I Won't Let Go...

I Won't Let Go...


Chapter 30

Everybody in the room was in a state of shock. Except the three people that knew about it. Taemin, NaNa and Seungyeon were not surprise by the revelation at all. Seungyeon was staring at her with a calm composure. Onew was really surprise by the news. He never thought that the incident was actually planned before hand just to wreck havoc out of his and Seungyeon’s relationship. Minho was shaking his head at the side while Key just looked at her with a remote expression. Jonghyun’s face was unreadable for he just stood there staring at her without a word.

“Do you mean to say that, the incident that happened at the cafe was pre-planned by you?” Onew asked.

She looked at Onew straight ahead and said, “Neh. I will take full responsibility on it.”

Finally, Jonghyun asked the question that everybody was thinking. “Why Soo Min ah? Why did you do this in the first place?”

“More importantly, who are you?” Taemin interjected.

Everyone looked at Taemin. Not one of them had that question in their mind.

She looked at Taemin then to the rest of the people in the room. She faltered for a moment by the rest of the groups’ stares. Nickhun who was behind her kept on encouraging her by squeezing her hand. The action was not lost on Jonghyun whose eyes never left her.

She took a deep breathe again and started to tell the story behind her action.

“To answer both of your questions, I need to tell you about my past.” She began tentatively. “I am as I have introduced myself to all of you, Lee Soo Min. I have never lied to you all of who I am. But that is not the complete truth too. You see, I am the other half of Lee Ee Seul.”

The news this time really shocked all of them. They have never thought that Lee Soo Min is Ee Seul’s twin sister at all. Ee Seul never mentioned that she had a twin sister for the whole time that they were together. Even Jonghyun, Ee Seul’s best friend and Onew, her ex-boyfriend never knew about that piece of fact.

“But, how can that be? Ee Seul never mentioned that she has a twin sister. She only said that she has a sister who was in the US.” Onew said.

“Yes, that sister is me.” Soo Min said.

“Why aren’t the two of you together? I thought twins siblings always like to be together?” Key asked.

Soo Min looked at Key and said, “We did. But our parents wanted one of us in the US and the other in Korea. They said that will train us to be independent and stuff.”

“Okay, I don’t understand why your parents ever made that decision for their own children. But, what does that have to do with you trying to make Onew and Seungyeon’s relationship difficult?” Minho asked.

Then Soo Min said in a melancholic voice, “Because I was angry at Onew for making Ee Seul sad. I was filled with anger and only thought of teaching him a lesson, to make him suffer as Ee Seul had suffered.”

The rest was puzzled by Soo Min’s statement. How could it be that Ee Seul suffered when it was clear that the one who suffered was Onew, who was left behind by Ee Seul.

“What are you talking about? What do you mean Ee Seul suffered? It was Onew hyung that had suffered from what Ee Seul had done. She was the one who left Onew hyung here without giving any reason at all.” Taemin said adamantly.

Soo Min glanced at Taemin with eyes that spoke of anguish. “That is all you know.” The emotion was bubbling up to the surface again when she recalled everything that had happened. “All of you didn’t know that the reason Ee Seul left everything that she loved in Korea was because she had a brain tumour. She came back to US to me because she didn’t want any of you to know that she was dying!” Soo Min said with raised voice. Tears were streaming down her face. For a long time she had hardened herself to not cry over Ee Seul’s death.

Onew staggered back a few steps when he heard about the reason of Ee Seul’s flight. Minho who was behind him stopped him from stumbling over his two feet. They had never thought that Ee Seul have such a dark reason for leaving them altogether. Jonghyun kept his eyes trained on Soo Min.

“Wh- What?” Onew mumbled. “So you are saying that Ee Seul is dead?” He whispered the last word. 

“Ee Seul breathed her last breath a couple of months ago after years of battling the cancer. Even the doctor was surprised.”

“But how could you blame Jinki oppa when he himself didn’t know anything about it. Ee Seul didn’t even give them any reason to think that she was sick.” Seungyeon said defensively for Onew.

Onew looked at Seungyeon with a surprised. He thought that Seungyeon would have hated him for what he had done. He had tried to avoid her after the incident when she tried to contact him. Even though after a deep thinking, he knew Seungyeon would never do that on purpose, but for the first time he let his ego get the better of him. He was not this kind of person. He was disappointed with himself. 

“If he really loved my sister, then surely he will try his best to locate her. Instead, he didn’t do anything to pursue her back. Everyday I saw her looking at his picture. Everyday she will do it without fail. Even when she was admitted to the hospital and could hardly move towards the last couple of months, she still will look at Onew’s picture and the rest of the groups.” Soo Min said vehemently.

There was a paused where everybody was taking in the situation that has been painted in their mind.

So Ee Seul never forgets Onew. She never stopped loving him. I never did stand a chance. But it really doesn’t bother me now. All I care for right now is Soo Min. Thought Jonghyun.

“Soo Min ah, you should have known that what could Onew hyung do at the time anyway? Where were his resources to know where Ee Seul was when every connection that they had was cut? I can tell you now that Onew hyung tried all that he could to reach out to Ee Seul with whatever ways that he knew of. But you have to realize that Onew hyung was just a high school senior at the time. What could he do anyway? You have to understand that Soo Min ah.” Key tried to explain to Soo Min.

Soo Min was squeezing Nickhun’s hand to gain strength from him. “Ara-yeo. I know it now. That is why I want to apologized to you Onew. And to you too Seungyeon. You are really a nice person. I shouldn’t have done it. It’s just my anger get the hold of me. I was just too angry and sad when Ee Seul passed away. I know that her sickness has nothing to do with any of you at all. I just want to find someone and something to blame. I’m sorry to all of you. Really I am. Nickhun has talked some sense to me too. Please forgive me.” She said sincerely.

“The more I spent time with all of you, the more I get to know how wonderful you guys are. All of you came to be a part of my life that I don’t want to lose. You take me in your group and treated me well. But I understand it if things are not to be as before. I had made a mistake.” She continued.

Jonghyun’s POV

I would never have thought that all this was actually happening. It was enough for a day. There were so many things that we found out about the past and recent event. I never had thought that Soo Min was Ee Seul’s twin. Coupled up with the news that Ee Seul had passed away. I could only imagine at what Soo Min had been through. It must be hard on her to see her beloved sister slowly wasting away because of brain cancer. She must have been through a lot these past 5 years. 

I do feel sad for Ee Seul’s death, and was stunned by the news, but it seems that I was not devastated at the news as I would have expected of myself. Through the times that I get to know Soo Min, I was sure of my feelings towards Soo Min. This time, I know that I am not acting as I have been with NaNa before, but this time I really do feel something much more that physical attraction towards Soo Min. 

Even after I know that she had done all the things to Onew hyung and Seungyeon, I did not hate her. It was far from it. What I felt was I wanted to comfort her. To tell her that she have me near her. But I doubt that she may want me beside her. Throughout the entire ordeal, she was hanging on to Nickhun. I really want to be that person who was by her side and giving her support. It may be strange that these thoughts came out from me. Other than Ee Seul, I have never really thought of just want to be there by a girl’s side without anything in particular but just to have her presence beside me.

But I know that I have to try. I wouldn’t force my feelings towards her, but I would let her know that I would be by her side. Yes, that is what I would do.

“You won’t lose us.” I said to her after the silence that followed her speech.

She looked up at me with a surprised expression and a glimmer of hope in her eyes. Even with her confident aura that she used to emit off, there was still that vulnerability in her that was really endearing to see. I smiled at her and slowly walked to her. I took both of her hands, making her let go of Nickhun’s hand in the process. Nickhun just stood there monitoring my action with a protective gaze. 

“You won’t lose us Soo Min ah. For me, the most important thing is that, you admitted that you were wrong and faced it right on, knowing the possible outcome would be. I believe the rest would understand what you have done was what any sister would think of.” Then I glanced at the rest of them behind me.

They were nodding their head with a small smile on their face. Onew was still preoccupied with his thoughts, while Taemin was still looking doubtful. That was understandable. I know that he wouldn’t want something like this happened to his hyung again. While the rest of us did witness how Onew hyung was coping last time, it was even more so for Taemin who was living together with Onew hyung and had to witness it every single day. Even the recent incident made him stressed out. Nevertheless, I believe Taemin will get over it with time. Seungyeon was not even paying attention to us anymore for she was gazing at Onew hyung. 

I glanced back at Soo Min. I lifted my hand to wipe off her streak of tears on her face. “Don’t cry over these things anymore Soo Min ah. Smile. For only a smile can lift people’s mood up neh.” I said with a grin. 

Nickhun’s POV

It seems that I didn’t have to worry about Soo Min anymore. I have been worrying over her after the death of Ee Seul. I was trying hard to make her happy once again that I didn’t think much when she asked me to disturb Onew and Seungyeon’s relationship. It was part of my fault too to act on it. I was supposed to take care of her as what Ee Seul had asked me to do, but I didn’t even do my responsibility well. 

To see that Jonghyun came up to take Soo Min in as their friend in the group again reassured me of how this group of people was really kind and nice. With Jonghyun’s action towards Soo Min, I suspected that he has feelings more than a concern friend to Soo Min. If he does, I wouldn’t be worried though. I know from these few people that I met that they are a protective bunch of people. I smiled at the scene in front of me. I am glad that this turn out quite well. 

I turned my gaze to Onew and Seungyeon. I really hope that this couple can work things out too. In a way, this is like a test to their love towards each other. Were they that easily to be broke apart or not? I hope it was the latter. 

Soo Min’s POV

I gazed at Jonghyun’s eyes. Was I dreaming? Was this even happening? Jonghyun did not turn me away but actually came to me. I know I may look a bit snobby with my confident appearance. But Jonghyun even came to me. With him saying to me to smile, he really made me smile genuinely.

“Thank you.” That was all that I could say at the moment. I was too engulfed with relief and happiness. The feeling of relief, that I finally get the burden of the memories and guilt out of my chest. The feeling of happiness that I was not cast out from this group of people.

“There is no need to say that.” Jonghyun said earnestly. He then turned to the rest of them. “I would like to take Soo Min out for a while. Kibum ah, let me take your car for a while neh.” He said while tugging my hands to walk with him to Key’s side.

Key looked at Jonghyun with a resigned face. “Why is it always my car? Why not Onew hyung’s car?” Key complained but he still took out his car key.

“Be a little bit considerate neh. Don’t you want Onew hyung to make it up with Seungyeon?” Jonghyun whispered.

“Ah, maja.” Key said.

With that, Jonghyun took me out in Key’s car. We didn’t say a word on our ride at all until Jonghyun stopped in a wide empty place like a field. He got out of the car, went to open my side of the seat, and held his hand out for me. He took me out and went to the front of the car.

For a while, we just gazed at the empty field in front of us. The autumn breeze blew softly; it was not so cold and not so hot. Then Jonghyun started to talk.

“Soo Min ah, I just want to tell you this.” He said then turned his body towards me. “This may be sudden for you, but I would like you to know that I feel something more than a friend for you. I don’t know if it is love as everybody claim to say but I do like you and care for you more than what I felt for any other of my female friends. I may not be the best person for you. I may not be like Onew hyung who really love Seungyeon. I know for sure that they will work this thing out. But what I am sure of now is that, I really care for you and I don’t want to see you get hurt. I want to be by your side always. I would love it if I could be the one that gives you support and the one that encourages you. That is my sincere feelings for you.” He said sincerely.

He really left me speechless with his confession. I never would have imagine that Jonghyun have these feelings for me. All the time that I have been pining for him and thought that I would never have the chance to be with him was now made possible by Jonghyun himself. How can I be this lucky? Isn’t karma would come after you when you done something wrong? But what I get was not a retribution but grace. I was really touched by Jonghyun’s confession. He should know that I do like him too. I want to reply him, but I just couldn’t seem to open my mouth.

“Soo Min? Umm, if you don’t feel the same, it’s okay. You don’t have to feel guilty or what. I just want to let you know about this. I did not expect you to accept my feelings if you don’t want to. I have my lessons on that.” He said wryly.

Did he refer to his relationship with NaNa? Well, I know that he was with NaNa before and I don’t think that I want their relationship to end up this way too. No, I wouldn’t want that to happen to Jonghyun. But I am glad that he was no longer attached with NaNa. 

“I...” I started. “Jonghyun, I actually do like you. I do.” I finally said it out in the open.

Jonghyun stared at me and slowly a grin appeared at the corner of his lips. “Cheongmalyo? You really do like me?” He said, and then laughed a little. “I never thought that my heart was beating like crazy just to hear you say that.” He put his hand on his chest. “I guess it just confirmed that I really do mean this.”

I smiled from his antic.

“That’s it Soo Min. Smile. Don’t cry.” He said and landed a kiss on my lips with his hand securely on my cheeks.

Minho’s POV

Everything has been out in the open. Ee Seul was actually Soo Min’s twin sister. Although I could understand the pain that Soo Min had been through, I still think that was not the best way to go around with her emotion. I sighed. At least she had the sense to admit her wrongdoing and apologized for it.

I looked at Onew hyung beside me, who was just standing there as if he didn’t know what to do. I guessed it was a shock to him to find out the reason Ee Seul went to America was because she had cancer. Nobody had expected that was the reason at all. I hope he would not start to blame himself for what had happened. Ee Seul herself had made the decision to not tell any of us. She must have had a good reason to do so. From what Soo Min had said, I guessed Ee Seul didn’t want Onew hyung to be burden by her condition for she already knew that she would not be in this world long enough. Ee Seul was not as heartless as what we had thought. Far from it. She loved Onew hyung enough to let go of him.

Key went to my side and dragged me back a few steps away from Onew hyung. NaNa was beside Seungyeon while Taemin stood by the side eyeing Nickhun.

“Minho ah. We need to do something for these two people again. I mean it’s obvious that they still love each other. They just need to overcome this challenge even though it was inflicted by Soo Min.” Key whispered hurriedly to me.

I just nodded my head. “I know. It can happen to them at anytime and they need to know that whatever the challenge is, they can work things out.”

“Okay, so how about we set them up again?” Key said while wiggling his eyebrow.

I looked at Key incredulously. “Are you nuts?” I whispered to him. “They just heard about Ee Seul’s death and you want to plan something up again?”

“Yah, how long are you going to let them mule on the past. We are in the present time here. Onew hyung’s past was just that. A past. Do you want Onew hyung to live on his past life?” Key said to me.

For once, Key made a lot of sense. “Well, when you put it that way, you’re right.”

“I’m always right. Don’t you know that by now?” Key said.

“Pfft. Yeah, if you are so right, how was it that you let go of NaNa to Jonghyun hyung in the first place?” I taunted him.

“Yah. Stop it. I don’t even want to remember about it. Now, are you in or not?” He asked me.

“Sure thing. But what are we going to do?” I asked him back.

“I need your help to ask that Nickhun guy to lend his car so we can get out of here. Because we only have Onew hyung’s car here right.” Key said.

“Okay~~ But what does that have to do...” I was about to ask Key about his plan when Seungyeon walked over to Onew hyung’s side.

Both of us stopped our conversation and looked at Seungyeon.

“Oppa, can we talk?” Seungyeon said softly.

I felt the corner of my lips turned to a smile. I guessed, there was no need for me and Key to help them out.

Onew’s POV

“Oppa, can we talk?” Seungyeon said softly to me.

I looked at her and saw her worried face. She was worried about me. Really, I was a big fool to not actually give a chance to Seungyeon to talk. How could I deserve someone like her?

“Jinki oppa?” Seungyeon said again while holding my hand tentatively.

“Okay guys, time to leave now.” I heard Key said. I saw at the corner of my eyes how he pushed everybody out of Soo Min’s mansion. Even that Nickhun guy was pushed out by Key. I was glad that Key did that. I wouldn’t want a crowd to witness my failure.

I looked at Seungyeon’s eyes and gripped her hands tightly in mine. “Seungyeon.” I croaked. My voice was croaking because of too many emotions in me. The shock of finding out about Ee Seul, about who Soo Min was, about the incident that was staged. It was all too much. But amidst it all, all I wanted to do was to be together with Seungyeon. I missed her and I know I was a jerk not to listen to reason.

“Seungyeon.” I started again. “I am sorry for not giving you the chance to explain. I know that you did not kiss Nickhun on purpose. But my jealousy and anger get the better of me. Can you forgive me Seungyeon ah?” I said to her sincerely.

I really do want to continue our relationship and make it better. 

She placed her hand on my cheek and said, “Oppa, I have forgiven you. I could not lie to you and say that I was not hurt because I was, but I am just glad that you did not drown yourself with all the news.” She said with a smile.

How did I end up with Seungyeon? This was not the first time that she was able to understand the situation. I felt really bad for not treating her much better. Why was it always her that came to me? Why not me? I swear that I won’t let her come to me in the future when we had a glitch in our relationship, but I would want it to be me who would go to her.

“Seungyeon, I’m so sorry. Sorry that my past brought this to us.” I said again.

“No oppa. Don’t blame on your past. The past has nothing wrong with what happened. It is how we handle it that matter.” She said.

I took her hand that was on my cheek and brought it to my lips to kiss her palm. I drew her closer to me and hugged her close. I missed this. I missed her in my arms. I missed her warmness. I missed the contented feelings that only she could give it to me. I missed her.

She looked up to me and I leaned down to kiss her. Kissing her like she was the only thing that matters. 

I broke the kiss for while and said with all my heart, “I love you Seungyeon. And I won’t ever let you go again. That’s my promise to you.”

She just smiled brightly at me and brought down my face to kiss me full on the lips.



Hi to all my beloved readers. That was the end of this fic I Won’t Let Go. It’s been on going for such a long time neh. I felt like it was just yesterday that I started this in May and now it has finally ended. How was the final chapter yoreobun? I bet you did not expect this to be the last chapter neh. I know the ending is not the bombastic ending. But not to worry everybody, if you’re curious with what happened to the rest of them, you don’t have to guess much. It’s mostly is like how I pictures it in this chapter. I will post an epilogue for this fic for the next update and that would be the last update from me. T_T I thank you for all that has been reading this from the beginning to the end. I will leave a proper Author’s Note in my next update. Hope to see your comments on this chapter neh. Annyeong~~ :D

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lee_onew13 #1
i like the ending..funny...
Awh! It's finally over. I really love it unnie. :D
bubbleBanana #3
job well done unnie :) I will miss them! hehe
This is an amazing story. U r a good writer
the end ?? im gonna miss this story .. its really beautiful and amazing . u r an awesome writer !! thankfully, the story end with with happy endings.. except for minho.. hope that he will find his true love soon ^^
onewjjang #6
@Iheartlife: Hope you have a good reading all this while. :)<br />
@khey_onsooni: Neh this story really is finish. Thank you for loving the last chapter. I hope that this epilogue you would enjoy too. Aww, thank you for reading this and comment in this fic. I do have another fic. You can click on it at the Author's Note. :D I hope to see you there too. GBU my dear. ^_^<br />
@bubbleBanana: Hehehe.. His ever sweetness neh. That is how he is here. :D
bubbleBanana #7
owww.. I'll miss Onew's sweetness! :D
kezia_onsooni #8
So the story is already finished?? Omo....omo....<br />
I just can't predict that, kekeke....<br />
Anyway, I love this chppy, cuz everyone is happy, keke.....<br />
Thx for making this story...<br />
Waiting for another fic....<br />
Gbu :)
Iheartlife #9
update soon :D
onewjjang #10
@Iheartlife: Thank you for reading and commenting.. :D<br />
@bubbleBanana: Ehehe, I think you already know after you read this chapter neh. :D