Hello Miss

One Shot at Love ---(HIATUS)---


Sunhwa stepped out and walked into the entrance of the Nepel hotel.

"Huh, this place just seems nice no matter how many times I walk in it" she thought walking to the front desk.

She leaned against the front desk until the manager noticed her.

"Escuse me Mr..."she looked as his name tag quickly. "Mr. Kwon...do you know where I can find the ballroom?" she asked.

"Certainly, what room are you in?" he asked checking the computer.

"Uh-" she hesitated. "Um. I forgot. And I don't have my room key at the moment. My friend, she has it at the moment and she said she was going to the ballrooom. I need to urgently get it now" she blinked and batted her eyelashes.

"Well, um sure. The ballroom is past the elavators and into the second hallway" he said pointing in the direction of the elavators.

"Ah, thank you very much" she said walking with class.

She headed near the elavators and as soon as she was out of site she rushed down the hallway to the room that was labled Ballroom.

She opened it slowly to enter a large room of many many tables and chairs. There was also a party going on with people walking around and lights. Down the far side of the room there was a stage with a band and flashing lights. "Yongguk i'm in" she said through her ear piece.

"Good, now just look for the V.I.P room. Youngjae had already sent the email so they should be coming shortly. You and the Northerners should be on the guest list. Just say your name is Mei Ji" he instructed.

"Got it" she said trying to search for the room.

"Seems more like a club then a fancy ballroom" she thought walking with the crowd of partiers. The blasting of music filled the whole room as she made her way near the V.I.P lounge. A large security guard stood at the front of the area. She sighed then walked to him.

"Name" he said sternly not cracking a smile.

"Hi, my name is Mei Ji I should be allowed into this area" she said batting her eyes slowly.

He checked the list that was heald in his dress shirt pocket.

"Ah here. All right then go in" he said opeing the door for her. She smiled and thanked the man.

"Phew that was a close one" she thought as she entered deeper into the room.

The V.I.P room was a large room that was dark lit and full of well dressed people. She continued walking until she found a dark corner of the room where many people didn't go to. She sat on one of the couches that were there and crossed her legs waiting for someone to come. The music was blasting still not as much on the inside of the room until the sound grew louder from the sound of the doors opening. Someone new was entering the room.

"Yongguk, what happens when I meet them" she said shaking a bit.

"Calm down. Were working on it now. Daehyun and Jongup are placing cameras in the vents as we speak. That way we can see whats happening from the inside and we can also listen to what the men are saying to you. There is a switch on your ear piece. If you switch it, it will record anything it picks up. I'll tell you everything you need to say, don't worry" he said.

"Okay, that makes me feel a lot better" she said sighing as she spotted four men walking into the room. She was in the dark corner that was the farthest away from the front entrance. She acted cool and sat there with a glass of wine in her hands. Slowly the men walked toward the back looking around for any girl they suspected to be Mei Ji. Finally one of the men caught sight of Sunhwa and smirked. He nudged another men from the front that seemed to be the leader. The leader then looked at Sunhwa then nodded. They soon all began moving in on her near the corner.

She didn't show emotion at all, no concern, no shock, no sign of being terrified, she just sat calmly.

One sat next to her. "Hello miss, can I offer you anything?"

She shook her head. "Aniyo"

"Well, then would you mind if me and my fellows sit here?"

"It fine" she said.

Another sat against her.

"Would you mind if we asked your name?"

She hesitated for a moment, almost giving out her real name.

"Its Mei Ji" she said smiling.

"Mei Ji huh?" one said looking toward the leader.

"By your expressions i'm guessing you boys are the ones i'm supposed to meet up, correct?" she said raising an eyebrow.

"Yes." he grabbed her hand and kissed it polietly. "We're here to discuss the plans"

She smiled back.

"Would you boys allow me to first fix my earring? It's been bugging me all night" she said.

"Of course, A women like yourself needs to be beautiful all night" the leader said as Sunhwa turned to the dark corner and switched her ear piece to a recorder. Very quietly she whispered into her mic.

"Okay Yongguk i'm ready. Are the cameras set up yet?"

"All good" he responded. "Good luck. Try to keep them as far away from the room as possible, Himchan and Daehyun will be putting in cameras in their room. Stall as much as possible" he said.

She turned back to the men smiling. "Gentlemen, I believe we have something to discuss about"

The men looked at one another quickly then one responded.

"Yes, of course, but not in a place so public like this"

"Maybe if we go to our hotel room we can discuss this situation in private" the leader spoke up.

She flinched for a moment then answered. "It's okay. I don't seem to want to talk about this until I atleast have a drink" she said willingly.

"I'm sorry miss but we must discuss this as soon as possible" the second man said.

"-No, let the lady drink. She had a long ride here, isn't that right Miss Mei Ji?" the leader said. Sunhwa nodded and smiled.

"You all should have a drink or two." she handed a glass that was placed on the table.


"Look at that girl. She gets to have drinks during the mission!" Hyosung said in envy as she watched from the cameras placed in SECRETs car.

"Calm down, its part of the mission anyways" Zinger said to make her feel better.


"Here" Zinger said as she pulled a juice box out of the small cooler next to her and handed it to Hyosung. Hyosung pouted and glared at her unnie.

"Hey better than nothing" she said continuing to watch the screens from the camera.


"Which room did Yongguk hyung say it was again?" Daehyun said sticking his head down the long narrow hallway.

"Room 500" Himchan responded checking the room numbers on the doors .

"Seems like they didn't guard the room well" Daehyun said walking up to the room.

"Don't let your guard down" Himchan said.

Daehyun took a metal stick out of his pocket and placed it inside the lock of the door. Pressing a red button on the top of the object, the small stick to life and began screwing. The noise of cracking and unlocking from the knob clicked and finally it stopped rotating.

"There" he said pushing the door open. When they got inside the room was nice and tidy. It didn't even seem like anyone was in the room.

The room was large and spacious with golden bed sheets, pillows, curtain, and carpet.

"Whoa" Daehyun said in amazement.

"Hurry, we got no time. The men might be back any moment" Himchan said nudging a handeful of tiny cameras to him.

Quickly they both placed the micro cameras on the tv stand, corners of the room, closets, and everywhere where it would not be seen.

"Yongguk we are on the go, I repeat on the go" Himchan said into his microphone.


"Hm...good job. Sunhwa is still with the men. Are you guys ready for them?" he asked.

"Yep" Himchan concluded.

"Okay. Get out of there now, I'll send them up" Yongguk said.



"Miss Mei Ji. It seems like your not as tired as we expected" the leader said drinking little while his henchmen were drinking heavily.

"What do you mean?" she said taking another sip of her drink.

"You've just came on a flight a long way. Don't you feel a bit out of it?"

She shook his head. "Never. As a women fit for this mission I can never be tired. I'm always alert" she said.

The men nodded. "seems like she is official" they all agreed.

"Sunhwa repeat Sunhwa. Himchan and Daehyun have set up the cameras your free to go to the room" Yongguk said.

She smiled turning to the men. "Well gentlemen I think I'm ready to discuss the plans" she said standing up.

Right away the men stood up. "follow us"


"I hope Sunhwa unnie will be okay" Ji eun said to herself watching the cameras as Sunhwa followed the men to the elavators.

"She'll be fine. Jongup and Zelo are also standing guard near the room when they're inside. If anything goes wrong their prone to attack" he said acting as if his team mates were dogs.

"If you say" she said unsure. Yongguk looked at her concerned. He took her hand and smiled at her. She hesitated to smile back. Something she thought, didn't feel right. She worried about everything. The mission, her unnies, and most importantly Yongguk.


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bluematoki #1
Chapter 41: Thankyou for putting my name <3 and welcomee heheee
I always look forward to your story from the start ;3
daebak300 #2
Chapter 41: owwww thank you for putting my name there...
stephani_bap #3
Chapter 3: romance and romance

ohh, romance, come in~~~
Chapter 40: sobs they're so cute.pls jieun with yongguk in the end. ;--;
Chapter 39: OMG SongDae xD <3 Update soon.
Chapter 38: MORE SONGDAE MOMENTS ! </3 T-T
Chapter 38: Jieunnnnnnnnn, why you yell at Daehyunnnnnnn. XD UPDATE SOON.
Chapter 36: I read each chapter I'm still more in doubt, since I do not know if I'm hoping to finish with Jieun Yongguk or Daehyun ... I'm loving both pairings. ♥_♥
Dae finally appeared! :D
I feel watching a drama Kekekeke
Please continue updating ^^
Chapter 36: Luckyyyy u got a new computer i so jealous! plus im on hiatus cuz of homework so sad :( anyways like the chapter but i was a bit confused :p can't wait for your update!
Chapter 37: I wanna see Hana Zelo pairing! /crack ship