I Won't Let Go...

I Won't Let Go...

Chapter 29

3rd Person POV

She was walking from one end of her room to the other. Wringing her hands with agitation. The cause of her agitated state was because of the confrontation with Nickhun a few minutes ago.


She was lounging at one of the sofa in her room when a knock was heard on her door. She looked up from the book that she was currently reading. Her maid came and said, “Miss Lee, Nickhun-shi is here to see you.”

She stood up from the sofa and placed her book on the small table in front of her. Nickhun entered the room with a grim face. The ever smiling and laid-back persona of him were lacking. She stood stiffly in her place, unmoving. 

The room was engulfed by a silence that was rare between the two people. Their encounter was always in a joyful manner or at least a pleasant one than at that moment. Nickhun was eyeing her cautiously. He was trying to gauge the mood that she was in. After a moment of perusal on her, he finally spoke.

“Soo Min ah. Keumanhae. Jebal.” He said with certainty. “There’s no use to carry on with your plan. It’s the past. Please.”

She looked at him with a heated gaze. She bit her bottom lip to control her raging emotion. She took a deep breath and replied, “No!! No I won’t drop it off. Why are you being like this to me oppa?” She said vehemently while poking Nickhun’s shoulder with her finger in anger. “You, who knows very much why I carried on with this.”

Nickhun took hold of her wrist and let it down from poking him. Holding on to both of her wrist when she tried to bring up her other hand.

“Stop it Soo Min!” Nickhun said sternly. “Yes! I know well what you have been through, but this is not the way to let out your disappointment Soo Min ah. What do you get from this? Tell me!” 

Her tears that she tried to hold on now glazed her eyes. Trying hard to not let it fall.

“You know that it was not really his fault. So why are you so keen on doing this to him anyway? I know you are better than this Soo Min. You are not someone that hold grudges and you cared very much about the people around you. Don’t tell me that you did not care about that group of people that you were in now.” Nickhun said.

She turned her face away from Nickhun. 

Nickhun shook her body gently, trying to make her see his point. “Soo Min ah, let this go and move on with your life. Don’t be stuck with this grudge of yours. I know for a fact that you have a strong feelings towards that Jonghyun guy, aren’t you?” He kept on pressing her.

She hung her head and curled her fingers tightly when she heard Jonghyun’s name. The tears that she tried to hold on finally broke free. Clear water trailed down on her cheeks. There were so many conflicted emotions in her. Anger, longing, guilt. It was all mixed together that made her confuse.

Nickhun took her face and lifted it up to face him. When Soo Min finally made eye contact with him, he finally smiled at her. “Listen Soo Min ah. It’s not too late to set things right. You know that in your heart that she will not be happy if this is what happened to her other half. Is it?”

A tear escaped her glistening eyes again when she heard Nickhun mentioned about her. She knows that what she was doing wouldn’t make the other person happy. She slowly nodded her head to Nickhun.

Nickhun smiled a genuine smile to her. “That’s it Soo Min. You know what’s the next step to do to make things right, aren’t you? If you need any help at all, you know that I’ll always be by your side.” 

She smiled a small smile at him before he brought her to a gentle hug.

End of flashback

What she was about to do was a nerve wreaking thing to do. Who in the world would feel calm in coming clean to those that you have hurt? What Nickhun had said to her struck her deep. She was not this kind of person who wants to make people hurt. No. Far from it. But because of her anger towards Onew that she considered had hurt her made her wants to teach him a lesson.

But she thought that this was going too far. A genuine relationship was about to be broken because of what she did. She stopped her pacing and finally made the decision. She was going to end these negative feelings in her and make things straight. She wanted to move on with her life and try to have a relationship of her own to build.

She took her cell phone and dialled a number.

Onew’s POV

I was eating lunch with the rest of the boys in our kitchen when my cell phone suddenly rang. The noise that suddenly break the silence of our lunch made all of them stop eating and watched me. I put down my bowl of rice and took my cell phone which was in my trouser’s pocket.

I looked at the screen to see who was calling but I didn’t recognize the number. I accepted the phone call and brought it to my ear. 

“Yoboseyo.” I greeted the person on the other line.


Strange. The person ended the call before I received it? I looked at the screen again to see if the line was still connected. It was. “Yoboseyo? Anyone on the line?” I asked again.

The rest was very curious at who was on the other line when they heard me.

“Who is it hyung?” Taemin asked.

I just shrugged my shoulder to indicate that I don’t know.

“Taemin, let Onew hyung talk on the phone.” Key said. I looked at him and he just nodded his head.

Suddenly, the person on the other line cleared their throat. “Onew-shi.” A female voice spoke.

The voice sounded familiar. “Neh.” I replied.

“Umm, I’m Soo Min.” She said.

“Ah, Soo Min-shi.” At the sound of Soo Min’s name being mentioned, Jonghyun turned his head sharply at me. His eyes widened in surprised that Soo Min called me.

“What is it that you want to talk about Soo Min-shi?” I asked her tentatively.

“Ah, that is. Umm, I would like to meet up with you today. Is it possible?” She said.

I frowned at her suggestion. I was not fond of going out with another girl other than Seungyeon. Again, being reminded of Seungyeon made me uncomfortable. 

“You want to meet up with me? Can’t we just talk through the phone Soo Min-shi?” I asked. Trying to find an excuse to decline her suggestion without being rude.

Jonghyun was now hanging on to every word that I said.

“Neh. I have something to tell you and it won’t do by only talking through the phone. Please Onew-shi. This is important. I.. I.. Ah, you’ll understand about it when I meet with you.” She said with a faltering voice yet determined.

“Well, if it’s that important, then I’ll meet you. Where would you like to meet?” I asked. She told me the place and time, then we hung up the call.

After I ended the call, Jonghyun directly said to me, “Hyung, I don’t know what exactly Soo Min said to you, but I’ll be following you.”

“What? She said she have some important things to say to me. I don’t think it will be best that you’re tagging along Jonghyun.” I tried to reason with him. I know that he kind of have feelings for Soo Min. I was not that oblivious to what had happened around me these past few days.

“Hyung, please. Let me just follow you.” He pleaded.

“But Jonghyun, what are you going to do anyway?” I asked him.

“Nothing. Just... I just want to be there.” He said.

Really. Jonghyun never really made sense anyway. I sighed and nodded my head. Suddenly Taemin who was sitting beside me spoke up.

“I want to tag along too.” He said.

I looked at him with a questioning gaze. What’s with all of them today?

“What happened to all of you? I won’t be doing anything inappropriate if that is what you guys are thinking. And I won’t be doing anything stupid.” I said bitterly when I remembered the incident in the cafe. I couldn’t help it that I felt bitter at what had happened. I know I should resolve the situation with Seungyeon, but I’ve been giving excuses to myself to procrastinate it. I was just afraid to know the truth.

“Ani hyung. I have something to ask Soo Min about.” Taemin said with determination.

“You can do it another time right.” I said to him.

“No. I think it’s good that you’re there too. So I’m coming with you too hyung.” He said. Without giving me a chance to protest, he stood up and went to our room to change his clothes. I sighed. I guess, it wouldn’t hurt that there were two more people coming. I took my bowl and continued to finish up my food.

Key’s POV

Onew hyung, Jonghyun hyung and Taemin just left the house together with Onew hyung’s car. I’m glad that he did not use my car again. It had become a habit that my car was the target for them to use. Even those that have their own car. Such as Onew hyung and Minho.

I read my text message that was from NaNa just after Onew hyung finished his lunch. NaNa was saying that she was going to tag along with Seungyeon who was going to meet Soo Min. I was shocked to know that Soo Min was actually going to meet with Onew and Seungyeon. What was Soo Min trying to do? I really had no idea.

So in order to find out about it, I purposely acted like nothing had happened and waited for the three of them to go out of the house. I’ve decided that I’m going to go to their meeting place too. Since we heard everything that Onew hyung said on the phone, to find the place was not a difficult thing to do.

As soon as I thought the three of them had gone into the lift, I made a beeline to Minho who was lounging on the couch watching another soccer match. I stepped in front of him and blocked his view.

“Yah, Key. I am watching the TV here. Move.” He said while trying to push me aside.

I didn’t even budge from where I stood. I took the remote control on the small table to switch off the TV.

“Yah! Key! What are you trying to do?” Minho exclaimed.

“You’re going to follow me. I’m the one who’s going to kidnap you now.” I said and tugged him out of the couch. The sudden action surprised him and it was easy to drag him out of the house. By the time we were on the lift, he came to his senses.

“Yah. What kidnap? What are you doing Key? Are you sick?” He said while using his hand that was not held on mine to check on my forehead.

“Tch. I’m not. I’m perfectly fine and you’re going to accompany me to meet them.” I said while snapping at his hand.

“Okay now you’re really confusing me. If you’re fine, why are you suddenly acting like this? Like being possessed by something to do with impulsive behaviour. Who are we going to meet anyway?” He kept on asking me. 

We went out of the lift when it was opened and went straight to my car. I shoved him in and went into the drivers’ seat; started the engine and went off the highway.

“We’re going to go to Onew hyung’s meeting place with Soo Min.” I said with a smirk.

Minho’s eyes widened. “Mwo? Are you crazy? It was enough that Jonghyun hyung and Taemin went too.”

“Well, since the two of them are there with Seungyeon and NaNa too, I don’t see why we can’t.” I refuted him.

“Mwo?! All of them? What is going on?” Minho asked.

“You tell me. You were the one who talked with Onew hyung.” I said.

“Yeah I did. But we were talking about Seungyeon and not Soo Min.” He said.

“Well, considere this as finding out about it then.” I said and pressed on the accelerator.

3rd Person’s POV

She was waiting for the two persons in her spacious living room. She decided that she would confess her wrongdoings in her house. Might as well she did it in her house rather than some cafe or public places. At least, she could draw strength from the familiar surrounding and from Nickhun too. He came to her house when she asked him to, giving her support when she needed it. He wouldn’t be as mean as to leave her alone when she was about to confess her wrongdoing to the two persons.

Nickhun was sitting at one of the couch in the living room while crossing his leg over the other, both arms was crossed in front of his chest. He was keeping his eyes on her all the while that she was walking back and forth in the living room. Every time she was anxious or nervous, she would unconsciously walk to and fro from wherever she was.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the double door of her mansion. The maid of the house went to open it and revealed Onew in front of the door. He went in after the maid opened the door wide open and indicated for him to enter the mansion. The girl in the living room thought that with Onew here, they only need to wait for Seungyeon. But what a surprised it was for her to see Taemin came in, followed by Jonghyun; the guy that was recently always on her mind. She was so surprised that she stopped her pacing in the living room and stayed still on her place in front of Nickhun. Nickhun was puzzled by her sudden rigid pose and looked around her to see what had made her stop her pacing. When Nickhun saw Onew, Taemin and Jonghyun near the double doors, he immediately stood up from his couch.

He went to the girl whose back was facing him and placed his hand on her shoulder. “Be calm.” He whispered to her ear.

She just nodded her head stiffly.

Onew walked to where the girl stood and bowed a little. The girl was feeling a bit taken aback by the gesture.

“Annyeonghaseyo Soo Min. First of all I’m sorry that there are two more people tagging along with me. They just won’t take the word No. *Choisongheyo.” Onew apologized.

Then Onew looked at Nickhun and his face went tense with bitterness and anger. Even though he was still angry at Nickhun, he didn’t make a physical move towards him as was at the cafe.

The girl glanced at Jonghyun then quickly set her eyes to Onew and gulped down her saliva. “Emm, well there’s nothing we can do. I will just have extra audiences then.” She said hoarsely. The tension that she felt in her for what she was about to do made her voice gruff.

Just as she said that, another knock on the double doors was heard. Again, the maid of the house went to open the door. All the people present in the living room turned their heads towards the door to see who it was. The girl gulped down her saliva again thinking of the person that she knew would set foot in the house. Seungyeon.

When the maid opened the door to admit the person in, they were all shocked to see who was standing at the entrance. Even the girl was shocked even though she had already anticipated the person. The person or persons that came were Seungyeon, NaNa, Key and Minho. Seungyeon was puzzled seeing all the people around her too. She was thinking why were there so many people when she was the one who was called to come.

They cautiously went into the house and came to a stop in the living room with the rest of the people there.

“How did you get here Kibum?” Jonghyun finally broke the silence that was hanging in the air. 

Key looked at Jonghyun then at NaNa. “I have my resources.” He said and smiled mischievously.

The girl was thinking hard at what she was about to say to Onew and Seungyeon; which was now going to be said in front of all the people that she was hanging out with. The thought was unflattering. Since she feared that what she was about to convey may have a negative reaction from all these people that she came to like and care about. Hence the decision of her to come clean of what she had done. She shuddered at what was about to unravelled. Nickhun who still had his hand on her shoulder squeezed it gently to give her encouragement.

The girl straightened her back and took a deep breathe. Ready to jump into a future that she was certain would be quite bleak by what she would do. She took a quick glance at Jonghyun again before she plunged into her story. Jonghyun was gazing at her intently. She could not read anything from his face to indicate what he was thinking at the moment.

I have to do this. Even if they will hate me for it, at least I already have a short time of getting to know these wonderful people.

She cleared to get their attention. Everybody turned to face her. Most of them was brought back from the surprised at seeing all of their friends in the girl house.

“I.. Ehem.. I have something that I would like to tell Onew and Seungyeon.” The girl said. She paused to take a breath again. “But since all of you were here, then be prepared to listen to what I am about to say. Though I don’t think any of you would like what you will hear from me; or would like to be near me at all after this.” She said then bit her lip from trembling out of nervousness.

She wouldn’t be feeling this nervous of she was not remorseful at what she had done, and what these people came to mean a lot to her.

“What is it Soo Min? What made you say that? We’ve came to know each other well, aren’t we?” Jonghyun said softly.

She looked at Jonghyun and shook her head with a sad face.

“I...” She gulped down her saliva again. “First of all, I want to say sorry to Onew and Seungyeon.”

Most of them looked surprised by her apologizing to Onew and Seungyeon. For Taemin, Seungyeon and NaNa, they had already known the reason behind her apology. 

“For what may I ask?” Onew asked tentatively.

“For trying to disrupt your relationship with Seungyeon.” The girl said while looking straight at Onew’s and Seungyeon’s eyes.

“Mworago?” Onew asked with disbelief.


To be continued...

*Choisongheyo = Sorry (Formal)

The pronunciation of the above word goes like this “chwae-song-he-yo”. Contrary to what most people who pronounce the word “Choi” as “choi”, it was not so. So yes, this means that Choi Minho’s name was pronounced as “chwae” too. This is from a little study of mine how it was pronounced. Because when the actors said choisong in the drama, they pronounce it as “chwae-song”. When I went and search how it was written in Korean character, it spelled “choi”. So there you go. I hope I did not make you confuse with this. Just want to share this with you all. As I found out about this from my crazy ELF friend too. Keke. :) If I am wrong about this, please tell me so. ^_^ 
Well, how is it? I hope you’re not confused with the 3rd person POV thing. I have my reason to do that. The truth will come out soon and with the truth out, it would be the end for this story. I know this might be a surprised to some of you or not. Hehe. But yeah, the next chapter will be the last chapter. I am determined to end this on the 30th chapter.
I hope you will bear with this fic a little while more. Maybe some of you may think that this story has been quite long, but I assured you that this is how the story goes since the idea was in my head. I am not ending it abruptly or anything. I hope the end is not so sudden but the challenges and problems were unravelled progressively. ^_^
I won’t say much. I would say a lot of things on the final chapter. Have a great day to all of you and I hope you have enjoyed your read on this chapter. Drop your comment before you go 'kay. Annyeong. ^_^w

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lee_onew13 #1
i like the ending..funny...
Awh! It's finally over. I really love it unnie. :D
bubbleBanana #3
job well done unnie :) I will miss them! hehe
This is an amazing story. U r a good writer
the end ?? im gonna miss this story .. its really beautiful and amazing . u r an awesome writer !! thankfully, the story end with with happy endings.. except for minho.. hope that he will find his true love soon ^^
onewjjang #6
@Iheartlife: Hope you have a good reading all this while. :)<br />
@khey_onsooni: Neh this story really is finish. Thank you for loving the last chapter. I hope that this epilogue you would enjoy too. Aww, thank you for reading this and comment in this fic. I do have another fic. You can click on it at the Author's Note. :D I hope to see you there too. GBU my dear. ^_^<br />
@bubbleBanana: Hehehe.. His ever sweetness neh. That is how he is here. :D
bubbleBanana #7
owww.. I'll miss Onew's sweetness! :D
kezia_onsooni #8
So the story is already finished?? Omo....omo....<br />
I just can't predict that, kekeke....<br />
Anyway, I love this chppy, cuz everyone is happy, keke.....<br />
Thx for making this story...<br />
Waiting for another fic....<br />
Gbu :)
Iheartlife #9
update soon :D
onewjjang #10
@Iheartlife: Thank you for reading and commenting.. :D<br />
@bubbleBanana: Ehehe, I think you already know after you read this chapter neh. :D