I Won't Let Go...

I Won't Let Go...

Onew’s POV

The clock is ticking by the seconds that will bring the time for me to meet Seungyeon’s mother and namdongsaeng. I was really nervous in meeting them and make a good impression. I don’t want our first meeting to be less than a perfect meeting. Sigh. This is so nerve racking. It’s not like I am to meet the president of Korea or somewhere near to that title. But to me, meeting Seungyeon’s family is a very important issue to me. I doubt that I’ll be this nervous if I am to meet the president.

I turned to look at the clock again. There are still 10 minutes before they’re here. I kept on walking back and forth in front of the door. Getting myself ready to open the door once I heard the door bell ring. Key was still busying himself in the kitchen preparing for our lunch meals with Taemin helping him out. It was more to Key ordering Taemin in the kitchen. The constant “Taemin ah, take that crystal bowl for me.”, “Taemin ah, how can you cut the apple like this?!”, “Taemin ah, go out and buy a couple more cartons of milk at the convenient store below.”etc...

And the commands goes on. I pity Taemin to have to put up with Key being in his element in the kitchen. But thankfully, Taemin can stand Key’s ordering him around. But I have a feeling it was only so that he can have the chance to go and buy the milk that Key asked him to. I know he will use some of the money to buy his favourite banana milk to top of with the two cartons of milk that Key asked for. I chuckled at them.

Minho is sitting on the sofa in the living room and totally engrossed in watching a football match. I don’t even know what team versus what team by the look of things. But Minho is totally transfixed by the match that he doesn’t realize that he was sitting at the edge of the sofa with his fist clenched. I think, if Minho can magically transport himself, he’ll be inside the TV and play the match himself.

Jonghyun is still in his and Minho’s room. I guessed he is still composing his new songs to prepare for the coming semester. They only left with two weeks of summer break anyway. Since I’m finished with my final semester, there’s nothing much for me to do except to wait for my convocation day. The rest still have to prepare themselves for the coming semester. I am quite happy that Taemin manage to enter Seoul National University too. He will be majoring in dancing. Finally he managed to get his dream course after his hard work in high school.

Suddenly the door bell rang. I literally jumped on my spot in front of the door when the bell rang. I was really surprised. Then my nervousness came back with full force. I just stood there looking at the wooden door in front of me.

“Onew hyung, what are doing standing in front of the door and not opening it up?” Key was nagging at the kitchen doorway which was near me. “Open it up already. It must be Seungyeon and her family.”

I looked at Key dumbfounded. I know that. But I just can’t bring myself to open the door. Then Key who can’t stand it anymore begins to walk to the door to open it up. My mind finally registered in that I myself have to open the door and I quickly stretched out my hand and open the door. Four people’s face was smiling brightly at me. I was momentarily speechless by the smiles. Three from beautiful ladies and one from a cute child.

Oh, NaNa is here too. I didn’t know that she’ll be coming too. I guess neither do Jonghyun. If he knows, he will be waiting for NaNa to arrive too instead of locking himself up in the room. Key who was by my side was surprised by NaNa’s presence too. I can just feel the tension. But Key acted well, he composed himself to his usual bubbly self and greeted them with a bright smile. 

“Annyeonghaseyo. Welcome Mrs. Han and Yoogeunie. Come on in.” I said to them and made way for them to enter our house. When Seungyeon enter in, she gave me a peck on my cheek and smiled at me. I hugged her briefly before closing the door and grabbed her hand to bring her inside. NaNa already led Mrs. Han and Yoogeun in the living room. Minho who was previously transfixed on the match now changed the channel to Spongebob for Yoogeun. He also begins to call to Yoogeun to go to his side. Key already went back to the kitchen to finish up what was left to do. Taemin was standing at the kitchen doorway looking at Seungyeon’s family in silence. I know he was quite shy even though he was the one suggesting them to come over. So I asked him to call Jonghyun out to join us.

I walked to the living room with Seungyeon and greeted them properly again. I greet NaNa who was standing near us with a hug then I went to Seungyeon’s mom and greet her politely.

“Welcome Mrs. Han. Please sit and get comfortable.” I said to her.

She smiled at me and seated herself in the single sofa. I sat at the other sofa with me nearest to ahjumma. Seungyeon was next to me and NaNa was next to Seungyeon. Yoogeun is now sitting beside Minho on the other sofa opposite us. Playing with Minho comfortably. I didn’t know that Minho had it in him to care for little children.

“Umma, this is Jinki oppa.” Seungyeon introduced me to her umma while holding on to my hand.

I smiled at Seungyeon’s umma and bowed to her. “I am Lee Jinki. But my friends called me Onew.” I introduced myself to her again.

She nodded her head. “You’re very polite and have a really nice smile neh.” She said to me, making me blush and feeling self conscious. “I hope you don’t mind that I brought NaNa together with us too Jinki-shi.” Seungyeon’s mom said.

“Ah not at all Mrs. Han. NaNa is our friend too. In fact she is like my own sister.” I reassured her and looked at NaNa who was smiling brightly at me.

“Neh ahjumma. Onew oppa have been nothing but kind and caring to me. You don’t have to worry about Seungyeon together with him now.” NaNa said to Seungyeon’s umma while teasing us.

“NaNa!” Seungyeon exclaimed. Surprised by NaNa’s comment to her umma. Seungyeon’s umma just chuckled at the action of the two other female in the room.

Then the rest of the guys joined us in the living room. Jonghyun, Key and Taemin came in and seated themselves near Minho and Yoogeun. Key who saw Yoogeun quickly went to Yoogeun’s other side and began to play with him excitedly. He really wants children that badly huh. Jonghyun just seated himself on the sofa and looked up to see NaNa in front of him. He was surprised by her presence. 

“NaNa, you’re here.” He said surprised. Then he went and seated himself beside NaNa. I looked back at Key. He was still busy playing with Yoogeun.

“Oh, so the rest of you know each other very well neh.” Seungyeon’s umma said after witnessing the situation at hand.

“Neh Mrs. Han. We know each other quite well. Let me introduce you to them. At your right side is Kibum, but we call him Key; next is Minho; beside him is Taemin my dongsaeng; and beside NaNa is Jonghyun.” I introduced each one of the guys to Seungyeon’s umma.

“Annyeonghaseyo Mrs. Han.” The rest of them greeted Seungyeon’s umma together while bowing to her.

“Annyeonghaseyo. Omo, all of you are full of manners. And these two here can’t separate themselves with Yoogeun. You two must have like children don’t you?” Seungyeon’s umma said.

“Neh Mrs. Han. I really do like kids. I wish to have them in the near future.” Key said brightly.

“Ah. Then get married earlier. You know, it’s hard for women to bear children when they’re past 30. The younger the better.” She said.

“Yah, umma. You don’t have to talk about it here.” Seungyeon said to her mother.

We all just laughed it off. “Wae? I’m just saying the truth. It’s not like I was hinting that you get marry early.” She said and made a face.

I totally laugh at Seungyeon’s umma’s facial expression. The rest of the guys who saw it laugh with me too. Seungyeon’s umma is really something. Then she called Yoogeun to her side. 

“Yoogeun ah. Come here.” Seungyeon’s umma called Yoogeun. “Have you been listening when Jinki hyung introduced the rest of the hyung?” She asked Yoogeun.

Yoogeun stood shyly beside his umma and nodded his head. Then he pointed to each one of us while calling our name. “Taeminie hyung, Minho hyung, Key hyung, Jonghyun hyung and Jinki hyung.” He said adorably and went to Seungyeon’s side. Seungyeon carried him to her lap. Yoogeun who was facing me just stared at me. I smiled brightly at him.

“Noona, is Jinki hyung noona’s friend?” Yoogeun asked her and looked up at Seungyeon.

Seungyeon smiled at him and answered, “Neh Yoogeunie. Jinki hyung is a special friend of noona.” Then she turned to smile at me.

Yoogeun stared at me again and finally went to me and asked to be seated on my lap. Then Yoogeun looked at me and suddenly put his hands on my face, “I like Jinki hyung’s smile.” Then he landed a kiss on my cheek. I was so surprised that he kissed me when we only just meet. I guess children have their weird ways. I looked back at Yoogeun and plant a light kiss on top of his head. Smiling all the time. Both Minho and Key looked at me with eyes that speaks volume. Both of them wanted to get Yoogeun’s attention but Yoogeun went to my side instead. I felt quite proud actually to have Yoogeun picked me instead. Hahaha. So the whole time that we were talking Yoogeun was seated on my lap and played with his toy power ranger.

Taemin’s POV

Everybody was having a good time with Seungyeon noona’s family. I even begin to open up slowly to them. It was always like this for me. It’s quite hard for me to be open and talk in front of new people. It will take me some time to adjust to them and open up slowly. But Seungyeon noona’s umma is really funny and an open minded lady. She even joked about women getting pregnant and about noona getting married early. If that is not a hint for them to get married than I don’t know what that is. Though it was only a couple of months that Onew hyung and Seungyeon noona officially together, they already have the pressure to get married. Sigh. This is what happened when you bring them to see their family. I bet umma and appa will say the same thing when hyung bring noona to meet them.

But come to think of it. Onew hyung already finished with his studies and only waiting for his convocation day. He will find work soon, of course there will be pressure for him to settle himself and everything. Woah. Why do I feel that the time passed by so quickly? Onew hyung is going to become an adult. Not that he was not before but I always thought that he’ll be near me all the time. Sigh.

I looked at Minho hyung and Key hyung who was fixing their eyes to Yoogeun who was comfortably seated at Onew hyung's lap. I didn’t know that Minho hyung have a soft spot for children. It was always Key hyung who likes to declare that he likes children and would like to have his own. I wanted to play with Yoogeun too but I don’t really know how to play with children. 

I turned my attention to Jonghyun hyung and NaNa. The two of them were sitting side by side but they hardly talked to each other. Other than Jonghyun hyung saying that NaNa was here, the two have not really spoken up. I wonder what they are thinking now. Usually, they will be talking animatedly. Hmm, trouble between them is surfing up? I shook my head. Never mind them at the moment. I was getting quite hungry. Preparing all those food in the kitchen with Key hyung was not so much fun at all. I can’t even take a bite from anything that he had made. He kept on saying that I’ll get to eat it later and to not contaminate the food. Cheongmal. How can I contaminate the food? I am not a fly. But luckily Key hyung asked me to buy the two cartons of milk and that enable me to buy my banana milk. I close my eyes remembering the taste in my mouth. Seriously, it was really good. 

The result of thinking a lot about food made my stomach growling hungrily. It was not a quiet growl but a loud one. All of the people in the living room turned their eyes on me then at my stomach which produced another big growling sound. I felt so embarrassed. I clutched both of my hands to my stomach in the hopes of to quieten it down. But it only went on much louder than before. Uh oh. 

Key hyung looked at me. Then as if broken by a magic spell, he got up and went to hug me.

“Omo Taemin ah. I’m so sorry umma didn’t pay attention to you. You must be very hungry now. Let us have our lunch then. I bet Mrs. Han and the rest is hungry too right.” Key hyung said. The rest laughed at the situation. 

I was so embarrassed by my stomach’s growling that I buried my face in Key hyung’s neck. He just patted my head and smiling at me. “Yah, don’t be so embarrassed. Thanks to you, we get to eat. Truthfully, I’m hungry too.” He whispered in my ears. 

I smiled up at him and followed him to the kitchen to take the food while Minho hyung and Jonghyun hyung prepare the large rectangle table in the living room. Onew hyung is still with Yoogeun. Holding him in place to avoid him running around while we are preparing the lunch meals.

It was really a happening moment in the house. I was seated between Onew hyung and Key hyung. Both of them keeps on placing food on my bowl of rice. I don’t even have to take the food for myself. I felt like I’m like Yoogeun who was being taken good care by hyungs. Yoogeun was seated between Key hyung and Minho hyung instead of sitting near his umma. They claimed Yoogeun to themselves from Onew hyung. Jealous that Yoogeun went voluntarily to Onew hyung when they have to grab his attention. Both Minho hyung and Key hyung was feeding him as well. But I don’t mind though. I’m going to savour this moment until the day that I won’t be able to have this attention anymore. Hehehe. Anyway, I know I will be very busy once I enter SNU and begin my dancing course. By that time I think I would hardly be at home that much. So why not I enjoy this moment.

“Onew hyung, I want the milk that Key hyung asked me to buy just now. Can I have it?” I asked him. 

Key hyung who heard me answered, “Go on and take it Taemin. And bring for Yoogeun too alright.”

I was about to get up and take it myself when Seungyeon noona stood up and went to the kitchen to fetch it with two glasses in her hands. She filled up one for me and one for Yoogeun.

“Here you go Taemin ah, Yoogeunie.” She said and handed it to us.

Suddenly, Jonghyun hyung who was seated beside Minho hyung burst out laughing. We looked at him questioningly.

“Mian.” He said between his laugh. “But I can’t stop laughing from watching you guys.” He said and keeps on laughing till he nearly choked on the water that NaNa noona gave him to drink. “I mean, Taemin really looked like *aegi himself with Seungyeon giving him and Yoogeun milk. And you guys keep on filling his bowl with food.”

The rest begin to laugh at it too. “Well, I’m their umma, of course I want to feed them.” Key said proudly. It seems that he proclaimed himself to be Yoogeun’s umma too, with the presence of Yoogeun’s original umma nonetheless. Seungyeon’s umma just laughed from Key’s statement.

“Omo, now I have someone to entrust Yoogeun to then.” She said with a smile on her face.

“Neh Mrs. Han. If you want someone to look after Yoogeun, just let me know or his appa here.” Key hyung said and patting Minho’s shoulder to the appa part. Minho looked at Key in surprised and just smiled at Seungyeon’s umma.

“Ah, araseo. Seungyeon ah, NaNa ah. I can rest assured with these guys here taking care of you two.” Seungyeon’s umma said with a small smile on her face. “Now I won’t be so worried when I get back home since I know you two are in good hands.”

All of us just looked at Seungyeon’s umma. Even though I am younger than Seungyeon noona and NaNa noona, I swear that I will protect them too. No matter what it is, I will make sure that this little new found family here will not be tear apart. 

3rd Person POV

After the successful meeting with Seungyeon’s family a few days ago, Onew brought Seungyeon back to his hometown to meet his parents with Taemin in tow too. Seungyeon was quite nervous in meeting Onew’s parents for the first time too. Both Onew and Taemin keep on telling Seungyeon that their parents will accept her just fine.

As it turned out, Onew’s parents do accept Seungyeon well as Onew’s girlfriend. And once again they were barraged by “marriage” talk. This time it was Taemin who helped them out of the conversation by saying loudly that he was hungry and wanted to eat his umma’s prepared food. Mrs. Lee seeing that his youngest son was constantly asked for her to prepare the food gave in at last and dropped the “marriage” subject. Before Mr. Lee can continue with that subject, Onew deterred the talk to his studies. So the subject was safely dropped for the time being. They shared a beautiful time together where Mrs. Lee kept on reminiscence the time when Onew was still small. Onew kept on asking his mother to drop the subject as he was embarrassed but Seungyeon wanted to hear it. So all his moments when he was small was told happily by Mrs. Lee with the help of Taemin who chipped in once in a while.

Since it was quite late, the three of them stayed at Onew’s parents’ place for the night and go back to Seoul the next day. Since they don’t have a guest room, Onew offered his old room for Seungyeon to sleep in for the night. Onew himself will sleep in Taemin’s room with Taemin himself.

Seungyeon took the time to observe Onew’s room before she turns in for the night. She smiled when she saw all of Onew’s stuff since he was small until he graduated from high school. It seems that Onew and Taemin is friends with Jonghyun, Key and Minho since they’re small. There were a lot of pictures with the five of them together. There were pictures of them which was framed and put on the table surface; pictures of them hanging on the wall; pictures of them in the photo album. As she was flipping the photo album that she saw at the top of Onew’s table, she saw quite a number of pictures where Onew was with a pretty girl. They were smiling brightly towards the camera. Sometimes, there would be Onew, the girl and Jonghyun in the pictures. But there was hardly a picture where the girl was with all five of them. What was the relationship between Onew and her? And Jonghyun? She kept on flipping the pages but towards the end, there were no more pictures of the girl. The only picture left at the end was Onew’s high school graduation picture. For once, Seungyeon witness Onew with a sad smile in the photo album. There was not even one picture in the album where he didn’t smile brightly. Was it because of the girl? Seungyeon shook her head and closed the photo album. It must be only her over thinking thoughts. If Jinki oppa have any past relationship that was important to him, he must have shared it with her. So she put the photo album aside and tried not to think of it anymore. She went to Onew’s bed and settled herself between the sheets to sleep for the night.


On the other side in Seoul, things did not really go smoothly for NaNa and Jonghyun. As time past, Jonghyun realized that his relationship with NaNa did not progress as he would like it to be. Both of them seemed to have a lot on their minds. Everytime Jonghyun wanted to get closer to NaNa, there was always seemed to be something that prevent her from doing so. Quite frankly, they haven’t even had their legit kiss for all the months they were together. Jonghyun realized that NaNa usually was distracted when they were together as if she was thinking of something else rather than enjoying their moment together. This made him think more about why he went out with NaNa.

If he was honest to himself, it was partly because NaNa reminds him of his time with Ee Seul. He missed her. Without him noticing, he remembered Minho’s advice to him before he went out with NaNa.


“Hyung, what are you trying to say? You know that Ee Seul noona has left Onew hyung right. And I know for a fact that you do have feelings for Ee Seul noona before. Are you saying that you’re seeing a chance to be with this girl as a replacement of Ee Seul noona?” Minho asked and turned to look at me.

I felt uneasy with Minho staring at me like that. It’s like he can see through my soul. I know it sounds ridiculous, but Minho really have a knack with digging what’s inside that matters.

“I don’t know Minho. I admit that I do have feelings for Ee Seul before. We were friends before I introduced her to Onew hyung and they fell in love. I don’t blame Onew hyung or Ee Seul though.” I said while staring at the ceiling.

“But Ee Seul noona left Onew hyung in the end. She let go of him. It’s hard for him. You witnessed it yourself. Why do you think Key is busy for at the moment that he forgot Taemin’s birthday?”

I looked at Minho. I don’t have any idea at all. It’s not like Key at all to forget any of our birthdays especially Taemin. So whatever that he’s doing now is considered very important to him. So I just shook my head.

“It’s because Onew hyung finally find someone that he fall in love with and couldn’t really confess to her. So Key is actually planning something to help him without Onew hyung even realizing it.” 

“Cheongmalyo? Kibum really did that?” I asked. I never thought that Kibum really cared for any of us that much since he didn’t really show it. Except for Taemin of course.

Minho just nodded his head then said, “So if you really like this person, go on and have a good relationship with her. But don’t begin a relationship if it’s only to replace her with someone else. It’ll only hurt you and her in the end.” 

End of flashback

Jonghyun kept on musing with his flashback. He wondered if he was really replacing Ee Seul with NaNa because of their similarity. He began to think more deeply about his relationship with NaNa.

NaNa thought that she can begin to love Jonghyun through time, but she can’t bring herself to love him more than what she was feeling at the moment. Which was just an attraction that won’t develop into love. She was constantly thinking of Key. Missing the time that they can tease each other and act normal than now. At the same time she felt guilty because she keeps on thinking about Key when she was with Jonghyun. 

But through all this musing of theirs, they still keep on seeing each other. Even though the two of them were drifting apart day by day.


A week before the new semester start

3rd Person POV

The airplane landed smoothly on the Seoul International Airport from the United States. A slim figure can be seen walking out of the airplane and following the crowd to the immigration booth for identification. She was dressed casually with dark glasses on. As soon as she walked out of the arriving hall, a man with black suit approached her and bowed to her.

“Welcome back Ms. Lee. It’s been years that you came back to Korea.” He said conversationally. “You’ve grown to be a beautiful lady.” He smiled at her.

The said Ms. Lee looked at the man and said, “Well Mr. Park, it’s been a long time I didn’t see you too. Miss me?” She let go of the trolley that she pushed and hugged the old man.

“Of course I miss you my dear. I’m sorry with what had happened though. I was really sad to hear the news too.” He said while patting the woman’s shoulder.

The woman went rigid when the said Mr. Park brought the subject to light. Her heart felt anger for what had happened. It was all that man’s fault. It was his entire fault that it ended up that way and she would not let him have a peaceful time. She had vowed that she will have her revenge and cause trouble for him.


To be continued...

*aegi = baby

That's what happened when they meet with each other's parents. :) I hope Yoogeun is cute enough here. There's the beginning of a drama neh. So who is this girl that just came back to Seoul? What is it that she wants to do? Stay tuned for the next update. :D I hope you're curious enough to know about it. ^_^ Oh, for the next chapter, it will be heavy with emotions. Though what emotions, you'll find it out later. Kekeke. Anyway, until we meet for the next chapter. ^_^
 Thank you to all the sunscribers and commenters. :D

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lee_onew13 #1
i like the ending..funny...
Awh! It's finally over. I really love it unnie. :D
bubbleBanana #3
job well done unnie :) I will miss them! hehe
This is an amazing story. U r a good writer
the end ?? im gonna miss this story .. its really beautiful and amazing . u r an awesome writer !! thankfully, the story end with with happy endings.. except for minho.. hope that he will find his true love soon ^^
onewjjang #6
@Iheartlife: Hope you have a good reading all this while. :)<br />
@khey_onsooni: Neh this story really is finish. Thank you for loving the last chapter. I hope that this epilogue you would enjoy too. Aww, thank you for reading this and comment in this fic. I do have another fic. You can click on it at the Author's Note. :D I hope to see you there too. GBU my dear. ^_^<br />
@bubbleBanana: Hehehe.. His ever sweetness neh. That is how he is here. :D
bubbleBanana #7
owww.. I'll miss Onew's sweetness! :D
kezia_onsooni #8
So the story is already finished?? Omo....omo....<br />
I just can't predict that, kekeke....<br />
Anyway, I love this chppy, cuz everyone is happy, keke.....<br />
Thx for making this story...<br />
Waiting for another fic....<br />
Gbu :)
Iheartlife #9
update soon :D
onewjjang #10
@Iheartlife: Thank you for reading and commenting.. :D<br />
@bubbleBanana: Ehehe, I think you already know after you read this chapter neh. :D