
The Psychopath

Se Ri woke up from her deep slumber, startled.


She pushed the blanket, which she wasn't sure how it got there, off of her and ran into the kitchen. She skidded to a stop when she saw the scene in front of her. Her jaw hung loose when she saw Chanyeol scraping burnt pancake from the pan. Sensing a presence by his side, Chanyeol whipped his head to the side and look at Se Ri with a grin. Flour powdered his face and strangely, his hair.

"Se Ri! I made breakfast!" he said in his ridiculously deep voice.

Se Ri pinched her eyebrows together and glanced at the kitchen which looks like a warzone. Chanyeol turned back to scraping the pancake off the pan. When he managed, he lifted it up and piled it with the rest of his burnt pancakes on a green plate. He turned around and walked towards Se Ri. He stopped in front of her and held out the plate in her face. Se Ri shifted her gaze from the plate of burnt pancakes to the clock behind Chanyeol's head.

"You mean brunch Yeol? It's 12:15pm." she narrowed her eyes at him.

Chanyeol turned back to look at the clock and chuckled.

"Wow. I took 4 hours to prepare a scrumptious meal for you!" he grinned, dorkily.
"Come come! Taste my cooking!" Chanyeol ushered her to the dining table. There was a bottle of maple syrup as well as a slab of butter on a plate on the table. Beside it were 2 cups of hot chocolate.
Se Ri took a seat hesitantly and look at the breakfast Chanyeol prepared.

"Come on. Don't stare at it like that. It may look like it has been bombed by a terrorist but trust me, Park Chanyeol." Chanyeol puffed his chest.
"Err...yeah...okay." Se Ri chose a better looking pancake from the pile and set it on her plate. She smeared butter and maple syrup all over it and was about to put it in when Chanyeol spoke.

"How is it?"
She stopped and look at Chanyeol.
"I was about to put it in my mouth"
"Oh. Okay okay, go on. Give me your comments after this."

She shoved the pancake in and chewed thoughtfully. *It's not bad*
Se Ri raised her thumb at Chanyeol and gave him a smile.

"YES!" Chanyeol pumped his fist in the air and dig onto his own breakfast.
When she was done swallowing her pancake, she said," No one prepares breakfast for 4 hours Yeol."
"This is my first time actually."
"I know. I'm just saying. But I'm curious,"Se Ri put down her fork, rested her palm on her chin and eyed him. " you're THE infamous lazy pig, why have you suddenly got so interested in preparing all these?" She pointed to the pancakes.
Chanyeol gave her a goofy grin and she knew what his answer was.
"Hana." Se Ri stated.

There he goes with his dreamy smile and half-lidded eyes. Se Ri could tell that he was severely lovestruck. She shook her head and smiled softly.
"Se Ri.." Chanyeol called.
She look up at him and waited for his question.
" you perhaps want to go somewhere today?"
She thought for a brief moment and nodded her head. "As a matter of fact, I do. Do you want to come with me?"
Chanyeol gave a tender smile and patted her head. He knew where her desired destination was.


"Seems like someone came by." *Who could it be?* Se Ri wondered.

Both of them stared a bouquet of dead white and pink lilies lying in on a piece of carved stone in front of them. In her hands, she had also brought along a bouquet of fresh pink lilies, which was her sister's favourite type of flower.

"Probably someone she knows?" Chanyeol questioned, unsure.
"But I don't know who she knows." Se Ri replied, looking around the area.
Chanyeol merely shrugged his shoulders.

Slowly, Se Ri  crouched in front of the carved stone which states:

Lee Saejin

She laid the bouquet of lilies at the side and took notice of the miniature statue of an angel by the side of the tombstone. Se Ri couldn't help but feel her heart sinking. She remembered the day before she flew off to New Zealand, she had given Saejin the statue as a parting gift. Saejin was absolutely happy to receive that from her sister.

*This was my last gift to you* she the statue with hot tears threatening to fall. Before it could stain her jeans, Chanyeol already got down to his knees and wiped the tears off her eyes.

"Aigoo, noona! Look at Se Ri, she's such a baby!" Chanyeol clucked his tongue and shook his head.
Se Ri looked up at him. Her face was void of expression. Chanyeol started clearing the dead leaves and twigs with his bare hands while his mouth worked a conversation with "Saejin".

"Noona! It's your favourite Yeollie!" He did a peace sign near his cheeks and grinned, then continued cleaning the area. He cast a look at Se Ri and started whining.

"Noona, do you know that your sister went MIA all of a sudden. She didn't even bother telling me that she's coming back to Korea. Tch!"

Se Ri's face softened and a chuckle escape her lips as she watched Chanyeol complain to her dead sister.

"Noona, I need to apologise to you." He stopped halfway and rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. "I know I vowed to marry you some day....but I actually found someone else. I'm sorry noona!" Chanyeol shut his eyes with a pout and brought his two palms together, asking for apology.

Se Ri whacked the back of his head.
He rubbed the sore part of his head and muttered to himself.

"Yah Park Chanyeol!"
"It's oppa to you! Remember that I'm still older than you. Just because I gave you the privilege to not call me that in New Zealand, doesn't mean you can abuse the rights. We're in Korea now, you should practice calling me "Oppa"." Chanyeol snorted and crossed his arms with a huff.
Se Ri rolled her eyes and turned to her sister's grave.

"Unnie, how can this guy be the same age as you?" she shook her head and turned her head to Chanyeol. She pointed a finger at him. "And you, you shouldn't be calling my sister "noona"! You guys are the same age."

"Well, technically she IS older than me! I'm younger than her by..." Chanyeol began counting with his fingers and held up 9 fingers."...9 months." he finished.

Se Ri facepalmed herself. "It's still the same thing. God!"
"Not in my book. Nuh-uh!" Chanyeol shook his head stubbornly.
"You're impossible, Yeol"
"Oppa." Chanyeol eyed her.
"Appa" Se Ri stared back.
After a few seconds, both of them burst out laughing. Se Ri felt lighter and her heart was at ease. She glanced at Chanyeol through her laughter and felt glad that she had this giant monster by her side. Chanyeol knows how to make her feel better. Her gaze softened when she look at the miniature statue of the angel again. This time, she knew what to tell her sister.

"Unnie, it's me, Se Ri. I didn't get to talk to you because of this giant beside me." she didn't bother to look at Chanyeol who is pretending to whack her.

"I have a lot to tell you, but I don't know where to start. Firstly, I'm trying to get use to not having you around the house and as the days passed, I think I can handle it but still miss you as much." she lowered her head and smiled. Chanyeol was watching her with tender eyes.
"I thought I would live through the days alone but when Yeol popped in yesterday, I knew it. You had send him to me so I wouldn't be lonely. Also, I have met someone..." Se Ri suddenly thought of Kai and her cheeks turned rosy. Chanyeol gave a puzzled look, wondering who this someone was.
"...I meet him practically almost every morning at the cafe at the end of the street. Like the other time when I was at the mart, shopping for groceries, he materialized out of nowhere at decided to accompany me. I don't really know him yet, he's a little mysterious but that was what drew me to him. He has the nicest pair of dark eyes which is really entrancing. Unnie, if only you could meet him.....oh! And his name is Kai." she finished.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, a strong gust of wind blew and Se Ri had to hold on to Chanyeol's shirt to keep herself from falling onto her .
*That's strange, there wasn't any wind earlier on* Both of them thought at the same time but decided to shrug it off.

Se Ri continued her speech when her eyes fell on the dead lilies that was brought earlier by someone unknown. It's petals was scattered everywhere and made a mess on her sister's grave. Chanyeol noticed and collected the petals as well as the leftover of the flowers. He gathered them and stood up to throw it away.

"Unnie, I think I might just....fall in love with Kai." she continued. The wind lightly rustled the trees and Se Ri felt cold all of a sudden. She rubbed her arms and her eyes were distant for a while. Chanyeol came back and crouched by her side.

"Time to go, it's getting late. The sky looks as though it's gonna rain." Chanyeol said. "Noona! We'll get going. I think if Se Ri is here longer, she might just blabbler about that guy till tomorrow morning."
Se Ri shoved him playfully and stood up.

"Unnie, I'll see you again. Next time, I wouldn't bring this giant monster along with me. He'll just ruin the moment. Probably, I'll come here with....." she glanced teasingly at Chanyeol and tapped her chin. "...with Kai?"

Then, a loud thunder crashed in the sky. Both of them quickly scrambled up and headed back to the house.

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Chapter 38: So sad it's over. But there a sequel ~
Chapter 34: Holy cow... He's so crazy!
Chapter 33: Now you know! Get the hell out of there!
Chapter 30: I hope he's not in any danger...
Chapter 28: Ooooh Zico ^^ Such a cutie
Chapter 20: That's what happens when you're too stubborn!
Chapter 18: What Chanyeol said was tough, but it's the truth. It had to be put out there so she'll finally realized what's going on....
Chapter 16: Don't give him a chance! He will never forget Saejin because he will see her in Seri! Don't fall for that BS!
Chapter 15: FINALLY!!! Her cluelessness was driving me crazy!