I Won't Let Go...

I Won't Let Go...

Chapter 26

NaNa’s POV

Okay NaNa, you can do this. 

I was standing at the corner of the SNU building which faced the big tree that Key like to spend his time sketching his designs. I was so nervous about what I was about to do. Even though I have said to Jonghyun a few nights previously that I was ready to do this, I still felt like my legs were going to give up on me. I put my hands to my chest, feeling my heart beat so fast. 

It was not like I was alone while doing this. No. Jonghyun was at my side with a bruised cheek. When I asked him about it, he began to say another thing which was totally out of the question that I asked him. When I looked at Onew oppa to ask him instead, (he was behind me with Seungyeon and Taeminie at that moment) he looked at Jonghyun and just shook his head. Seems that nobody wanted to tell me what had happened to Jonghyun. Taemin just grinned by the side. When I asked him, he just said that someone which looked really scary when he was angry landed their fist on Jonghyun. 

That made me worries. Did he somehow got involved in a fight? I hoped not. But it surely looked like he was punched by someone though. Never mind about that. I had to focus on the task at hand. I peeked at Key again. I saw Minho was already there to make sure Key won’t suddenly walk away.

Yeah, the rest of them already knew about our break up. I think even Key knew about it already. But I don’t know how he took it since I didn’t see him these past few days. Seungyeon didn’t say anything to me too though I know Onew oppa must have told her how everybody’s reaction was.

“NaNa. You can do this.” Onew oppa encouraged me while patting my head. I felt like a little girl when he did that to me. But I don’t mind it at all. He is the only one that I would permit to do that to me. Well, aside from my appa of course.

I looked at him and placed my hand in front of me with hwaiting pose.

“What are you waiting for? Now go. You’re not going to chicken out, are you?” Jonghyun teased me.

“No. Of course I won’t back out from this. I am going.” I said. But I still stood rooted to my place.

I heard Taemin chuckled behind me. I turned to face him. I saw Seungyeon slapped his arm. “Yah Taeminie. Don’t laugh.”

“I didn’t laugh noona. I just chuckled.” He grinned cheekily at me. Seriously, Taemin was getting cheekier. At other times, he can be so serious in viewing things. I guessed Taemin really did grow up. It was a bit hard to see him other than him being the adorable teenager. 

“Hmph. Yeah right.” I turned back in front. I gathered up my courage and walked confidently forward. I could hear Seungyeon whispered hwaiting to me. I just held up my hand and did an okay sign to let her know that I heard her.

I slowly walked to where Key was sitting, under the big tree that we had kissed the other day. He was still engrossed with his sketching. Minho saw me and nodded his head to acknowledge my presence. Key still did not notice me. I came to a stop right in front of him. Blocking the sunlight and casting my shadow on him. He looked up to see me. He was surprised to see me standing while smiling right in front of him.

“NaNa.” He said and set his sketches aside to stand up in front of me. Minho who was beside him stood up too. Key took both of my hands and asked me concernedly, “Gwaenchanayo? I mean, I heard that you broke up with Jonghyun hyung.”

I looked at our linked hands. My smile got even wider. But Key didn’t notice my smile I guess for he kept on talking. “You know if you feel hurt because of the break up you don’t have to worry. I had already taught him a lesson to not do that anymore. Well, he wouldn’t get the chance to do that to you anymore now that you two have nothing going on to break up from. I mean...” His bullet train sentence was cut by me when I heard him said he taught Jonghyun a lesson.

“Do you mean to say the bruise on his face was caused by you?” I asked him with wide eyes.

He kind of snapped back from his train of nagging and finally focused on what I’ve said. “Err, umm. Y-Yeah.” Before I can say anything else he cut me off. “But NaNa please don’t get mad at me. I mean I know I was wrong when I did that. Onew hyung and Minho has been drilling me on not acting on my temper. I’m sorry NaNa. I just can’t stand it if you’re hurting.” He said hurriedly.

I was surprised that he actually did that to Jonghyun because he thought that I was hurt by our break up. That was so sweet of him. So that was why Jonghyun doesn’t want me to know. He must have felt ashamed to be punched by his younger cousin. I felt bad for Jonghyun but at the same time I was happy that Key did care for me. 

“Really? You did that because you thought Jonghyun hurt me? But why would you care anyway?” I deliberately asked him. 

“Well yeah. I did it because I care for you. How can I not care for you? I have always been.” He said earnestly. Then he paused. Looked at our hands, squeezed my hands and tugged me closer to him. I somehow get the feelings that Key was going to confess to me. My heart beat crazily.

“NaNa, I have something that I want to tell you. I should’ve said this sooner. I mean sooner than Jonghyun hyung.” He said. Okay, now I’m sure of what Key wanted to tell me.

“NaNa, I...” Key began, but I slipped my right hand from him and put my forefinger on his lips. Cutting out what he has to say. He looked surprised by what I had done and looked quizzically at me.

“Before those words come out of your mouth, I have to say something.” I have made a decision that I will confess my feelings to Key, so I will do it before him.

“You may be shock by what I will do, but I want to do this.” I said. I took a calming breath to still my fast beating heart. “I love you Key.” I said to him with a smile. He looked so surprised that both of his eyebrows went up and his mouth hung opened. I would have laughed at his face but my thumping heart prevented me from doing so. Oh my gosh, I just confessed to a guy. Never in my whole life have I ever done this. Look at what this guy had done to me.

“What did you say?” He finally found his voice to ask me.

“I said, I love you. I really love you Key.” I said again. Then without thinking twice at the thought that came to my mind, I kissed him on the lips. Then I pulled back. It’s actually more like a peck but still, it’s a nerve wrecking thing for me to do. 

If he was surprised when I confessed to him, now he looked stunned. I felt my face was so heated up. He looked at me and a grin slowly appeared on his lips.

“What a way you have of letting me know of how you feel. That’s one of the reasons that made me fall for you woman.” He said. “But your kiss was a bit weak. How about I show you the real thing?” He said slyly and tugged me closer to him. He rest one of his hand on my waist and the other on my nape. Then his lips landed on mine. His kiss was passionate. I felt that it heated me up to the maximum.

Key’s POV

I was stunned by what had happened. NaNa confessed to me before I can even confess to her. Her sudden kiss. This was just hard to believe. So she was not unaffected as I thought she was. I really love this feeling. The feeling that I can finally be free to expressed my love to her. Her lips on mine was all that I can taste. For so long I have been waiting for this day to come. The kisses that we’ve had before was nothing compared to this.

Just then there were applauses around us. That made us pulled apart from each other. I looked around and saw Minho, Jonghyun hyung, Onew hyung, Seungyeon and Taemin clapping, whistling and cat calling us. I looked at NaNa. She was a bit embarrassed but she didn’t pull herself away from me. I like that. I grinned at her. She just stood there with a sheepish smile on her face. But where did all of them come from? One moment I was with NaNa the next these guys appeared.

“Where did you guys come from?” I asked quizzically.

“Yah, you even forget me who was beside you before NaNa came?” Minho pushed my shoulder playfully.

Ah, that’s true. He was beside me before NaNa came. “Were you? Mian. I’m just too in the moment.” I said playfully at him.

He rolled his eyes. “Obviously. Anyone who has to stand and witness every word and action of the two of you can see that.” He said dryly.

I just laughed. “Sorry Minho. I wish I can spare you the moment.” I said with a chuckle.

“It’s okay. This was long due anyway. And some people are so late in making themselves known. Did you guys enjoyed the moment in a far place?” Minho said.

Minho’s remark made me wonder. Watching us in a far place? That would mean these guys actually witnessed the whole thing without me seeing them? “Jamkkaman, jamkkaman. All of you were here all these while?” I asked.

“Neh. We came to give NaNa supports.” Jonghyun hyung said while grinning at us. Seems that he did not mind it at all. Is there something that I missed?

“Support NaNa?” I asked him.

“Yeah. We are supporting NaNa for confessing to you.” Jonghyun hyung said.

I looked at NaNa. So she came to me to confess to me? I can’t believe this woman. She’s just full of surprises. She just grinned at me. “Took you by surprise didn’t I?” She asked.

I chuckled. “You sure do.” I said to her and slipped my arms on her waist to draw her closer to me.

“Anyway, congratulation to the both of you for finally admitting your feelings towards each other.” Minho said while patting our shoulders.

The rest clapped their hands again. I felt like we were put on a show with them acting like this.

“Yah. Enough already. You made us a spectacle for people to see.” I said and glanced around. There were some people looking weirdly at our way.

“It’s okay. It’s nothing to be ashamed of anyway.” Onew hyung said.

Suddenly Taemin went to me and put his arms on my shoulder. “Now hyung, as I remembered. You have said Onew hyung and Seungyeon noona had showed bad example to me by kissing in our living room. What about you hyung? Can I learn it from you with what you’ve done just now in a public place? I think I have a girl in mind who...”

I felt scandalized by what Taemin was saying. Yah, this kid was getting cheekier by day. Was he teasing me now? I can’t believe that my son had grown up so fast.

“Y-Yah Taemin ah. What girl are you talking about? Bring her to meet me your umma and your appa.” I pointed to Onew hyung. “I want to see this said girl. And don’t learn anything from us. Ugh, what I mean is...” I was lost for word.

Taemin laughed heartily at my reaction. His red hair was thrown back from his laughing. “Relax Key hyung. I was just teasing you. There hasn’t been a girl that I think I want to have the experience as you and Onew hyung did. Even if I do, I will tell you umma.” He said then letting go of his arm on my shoulders he continued, “Or maybe not.”

I let go of my arm on NaNa’s waist and quickly grabbed Taemin. “Yah, neo. Since when did you learn to talk back at your elders? Yah. Let umma teach you a lesson.” I playfully hooked my arms on his neck. 

We played and joked with each other under the big tree. I swear that this spot going to be my favourite spot for my whole life.

3rd Person POV

She saw from afar the group that played and joked together happily. They had so much fun. Now with the NaNa girl hooked up with Key. 

So Jonghyun and her had broken up? She thought. 

Strangely, she felt quite glad that Jonghyun was not with NaNa anymore. But she contradicted herself. 

Why would I feel glad anyway? He has nothing to do with me. Beside, I only want to teach Onew a lesson.

She stared at the group again for a while. Then the feeling of guilt and uneasiness crept up on her being. They have no idea of what she was trying to do at all. They had been treating her well except for Taemin’s coldness. But overall, they had been good to her. 

She started to doubt at what she was about to do. 

Why do I doubt what I am about to do? I have to focus. I can’t lose my reason to do this.

So she straightened herself up and walked away from the warm scene that she longed for in the depth of her heart.

Seungyeon’s POV

I walked in the cafe with NaNa on a sunny Saturday. Yeah, we still work on the weekends. NaNa walked into the cafe first before me. But as I wanted to step in, I was blocked from NaNa’s frame on the doorstep. Why did NaNa stop? Something happened in the cafe? I looked from her shoulder inside the cafe. There was a new tall brown haired guy sweeping the floor.

“Who are you?” NaNa asked bluntly.

I pushed NaNa aside and came into the cafe. The guy looked up from his sweeping to look at us. Before he can answer NaNa, our manager came out of the employees’ room and saw us.

“Ah, NaNa, Seungyeon. You came right on time.” She said beaming at us. She walked to the guy’s side and patted his shoulder. The guy was tall. As tall and well built as Minho. He had a fair complexion with a pleasant face. “I’m happy to say that I’ve hired another waiter to help you guys out. I know you two have been working hard with only Mia, Junho and Junsu to help you guys. Since Junsu is only working three days in the weekdays and Junho has said that he can only manage to come twice a week due to his final year project, so I hired him.” She explained to us.

She is right of course. We need another waiter to help us out. Since we can only come on the weekends too. We only left with Mia who worked full time in this shop. With the addition of this guy in the cafe, it will be a lot of help.

“I see. That will help us a lot.” NaNa said and smiled for the first time after she asked the guy.

“Then what is your name?” I asked the guy.

“Omo, how can I forget to introduce you guys.” Our manager said. Before our manager can introduce us, he introduced himself.

“Annyeonghaseyo. I am Nickhun.” He said and bowed his head to us.

“Ah Nickhun-shi. I am NaNa.” NaNa introduced herself and shook his hand. He nodded his head to NaNa.

“Hi. My name is Seungyeon.” I said to him with a smile. I shook his hand. But he seemed to hold it a bit longer than necessary. I tried to retract my hand from his grasp unnoticed. His gazed lingered a tad too long on me too. This is weird. Finally he let go of my hand. 

“Nice to meet you Seungyeon.” He said. His eyes were still piercing mine. I took my eyes away from him and looked at NaNa who stood beside me. She looked at Nickhun calculatively.

“I hope all of you can work well with each other neh.” Our manager said brightly to us. She didn’t even notice there was anything amiss. She was too happy that she got another new worker.

“I hope so too.” Nickhun said with a grin on his face.



To be continued...

Lol. So how is it? KeyNaNa shipper, I hope you’re still here. Kekeke. Finally~~~ Finally~~~ They’re OFFICIALLY together. Are you happy and satisfied with the way they ended up together? I know it’s an unconventional proposal right. Well nothing is normal with this couple since the beginning anyway. I hope this chapter make you happy. And, tada~~~ I present to you Nichkun~~ I like 2PM. That’s why you see there are 3 members here. If you notice it, I like Beast too, hence the 2 members in this fic too. And of course not to forget SuJu. Hohoho. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the chapter. As usual drop your comment neh. Thank you for all that has commented. Your comments encourage me and made my day. :D

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lee_onew13 #1
i like the ending..funny...
Awh! It's finally over. I really love it unnie. :D
bubbleBanana #3
job well done unnie :) I will miss them! hehe
This is an amazing story. U r a good writer
the end ?? im gonna miss this story .. its really beautiful and amazing . u r an awesome writer !! thankfully, the story end with with happy endings.. except for minho.. hope that he will find his true love soon ^^
onewjjang #6
@Iheartlife: Hope you have a good reading all this while. :)<br />
@khey_onsooni: Neh this story really is finish. Thank you for loving the last chapter. I hope that this epilogue you would enjoy too. Aww, thank you for reading this and comment in this fic. I do have another fic. You can click on it at the Author's Note. :D I hope to see you there too. GBU my dear. ^_^<br />
@bubbleBanana: Hehehe.. His ever sweetness neh. That is how he is here. :D
bubbleBanana #7
owww.. I'll miss Onew's sweetness! :D
kezia_onsooni #8
So the story is already finished?? Omo....omo....<br />
I just can't predict that, kekeke....<br />
Anyway, I love this chppy, cuz everyone is happy, keke.....<br />
Thx for making this story...<br />
Waiting for another fic....<br />
Gbu :)
Iheartlife #9
update soon :D
onewjjang #10
@Iheartlife: Thank you for reading and commenting.. :D<br />
@bubbleBanana: Ehehe, I think you already know after you read this chapter neh. :D