I Won't Let Go...

I Won't Let Go...

Seungyeon’s POV

I felt as if I was stared by someone. I felt myself warm and comfortable. I can smell a fragrance that I got used to which is Jinki oppa. Jinki oppa? I woke up from my deep sleep. I slowly open my eyes and met Jinki oppa’s eyes staring right back at me with a sweet smile on his face. Then everything came back to me.

We were locked in from outside by NaNa and Key. Sleeping on the couch and offered Jinki oppa to share the couch. Jinki oppa nearly fell down from the couch. I prevented him from falling. Jinki oppa confessed to me. Jinki oppa and I had out first kiss. Omo, I can’t believe that all that happened last night. I am giddy with happiness now. So I smiled back at him.

“Good morning to you Seungyeon.” Jinki oppa greeted me cheerfully with his gentle voice. Even in the morning, his voice is still so smooth and gentle. Then he kissed my forehead as a morning greeting.

I smiled brightly and answered him. “Morning to you too oppa.”

“Did you have a comfortable sleep?” he asked and use his hands to move a strand of my hair from my face.

“Hmm. Of course.” I said and snuggled more closely to him.

He just chuckled and hugged me tighter and kissed my forehead again. I like it when he kissed my forehead. I felt as if I was adored and loved by him. Suddenly the door to the employees’ room bursts open and in came NaNa and Key. I quickly tried to sit up straight and arranged my crumpled clothes but Jinki oppa just tugged at my hand that made me landed on top of him. I blushed a deep red. I can feel my face heated up. 

“Well well well..” Key drawled with a smirk on his face. “Seems like there’s a new romantic couple budding in the house, isn’t it NaNa.” Key teased while clapping his hands.

“What do you know Key? Seems like our plan worked out very well indeed huh.” NaNa continued to tease us with a big smile on her face.

Onew finally sat up and brought me to a sitting position and held me close to him. His left arm on my waist and his right hand squeezed both of my hands which were on my lap. 

“I knew it.” Jinki oppa said. “But I sincerely would like to thank both of you. If not because of the two of you I don’t think I can bring myself up to confess to Seungyeon.” He said again and looked straight to my eyes. I felt as if I can be lost in his eyes. I can see his sincerity and his love. 

I can see from the corner of my eyes that both of them are smiling widely and even did a high five. “Omo, this is getting too personal don’t you think NaNa.” Key said and turned his head to look at NaNa.

“Neh. Well, we’ll leave both of you in here for a while more. But I have to warn you two that you better make yourself presentable before the cafe is open.” NaNa warned us. Then as an after thought, “Better yet, why not you guys just go ahead and celebrate today for you two being officially a couple?” she suggested.

“What a brilliant idea NaNa.” Key seconded. “Come on you guys. Palli and go out from here now.” Key nagged at us.

“Are you shooing us out now Key.” I said smiling at him.

“Neh. I have the authority to send you guys out on the street.” He said confidently.

“Since when you have this authority?” Jinki oppa said.

“Since I appointed myself of course.” He said haughtily.

We all bursts into laughter at his antics. 

“But then, who is going to help NaNa in here? I mean Junho and Mia went back to Mia’s hometown and Junsu will only come for the night shift. We are lacking of employees.” I said worriedly.

“Aww, Seungyeonie. It’s okay. I can handle it.” NaNa assured me.

“No. You’re alone. What if you’ll have a full house today?” I protested.

“You don’t have to worry Seungyeon. I’ll give a hand to NaNa today. You just enjoy your day with Onew hyung alright.” Key assured me with a smile.

“Can you be a waiter?” Jinki oppa asked Key with his eyebrows raised. It must be that Key never did have any experience in this line of work.

“Of course I can. I learn fast. As long as NaNa tell me what have I got to do, then it’s settled.” He said with confident.

“There you go Seungyeon. Key already volunteered himself. I’m sure the two of us can handle the cafe today. She gave me a big smile.

With Key helping NaNa in the cafe did lessened my worries. At least NaNa won’t be alone. “Okay then. If you’re sure? I mean, Jinki oppa and I can go out anytime.” I said.

“Yes, we’re sure.” Both NaNa and Key said adamantly.

“Okay okay. I get it.” I said and held both of my hands up in surrender. Jinki oppa just chuckled silently beside me. 

“So, why not I send you back to freshen up then we’ll go out as what they have suggested.” Jinki oppa said to me.

“I would love to oppa.” I said cheerfully.

“Come on then.” He said and led me to his car.

NaNa’s POV

After Onew oppa and Seungyeon went out of the cafe, I begin to prepare myself to open the cafe. Key was standing near the register counter and looked through the entire menu on the counter. I don’t know if he can remember any of the menus, but I guess he can help me taking the order and deliver the foods to the customer later.

“So NaNa, what do you want me to do for the day? Just let me know and I’ll try to do it as best as I can.” Key said to me while still perusing the menus with a small smile on his lips.

“Hmm, you can help me take the order and send it to them from the kitchen. The kitchen department will prepare it all. We only handle the front part of the cafe.” I explained to him. I just realized that Key doesn’t have our uniform.

“And you need to wear our uniform. At least the shirt. I’ll get the extra uniform in the employees’ room.” I said and went to take it. I heard Key’s footsteps following me behind. I can feel he was smiling from ear to ear. I took the new shirt in one of the boxes in the room and handed it to Key. “Here, you can change to it. I’ll wait for you outside.” I said and went straight out of the room.

I went behind the counter and took in a deep breathe. After I woke up this morning I was a bit confused with my surrounding and quite surprised to see Key in the room.


As I opened my eyes the first thing that I saw was a guy on Seungyeon’s bed. He was putting on his socks. I was startled for a while that there’s a guy in the room. I sat up straight on my bed.

The guy looked up and greeted me, “Oh. You’re awake. Good morning! I hope you have a good rest.” It was Key. Then everything came back to my memory. Last night, locked in Seungyeon and Onew oppa, storm, Key stayed to accompany me. 

He was back to his last night’s clothes. “Good morning.” I said. “Your clothes are dried already?” I asked.

“Yeah pretty much.” He said with a smile. “Come on you lazy head. What are you still laying on the bed for? We have to hurry to see what ever happened to Seungyeon and Onew hyung. I can’t wait to see what scene will greet us there later.” He said cheerfully while rubbing his hand together as if he really anticipates in finding out what happened to them. Well of course he does, I’m so stupid. It’s just that I still remember his last word last night. His voice seemed to be sad but right now he acted so cheerful and back to normal calling me lazy head. Lazy head?! I’m no lazy head. Grr, no wonder we always bickered.

“Yah, who do you call a lazy head huh. I’m already up okay.” I quickly stood up but my blanket got tangle up with my legs and I ended up landed on my on the floor. “Ouch” I said while rubbing my buttock.

“Hahahahaha.... You landed straight on your .” Key laughed out loud while pointing his finger at me. He kept on laughing and punching his hand on Seungyeon’s bed.

I got pissed off that I was embarrassed in front of him in this manner. “Yah!!!! Stop laughing!” I yelled then I quickly got up and ran to the bathroom to take a shower.

After I’ve finished and got out of the bathroom, I saw Key still on Seungyeon’s bed and his lips twitching as if he’ll bursts out laughing at any moment again. I threw my towel at him and yelled, “Don’t you dare start laughing again.” I can feel my face heated up. I quickly get my things and stormed out the door.

End of flashback

Argh. I still feel embarrassed by what happened. Landing on your with your hair still in a messed and all is not what you want any guy to witness. Aish. He must be laughing at me silently again. But I like it when we’re laughing or bickering with each other than the awkward moment. At least, we’re kind of back to normal.

The room to the employees’ room opened and out came Key. He even looked stylish in a uniform. Well, what do you expect with someone who major in fashion? He can make rags look good on him too. Not that I’ll ever admit it to him. He’ll get so puff up if he ever know that I think of it like that.

“I’m done.” He said and looked and me with that knowing smile of his again.

“Yah!! Stop smiling like that.” I yelled at him again.

“Smile like what?” He feigned innocent.

“Don’t you act all innocent there.” I said.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” He said with his hand lifted up and he shrugged his shoulder while shaking his head.

“I know you’re still laughing at me when I fell on my right.” I said angrily.

“Omo, you did? I didn’t know that.” He said and started to laugh again.

“Argh. Key you stupid. You said you’ll help me around the cafe and this is not helping me one bit.” I complained.

“Ah, but there are no customers to tend to for now.” He deliberately misunderstood me.

“Argh!! I don’t want to talk to you again.” I said and went to the back in kitchen.

Key just stood there and laughing his head off. Laugh all you want. You’ll get it later. Nobody messed with Nana.

Jonghyun’s POV

I prepared my coffee in the kitchen with toast bread in the morning. I just came back from my morning run with Minho. I prepared my breakfast first while Minho went to take his shower. The house seems to be very silent. As if nobody is in the house. Where did everybody go? Are they still asleep? I put down my coffee and toast on the table and went to check on the other three’s bedroom. The room’s curtain still hasn’t been drawn aside making the room a bit darker than the outside. 

The single bed of Onew hyung is empty as if it had not been slept in as well as Kibum’s bed on the upper bunk. There was only Taemin who was still asleep on the lower bunk of the double decker in the room. His blanket had been kicked off to the floor. Aigoo. When Taemin is asleep everything on the bed would end up on the floor. That’s why Kibum took the upper bunk rather than the lower bunk to avoid being showered with Taemin’s fallen things.

I walked in the room and shook Taemin to wake him up. “Taemin ah.” I called him. He doesn’t even move. I shook him harder. “Taemin ah, wake up. It’s already 8.30am. Hyung have prepared your milk for you.” I said. Though I haven’t prepared his milk yet. He’s going to complain to Onew hyung and Key later. Sigh.

He stirred from his sleep. “Onew hyung? You prepared my milk already? Then I want to eat Key’s pancake. He said he wants to make it today.” He mumbled and slowly getting up from his sleep. He rubbed his eyes then took a good look at me. “Eh. Jonghyun hyung? I thought it’s Onew hyung.” He said.

“It’s Onew hyung for you when it comes to your favourite milk huh.” I said and shook my head. I ruffled his hair. “But I’m sorry I didn’t prepare your milk. I thought Onew hyung is here to prepare it for you.” I said to him.

“Huh? Onew hyung is not here yet?” Taemin said and glanced at Onew hyung’s bed.

“Not here yet?” I asked. “What do you mean by that? Kibum is not in the house too. His bed is not slept in as Onew hyung too.” I said.

“Oh. Key hyung not here yet too?” Taemin asked.

“Neh. Didn’t they came back last night? I thought all of you already asleep when I came back from my part time job last night.” I said.

“No. I’ve been waiting for them to come back last night but I ended up sleeping while waiting for them.” Taemin said and rubbed his eyes some more.

I didn’t answer Taemin and begin to think to myself where did the two of them went that they didn’t come back home. Weird. Even if they did not come back home, they’ll usually texted us. I shook my head. Never mind, I’ll ask them when they get back home.

“Well, we’ll ask them later when they get back. Come on.” I tugged Taemin’s hand. “Get up and go wash your face. We’ll eat breakfast together. I think Minho is going to finish his shower soon.”

Taemin went to their bathroom. I went outside to prepare another toast for Taemin. Just as I finished preparing and Minho came out of the bathroom to take a seat in the dining table, the front door opened to reveal Onew hyung.

“Hyung!!” Both me and Minho shouted out.

Onew who just came in got startled and jumped a bit by our call. We laughed at him. “*Kkamchak. You two surprised me. I thought you all are still asleep or went out already.” He said.

“No, Minho and I just got back from our morning run and Taemin is in the toilet. He’ll come out in a while.” I said. And speaking of the devil, Taemin came out of the room looking fresh. He saw Onew hyung and he ran to hug his hyung. Aigoo. Taeminie, even though he already turn 19 years old and going to enter college when the summer ends he still act like a child. But that’s his charm. Taemin dragged Onew hyung to the dining room.

“I didn’t prepare much so maybe we just add on cereal then.” I said. Onew hyung took the cereal out with the milk out of the fridge.

“By the way hyung, where did you go last night that you didn’t come back home?” I asked him while putting on butter on my toast.

He stopped his hand from shoving the cereal to his mouth and looked at me. Minho and Taemin turned to look at him too.

“Hyung didn’t come back home last night?” Minho asked.

“Yes. With Kibum too.” I said. “Where were you two last night?” I asked again.

“Oh Key didn’t come back home too? I though he went back home after he locked us in.” Onew hyung said.

“You were locked in by Kibum? What happened hyung?” What ever did happened that Onew hyung was locked in by Kibum? And where did Onew hyung were locked in? I saw Minho and Taemin stopped eating to listen to what Onew hyung about to say.

“Well, it’s actually Key and NaNa who actually locked me and Seungyeon in the cafe.” Onew hyung started. 

“MWO?! You spend the night with Seungyeon in the cafe?” I yelled. Minho kicked me on the foot when I suddenly yelled.

“Shh. Just listen to hyung, Jonghyun hyung.” He said coolly. I shut my mouth and listened to Onew hyung’s story about him and Seungyeon being locked inside the cafe by NaNa and Kibum. How at the end he finally confessed to Seungyeon his feelings. I know there must be other things that happened last night that Onew hyung didn’t disclosed with us. It’s okay though. But I was so happy for them.

“Congratulations hyung.” Minho said and patted Onew hyung on his back.

“Yay, finally you and Seungyeon noona are officially a couple.” Taemin clapped his hand happily.

“Yeah hyung. Congratulations. You pick up the courage to confess to her.” I said with a happy smile. Then I remembered Kibum. “So hyung, where is Kibum?”

“Hmm? He’s at the cafe helping NaNa since NaNa told us to go and have a date later.” He said and smiled until I think his face is going to stretch wide.

“Is he? I wonder where he went to last night. Might as well I go to the cafe later. I can meet NaNa and maybe ask her to go out this weekend. Give me the address to the cafe okay hyung.” I said happily.

I felt Minho stared at me. I looked at him and wiggled my eyebrow to ask him what’s wrong. He just shook his head and went back to eating his cereal with a thoughtful look on his face. Hmm, what is he thinking? Well, never mind that. I better go and get ready to meet NaNa. I quickly finished my toast and went to take my shower.


To be continued...

* Kkamchak = Surprise / Shock

So this is what happened after the confession of both OnYeon couple. :D This chapter are more to dialogue between them. I hope you still enjoy it. And OnYeon will go out for their official date as a couple.. :D Are you excited? I am.. Kekeke. :D Jonghyun will visit Key and NaNa in the cafe. Hmm.....Okay that's all for now. See you all in the next chapter. Thank you so much for reading this fic and all your comments are greatly appreciated. Subscribers are  love. (For silent readers, I would be rally happy if you could drop a comment too. ^_^)

@theclumsywitch: Yes, they finally confessed. Hope you enjoyed this chapter too.

@lolisho: Hehehe.. I'm glad that you like the confession. NaNa do have feelings for both of them. Just that she's not sure who she likes more. :D

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lee_onew13 #1
i like the ending..funny...
Awh! It's finally over. I really love it unnie. :D
bubbleBanana #3
job well done unnie :) I will miss them! hehe
This is an amazing story. U r a good writer
the end ?? im gonna miss this story .. its really beautiful and amazing . u r an awesome writer !! thankfully, the story end with with happy endings.. except for minho.. hope that he will find his true love soon ^^
onewjjang #6
@Iheartlife: Hope you have a good reading all this while. :)<br />
@khey_onsooni: Neh this story really is finish. Thank you for loving the last chapter. I hope that this epilogue you would enjoy too. Aww, thank you for reading this and comment in this fic. I do have another fic. You can click on it at the Author's Note. :D I hope to see you there too. GBU my dear. ^_^<br />
@bubbleBanana: Hehehe.. His ever sweetness neh. That is how he is here. :D
bubbleBanana #7
owww.. I'll miss Onew's sweetness! :D
kezia_onsooni #8
So the story is already finished?? Omo....omo....<br />
I just can't predict that, kekeke....<br />
Anyway, I love this chppy, cuz everyone is happy, keke.....<br />
Thx for making this story...<br />
Waiting for another fic....<br />
Gbu :)
Iheartlife #9
update soon :D
onewjjang #10
@Iheartlife: Thank you for reading and commenting.. :D<br />
@bubbleBanana: Ehehe, I think you already know after you read this chapter neh. :D