Arranged Marriage to Mr. Nam Woohyun



Your parents want you to marry your dad's friend's son, but you don't want to marry him. After the marriage between you and him, you find out that he was still with his girlfriend, Eunji. As you live with him under one roof, you start to fall in love with him, but he doesn't realize that. Will you win his love?


You(reader): Shy, Only daughter, Married to Nam Woohyun

Woohyun: CEO of a pearl and diamond business, Married to you, Girlfriend - Eunji

Eunji: Woohyun's Girlfriend, Bossy, Mean

INFINITE: Woohyun's friends


Welcome to my first fanfiction and a first-time author on Asianfanfics. I am far more than excited to be writing this story and sharing it with all of you. I would like to apologize if there are any grammar mistakes. I do my best to revise it before publishing the chapter.

I have always wanted to revisit this story to make it better and more enjoyable for my readers. I will be adding new plots and deleting a lot of the original plots. I can't wait for you guys to read this new version.


Please NO PLAGIARISING!! If there's something similar to what you have read in other fan fictions, that is purely COINCIDENCE! I respect every authors' imagination and writing. None of the pictures I use in this story belongs to me, so credit to the rightful owners! Again, I hope you guys enjoy it as much as I have enjoyed writing it. 
Happy Reading:) 

Upon completion of the story, karma points appreciation will be unactive.

This story can be found on
Wattpad as well. You can search up the title of the story "Arranged Marriage to Mr. Nam Woohyun" or you can search up my username @alwaysterius.


Lastly, it is only important to mention that I couldn't have done it with your guys' continuous support and generous love! I hope you guys continue to support me as you guys have always. Inspirit_07


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220 streak #1
Chapter 58: 💕
220 streak #2
Chapter 32: 👍
220 streak #3
Chapter 6: 💕
hakimmj #4
Chapter 56: Hopefully that is woohyun. But really want to know why he left her like that and what story will unveil after this.
hakimmj #5
Chapter 55: So sad;((
Where did woohyun go and really hope that nothing happen to him. So glad that nothing happen to her and can't wait to know their journey after this.
hakimmj #6
Chapter 53: Oh my god! Hopefully woohyun can save her. Eunji really does anything to get woohyun including hurting his wife. Can't wait to know what will happen after this
hakimmj #7
Chapter 51: The confession, oh my god!
Really hope that she will be with woohyun and continue to love each other. Since both of them know their feelings well, then they should be together forever;)))
Love the update! ;))