Secretive Key and visits to her relatives

Can't we love without problems? (Sequel to I'm sorry, I love you)

Jessica's POV

"Key!" I ran up to Key. "Why isn't Jonghyun in school today? Is he okay?" I asked worriedly.

"Relax, he's fine. He just went out of Seoul for a few days." Key said casually.


"Secret." He said and did the zipping mouth action.

"Gosh, you and your secrets again! What's so secretive that you can't even tell me?" 

"Sica ah, patience is a virtue~" he sang.

"But-" I was talking halfway when he cut me.

"Look! That's Nicole!" He pointed to the front. "And you know what?" He motioned me to come nearer as he shouted into my ear. "It's my cue to go! Byebye!" And with that, he ran away.

"Yah! I'm not deaf! Hmph! I hate to be kept in the dark!" I mumbled to myself and pouted.

"Noona! Why are you mumbling to yourself?" 

"Oh! Taemin ah. It's nothing." I said and smiled.

"Okay then. Wanna have lunch together?" He asked.

"Sure thing, let's go!" We walked off together.

Jonghyun's POV

"So, this is Sica's grandpa and grandma's house?" I asked Tiffany. We met up in the morning and she toured me around Daegu before bringing me to Sica's relatives houses.

"Yep. Since young, Sica's dad and mom were always busy with work. So she's really close to her grandpa and grandma as her parents always leave her in their care when they were busy." Tiffany explained to me.

"I see. Let's go in then!" We knocked on the door and an old woman opened the door.

"Halmoni!" Tiffany shouted and hugged her.

"Oh Fany ah. Long time no see, what brings you here today?" She asked after Tiffany released her form the hug.

"I'm here today to help this guy here. He's Sica's ex boyfriend and he needs help in getting Sica back." She said and nodded towards me.

"Annyeonghasaeyo halmoni." I bowed.

"Come in first and explain things to me alright?" She invited us in.

We sat down and I started explaining what happened to us and I needed her help for Sica's birthday surprise.

"So you and haraboji missed Sica a lot right?" I asked them.

"Yes dear, of course. Ever since she left to Seoul to study, we had never seen her already. We really missed her a lot." Haraboji replied.

We chatted about a lot of things with her grandparents. Halmoni also told me about some funny things that happened to Sica when she was young. Sica's grandma reminded me of my own halmoni a lot, they are both caring and understanding and I was really close to my halmoni too.

After some time, me and Tiffany decided to leave the house and promised to come back again.

We went to her parent's house but nobody was at home. I guess they were really busy and we would have to come back again.

After a few more houses, we decided to call it a day and went back to our home and hotel.

I lied on my bed and looked through my camcorder while smiling in satisfactory. Today was a fruitful day and I believe tomorrow would be the same.

Guys! HELLO! I'm once again so sorry for the late update! Thank you for not unsubscribing to my story despite my slow updates, i appreciate it alot! Comment and subscribe please! :D

Oh! And I've created an account with my 2 other friends and we created a story together! We would take turns to write a chapter so do support too! Thank you! :D This is a story featuring Taeyeon, Kikwang, Jonghyun, Jessica and Soohyun! A mixed of different groups idols! :D

This is the link! --->

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Jongsicalover #1
Please update I want to see jongsica getting back together
littlebusta #2
yo, you should update =D
KeyCole is so cute~ & KeyJong are an adorable pair of bff ;)
I'm sure Jessica will love it ! (:
omfg... waittttt.
Annalise93 #6
YOOH updated!! YAY!!!
LOL i can't wait to see what happens :P
BlingblingShawolx #7
Thanks everyone for commenting! Although its a little late but Merry Christmas! I hope everyone got loads of presents! <3
thanks for updating !<br />
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cant wait for jongsica to get back together xD<br />
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merry christmas !
Annalise93 #9
JongSica <3