I Won't Let Go...

I Won't Let Go...

In the apartment

Taemin’s POV

Ah. What a tiring day at school. That PE teacher really has some grudge on me or what? Asked me to run 10 rounds without stopping just because he wanted to see if I have the stamina or not, since I usually spent my time practice dancing in the school’s dance practice room.


“You can’t do it? Figures. How can someone who always spend their time indoor and dance their out have the stamina to run anyway. If you can’t do it, then you can join those useless guys over there to clean all the sports equipment.” The PE teacher said to me with distaste.

What’s his problem anyway? Ever since he knows that I spent most of my time in the dance practice room, he keeps on picking on me. Am I that easy for him to pick up? Huh. Don’t mess with the Powerful Taemin. 

“Neh *seongsaengnim. I can do it. 10 rounds right. No problem at all.” I said sweetly while smiling. I can see a few of my friends snickered at the teacher and some of the girls were admiring me. Hah. I’ll show you Mr. Park. Don’t think dancing doesn’t need any stamina to begin with.

Nobody is to degrade my passion in dancing. Dancing has been my passion since I was small. I’ve started dancing since I saw all the super idol group when I was small in TV. Since then I always dance when I have free time. If Onew hyung is so into music, I am so into dancing. Thankfully, our parents always support us in realizing our dreams. That is why Onew hyung can take broadcasting music in college and I plan to further my dancing skills by attending Arts Seoul University to major in dancing. My dream is to be a great dancer that all nations will rave about. If not, then I want to be a professional dance instructor or a dance choreographer. Saranghae umma and appa for not repressing our dreams. Ah, I miss them. Maybe Onew hyung and I can pay a visit sometimes soon. I want to eat mom’s cooking of *samgyupsal. Okay, enough about that now. Back to the present moment.

Mr. Park was surprised that I took his challenge calmly. I guess he expect me to decline. I started to warm up and then begin my 10 rounds of running. Thankfully all those dance practice have built my stamina. So, I ran without any problem at all. Only on the last two rounds I started to feel tired. I guess I can’t go to practice after school. I’ll be too exhausted.

After the 10 rounds, Mr. Park asked me to do sit up for a 100 times. Aish. This guy really have a problem. So I did another 100 times of sit up. By the time I was finished, I was quite exhausted and sweating like mad. My stomach will cramp later on. I groaned.

“Huh. So this is the stamina that you got from that dancing of yours? Dream on kid. Only sportsman can have a good stamina.” Mr. Park said.

Ring Ring Ring... The school bell’s rang indicated the end of the PE class and the end of school for that day.

“Class dismissed.” Mr. Park said then walked out of the PE room.

Aish. I stood up while clutching my sides. Ah. I’m so tired.

“Taemin ah. Are you okay?” My friend Dongwoon asked.

“Yeah. You okay? I don’t know why he’s so brutal today.” Said Yoseop.

“He is plain evil. That stupid teacher. Did he woke up on the wrong side of the bed today?” Complained Sulli, the only girl in our group of four. These are my good friends at school which also share my passion in dancing. I’m so grateful for my understanding friends.

“I’m okay guys. Really. Just that I didn’t expect him to add on another 100 crunch. I don’t like doing sit up. Only Jonghyun hyung and Minho hyung would be ecstatic to have done it.” Sigh.

“Haha. Your two hyung really serious in building there body?” Yoseop asked.

“Yeah. For Jonghyun hyung, it’s to attract girls in his college and Minho hyung do it just for fun. I think he has too many free time.”

The rest of them laugh.

“Jonghyun hyung is such a player.” Dongwoon said.

“Yah. Don’t you start being one okay. Or else you’ll get it from me.” Sulli threatened.

Oh. I forgot to mention that these two are currently dating. Haha. We’re not even surprised when they announced to us the past couple of months.

“Okay guys. I need to hit the showers and go back home. I’m super tired. And I really want to meet Onew hyung and Key hyung. I miss them already.” I said while picking up sweater on the floor.

“What are you saying? You live with them.” Yoseop asked.

“Yeah. But they haven’t come back since yesterday afternoon.” I explained.

“Mwo? From where? I though you guys went to the beach yesterday. You even cancelled our plans yesterday to go out with your hyungs.” Sulli said.

“Neh. Something happened. It’s a long story. I’ll tell you guys some other time okay. I’m really tired and need to take the shower. I’m too sticky. See you guys.” I waved at them and took a run to the changing room.

End of flashback

Seriously I think I need to talk to Mr. Park and ask him why did he did that to me.

I pushed open our apartment door and there in the living room stood Onew hyung and Key hyung. I miss them so much. (Even though it’s only one night) I ran and jumped onto Onew hyung. He was so surprised that he lost his balance and we end up falling onto the couch.

“Yah Taeminie, be careful. Both of you can hit the floor or what and get injured. And who’s the one that’s going to tend to the both of you?” Key hyung scolded me.

I ignored him and kept on hugging my hyung. “I miss you Onew hyung.”

“Haha. Taeminie, your action is like you haven’t seen me for years.” He chuckled while hugging me back and ruffled my hair.

I buried my head on his chest. “But you never leave me that long before. It’s a whole day and night. And Jonghyun hyung even forgot to get fresh milk for me in the morning which you never forget.” I whined. 

I know, I’m very spoilt right. But that is because I’m very close to Onew hyung. He’s the one who’s been taking care of me since I was small, when umma and appa too busy in the restaurant. He’s my hyung and my best friend.

“That Jonghyun didn’t give my son his fresh milk? He’s really going to get it from me. How many times do I have to remind him to take care of my son when I’m not here? Tsk tsk.” Key grumbled.

Ah yes. I’m considered as Key hyung’s son since he saw me years ago. He said his motherly instinct just come up whenever he saw me. Haha. Really Key hyung is the best umma anybody can get. He really took care all of us.

“I miss you too Taemin.” While hugging me again then, “But Taeminie, hyung will be suffocated soon if you didn’t loose down your hold on my neck.”

“Ah, mianhae hyung.” I quickly relinquished my hug on him then attacked the next person which is Key hyung.

“I miss you Key hyung. I want you to cook again Key umma.” I said while hugging him.

“Aigoo. My son missed me and my cooking. Of course, umma will cook a delicious meal for you tonight okay.” He said while sweeping my fringe hair aside.

“Let me look at you properly. Why are you looking so tired? Come to think of it, you came back much earlier than usual. Didn’t you have a dance practice?”

So I told them the story that happened to me in school just now.

“Oh no no no. That Mr. Park need to hear from me. How can he did that to my son?” Key hyung said.

I just want to say that he didn’t have too when the front door suddenly opened. Jonghyun hyung and Minho hyung rushed inside the house and nearly fall to the floor.

Minho’s POV

I quickly open the door to our apartment and rushed inside followed by Jonghyun hyung. We nearly fell down to the floor in our rush to go inside but I quickly balance myself. I closed the door with a loud bang and quickly bolt the door. Then I closed my eyes and leaned on the door while breathing hard.

As I open my eyes, I saw 3 pairs of eyes watching us from the living room. Onew hyung was sitting on the couch while Key hyung is in the middle of a hug with the magnae in the house Taemin. They all were paying attention to me and Jonghyun hyung who was standing just at my right side while putting his hands on his knees and breathing hard too.

The silence was broke by Onew hyung. “What happened to the both of you? You two seem like being chased by a lion or something.”

“Something close to that hyung.” Jonghyun hyung answered. “Let us take a breath first before we let you know what happened to us alright.”

After that, Jonghyun hyung and I went to the couch and fall on it. Really, I feel like I’ve run for thousands of mile to be rid of those women. If you can call them sane women. Huh.

“Okay, spill it out.” Key hyung said. By now he was sitting on the other couch while Taemin sitting on his lap. I guess Key hyung wouldn’t even felt Taemin’s weight. He can even lift Taemin up and down to do his irregular exercise (When he wants to, that is). Even though he didn’t seem like someone who can lift any heavy weight things.

Sigh. “You all knew that I have participated in the Fashion Festival last week which Key hyung is one of the participants who get to model their creations right.” They all nodded their head. 

“I asked you to model all my beautiful clothes and accessories. It was *daebak, if I could say so myself. Hehe.” Key hyung interrupted me.

“Neh. You did. And yes it was done so well that the crowd didn’t only have their attention to the clothes but to the models too. I suddenly become the center of their attention. Do you know how many love letters I got this whole week? Gosh, I didn’t even know that by only donning on clothes and walk on the catwalk can attract this much attention.” I complained.

“Wow, Minho hyung. This is the first ever that I heard you complaining. Am I hearing right? Taemin asked.

“Well this is the first time that this thing happened to me. This is just too bizarre. As if I’m some kind of an Idol or an actor. Which I am not.” I emphasized. “Who wants all that crazy grabbing and shouting and chasing after you all the time anyway.”

“Then what about Jonghyun?” Onew hyung asked while looking puzzled. “I understand Minho’s situation, but Jonghyun didn’t become a model last week too right.”

“Not because of modelling stuff hyung. You know that I just started my part time job as a DJ at one of the club near Seoul National University right. Well, the girls kind of taken me into their liking. So whenever they see me, they will come to me and ask for a date. I mean, I can handle a few girls, but this is more than that.” Jonghyun hyung explained.

“Oh, I see.” Muttered Key hyung. “How can those girls see you attractive though Dino. Haha. Maybe you bewitched them or something.” Key guffawed, making Taemin unstable on his lap. “I can’t imagine them attracted to you hyung. Some more you’re short. Haha.” 

Oops! I don’t think that is such a wise move from Key. It’s a bit sensitive (okay, BIG issue) for Jonghyun hyung in height matter. All of us are taller than him. Even Taemin. I mean, he’s not that short, just that he look shorter when he’s with us. And sitting beside him, I can feel his building anger.

“*Mworago?!” Jonghyun hyung hissed.

“Uh oh! I think I make the Dinosaur mad. I need to run. Taemin, you have to go to appa first.” Dumping Taemin on Onew hyung, he started to look for a place to hide.

“Oh no you don’t. Don’t even think you have the chance to run away you little rascal. Come here!” Jonghyun yelled.

I wiped my face with my palm. Another JjongKey fiasco. (That’s what we call the situation whever it happened. Cause it only happened to them anyway.) When will it ever stop? I turned to Onew hyung which now Taemin is on his lap. Poor Taemin being thrown to the appa. Sigh. 

“So hyung, how is she? The girl that you and Key took to the hospital I mean.” I said loudly so that Onew hyung can hear through the ruckus that Jonghyun hyung and Key made.

Surprisingly both of them heard my question and Jonghyun hyung ran back to the living room to listen to Onew hyung’s explanation. Key just stood near our couch.

“Well, she’s okay. The doctor said she will only have a mild headache due to lacked of oxygen for quite some time and sore body. Other than that, she’s pretty much okay.” Onew hyung said with a smile.

“That’s good news then. It’s very kind of you to stay the night to take care of her hyung.” I said, glad that the girl is okay.

“Yeah, thankfully Seungyeon is already fine. What’s with the noisy friend of her, I don’t think she can recuperate well.” Key interrupted.

“Who is Seungyeon and what noisy friend?” Jonghyun hyung asked.

“Ah, Seungyeon is the girl’s name. Han Seungyeon. And the noisy friend that Key mentioned is her friend NaNa. I don’t think she’s as bad as you make her sound Key. She really does care about Seungyeon.” Onew hyung tried to explain.

“Mwo?! Not bad?! Hyung, you try be the one that called her and then being said bad things when you’re not even guilty of anything. That girl is so impudent.” Key said. I think he’s pretty annoyed with the girl. He never said bad things like this upon meeting people for the first time. I mean he is very honest of his opinion, but not like this.

“She’s just worried Key. Seungyeon did explained to us right.”Onew hyung tried to reassured Key.

“Yes. But it doesn’t mean that I’m ready to forgive that girl.” Key said while rolling his eyes. Typical Key movements.

“Ah, the best friend you said Key? How about introducing her to me then.” Jonghyun hyung asked Key.

“Mwo?! Introduce her to you? You want to date that girl or what? And anyway, you just declined a lot of girls that running after you just now.” Key replied.

I was just thinking about that. When Jonghyun hyung replied, “Well, of course I want to date her. Why else would I want you to introduce her to me? She seems interesting. Feisty character. She must be fun to be with. Anyway, I don’t like girls chasing me. I like it when I’m the one pursuing a girl alright.” 

“There must be something wrong with your head hyung. Maybe I should hammer that golden head of yours. You only have the looks but no brain. Haha.”

Ah. Another wrong move from Key hyung. Why would he keep on teasing Jonghyun hyung anyway? He must be enjoying the chasing and running around the house routine. 

“Mworago?!” Jonghyun yelled yet again. “*Je choltae let you go this time.”

“Just as I thought the house will be a bit calm. But I guess, that’s impossible when there is Jonghyun hyung and Key around.” I said out loud while getting up from the couch and heading towards the bathroom to take my shower. I felt so sticky after running from the crazy mob under the hot sun.

Onew’s POV

I lay at my single bed alone while staring at the white ceiling. I didn’t even bother to switch on the light since there’s some light coming in through the door that’s half opened. The rest of the guys were in the living room watching some movie. I’ve made an excuse that I’m tired and need to sleep. They let me go without the usual whining not to go to bed so early and accompany them. I think they thought that I’m exhausted from taking care of Seungyeon the whole night and day. What an understanding dongsaeng I have.

My body is tired but my mind still working hard. Seungyeon’s face always comes to my mind even though I don’t even try to think about her. Argh! Mind, please stop thinking about her. Huh, I think I have to stop talking to certain parts of my body or organ. (Remember Onew said to his heart on the beach scene?)

This is the first time that I give any a girl so much thought. It’s not that I’m not interested with girls. It’s just that I don’t make it a priority to search for a girlfriend like most of my colleague do. Some of them only do it for fun. You can say the same thing about Jonghyun too. But I know, it’s just a matter of time when some girl will totally steal his heart. Keke. I’ll wait till that day come. Smiling to myself.

I took my mobile phone and looked through it again. Afraid that I might have missed it if she ever called. But she never called or text me. Well, it’s only a few hours anyway. Stupid me.

And that is how Minho found me. With my mobile phone in front of me. He switched on the light. I was blinded by the sudden light and squeezed my eyes shut. 

“Yah, Minho. It’s too bright.” I lifted myself up and used my hand to cover my eyes for a while to get used to the bright light.

“What are you doing with your mobile phone anyway hyung? I thought you said you were so exhausted?” He said while closing the door then walked towards my bed and sat beside me.

“Ah?! *Aniyo. I just browse through my phone. That’s all.” I lied.

“Hey hyung. Don’t try to lie to me. Do you know that you’re so bad at lying? I can tell it straight away from your voice and face hyung.” He said while smiling at me. “Come on hyung. What’s bothering you? Let me help you if I can. You know that you can trust me better than Key and Jonghyun hyung anyway.” He chuckled.

I thought about this for a while. It’s true that I’m very bad at lying. My parents had drilled on Taemin and me to always tell the truth that it’s really hard for us to lie even if we want to. It’ll be an epic fail. And what Minho said is true. I trust Minho better in keeping my secret than Jonghyun and Key. It’s not that I don’t even trust them a bit but Key always shout out about it when he’s angry at me and Jonghyun will unconsciously let it slip off his mouth when he’s too excited.

Sigh. Taemin is just too young to confide in to. Okay then, I just trust Minho and tell him my situation.

“Well, to begin with. You could say I’m actually confused with my own feeling.” I said while glancing at him.

“Go on hyung. I’m listening.” He encouraged me.

I gathered my courage and just spill it out to him. “I always think of Seungyeon since what happened at the beach yesterday. Even if I don’t want to, her image will always be on my mind. When I’m with her, I feel as if that is the right place for me to be. I know it sounds very absurd and nobody really ever felt this way I guess. But I just felt a strong connection towards her. Is that even comprehensible?” 

Minho was silent for a while. Then he asked me, “Have you felt like this way with anybody before hyung?”

“That’s the thing. I’ve never ever felt this intense feeling before. Even with *Ee Seul. And it even scared me a bit. What if I’m not normal?” I panicked.

“Haha. Hyung, don’t jump to conclusion that fast. You’re very normal alright.” He said while trying to hold his laughter.

I begin to wonder, what’s so funny about this? “*Cheongmalyo? *Kojimarayo? But why are you trying hard not to laugh?”

He finally burst out laughing. “*Mianhae. I can’t help it hyung. Your facial expression is so funny. If ever there is any musical show in SNU, you should try and audition. You might get it.” 

I just looked at him until his laughter subsided. “Now can I continue?”

“Neh hyung.” He said while trying to control his facial expression to a more serious one.

“So you said it’s normal to have this feeling?”

“Well, I’ve heard a lot about this through my friends. Did you feel your heart beats faster when you’re with her?” Minho asked. I nodded my head. 

“Did you feel queasy in the stomach when you hold her hand or feel warmth maybe?” He asked again. I nodded my head more vigorously. How did Minho knows all about this? And all of it is spot on.

“Did you feel like you just don’t want to let go of her or from her?” Another question which is spot on. I nodded more vigorously. (If that is possible.)

“Then hyung, I think you might be interested with this girl.” He concluded to me confidently. Like a doctor telling me what is my condition at the moment. I truly felt like it.

I was deadpanned. What?! This doesn’t make sense at all. “What?! But how come? I never even met her before yesterday. Isn’t it supposed to be, you get to know that person first before you even fall in love with the person?” 

“Well, sure. There is that kind of situation too. But your situation is considered as one too. If you feel that it’s too fast for you, you can be her friend and get to know her and all. But I am confident that you are in love with her hyung.”

I was silent for a while and try to think of anything to reject the conclusion that Minho drawn for me.

“Hyung. You don’t have to drain your brain to think of the alternative. I just gave you a perfect idea.”

I think of his words some more. “Yeah, I guess you’re right. Doesn’t mean that I have to confess to her right away. Right?”

“Neh. Start it slowly. Get to know her and just spend time with her as friends.”

“But, I don’t know if I’ll be able to meet her again.” I said while letting myself fall on my bed.

Minho turned to face me. “What do you mean you’re not able to see her again? Didn’t you have her number? I thought you have it since you kept on glancing at your phone.”

“Hmm? Oh, I’m hoping that she’ll call me or text me.” I said innocently. “You see, I just gave her my number this afternoon before Key and I went back home. But I forgot to ask for her number.”

Minho slapped his forehead. “Seriously hyung, sometimes I wonder how did you manage to score such a high marks in your studies but totally clueless in this kind of things.” 

I just shrugged. Content on understanding my feelings and at least have an idea how to go about this feeling. I feel quite good about myself. With that sorted out, I just smiled and closed my eyes.


To be continued...

*Seongsaengnim = Teacher
*Daebak = The best/The top (something like that)
*Mworago = What did you say
*Je = I, choltae = Never/ Would not (something to that meaning. Can’t really find the exact word)
*Aniyo = Nothing/No
*Cheongmalyo = Really (It’s the same meaning as Jjinjayo)
*Kojimarayo = Don’t lie
*Mianhae = Sorry (informal)
*Samgyupsal = Korean BBQ
*Ee Seul is Onew’s ex-girlfriend.

SNU = Seoul National University

I think this is quite a long chapter for me. Hehe. Yep. That is a glimpse of what happened at Taemin’s high school and his passion in dancing with the scene of how it’s usually is in their house and their closeness towards each other.  And as you can see, more appearance of Minho. So Minho’s fan, you have your hero here.  
Until the next chapter. Happy reading and comments are appreciate very much so that I know there are readers out there.  :D Subscribers are love. :D

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lee_onew13 #1
i like the ending..funny...
Awh! It's finally over. I really love it unnie. :D
bubbleBanana #3
job well done unnie :) I will miss them! hehe
This is an amazing story. U r a good writer
the end ?? im gonna miss this story .. its really beautiful and amazing . u r an awesome writer !! thankfully, the story end with with happy endings.. except for minho.. hope that he will find his true love soon ^^
onewjjang #6
@Iheartlife: Hope you have a good reading all this while. :)<br />
@khey_onsooni: Neh this story really is finish. Thank you for loving the last chapter. I hope that this epilogue you would enjoy too. Aww, thank you for reading this and comment in this fic. I do have another fic. You can click on it at the Author's Note. :D I hope to see you there too. GBU my dear. ^_^<br />
@bubbleBanana: Hehehe.. His ever sweetness neh. That is how he is here. :D
bubbleBanana #7
owww.. I'll miss Onew's sweetness! :D
kezia_onsooni #8
So the story is already finished?? Omo....omo....<br />
I just can't predict that, kekeke....<br />
Anyway, I love this chppy, cuz everyone is happy, keke.....<br />
Thx for making this story...<br />
Waiting for another fic....<br />
Gbu :)
Iheartlife #9
update soon :D
onewjjang #10
@Iheartlife: Thank you for reading and commenting.. :D<br />
@bubbleBanana: Ehehe, I think you already know after you read this chapter neh. :D