⤜Chapter Thirty-One: Request⤛

Arranged Marriage to Mr. Nam Woohyun

You turned around and looked Suho in confusion.
Suho thought for a bit before beginning again. 
"I understand that everything between you and Woohyun is personal. But, is it because of ... Eunji?" Suho asked. 
You were surprised when Suho said Eunji's name. Did Suho secretly know something you didn't? Was he stalking you? Or Woohyun? 
"Suho-shi." All you could think of was say his name. You were utterly in shock. 
Suho sighed and looked out to the lake again with one of his hands tucked in his pockets, walking closer to the railing. You thought again, before walking to Suho.
"Suho, do you know Eunji too?" You asked him, looking at him. Suho took a second before looking at you. 
"I do." 
"I feel like Woohyun should tell you instead." Suho said. 
You grabbed onto Suho's arm, looking at him. 
"What happened?" You asked. 
"There was something between me, Eunji, and Woohyun. I know this isn't relevant to anything, but I understand why Woohyun doesn't want you near me. I promise, I want nothing from you, except a friendship." Suho said. 
"What are you talking about?" You were confused. You desperately wanted Suho to get to the point of the story.
"I know Woohyun may look at me as the villian, but I'm not. Eunji is a ...dangerous person. I didn't know that Woohyun and Eunji were together. She told me that she was single" Suho began.
“When I found out that Eunji was with Woohyun, it was too late. I fought for Eunji, not knowing that Woohyun and Eunji were together. I only found out from an assistant that Eunji and Woohyun were together for a couple of months. Ever since that, Woohyun just never liked me.” Suho explained.
You were speechless. You didn’t know what to say to Suho.
“Look, this isn’t relevant, but I was just wondering if it was Eunji. I hope that one day Woohyun and I can sort things out. I don’t know if Eunji is trying to tak----”
“She’s not.” You lied to Suho. Suho was surprised.
“O-oh, I just that it was because it was in her nature.” Suho took a heavy sigh.
“Well, there’s probably nothing between them no more since you two are married. I hope everything between you and Woohyun are sorted out.” Suho said, while you kind of drifted away in your own thoughts.
“Would you like me to walk you back to your hotel?” Suho asked, and you looked up at him.
“N-no, thank you. The hotel is just right behind me. Thank you Suho-shi. I’ll catch up with you later.” You told him, before turning away.
“I hope to see you at Nikko later.” Suho yelled out. You turned back and gave him a smile in return. You turned back and began walking, thinking about everything.
Does Eunji want more than Woohyun? What does she want?
You questioned yourself, hoping to find an answer that you did not have. Just as you approached the building, you saw Woohyun sitting at a patio, beside the hotel. A part of you wanted to talk to him, but the other part wanted to walk pass him. Your eyes became teary again. You thought for a second before walking to Woohyun, wiping your tears clean and dry as you approached him. You read his face and it clearly showed a face of confusion and hurt. Your heart ached seeing him like that. You wanted to give him a hug or hold his hands.
You stood in front of him, making look at you, as your shadow casted over him.
“Good morning.” You managed to say.
“Good morning.”
Even his tone sounded different from the previous.
“Can I sit here?” you asked him. He nodded and you sat in the seat across from him. You both stared out into the open field, in silence.
“How are you?” was what you wanted to ask him, but you could not find the courage to say it.
“How was your sleep?” He asked, looking over to you. Your eyes contacted his, making your heart raced.
“It…was okay.” You lied. The fact was that you didn’t sleep at all last night. There was just way too much stuff that you thought last night.
“That's good. You should go inside and get ready. We'll be leaving for Nikko in a bit." Woohyun suggested. You looked at the time on your phone. 
"Yea, I should." You replied. 

Woohyun thought for a bit to himself. He noticed that you had stood up about to leave. 
"-----." He said your name. You turned around to look at him. 
"Last night, I thought about your advice. When we land in Seoul, let's sign the divorce paper as soon as possible. I don't want to pressure you into this fake marriage any longer." Woohyun said. 
Your heart dropped. It felt like someone had pulled your heart out and stabbed it 50 times. You contained your emotions, making sure no tears left your eyes. You controlled your breathing and replied back to him, trying to not crack your voice. 
"Yes, let's do it as soon as possible." You replied, turning around after what you had to say. The moment you turned away from Woohyun, your eyes filled with tears. 
Come on. This was my wish. It's finally coming true. I should be happy.
You thought. You began wiping the tears away with the back of your hands. You quickly inserted the card to turn the door knob. You quickly ran to the bathroom and locked yourself. You dropped to the floor and sobbed uncontrollably. It hurted so much. But, why? 

After a few minutess passed, you opened the bathroom door to go grab your clothes. You peeked out to the living room and saw that Woohyun was in the room, standing on the balcony looking at the city. 
Did he hear me cry?
You thought. Without thinking another time, you walked back into the bathroom and changed into your outfit.

"Are you ready?" Woohyun asked, as he saw you walk out from the bathroom. You looked at him and nodded. 
"I'm gonna go freshen up really quick." Woohyun notified you before entering the bathroom. 
You walked to the living room and sat on the opposite couch from the one Woohyun slept on. You had no motivation to go out. All you wanted to do was sit in the hotel and wished for time to stop. In fact, you didn't want to go back to Seoul. You didn't want to sign those papers. You didn't want to see Eunji. You didn't want to leave Woohyun. 
Your thoughts were interrupted when Woohyun's phone rang. You looked at the coffee table in front of you and saw his phone ringing. You looked at the bathroom door, hoping that Woohyun would come out, but he didn't. You looked at his phone and then back at the door again. You moved over and picked up his phone. It was Chunji. 
"Hello?" You answered. 
"Oh -----, is Woohyun there?" Chunji asked. 
"Ah, Woohyun's in the restroom. Can I pass a message?" You asked Chunji. 
"If you can, just ask him to call me back. Thank you!" Chunji said. 
"I will, Chunji." 
With that, you both ended the call. Once Chunji's contact disappeared, it revealed Woohyun's wallpaper. You looked at it. It was a picture of you guys on the wedding day. 

Woohyun walked out of the bathroom, and then he walked over to you. He looked at the coffee table, searching for his phone. 
Where did I put my phone?
Woohyun thought. Just as he was about to go to the balcony, he looked at the device you were holding. It was his. After a few seconds, you came back to yourself and looked at Woohyun. Woohyun looked back at you, in confusion. 
"O-oh, it's not what you think. Your phone was ringing, so I picked it up." You told him, standing up in doing so. You handed his phone back to him and Woohyun accepted it. 
"Chunji told you to call him back." You told Woohyun, as you said you would. 
"Thanks." Woohyun said, before heading to the balcony to make that call. 
You felt a rush of nervousness and panic, so you sat back on the couch to calm yourself down. After a few minutes, Woohyun walked back in. 
"Let's head out." Woohyun said and you stood up, following him out the door. 
You both entered the elevator in silence. 
"Hey, can I request something?" Woohyun asked, making you look at him. 
"What is it?" 
"Let's be a real married couple today. Once we leave Japan, we can forget everything here." Woohyun suggested. 
You thought a bit. 
"I don----" 
Before you could decline his offer, Woohyun grabbed your hand, and the elevator doors opened. 

"Just for today." He said.

I hope you guys are enjoying the new edits! Pictures do not belong to me. Credits to the rightful owners. Happy Reading! Please send lots of love to Infinite. [WARNING]:WOOHYUN/INFINITE SPAM BELOW

(11.07) Shoutout to a lovely commenter @ hakimmj
♡Much love♡

This story will be avaliable on Wattpad! You can search up the title of the story "Arranged Marriage to Mr. Nam Woohyun" or you can search up my username @alwaysterius.

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Lastly, it is only important to mention that I couldn't have done it with your guys' continuous support and generous love! I hope you guys continue to support me as you guys have always. Inspirit_07


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hakimmj #1
Chapter 56: Hopefully that is woohyun. But really want to know why he left her like that and what story will unveil after this.
hakimmj #2
Chapter 55: So sad;((
Where did woohyun go and really hope that nothing happen to him. So glad that nothing happen to her and can't wait to know their journey after this.
hakimmj #3
Chapter 53: Oh my god! Hopefully woohyun can save her. Eunji really does anything to get woohyun including hurting his wife. Can't wait to know what will happen after this
hakimmj #4
Chapter 51: The confession, oh my god!
Really hope that she will be with woohyun and continue to love each other. Since both of them know their feelings well, then they should be together forever;)))
Love the update! ;))