. Suddenly my phone rang. I picked it up from my bed and looked at the screen. It was a text message.

“Seungyeon, are you ready yet? ^^” –Your Jinki-

I giggled when I read Jinki oppa’s text. I can’t stop staring at his “Your Jinki” part. I smiled widely and I felt my heart flutter just from that two words. I begin to type my answer.

“Neh oppa. I just finished. I know you’d be here in a half hour time right. Are you ready?” –With Love, Seungyeon-

I smiled after sending my text. I wonder how he would react. Then my phone rang. Not from incoming text message but a call from Jinki oppa. I was surprised and did not pick it up straight away. After a few more second, I picked his call.

“*Yeoboseyo?” I said.

“How could you type with love in the text?” Jinki oppa asked. Omo. He didn’t like it when I wrote that? I begin to panicked that he would get mad at me. Even though I’ve yet to witness his anger.

“How could you make me miss you so much with that?” He continued. Huh? He missed me? I begin to smile again.
“Yah Seungyeon ah. Please say something.” Jinki oppa said.

I laughed then said to him while laying myself on my bed. “Neh oppa. You shocked me just now. I thought you’re mad at me for writing it that way.”

“Are you crazy? I would not get mad at you for that. I love it. In fact, why not we find some endearing name for us?” He suggested.

“Hmm. Sure. Then I call you my *dubu chagi.” I said and laugh at the weird name.

“Why such a name?” he whined.

“Cause you’re soft.” I said.

“Mwo? Then I should change to a stronger person then.”

“No, you don’t have to. I love you just the way you are.” I said with a big smile on my face.

“Mwo? What did I heard just now?” He teased.

“Nothing.” I played innocently.

“How about you come out of your room and say it out loud?” he suggested.

Say it out loud outside? “Outside?” I asked.

“Neh. Open your door now.” He said again.

I rose up from my bed and open the door. What greeted me in front of my door is Jinki oppa with his phone on his ear. He took his phone away from his ear and ended the call. I took my phone from my ear too and just stared at him. He is not supposed to be here this early. We have a half hour time before he come. Seemed that he come early. I just stared at him.

He looked at me and said, “Why dont’ you say what you have said on the phone before?” He said with a smile on his face. He looked stunning. I can’t really describe it. All I know is this stunning man in front of me is mine.

I smiled confidently at him and said, “I love you oppa just the way you are.”

He grinned and come close to me. Planting a soft kiss on my forehead and whispered in my ear, “I love you just the way you are too.” Then he moved to my lips and kissed me sweetly before he brought his hand to cup my cheek and kissed me more passionately.

I can’t believe we were kissing in front of my door where anybody that passed us can see us. But I don’t care. All I care about is this man love me just the way I am.

Onew’s POV

We were holding hands while waiting to enter the cinema. This is our first official date and I was nervous and excited at the same time. My grin was plastered on my face since we were officially together as a couple. Even though we went out before, that was more to friends going out together. But this time, I can actually hold her hands whenever I want or just staring at her without fearing of getting caught. We were waiting for the cinema hall to open. We decided to watch a romantic comedy for Seungyeon did not fancy the thriller or scary movie. I was hoping for that though. Then maybe I can be cool if she ever gets scared. But, I guess, that is not going to happen.

I looked at the food counter and thought that we should get the popcorn and drinks.

“Seungyeon ah. Let us grab the popcorn and drinks before we go into the hall.” I suggested to her. She nodded her head. So we went to buy the popcorn and drinks. By the time we bought the food, the hall was already opened. We went in and search for our seat. We sat near at the back of the cinema. 

When the movie was played, I can’t really concentrate on the movie. I was greatly distracted by Seungyeon beside me. I wanted to hold her hand but she kept on eating the popcorn and it made me quite hard to grab her hand. Sigh. Ah, I know, I’ll eat as much of the popcorn so that it’ll finish up faster. I grabbed a handful of popcorn and shoved it in my mouth. Because of the large amount of popcorn went into my mouth, it was difficult for me to chew, let alone to swallow. I coughed between the bunch of popcorn in still in my mouth. Seungyeon noticed me and turned to me.

“Oppa, are you okay?” She said concerned. 

Aww, this was embarrassing. She has to see me struggling with popcorns full in my mouth. Argh. I just nodded my head but then right at the moment I had a coughing fit and the popcorns in my mouth just flew out of my mouth. I couldn’t be in any more embarrassing situation than this. The popcorns now all scattered on my lap and on the floor. Thankfully it didn’t fly off to the top of the head of the people in front of me. Imagine what would happen if that is the case. 

Seungyeon quickly rubbed my back and handed me a drink. I took a few sips of the drink she gave me and slowly looked at her.

“Oppa, gwaenchanayo?” She said worriedly but I could see that she was holding on to her laughter. I couldn’t help it but laugh out loud in the theatre. It was just a stupid act from me trying to take Seungyeon’s hand but it end up this way. People began to reprimand us. I just took Seungyeon’s hand and brought her out of the theatre hall even thought eh movie hasn’t end yet.

When we reach outside, both of us were laughing. “Oppa, what happened to you in there? One moment we’re enjoying the movie and the next you coughed out your popcorn.” She said in between laughter.

“You wouldn’t want to know.” I said while clutching my stomach.

“Tell me oppa.” Seungyeon said.

“Umm, it all began when I tried to take your hand in mine but you’re too busy with eating the popcorn. So I tried to eat the popcorn in large quantity to finish it faster, and it end up like that.” I said and bowed my head in embarrassment.

Seungyeon looked at me with wide eyes. “You did that just because you want to hold my hand?” She said incredulously. “Oppa, you could just ask or just take my hand.” She said with a chuckled. 

“Come here.” She said and took my hand. “See, that is not so difficult is it.” She said smiling broadly.

I smiled back at her and squeezed her hand. “So, how about we go and have our lunches, then we go to the beach?” I asked her.

“Sure. Let’s go.” She said happily.

We went and have lunch in a restaurant. We chatted a lot. Even though we’ve been out having lunch or dinner before, it’s a new feeling going out like this as a couple. Everything seems new again. We chatted about anything and everything that we can think of. After our lunch, we went to the beach.

We walked along the shore with both of our shoes in one of our hand. The other holding on the each other’s hand. The water was warm to the touch. She looked beautiful in her light blue sundress. The wind played with her long hair and swept her dress from side to side on her leg. She began to collect some of the seashells and run around the shore. “Oppa, come on. You should be running around too.” She said cheerfully.

“Neh. I just want to make sure you won’t go and drown yourself again.” I .

“I won’t. And even if I do, you’re here anyway.” She said. That brought me back to the first time I met Seungyeon. I’m glad I was at the beach at the time. If not, I wouldn’t be able to meet her. But I guess I’ll meet her in other circumstances. I really do fell in love with this wonderful girl. I felt my heart was content with her beside me. It’s as if she completes me. I know I sound so cheesy right now. But I don’t care. As long as Seungyeon is by my side and is all mine.

“Of course. I won’t let you go.” I said and I do mean it. I began to run after her. 

She shrieked at my attempt to catch her and she ran away from my stretched hands. We played around on the shore trying to catch each other until we were exhausted. I finally caught her around the waist and both of us landed on the sand with me on top of her. “Caught you.” I whispered while staring at her brown eyes. You can drown on her beautiful brown eyes. 

She chuckled. “Neh, you finally caught me. Took you long enough.” She said and smiling brightly.

“Well, I let you have your way first.” I said cheekily.

I sat up from our position on the sand to face the sea and helped Seungyeon to get up too. She sat in front of me between my legs and leaned back on my chest. I wrapped my arms around her and we just sat there enjoying the sunset with the wind blowing softly at us. Seungyeon wrapped her arms around mine.

I heard Seungyeon sighed in front of me. “What’s the matter?” I asked softly. Still gazing at the sea in front of me.

“Hmm. I just feel contented now. I don’t want this day to end.” She said, gazing at the sea too and snuggled more closely to me.

I smiled. “Well, I wouldn’t say it would end exactly. We still have days in front of us. I bet you would get bored with me in time.” I .

“Ani!” She exclaimed. “I couldn’t even get bored with you if I want too.” She said. “I bet you’re the one who will.”

“Of course not. You won’t even get to get away from me now.” I said. 

She angled her body to turned and look at me. When our eyes met, I leaned my head down to her and kiss her lovely lips. She responded to the kiss. She brought her hand to my cheek. It’s a sweet kiss and one that I could not get enough of. I nibbled softly at her lower lips and she opened up for more. We kissed while the sun slowly setting down on the horizon; setting off rays of orange light around us.


To be continued...

*Yeoboseyo = Hello
*dubu = tofu, chagi = darling

That's the first official OnYeon couple date!!! :) What do you think about it? I hope you like it though it's a bit cheesy. But I really like it. It just suits them. Hehehe. I hope you guys will enjoy this chapter. Well, thank you all for reading. :) Comments as always = are loved. :) Until the next update. Bye bye~~~ ^_^

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lee_onew13 #1
i like the ending..funny...
Awh! It's finally over. I really love it unnie. :D
bubbleBanana #3
job well done unnie :) I will miss them! hehe
This is an amazing story. U r a good writer
the end ?? im gonna miss this story .. its really beautiful and amazing . u r an awesome writer !! thankfully, the story end with with happy endings.. except for minho.. hope that he will find his true love soon ^^
onewjjang #6
@Iheartlife: Hope you have a good reading all this while. :)<br />
@khey_onsooni: Neh this story really is finish. Thank you for loving the last chapter. I hope that this epilogue you would enjoy too. Aww, thank you for reading this and comment in this fic. I do have another fic. You can click on it at the Author's Note. :D I hope to see you there too. GBU my dear. ^_^<br />
@bubbleBanana: Hehehe.. His ever sweetness neh. That is how he is here. :D
bubbleBanana #7
owww.. I'll miss Onew's sweetness! :D
kezia_onsooni #8
So the story is already finished?? Omo....omo....<br />
I just can't predict that, kekeke....<br />
Anyway, I love this chppy, cuz everyone is happy, keke.....<br />
Thx for making this story...<br />
Waiting for another fic....<br />
Gbu :)
Iheartlife #9
update soon :D
onewjjang #10
@Iheartlife: Thank you for reading and commenting.. :D<br />
@bubbleBanana: Ehehe, I think you already know after you read this chapter neh. :D