3 Years Later

Marrying You Was A Mistake
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Hi there everyone, I'm back again to post another chapter...Hopefully I didn't lose any readers due to my lack of post.

But anyways please read and comment, it always make an author feel energectic when they hear from their readers.

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“I told you she cheated on you, but you wouldn’t believe me...Your So Eun  is not that innocent Jaejoong oppa” said Jenny as she circled her hands on Jaejoong’s neck.

“Jenny, why are you here anyway?...didn’t we sort it out already back then?” as the now paranoid Jaejoong

“But Jaejoong I still love you...” said Jenny having her puppy eyes on.

“Love..huh what do you know about love when you cheated on me back then?” spatted Jaejoong

“It was my mistake Jaejoong, I was young back then and didn’t know who I wanted” said Jenny starting to cry.

“Jenny are you kidding me? You were old enough to even have with that guy, you call that a mistake when I caught you in bed with him?” shouted Jaejoong.

“I..I” shuttered Jenny

“Leave Jenny...just leave I just don’t want to see you right now...” said the now frustrated Jaejoong.

“Jaejoong I just want you to know that I still love you, I’ll wait for you...” said Jenny as she slowly walked to the door.

. : After Jenny left:.

"So Eun  why did you have to leave? What did I do, is it true you’re cheating on me? So Eun why? Just when I thought that I could actually love someone, you go turning your back on me with another guy, did my confession never mean anything to you. Did you just accept my confession so that I don’t look for you anymore?” asked Jaejoong as multiple questions seems to have flooded his already troubled mind.

On Jaejoong hands was a picture of you and Eunhyuk hugging you. You didn’t realise anyone when Eunhyuk kissed you on the forehead.

Jaejoong didn’t know who the guy was cause the back was facing him but he saw the intimated action between you and Eunhyuk. That was more than enough to put him on fire.

“Fine So Eun  if you don’t love me anymore than why should I wait for you, you left without saying anything to me and the reason why. So Eun  don’t expect me to turn back and find you anymore, we’ve played this game for too long. Why don’t we just turn back to our old selves. I’m the playboy and you’re the nerd. Just act like we don’t know each other” said Jaejoong as a trick of tear fell down his face.

The old playboy Jaejoong is now back. Clubbing and sleeping with random girls.

Five day later you left for China with the whole super junior, planning to forget everything that ever happened in Korea you set foot on the plane with nothing more but a broken heart. Just hoping that you could mend the pieces of your heart using time.

The first few months was hard for you, you spent nights crying in your hotel room, nothing to do more, than crying about your broken heart.

After your first year after leaving Jaejoong you were able to become the old you, cheerful giddy and bubbly. Everyone in the industry loved you and the way you managed super junior’s schedule.

The manager set you as their assistant. Time with super junior changed you a lot. You got more girly and dressed more fashionable when required, different compared to you back when you were with Jaejoong.

You have seem to have blocked out all the thoughts about Jaejoong and started your life again. Guys from the music industry and from outside wanted to date you, but you were persistent on staying single. Maybe this was the effect that Jaejoong left to your heart after all that you went through.

Cooking, styling super junior’s clothing and monitoring their daily schedule was a type of happiness for you, Super junior had learned to adapt to your ways of doing things and have seemed to love it more each day.

The kitchen was your world, after tiring days of work you have never fail to give super junior and sometime their friends a good meal.

But for Jaejoong, he took a turn for the worst, he still manage to get the company up and going but, much of the time he was with his friends clubbing and spending night out at hotels having one night stand.

He slept with all the girls that he encountered, he just wanted to numb himself and not remind himself of you. He was drunk nearly every night, Yunho, Junsu, Changmin and Yoochun could do nothing more but to hope that Jaejoong would get home safely at night and for him to move on.
He wanted to forget about you but everything he did, everywhere he

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lalayuta #1
Chapter 45: I like your plot story! It's great
useless_1 #2
Chapter 18: this is a way bad story with plot holes....its all ovr the place
likatulay #3
Chapter 41: wow, I really love this story, reading while listen to my love songs music, it does really makes e cry.. wow beautiful story.. good ending.. thank you author
syikinpns #4
another amazing jaejong fanfic XD
Chapter 46: i was not previously into kim jae joong and kim so eun as a pair, i mean i am a kse fan, but this pairing is new to me...
but after completing this fanfic, i like them as a pair now, and am also into jae joong a bit,...
nice job author...
do write one more story on them
And i will be sure to read it... !!
jessicabyun #6
Chapter 45: i love it...nice job author-nim :)
Chapter 19: Hey Silent_Love, stay strong my dear author. We'll be here for you. <3
guiwanglove #8
god i love this story.( i feel all the love and the sadness) your the best:)