I Won't Let Go...

I Won't Let Go...

3rd Person POV 

The summer holiday finally end and the start of a new semester had begun for the students in SNU. This includes Jonghyun, Key, NaNa, Seungyeon, Minho and Taemin. Jonghyun is now on his final year, Taemin on his 1st year while the rest is on their 3rd year in SNU. Onew who had finished with his final year the last semester was free at the moment while looking for a job related to music. He did send a few of his work demo to some of the music companies and waiting for a feedback. 

Since the semester had started and classes will take most of their time, NaNa and Seungyeon cut their shifts in their part time job to concentrate more on their studies. They still find time to be with their partners to spend their time together amidst all of their busyness.

Taemin was getting use to the lifestyle in the university. He found it very interesting that the lifestyle in university is much more relaxing than in high school in terms of the rigidity of the time. Though it is only the beginning for him, but he was determined to do his best. To add to his happiness, Yoseop was accepted in SNU too though with a different major than him. But it’s still a plus for him to have his friend from high school together with him. Both Dongwoon and Sulli were accepted in other university.

Key is getting used to the daily routine of his days in university. It was quite a busy year for him too, for there will be more competition and exhibition for his major. He was constantly busying himself with a lot of fresh idea that he kept on sketching his design everywhere he went. His sketchbook hardly leaves his side. Even with all the flurry of activities he was into, he never failed to keep his eyes on NaNa. Although they do talk to each other normally now, it was not as happening as it was before NaNa was with Jonghyun. Nonetheless, Key still take care of NaNa in his own way without it being too obvious to the people around him.

Minho was making himself busy with his major of sports science. He was trying his best to be the best for his badge of sports science. He wants to become a basketball coach when he graduated from the university. He can be seen either practicing his skills in the basketball court, or studying the science of the variety of sports when he has spare time to kill. Usually when he was studying the facts of sport science, he would bury himself in his room with Jonghyun composing his music pieces too. When Jonghyun is not with NaNa, he will spend his time with his keyboard or guitar and with paper and pen near him. It seems that everybody is doing their best for the semester. 


Seoul National University

The weather that day was quite good. With the hint of autumn around the corner, the trees slowly begin to turn their beautiful green colour to brown colour. Across the SNU’s vast field, Onew can be seen walking slowly to search for Seungyeon who will be finishing her class for the afternoon soon to have lunch together with her. While he was walking he turned to his right to look at the other students that was busy with their books or talking with their walking partners. Then his eyes landed on a familiar figure a few feet from him. Their eyes connected with each other. Onew was surprised to see who it was that he stopped completely in his track staring at the figure who was actually a female with wavy black hair that fall just passed her shoulder. 

He knew that face well. So well that it was etched on his mind even though years had passed since he saw her. The same round black eyes, the same wavy black hair though it was much longer this time, the same high cheek bone, the same white milky skin complexion, the same sharp nose, the same pink lips. It was the same. As if the years didn’t age her one bit. She still looks beautiful to him. The only thing that is off is the way she brings herself. He can’t exactly put his finger on it, but the way she carried herself is different than before. He can’t believe that he was seeing her now. Was he dreaming? He shook his head to clear his mind and bring his head to look at her again. She only looked back at him with a blank stare, and then she moves on without even saying anything to him. She just passed him by as if she didn’t recognize him.

He turned around to look at her retreating back. He can’t believe at what he saw. He can’t even bring himself to open his mouth to call her. To make sure that she was real. That she was the person that he think she is. Memories began to flow in his mind. Making him froze on his spot. He stayed that way until someone approached him from behind and slipped their hands onto his.

Onew’s POV

I was still standing rooted to my place since I saw her. Remembering the times that we spent together, the happy times, and the one memory that etched to my mind. The memory of them on that fateful day at the airport. Before I can submerge myself in the memory, someone slipped their warm hand to mine. I looked at the entwined hand and looked up to be face to face with Seungyeon.

She has a bright smile on her face which just lightened the day much better than my dark feelings at the moment. “Oppa. You came on time.” She said with her bright eyes. Yes, bright eyes. Rather than the blank stare from the person just now. “But why are you standing in the middle of the field oppa?” Seungyeon asked me with quizzical eyes.

I gazed at her for a while then just gave her a smile and took her into my arms. I hugged her tightly. To remind myself that I have Seungyeon now, who is much more worthy of my love than her. Who loves me more than her. Who was always by my side. I pulled back a bit from her and swoop down to kiss her supple lips. I kiss her like there was no tomorrow. I held on to her face to deepen the kiss. She doesn’t ask me why I acted like that but she just reassures me with her gentle kiss as if she can feel the sudden storm in my heart. Without me realizing, she was the one leading the kiss by turning my deep kiss to a gentle and tender kiss that gives off a warm feeling. I let myself drown in her warm gentle kiss. She held my face with both of her hands and gives me a last light kiss before she broke off the kiss and looked at me straight in the eyes. I don’t know what did she read from my eyes but I didn’t bother to hide anything to her. 

Her gentle face with a small smile has the effect of relaxing me from the surprised encounter with the person that I thought was Ee Seul. She lifted one of her hands that cupped my face to sweep my now light brown hair from my eyes. “Oppa, gwaenchanayo?” She said softly. Her lips still a bit red from our kissing just now. I can’t believe that I kissed her in the middle of the university’s field. People must have thought us crazy. But I didn’t bother with what other people think at the moment.

I smiled at her again. “I think so Seungyeon. I’m just glad that you’re here.” I said and pulled her into a hug again. I was still quite shaken.

Then a group of people made their way towards us, which consists of five guys and a girl. 

“Yah, what are you two doing in the middle of the field in broad day light no less.” Key demanded. “Even though I so want my future niece and nephew, but I won’t want it to happen in the middle of the field.” Key said.

I let go of Seungyeon and kept her to my side. I looked at Key. I wanted to answer him but I can’t seem to find the strength to reply him. He just looked at me carefully. Before he can say anything more, Minho cut him off.

“Let us move from here first, then we continue our conversation neh.” Minho said wisely. I turned to him and tried to let him know I was thankful to him with his suggestion with my eyes. He seemed to get it and just nodded to me.

So all of us with the addition of Taemin’s friend Yoseop, went to find tables and benches that was scattered around the campus area. We sat ourselves on the benches with tables in front of us.

“It’s been a while that we get to gather together like this.” Jonghyun said with a smile. The rest nodded their agreement. “But hyung, why are you so pale?”

I raised my head to look at him. “Ah, jinjjayo? Hmm. Nothing actually.” I denied.

He just looked at me and dropped the subject. Yoseop then talked about the time that he spent in the campus was so much fun, and the rest caught on to the conversation that they soon forgot about Jonghyun’s comment. We talked with each other and Taemin and NaNa went to buy some food for us all from the nearby food stall. We had our lunch together for the first time after the semester start. We had fun with teasing each other and joking with each other. My shaken state slowly broke off with the laughter ringing around me. After an hour passed, the rest need to go back to their classes and some for their practice.

Before we get to go to our own destination, that person came into view again. This time on her way to the university’s building entrance. I was once again stuck in my seat and just stared at her. Jonghyun who saw me freeze up and my face went pale again followed my gaze to that person. He in his breath when he saw her. But Jonghyun has the mind to act to call her.

“Ee Seul!!!” Jonghyun shouted the long forgotten name. The person didn’t even glance at us. The rest of the people in our circles turned their heads to the said person. Key, Minho and Taemin had a shocked reaction on their faces. Key’s mouth was open wide when he saw the person in front of him. Then I can see Taemin gritted his teeth. It’s not often that I see Taemin like this. He only did that when he is extremely annoyed or not approve of something. Which is rare in occurrence throughout his life. 

Jonghyun is one person who won’t be ignored. He got up from his seat beside NaNa and ran to the person who was now near our table. Jonghyun reached to the person’s hand and made her turn to face him. “Ee Seul! Why didn’t you stop when I called you?” Jonghyun said with a surprised and happy face. “You’re back from the States?”

The person looked blankly at him and tugged her hand free from Jonghyun’s grasped. “I’m sorry. Do I know you?” She asked Jonghyun. What?!! She doesn’t know Jonghyun? That’s impossible. They’re so close before. They’re the best of friend years ago. How can she just forget about Jonghyun? I felt hurt by her statement even though it’s not directed towards me. But for her to forget about Jonghyun means she forgot about us too. But, is it even a big deal now?

Jonghyun’s POV

“I’m sorry. Do I know you?” She asked me with questions in her eyes. 

I was dumbfounded. I just stood there with a hurt smile on my face. How can she say that to me? We were so close before. How can she say that to me now?! I don’t understand this at all. Was she pulling my legs or something? Cause it’s not funny. It has been five years we didn’t see each other. Five years I tried to forget her smiles. Five years of reasoning why she left Onew hyung just like that without any explanation. Even to me. Her best friend. How could she do this? Then the anger that came lurking into my heart after all these years while trying to repress it finally came out.

“What?! Ee Seul, you’re not pulling my legs are you? You’re just playing pranks on us right.” I said while indicating the rest of the people who sat on the benches on my left side. She turned to face the people that I pointed out. I saw her scanned their faces and her gazed stayed a while on Onew hyung’s face. I knew it. She must know us. If not, why did her gaze linger on Onew hyung?

“I don’t know what you are talking about sir. And stop calling me Ee Seul. Who is Ee Seul anyway? My name is Soo Min.” She said to me with her hand on her chest.

“Soo Min?” I said. Who is Soo Min? What is this woman trying to play at? “Ee Seul, stop playing okay. We’re not going to do anything to you for what you’ve done before. Just... Don’t deny yourself anymore please.” I said to her. Trying to contain my anger that was slowly rising. For fear that I will scare her.

Her eyes looked troubled. She searched my eyes and said, “But that’s just it. I’m not trying to pull pranks on you guys at all. How can I when I don’t even know all of you? I’ve said it and I will say it again. I am Soo Min. NOT Ee Seul. I think you’ve mistaken me for someone else.”

I tried to say something to her again, but this time Kibum got up and went to my side and gripped my shoulder by squeezing it. Kibum looked at the person that claimed to be Soo Min with watchful eyes. Suddenly, he bowed to her. What the heck?! What was Kibum trying to do? I tried to take a step to Ee Seul, but Kibum just grabbed my hand again. He looked back at Ee Seul.

“I’m sorry Soo Min-shi. I think we have mistaken you for someone that we have known long ago. You see, she looks exactly like you. You’re just the spitting image of her. Forgive us for appearing rude to you. I will apologize to you for the sake of all of us here. I’m sorry that we met in these circumstances. But, it would be nice if we can start afresh. I’m Key by the way. And this is Jonghyun my cousin.” Key apologized to Soo Min and introduced himself with me. I looked at him. What is Kibum trying to do? Getting to know another Ee Seul? I guess she really is not Ee Seul. She looked scandalized that she was accused to be playing tricks on us when she doesn’t even know us. I guess I’m just caught up with my own emotion. I can’t take it that Ee Seul really forget about us. Especially me.

I felt Kibum tugged at my hands and he indicated to do the same as him. I looked at him then looked at the person who looked exactly like Ee Seul. I bowed my head and apologized to her. She bowed her head to me too and stared at me with curiosity pasted on her eyes. Cheongmal. She really is the spitting image of Ee Seul. She really reminds me a lot of Ee Seul now. When I took a good look at her, I realized that she is a bit different than Ee Seul though. Yes, her physical is totally the same as Ee Seul. But there is one thing that is totally different than Ee Seul. It’s the way she looked at me and how she carried herself. 

Ee Seul was a really bubbly and friendly kind of girl. Always walked with a happy aura around her that was very contagious. Very different from this person in front of me which is Soo Min, who bring herself with confident. She carried herself as if she has seen a lot of things that other people have not seen.

Kibum brought her to the table to introduce her to the rest of them. I went back to seat myself beside NaNa. She takes a look at me and just took my hand in hers. Reassuring me. I turned to her and gave her a small smile and squeezed her hand back to let her know that I’m fine. Then I disentangled my hands from her to bring it on the table where I clasped both of my hands together and turned my attention back to Kibum, who was still introducing each person on the table to Soo Min. Kibum had made sure to seat Soo Min far from me and Onew hyung. He knew that Onew hyung may not be prepared to talk to Soo Min at all even though she is not Ee Seul. But the eerie look alike of the two of them was still unsettling for them. Especially Onew hyung and I. We are the closest to Ee Seul. Me as the best friend and Onew hyung as the boyfriend.

Onew hyung tried to not make any eye contact with Soo Min at all while Soo Min kept on looking at Onew hyung. Maybe she was curious as to why he was the only one who did not want to meet her eyes. I noticed that Seungyeon kept holding on to Onew hyung’s hands all the while. Cheongmal. Seungyeon truly is the one that fit for Onew hyung. Even though she felt something must be up with all of us looking weird when we saw Soo Min and our reaction to her, she didn’t think badly of the situation. Even though Onew hyung was quite obviously not comfortable as if there’s something going on between him and Soo Min, she still stayed quietly by Onew hyung side without demanding any explanation from him or any of us. I truly respect her for that. 

Though I think, Onew hyung should have tell Seungyeon about his past relationship as to not make Seungyeon misunderstand anything. But I guess until now, Onew hyung never tell Seungyeon about it. And it’s not our place to say anything about it. I hope that Onew hyung can explain it well to Seungyeon. Since it’s not Ee Seul, I don’t think there will be a problem at all. Unless if Onew hyung still have feelings for Ee Seul. No. He can’t be. I can’t allow that.

I furrowed my eyebrows. But why do I get worked up for it if it were to be true anyway? It’s not like it has anything to do with me right. It’s not Ee Seul anyway. I have to drill that in my head. She is NOT Ee Seul. She IS Soo Min. The same face but totally different personality.

NaNa’s POV

I looked at my hand that Jonghyun released a few moments ago. Then I looked at him who had put both of his hands on the table top while clasping both of his hands. Again, his attention was at the woman who was called Soo Min that they mistaken for Ee Seul. I felt kind of rejected that he doesn’t want the comfort that I offered. I am trying as hard as I can to make our relationship work since it is not that good for these past few weeks. But come to think of it, it never was a smooth sailing or what you called a comfortable relationship at all. 

Since the beginning of our relationship, Jonghyun is the one that was trying hard to please me and tried to take our relationship to a deeper meaning. But I was at the time, still trying to put all my heart in the relationship that I had rushed my “yes” to. Even now, I don’t feel that comfortable to be together with Jonghyun anymore. It’s so different from the time that we were still in friendship status. I can talk to him freely and comfortably without much thinking. I felt that we were just trying too hard to hold on to our relationship. 

I still remember the time that I said yes to his confession; I was hoping that I wouldn’t make a mistake by agreeing to him on that day. Now I am beginning to regret it. Regretted it that I didn’t thought of it properly. Regretted it that I let myself think that I can be happy as long as the person loves me. Regretted that I was not courageous enough to say that I love someone else rather than just keep my silent. Regret. How did this happen? 

Now, I am beginning to feel that I am not worthy of even Jonghyun’s love because of my actions. Because of my stupidity, I am in this situation. Wasn’t it better if I say no to Jonghyun at that time? Yes, he will be hurt, but it won’t hurt a lot of people right. It hurt me to see that Key is not that cheery with me anymore. He still talked to me and hung out with me and Jonghyun, but somehow or rather I felt that he was not so cheery as before. Why? My relationship with Jonghyun was really falling apart slowly. I can feel the rockiness of it. Though we didn’t fight with each other, it doesn’t mean that a relationship can’t hit rock bottom just because they didn’t fought with each other. 

People around us may see that there was nothing much wrong with our relationship, but inside; it’s all over the place. Seungyeon did ask me how my relationship with Jonghyun was, but I never said anything was amiss to her. I can’t. I just can’t.

I looked at Jonghyun again who still had his eyes on Soo Min. I turned my attention to Soo Min who was animatedly talking to Yoseop and Minho. I saw Key chipped in the conversation once in a while. Taemin was just sitting there and not even looking at Soo Min. For once, I saw how Taemin can look so cold compared to his happy bubbly self who always smile to the people around him. But today, he looked even colder with his still dyed red hair. I wonder what makes him act like that. Onew oppa is not paying attention to anybody at all. As if he was in his own world. Seungyeon just sat by Onew oppa’s side and hold on to his hands. Once again I looked at my hand that Jonghyun released just now and sigh. 

Wait a minute. Ee Seul. Why is that name sounds so familiar to me? I looked at Soo Min who was mistakenly thought as Ee Seul. I looked at Key who has a contemplating expression on his face while looking at Soo Min. Ee Seul. Yes, I remember it now. Key had told me about Onew oppa’s ex-grilfriend who abandoned him called Ee Seul. My eyes opened wide with shocked. No wonder the five of them were so shocked a moment ago when Jonghyun called her. I looked at Onew oppa again, he looked dazed. He must be thrown back into his memories with Ee Seul before. I realized that Seungyeon may not have known about it yet by the look of things. Why did this girl Soo Min appeared so similar to Ee Seul? Is she really who she claimed she is?

I looked back at Soo Min. So this is how Ee Seul looked like. She was pretty. Very pretty. But Key only said that Ee Seul was Onew oppa’s ex-girlfriend, he did not say anything about her relationship with the others. Then why did Jonghyun react so strongly towards Soo Min? If there was someone that was shaken badly by the appearance of someone that look exactly like Ee Seul, it should be Onew oppa right. What was the relationship between Jonghyun and Ee Seul before? And to top it all of, that girl is NOT Ee Seul for peace’s sake. Why would they so worked up on this? She is not Ee Seul. She’s not. 

I’m beginning to feel really bad about myself. I felt that my life lately was not so good. I was burdened up by this relationship that I see no future in. My heart long for another person who is just a few feet away from me yet so far to reach my hands to.

3rd person POV

No one realized something was amiss. The addition of another person in their group will change their life. 

Hmm. The first part of the plan is done. She thought, please with herself.


To be continued...


Hello readers. Tada, the appearance of another person in this fic. As you can see, she really had them surprised by her uncanny similarity in looks with Ee Seul, Onew's ex-girlfriend. You can check Chapter 8 back, where there is a flashback of Ee Seul in Key's POV. I think I've explained how their reaction were when they saw Soo Min right. Just bear in mind their reactions so that you may remember how their reaction at this time in the future chapter. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the ride. I've said in the previous chapter that this chapter is heavy with emotions right. I hope it did. This is quite a turn from the laid back scene from the previous chapter. :D Until the next chapter. Annyeong yoreobun. ^_^p Thank you for all subscribers. Would love to read your comments too. :D


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lee_onew13 #1
i like the ending..funny...
Awh! It's finally over. I really love it unnie. :D
bubbleBanana #3
job well done unnie :) I will miss them! hehe
This is an amazing story. U r a good writer
the end ?? im gonna miss this story .. its really beautiful and amazing . u r an awesome writer !! thankfully, the story end with with happy endings.. except for minho.. hope that he will find his true love soon ^^
onewjjang #6
@Iheartlife: Hope you have a good reading all this while. :)<br />
@khey_onsooni: Neh this story really is finish. Thank you for loving the last chapter. I hope that this epilogue you would enjoy too. Aww, thank you for reading this and comment in this fic. I do have another fic. You can click on it at the Author's Note. :D I hope to see you there too. GBU my dear. ^_^<br />
@bubbleBanana: Hehehe.. His ever sweetness neh. That is how he is here. :D
bubbleBanana #7
owww.. I'll miss Onew's sweetness! :D
kezia_onsooni #8
So the story is already finished?? Omo....omo....<br />
I just can't predict that, kekeke....<br />
Anyway, I love this chppy, cuz everyone is happy, keke.....<br />
Thx for making this story...<br />
Waiting for another fic....<br />
Gbu :)
Iheartlife #9
update soon :D
onewjjang #10
@Iheartlife: Thank you for reading and commenting.. :D<br />
@bubbleBanana: Ehehe, I think you already know after you read this chapter neh. :D