Laughing At The Manly Girl

Prince Jerk & Our 100 Day Arrangement


Himchan’s Makeover Experience


I peer into the bag.


Not only did Jiyeon give me eyeliner and face powder, she got a very bright and colorful hanbok, not to mention the bright red hair bow!!!


The rules were that we had to use every single product somehow… but hell no!!!!!

I it up and “attempted” to apply the charcoal black eyeliner on my eyes.

My eyes will just shut every single time the eyeliner pencil gets close!

“Hello! Himchan how are you….. HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!” Daehyun walked in, took one look at my terribly lined out eyes.

“Dude…. you look like a fricking pirate!!!!!” Daehyun chuckled.

“Hyung, you know your awesome right.” I buttered Daehyun up.

“Sheesh, please. I knew that ever since I was born! Wait a second…. what do you want now?” Daehyun asked.

“Can you put it on for me?” I eye smiled.

“NO WAY!!!!! There is no chance.” Daehyun yelled.

I acted cute and pouted while sitting in the corner of the bathroom.

“FINE. Hand me the damn eyeliner pencil.” Daehyun gave in.

“Thank you!!!” I replied.


~~~~~~~~17 harmful tries later~~~~~~~~~~


I creaky bathroom door opened again, but this time Jongup came in.

He saw Daehyun “putting” makeup on me….. awkward……

“ANNIYA!!!!! Daehyun, you’re doing all wrong. You outline first then go back and make it darker!!!!!” Makeup Expert Jongup yelled.

“What the hell!! Just because your sister is a stylist doesn’t mean you should listen to the brain washing information!!!!!” Daehyun said handing the eye pencil to Jongup.

“As, noona says, first wash the face with water.” Jongup chimed.

He SHOVED my face in the bucket of freezing cold water!!!

“Ehhhh…. Good enough. Step two, wipe water away.” Jongup slapped my face with a towel.

“Take it easy, Makeup Guru!!!!” Daehyun hollered.

“Araso, step 3. Only outline. Then darken.” Jongup chanted as he inched closer towards my eye.

He the eye pencil, ever so gently. He quickly moved on to the other eye.

“Perfect. Gisaeng Kim Himchan.” Daehyun teased.

I just stuck my tongue out at him.

“Now for your face powder and ….” Jongup laughed.

“Hyung…. Just stop. Just stop it (see what I did there).” I said.

Jongup patted my face with the dusty powder.

“Cak!!!! Cak!!!!!” I coughed. It felt like Jongup was asking for it…

“Damn!!!!! You look y!!!!! I’d hit that….” Daehyun winked.

“Shut up…..” I pouted

“I need to beat Jiyeon!!!!!” I determinedly announced.

“I know. I know.” Jongup and Daehyun chanted in unison

“Now for the hanbok.” Jongup said.

“What….. the…… hell…..” Daehyun looked at me with a surprised face.

*Imagine me stealing the clothes of a gisaeng, in a version for men.*

I put the damn thing on, then afterwards clipped the bow in my hair.

If I lose and have to wear a ladies hanbok…..

Yeah I don’t think you’re going to have trouble with me and Jiyeon. We are going to take some time away from each other. Yeah were going to break up.

*Don’t get me wrong, I did like her. But, I feel the need to get pay back.”

I sent Jongup over to tell the girls I was ready.

We all gathered in the living room, and we had a contest.

Everyone else was judges.

Zelo, Yongguk, Yongjae, Jongup, Daehyun, Kai, Suzy, and Jieun.

Dammit. I can’t lose!

Jiyeon and I strutted into the living room, posing.

We stood in the middle of the room, while the judges tried to decide who the winner was.

I just don’t get it!

I got Jiyeon nice things, fitting her style, as a girl and all...

She gets me things that fit girls!

I am a man!!!! A WARRIOR!!!!!! (See what I did there!)

Everyone laughed at me.

They finally decided the winner.

“Okay, the winner of the Makeover Games is……………… drum roll please.” Kai announced, while everyone drummed on the table.

“Ajumma…… KIM!!!!!!!”

I won!!!!!!!

ME!!!!! KIM HIMCHAN!!!!!!

Oh!!!! Jiyeon is gonna get it when we get in the room!!!!

“Omo!!!!! That means Mr. Jiyeon!!!!!” Jieun chortled.

It took like 15 minutes to wash all of that makeup off!!!!!!!

I love the feeling of winning!!!!

To be honest, I’m a sore loser.

I fricking hate Jiyeon now!

Turn me into a girl, your dead to me. (or are you????)

“What’s up Ajumma?!” Zelo laughed.

I just punched him in arm.

“Take that!!!!” I yelled victoriously.



Anyways.... Finally!!!!

DAY 98 IS NEXT!!!!!

I might just only do 3 perspectives in one chapter. (Jieun, Daehyun, and Kai)


Honestly, I love writing for Jieun (You) and Daehyun.

Jieun is kind of like me, as my sister says.

I'm sassy and I have quite a temper. ^.^

But, isn't Jieun, or my personalitly funny in writing?!?!?!

Thank you for reading!!!

By the way, I HAVE 11 SUBSCRIBERS!!!!!!!! THANK YOU!!!!!!


~ LeeteuksWife :D

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Aiana1808 #1
Yay finally meeting a story where jiyeon is NOT a bad guy
Chapter 1: this story seems funny ;p
14 streak #3
Chapter 48: Loved the ending very much!!!! <3333
Jesskwankwan #4
Chapter 48: So love the ending, thx!!!
Chapter 48: Aww..this story is just wonderfully awesome!! I love it so so much!! Its just perfect!! I hope author-nim can make more EXO and B.A.P fanfics like this... ^-^
Love the update, thank you ! <3
Chapter 46: i love daeU now hehe

please update soon
Chapter 45: Oh my freaking god!!!!!! XDDD
Yoon Ki Jin?!?! XDDDD.
Nice update Boom. XD
ChoiPiLoZe #9
Chapter 41: DaeDae!! Hwaiting!!! ^^ Author-Nim! Hwaiting!