
The Psychopath


The sound of scrambling footsteps along the wooden plank was heard before a ragged breath Baekhyun appeared inside the room. "Se Ri! Wha-"

"We have to get out of here." She spunned on her heels and swiftly grabbed Baekhyun by the arm, tugging him towards the door. "Why?" He pulled back, bewildered.

"We have to get out of here." She took a step forward and tried to grab onto his arm again but Baekhyun backed away. This time he was annoyed. "What is wrong with you?!"

"HE'S AFTER YOU!" Se Ri screamed all of a sudden. Baekhyun looked lost. "What are you saying?"
In an instant, Se Ri dropped to the floor with a thud.  She was shivering and the color of her face were completely drained out. Her hands turned clammy and she was mumbling incoherently.

"Yah Lee Se Ri!" Baekhyun bent down, grabbed onto her shoulders and shook her. "Who is after me?"

"Kai.....Kai....." She whispered, rocking herself back and forth as she bit her fingernails.

"What?" Before he could ask anymore, Se Ri raised her right arm and pointed to the picture on the wall she had last seen. Baekhyun followed her finger and he froze.  Slowly, he stood up and walk towards it. He examined the pictures carefully.

"That was taken...after we send Eunji off...."he heard her say.

*. Kim Jongin, are you a psycho?*
Baekhyun turned around and took Se Ri by her hand and guided her to stand up. "Hurry, let's get the hell out of here. And fast."

Without giving a second glance, they scrambled down the stairs and flung the front door open. They ran out of the house as fast as their legs could carry them and turned into an alley. Se Ri let her hands rest upon her knees as she took two deep breaths. In through her nose out through . After wiping away the beads of sweat on her forehead she took in her surroundings. Baekhyun leaned against the wall and put his arm over his forehead. His breath was ragged from all the running.

"Baekhyun...what do we do now?" She asked in dread. Beads of sweat were rolling down her forehead and she wiped it with her palms and onto her jeans. Baekhyun didn't reply but he was thinking. He had to think. Both their lives are at stake. After a few minutes, Baekhyun shifted his gaze to Se Ri.
"Right now, I need you to go home. That's the safest place for least for now."

"What?! Are you crazy?! I can't go there alone! I don't care. I'm coming with you." She stomped her feet and crossed her arms together.

Baekhyun sighed. He grabbed her weak body and crashed her against his chest. He buried his head in her hair and sighed again. "Please, listen to me. Our lives are at stake. We don't know what Jongin is capable of. Right now we don't know what his identity is. I need you to be safe. So please don't ask me....I can only tell you this much." He pulled back and kissed her forehead. He gave her a weak smile. Se Ri started to sob. Tears of sadness, anger and scared poured out like a waterfall. She rested her head on his chest and  weeped like a kid. "Baekhyun....I'm scared...I'm....scared...."
Baekhyun tightened the embrace and assured her everything would be alright. "I'll send you home. C'mon."

An hour later, they reached her neighbourhood. Se Ri stopped and Baekhyun turn to her. "Go." She said. "If he sees you...god knows what he'll do."

Baekhyun thought about it for a moment then he nodded. "Alright. I'll stay here and watch you till you reach your home." With a hug, they parted. As promised, Baekhyun kept and eye on her till she reached home. When he was sure she had returned safely, he turned around and left.


Se Ri shut the front door. She rested her back on it and let her body slide down to the floor. She gathered her knees up to her chest and buried her in between them. A lot of things rushed into her mind at once.
*Who is Kai?* *What is he planning?* *Why is he out to get Baekhyun?* *What if he was the one who killed her sister?*

She shook the last thought off her mind. *No no no*
There was a faint tap to the door. Se Ri raised her head and lazily got up. With the thoughts preoccupying her mind, she absent-mindedly open the door. To her surprise, she was greeted with a bouquet of pink lilies. The sender lowered down his hand and grinned. If it was possible, Se Ri would have jumped out of her skin right away. She was startled by the mere presence of him.

Kai held out the pink lilies towards her. "Here, I got you your favorite flowers." Se Ri stared at the bouquet as if it was a venomous creature.*This aren't my favorite flowers. It's Saejin's. In fact I don't like flowers at all.* With shaky hands, she accepted the bouquet. They stood at the doorway for a few awkward seconds. Kai peeked into the house. "So....aren't you gonna invite me in?" "What?" She asked quickly. Anyone could notice the uneasiness in her voice. But if Kai had noticed, he didn't question, instead he just smiled. "Aren't you inviting me in for coffee? I came all the way for you with those lilies." He said. "Ummm...sure...." She opened the door wider for him. As soon as Kai walked past her, she felt the hair at the back of her neck stand and her heart began to beat triple the rate. Kai headed upstairs but paused when Se Ri blurted. "W-Where are you going?"
He stared at her, probably thinking that that was the most stupidest question of all. "To sleep? I'm tired. Send the coffee up later alright?". With that, he turned and disappeared into her room. When the room clicked shut, Se Ri sanked to the ground with her palms on her chest. *What am I doing letting a potential criminal in my house?*
The door to her room opened once more and Kai popped his head out. "Before that, could you get me a new towel? I dropped the current one in the toilet." And he disappeared again. Being the naive person she was, she obliged with his request. *He seemed so harmless right now and I couldn't say no.*

Se Ri searched the room on the lower floor for a towel. She found a dark blue one rushed up the stairs to pass it to him. She knocked on the door and Kai opened it with a grin. She stood outside and held out the towel to him. He grabbed the towel and before she could back away, Kai grabbed her arms and pulled her into the room. She yelped and the door clicked shut. She was pinned against the wall with Kai at a very close distance. "I miss you baby." He said. Slowly he leaned in and captured her lips. His eyes began to shut and he kissed her hungrily. Se Ri shut her eyes tightly and forced herself to respond to his kisses. She would have gladly gave in to him if she hadn't knew what he was up to. Kai broke the kiss and stared into her eyes. He swung the towel over his shoulder and used both hands to caress her cheek. With wide-eyes, Se Ri stared at him. Kai's eyes had turned different but she couldn't tell.

"Your eyes....." he began to say. "...I see....fear in them..." Se Ri gulped. He had hit jackpot.

With a nervous laugh she said, "W-What are you talking about?"

Kai's hands travelled towards her neck and caress the pulse. He leaned into her ear. "You finally found it."

"Found what?" She asked, the anxiety eating her up.

Kai smirked and his hands tightened around . "My house." Se Ri started to choke. "W-Wha-" She coughed as she struggled in an attempt to loosen his grip.

"Do you like what you see Se Ri?" His scary eyes seemed to be penetrating her soul. By this time, she couldn't say anything. Her oxygen supply was cutting off. She had the feeling she was going to die today. "You want to know who killed Saejin...? It was me."He whispered mockingly. Kai gripped onto tighter and her body went limp against him. He removed the towel and began to tie her hands up. He took another towel and stuffed it inside . He then threw her onto the bed and searched for her belongings. He took with him her phone, keys and identification card.

Fiddling with a pocket knife with his right hand, he walked out of the room, locking it in the process.

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Chapter 38: So sad it's over. But there a sequel ~
Chapter 34: Holy cow... He's so crazy!
Chapter 33: Now you know! Get the hell out of there!
Chapter 30: I hope he's not in any danger...
Chapter 28: Ooooh Zico ^^ Such a cutie
Chapter 20: That's what happens when you're too stubborn!
Chapter 18: What Chanyeol said was tough, but it's the truth. It had to be put out there so she'll finally realized what's going on....
Chapter 16: Don't give him a chance! He will never forget Saejin because he will see her in Seri! Don't fall for that BS!
Chapter 15: FINALLY!!! Her cluelessness was driving me crazy!