Day 71 - Water Well

Prince Jerk & Our 100 Day Arrangement


“Ahh! I’m thirsty, I’m going to go outside to get water from the well.” I propelled myself up and slid the door open.

I haven’t seen Daehyun around for a while, about a few hours.

As I was smiling so brightly the sun was jealous. Kai and I were connecting!

My eyes were wondering off, and I saw a glimpse of a bright red in the corner of my eye, curiously turning around.


“AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” I say something I would have never have thought I would see in a million, no a billion years!! Daehyun was out, cold on the table, blood was cascading down the edges of the table.

I broke down into tears.

“DAEHYUN!!!! YAHHHH!!!!!! CAN YOU HEAR ME!!!!!?????” I screamed pushing on his lifeless body.

“What’s going on?” Kai peered out of the room, seeing my hands covering in thick amounts of blood.

“WHAT HAPPENED!?” The rest of our friends darted to the kitchen without a hesitation.

“DAEHYUN HYUNG!!!!!!” Zelo shook Daehyun’s body.

I leaned my face over to his, testing his breathing.

“He has a weak breath!! WE HAVE TO GO TO THE HOSPITAL NOW!!!!” I was yelping with tears covering my face. Jongup zoomed up and brought Daehyun on his back and ran out the door as fast as he could.

“SIR TO THE ROYAL HOSPITAL!!!!!! NOW!!!!!” Jiyeon yelled.

The driver whipped the horse’s backs, noticing the amounts of blood covering all of us.

I was supporting Daehyun’s body, crying and crying, his head was tilted on my shoulder, he wasn’t moving. His pulse was getting weaker and weaker.

“DON’T GO!!!!!!!!!” I held onto Daehyun, my tears dropped onto his shoulder.

“Don’t go.” My voice became weaker and I was left mourning even more as the time was passing.

“JIEUN WE’RE HERE!!!” Youngguk, who was worrying on the other side of Daehyun, grabbed him in a cradling style and darted into the hospital. We ran in after him.

“DOCTOR!!!!! HELP HIM!!!! HE’S LOSING A LOT OF BLOOD!!!” Yongguk plopped Daehyun’s barely living body on the hospital bed.

The doctors recognized Prince Jung Daehyun of the Jung Empire and rushed in to save him.

The doctor’s assistant forced us to wait outside. Where we were all panicking and I was sobbing a hefty amount.

“HE MIGHT DIE!!!! WHAT WAS GOING ON!!!! HOW DID THIS HAPPEN?” I shrieked outside of the doctor’s office.

“Jieun noona, calm down. Daehyun hyung is a fighter, he’s strong.” Zelo gave me a comforting hug.

Splatters of blood covered my hanbok and my skin. I couldn’t stand to look at myself knowing that it was the blood that Daehyun was drained of.

I was incapable of sleeping, I nervously waited and waited for the doctor to assure me that Daehyun was going to be okay, and that he would recover in a few weeks.

I was quivering in the, night wind.

When was all this drama going to end for me? Figuring out that I cared a lot more about Daehyun then I thought, I heavily sniffled.

“How did this happen?” Was the question I feared to ask or think of.

An exhausted doctor trudged out the door, wiping his sweat with his arm.

“Prince Jung Daehyun is in a state of comatose due to his extreme loss of blood. He might wake up with amnesia. And forget past memories. He almost died.” The doctor bowed down and guided us to the hospital room.

Running as fast as I could, I saw Daehyun lying in the hospital bed, with a lifeless look.

He was in a coma, and I would never get to know how long it would be until he woke up. It scared me to death thinking that I could lose another person I genuinely cared about.

My tears penetrated his skin as I fell to my knees in front of Daehyun’s hospital bed.

“Daehyun!!!” Youngjae’s eyes widened.

A piece of cloth was wrapped around his wrist, but blood was seeping through the cloth quickly.

Is that where his bleeding came from?

“Jieun, It’s almost midnight, we should leave Daehyun to rest.” The pulled me off from the ground.

I slowly motioned out the door, taking one last glimpse for the day.

*I’ll see you tomorrow.*

All the ride home I couldn’t stop thinking about how it all happened.

I was just going outside to get some water until I found Daehyun cheek down in a pool of his own blood.

It saddened me a lot.

I wish he’s ok, you know as he’s in a coma.

As we reached the house we cleaned up the big mess, finding a sharp knife that was dropped on the ground. It made me sick to my stomach seeing it.

Wishing that I could cope with all the things that just happened, I set off to bed.

Trying to close my tired eyes and fall asleep, I fail to blur out my clustered mind. I had so many questions that could only be answered by the unconscious Daehyun.

I genuinely hope he’s alright, and that he can recover. I have the most unsettling feeling like I caused this to happen.

Forcing my eye closed, I turned to the right and took deep breaths.


(Daehyun – Coma State)

My chest felt light and an effulgent light ahead caused me to squint.

Did it work?

Was I ridded from the dark thoughts?

I didn’t know, I was standing in bright white and I was doing nothing.

Has my everlasting pain finally ended?

Was I finally free from my suffering of unrequited love?

I was scared to result in using a knife but there wasn’t any other way to demolish the heartache.

Little by little I started to forget what was happening and what I was thinking just 5 seconds ago.

“Death” or I think I was dead, was eating away my memories, leaving me with new memories to create in where ever I should end up in.

“You should have confronted it.” I soft voice muttered.

“Confronted what?” I gave it a quizzical look, even though the voice seemed to come from everywhere.

“Your aching love for Jieun. You must fight it.” The voice got softer and father away.

*I had to end my suffering. The pain was so much I took my own life.*

My love for one was broken by another, and that love was gained by the first girl again.

If I remembered this all I wasn’t dead.

So the voice said to fight it, meaning fight death?

Would it have been any different if I confessed to Jieun?

I wonder if they missed me or most importantly if Jieun did.

I should’ve written a note saying, “Roses are red, violets are blue, Jieun I’m still in love with you.” My last note before I sought my easy escape out.

The white room faded to a smoky black, my eyes closed with it, meeting up with the darkness.




JUST HIT ABOUT 66 SUBSCRIBERS!!! Thank you guys so much!!

Thank you for reading.

I couldn't be here without you awesome people.

I know what your thinking, why are you killing off Daehyun!?!?!! HE'S THE MAIN ROLE!!!!!

And I will promise you 100% that it always works out in the end!!!

Thank you for being with me for this long!

You've put up with my work for 32 chapters so far!!

Love you!!!

(I love cheeji burger, I lurve it.)

~ LeeteuksWife ♥

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Aiana1808 #1
Yay finally meeting a story where jiyeon is NOT a bad guy
Chapter 1: this story seems funny ;p
14 streak #3
Chapter 48: Loved the ending very much!!!! <3333
Jesskwankwan #4
Chapter 48: So love the ending, thx!!!
Chapter 48: Aww..this story is just wonderfully awesome!! I love it so so much!! Its just perfect!! I hope author-nim can make more EXO and B.A.P fanfics like this... ^-^
Love the update, thank you ! <3
Chapter 46: i love daeU now hehe

please update soon
Chapter 45: Oh my freaking god!!!!!! XDDD
Yoon Ki Jin?!?! XDDDD.
Nice update Boom. XD
ChoiPiLoZe #9
Chapter 41: DaeDae!! Hwaiting!!! ^^ Author-Nim! Hwaiting!