
One Shot at Love ---(HIATUS)---

Hyosung ran down stares into the living room and grabbed her jacket.

"Ya! Your shouldn't be running" Himchan commented as she froze.

"You're not the boss of me!" she spat back angered.

"Where are you going anyway, it's late" Himchan said staring at the clock. Ji eun herself was walking down the stairs behind Hyosung. Hyosung smiled linking arms with her.

"Ji eun and I are going to go have some girl time" Hyosung smiled.

"Want me to drive you guys there?" Himchan asked heading for his car keys.

"ANI...I mean. We are ready got a driver. Youngjae-ah said he'd love to drive us" Hyosung hesitated.

"...oh...okay" Himchan said watching her pull Ji eun out to the garage.

Yongguk caught sight of her and couldn't help but wave. Ji eun noticed and gave a small smile.

On the other hand Hyosung was glaring deeply at Himchan who was sticking tongue back at her.


"So let me get this want me to drive you two- all the way into the city this late at night" Youngjae said tapping his foot.

"Sorry Youngjae-ah, but I want to cheer Ji eun unnie up with some girl time" Hyosung said pleading. "Do this for your noona please?" she asked watching him.

"Fine get in the car" he said sliding into the drivers seat.

"Yeah, you're the best!" she smiled.


" think that she doesn't want to marry?" Himchan asked watching Yongguk frown.

"Ani...I know she doesn't want to marry"

"What makes you say that?"

"At first I was unsure that she wanted to...I thought maybe it was just some faze....but now. Now i'm sure" Yongguk said simply.

"...Eh, hyung. It's nothing to worry about right? It's not like you really liked her in the first place" Himchan said trying to make the athmophere lighter.

"Maybe that's what you think..." Yongguk sighed.


"And that's the reason why I think Himchan is a selfish, mean, cruel, self centered jerk face" Hyosung said digging into her ice cream.

"Sure unnie sure" Ji eun laughing covering .

"What's it gonna take to make you believe nothing is going on? Cause nothing is going on!"

"Shhhh....unnie this is a public place" Ji eun said.

"Whatever" Hyosung said stabbing her ice cream now.

"Thank you for treating me to ice cream...." Ji eun said watching her unnie.

"No problem. I don't like seeing you down" Hyosung said scoping up a large spoonful of ice cream.

Ji eun stared at the door. "Youngjae-ah didn't want to stay for ice cream?" she asked.

"No...what a party pooper. He said that he didn't want to get involved with us in our 'girl time'" she said quoting her fingers together.

"Well how are we getting home then?"

Hyosung put a finger to her lip. "Not sure. Maybe we'll just call a cab"


"Hey, I don't believe you" Mei Ji said laughing.

"And it get's better" Zelo laughed as well. "Then Jongup slipped while we were rehersing" Zelo laughed instantly along with Mei Ji.

"Ya, don't tell her that story" Jongup said embarassed.

"Why not hyung? You laughed at it when it happened" Zelo said clapping.

All three of them were sitting on the roof watching the city lights.

"Hm, something seems weird don't you guys think?" Zelo asked.

They all turned to look at him.

"Ani, what's wrong?" she said watching him.

"It's just, lately haven't you guys noticed that Ji eun unnie isn't so happy about her wedding" Zelo asked shyly.

"I guess she has been acting strange toward it" Mei Ji said thinking to herself.

"Yeah, I mean...she is getting married. Isn't marriage supposed to be one of the happiest moments in your life?" he asked thinking.

"That's correct Zelo. But maybe she just isn't ready for such a commitment" Jongup said sighing.

"Why would you say that...Ji eun unnie is very mature, I'd think she'd be more than happy to settle down with a family" Mei Ji added on.

"Maybe so...."

"Hey are you guys tired?" Zelo asked.



"Wanna go into the city?"

Mei Ji and Jongup looked at one another.

"Will the hyungs let us?" Jongup asked. "I don't know...but isn't the night life nice?" he asked.

"Yeah...but...." Jongup said unsure.

"Oh come on Jongup it'll be fun" Mei Ji said laughing.

"Yeah hyung, party all night!" Zelo shouted as it echoed against the abandoned warehouses.

"Well then I guess I'm  in"Jongup smiled.

"Great! Now we just gotta sneak out of the house without the hyungs knowing" Zelo said.

"Yongguk oppa and Himchan oppa are in the living room" Mei Ji said.

"Hmmm....I'm not sure where the unnies are...and Daehyun and Youngjae should be off somewhere" Jongup thought.

"So then all we have to do is get to the garage" Mei Ji examined. They all stared down from the roof.

"Haha it's already getting fun" Zelo said. They slowly jumped off the ledges to the floor of the warehouse.

"Hyung do you have the key by chance?" Zelo asked facing the garage door.

"I think so..." Jongup said searching in his pocket. "Aha, got it" he said throwing the key in Zelo's direction.

"Daebak" he said unlocking the door running in.

Jongup threw the keys to the motorcycles as they walked in. Mei Ji followed in behind staring around the garage. She hadn't really taken a look around it before. It was more spacious than she remembered it being.

"Where?" she scanned the room wandering the different types of transportation.

"The motorcycles, Yongguk hyung won't notice they're missing" Jongup said walking toward the covered veichles.

He unveiled the motorcycles, there were only two. "But they're two..." she trailed off as Zelo hopped on one of the bikes.

"It's okay we can share a bike" Jongup smiled patting the seat beside him. Mei Ji sat akawardly behind him.

"Okay Junhong I want you to turn your engine low. If it's set normal, the hyungs will here"

Zelo gave a nod and changed the settings on the dashboard.


They rode slowly and quietly until they reached the highway, then they kicked up the engine. The gas guzzled and the veicles began to come to life.

Picking up in an instant caused Mei Ji to squeal and hang on tightly to Jongup.

"YA" she yelled shocked. She didn't care if it was akaward, she rather feel akaward than fall off.

" okay?" Jongup asked turning back.

"Yeah. Just pay attention to the road pabo" she said gripping tighter.

"Hyung! Where are we heading?" Zelo asked riding beside their motorcycle.

"I don't know. Anywhere in the city" he smiled.

"Okidoki hyung" Zelo smiled and they both picked up speed.


"Sunhwa?....Sunhwa?!" Zinger shouted walking inside the hallways. She spotted her unnie standing in front of the doorway of a room.

"Sunhwa, there you are. I was getting worried that you weren't in your room. Hyosung unnie said to get back as soon as-" Zinger stopped in her words and turned to the room. Sunhwa seemed speechless.

"Eh? This is...Daehyun-ah's room right?" she asked sticking her head inside and looking around. Sunhwa was still silent. Zinger turned back to Sunhwa.

"What are you doing here?"

"...he's not here" she said breathlessly. "Eh?" Zinger asked in confusion.

"I came to check up on him, maybe talk to him a little...and he wasn't in his room" she said staring at the clearly empty room. The window was open a jar and the wind blew in slowly.




Daehyun was sitting on his bed staring at a binder. What was it?

"I guess things haven't changed has it..." he said to himself. In the binder was photos from past experiences. One experience more than another.

On the old paper was a picture of six young kids and the four seniors. Daehyun smiled remembering that day.

"This of course is a day I can't forget. My graduation from the academy" he laughed staring at the picture.




"Ya Daehyun what's wrong? Aren't you happy that were finally graduating?" a voice said behind him. Daehyun turned to find his best friend.

"Ah yeah I guess. But it all doesn't seem real" he said scratching the back of his head.

"Same. Hey is your parents gonna be here?" Youngjae asked waiting for Daehyun.

" father refuses to come" he said standing up.

"What about your mother?'

"Same for her she won't come" Daehyun said walking over to Youngjae.

"Wae?!" Youngjae asked suprised.

"She won't go against my father." Daehyun said sighing.

"Oh...well come on, the seniors are looking for us" Youngjae said heading in the direction of the building.




Daehyun stared at the photo of him beside Youngjae in their graduation uniform.

"Man, we did make it" he laughed. "That brainiac. Without my phsical skills he wouldn't have passed...but without his brains I wouldn't have passed"

He turned the page facing one that made him stare. It was a picture of him and Ji eun after graduation. He remembered how happy she was to see him graduate.

"But without her...I wouldn't have passed"




"And I now pronouce the graduates, succeded in years of training, passed the TSHQ" Hyosung smiled announcing the news. Everyone cheered especially the BAP boys.

"This has been one of the most exciting moments of my life!" Himchan shouted into the microphone.

Later after the ceromony TSHQ had an after party witht he new agents.

"Hey we made it!" Youngjae cheered heading toward Daehyun.

"Totally. That was a painful few years wasn't it?" Daehyun laughed.

"No kidding. Thank god it's over. And hey, now we can work all together as a group" Youngjae said smiling.

"It's gonna be a new life" Daehyun said as Youngjae went off to cheer at the other members. Then Daehyun spotted a figure so petite.

"Ji eun noona! I should thank her for all she's done" he said heading in the direction of the women. He followed her as she walked behind the building. He ran to the otherside of the party, where it was dark, and where no one could hear of see. As he rounded the corner, he spotted something unusual.

Ji eun was standing in front of another man crossing her arms and staring at him intensely. Daehyun hid in the darkness watching the two.

"Ji eun it wasn't what it looked liked" the man said with a sad expression.

"Don't tell me that. This is the last time!" she yelled. Daehyun cringed, he never heard her yell before.

"What do you mean Ji eun, I never cheated on you before ever. I love you and that's all" he said sternly keeping an eye on her.

"That's a lie. I've seen you with other women. You don't even treat me as well as you treat those other women. I know i've been away and I haven't been able to  see you a lot, but that doesn't mean you can go flirt and date other women behind my back" her words were outraged and filled with hurt.

Daehyun could see that the man was plainly staring down avoiding her eyes now.

"Is that all you wanted to tell me? That you love me?" she asked. Finally the man spoke.

"Is it because of that boy?" he asked. Ji eun stared confused.

"Yeah, you know who I mean. That boy that you constantly tutor. The boy you spend more time with than me"

Ji eun shook her head. "Daehyun has nothing to do with this. He is plainly my student that I take care of. If you can't respect me and my job then I suggest you leave" she said standing strong.

Ji eun noona is such a strong women. Daehyun thought watching the man.

"I'm not leaving. And I certainly don't care what you saw. It isn't true. None of it is Ji eun" the man said.

"Just get out of my face so I can never see you again!" she yelled feeling her tears poor out.

"You're the one whose cheated on me" he yelled back raising a fist. Daehyun's eyes immidiantly got wide. Ji eun stood still closing her eyes. She wasn't scared. This man in front of her was not even close to the enemies she had faced.

CRACK. There was a cracking filling the air. Ji eun's eyes forced open as she saw the person in front of her.

Then she stared on the floor seeing her boyfriend on the floor. Then she saw the figure in front of her.


"Don't you dare hit Ji eun noona again. She doesn't deserve someone as cruel as you" he spat out to the man on the floor.

The man stood up with a large bruise across his face. Instantly he noticed Daehyun and smirked.

"What did I say Ji eun. This kid is the reason isn't it" he said standing up. "Fine. I don't need you. I knew you were just a weak girl" he said walking away.

"How dare you-" Daehyun began as he headed toward the man, but was pulled back.

"Don't Daehyun. What are you doing here?" she asked.

"Noona, that man was gonna hurt you. I couldn't just stand and watch" he said. Ji eun let out a long sigh.

" can't always..." she couldn't figure out what to say.

"Nevermind" she said walking away back to the party.


"Don't talk to me. Don't-" she didn't know what to say. Daehyun just stared back at her innocently.

"I'm not someone you want to hang around. I'll only hurt you" she said running back to the party. Daehyun was left alone in the darkness watching her run to the light of the party. He felt trapped, and lost.




"Maybe at the time it wasn't the best to talk to her. But I know one thing. She never hurt me as much as I've hurt her..."

KNOCK KNOCK. Daehyun shut the album and threw it under his bed.

"Whose there?" he called toward the door. The door creaked open as Youngjae came in.

"Oh, it's you again" he said frowning.

"Geez do you only wanna see Ji eun?" Youngjae joked leaning on the door.

"Kind of. It's just, I wanted to show her something I found" Daehyun said leaning against his bed.

"Eh? What did you find?"

"Nothing. Something she would remember" he said smiling to himself.

"Weird. Well anyway, I came by cause I wanted to let you know that Ji eun and Hyosung went out for ice cream"

Daehyun sat up. "What? Why?"

"I don't know. She said that they wanted 'girl time'" Youngjae quoted Hyosung's words.

"Where are they?"

"In the city"

"City?! What well you know it's not safe out there at night"

"Whatever, Hyosung noona didn't seem to care" Youngjae shrugged.

"Oh, okay. Youngjae I think I'm gonna sleep so can you leave?" Daehyun asked yawning.

"Sure..." Youngjae said turning.

When he left Daehyun stared at the book under his bed then looked back at the window.

"Hmmm..." he thought.




"Daehyun's not here?" Youngjae asked plainly.

Sunhwa nodded. "He isn't in his room"

"I see, well nothing much. He's probably out in the city. I mean Hyosung and Ji eun went out" Youngjae said yawning.

"EH?! Ji eun?" Sunhwa thought. 'They couldn't Ji eun wouldn't do that to me" Sunhwa thought.

"Well anyways, can I go back to sleep now?" Youngjae asked.

"NO, you need to help me, I mean us Daehyun" Sunhwa ordered.

"Wae. It's midnight and you're telling me to drive you both back into the city just to find Daehyun? Is the thing you need to tell him that important?" Youngjae asked.

"Yes. And who knows, what if Ji eun and Daehyun are secretly together as we speak. That will hurt Yongguk" Sunhwa said pleading.

"I'm sure you'd want that. And I doubt that, did you forget that Hyosung noona was with Ji eun not Daehyun" Youngjae said almost closing the door.

"NO, Youngjae come on you gotta help us" Sunhwa batted her eyes.

"...NO" Youngjae said closing the door. "Grrr. Listen to your noona!" she said banging on his door once more.


A/N: This was only part one of Tonight. So all in this chapter I tried giving everyone a part. So Yongguk and Himchan are planning the wedding, while Ji eun and Hyosung are out in the city, preferably getting ice cream. Zelo, Mei Ji, and Jongup are also heading into the city. And Daehyun is again MIA. Where did he go? Just wait for the next update ;D




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bluematoki #1
Chapter 41: Thankyou for putting my name <3 and welcomee heheee
I always look forward to your story from the start ;3
daebak300 #2
Chapter 41: owwww thank you for putting my name there...
stephani_bap #3
Chapter 3: romance and romance

ohh, romance, come in~~~
Chapter 40: sobs they're so cute.pls jieun with yongguk in the end. ;--;
Chapter 39: OMG SongDae xD <3 Update soon.
Chapter 38: MORE SONGDAE MOMENTS ! </3 T-T
Chapter 38: Jieunnnnnnnnn, why you yell at Daehyunnnnnnn. XD UPDATE SOON.
Chapter 36: I read each chapter I'm still more in doubt, since I do not know if I'm hoping to finish with Jieun Yongguk or Daehyun ... I'm loving both pairings. ♥_♥
Dae finally appeared! :D
I feel watching a drama Kekekeke
Please continue updating ^^
Chapter 36: Luckyyyy u got a new computer i so jealous! plus im on hiatus cuz of homework so sad :( anyways like the chapter but i was a bit confused :p can't wait for your update!
Chapter 37: I wanna see Hana Zelo pairing! /crack ship