Farewell Dinner

The Psychopath

It was Eunji's last day at the job. She's flying off to Milan the next day. In a span of 3 months, the 3 of them had become close friends. Baekhyun wasn't uncomfortable with Eunji anymore and it comforted Eunji a lot. After her confession to Baekhyun, she felt immensely relieved and felt the weight in her chest gone, although Baekhyun didn't particularly accept it.

But they hold a special secret with each other- his feelings for Se Ri.

The 3 of them went downtown to hold a farewell dinner for Eunji. Se Ri was in a dilemma at first because Kai wanted to tag along after she accidently blurted out the plan to him. Knowing that he would go berserk if he knew of Baekhyun's existence, she fibbed a white lie and managed to convince Kai that it was an employee only dinner.

"I feel terrible for fooling him like that." Se Ri sighed for the Nth time that night.
Both Baekhyun and her were on their way to restaurant in Insadong they had reserved that afternoon. Since Eunji lives on the other side of Seoul,they decided to just meet up there.

Baekhyun frowned at that. "Sure, invite him along, and he would not only slaughter me, but you too." He shrugged cooly.

Se Ri gave Baekhyun a sympathetic look and smiled weakly.
"Sorry Baek. You know I don't mean it that way. As a girlfriend point of view, it's not right for me to lie to him."
At the word girlfriend, Baekhyun's heart squeezed in agony but he still wore a calm facade. He swung his arm around Se Ri's shoulder and gave her an assuring smile.
"I know. I understand." She patted his hand on her shoulder and smiled at him, grateful for his understanding.

"Thank you."



Eunji had been waiting for 15 minutes. She tapped her feet on the ground while playing with her phone.

"Welcome." One of the worker greeted. Eunji's head shot up and recognizes the two people walking towards her table.

"Where were you guys? Did you guys go on a rendezvous before coming here, huh?" Eunji shot Baekhyun a knowing look.
He rolled his eyes.
"No, this little miss over here got into a little problem with the lover thus why we're late." He teased Se Ri.
Se Ri sighed again, the guilt came rushing back to her.

"Can I have your order Sir, Mam?" The friendly waiter asked. After giving their orders, they chatted about random things, laughed at Baekhyun's adult jokes and constantly exchanging light nudges, mostly between Se Ri and Baekhyun. When the food came, they dug in their meal and stole prawns from Baekhyun's pasta.

"So where to now?" Se Ri asked after they shared the bill.

"How come I ended up paying the most expensive meal when almost all the stuff in there is gone?" Baekhyun grumbled as he stuffed his wallet back in his back pocket.

Eunji and Se Ri exchange looks. "Dessert!" they shrieked and walked ahead ignoring Baekhyun.
"Girls." Baekhyun rolled his eyes and caught up with them.


They entered the lively dessert house, "Hansel & Gretel", in the corner street of Insadong. The interior were splashed with pastel pink and blue. White clouds were created over the blue ceiling. The floors were tiled with wooden planks making it look like a vintage English house. The sweet aroma of freshly baked muffins and waffes filled the air. They were quite a number of couples having their dessert and they were a group of girls sitting at a table for six enjoying their smoothies.

Baekhyun led them to a table for three and scanned through the menu that was plastered neatly on the table. After deciding their order, Baekhyun called for the worker. The worker smiled over the counter, took out the pen from behind his ear and walked briskly towards them with a notepad.

"What can I get for- Hey! You're Kai's girlfriend aren't you?" The worker exclaimed after his eyes landed accidently on Se Ri.

Stunned by the sudden outburst, Se Ri whipped her head up and look at the worker. Her mind seemed to go on rewind trying to remember the worker in front of her. Her eyes widened at the remembrance.

"Oh! I remember you. You were working at the other cafe last time...you changed your job?" Se Ri asked him with a smile.

"Yeah, this is my sister's cafe actually. We just opened it recently and she wanted me to help out." The worker answered.

"But you were blonde the last time I met you." she scratched her eyebrow.

The worker nodded, smiling. "Yeah, WAS blonde. And the last time I met you, you were having a make out session with Kai." He snickered.

Se Ri chocked on her saliva. Her cheeks pinked and she had to look away. Baekhyun stared from the worker to Se Ri in annoyance.

"Sorry for being too direct. I can't control my mouth." He smacked his lips with his palm. "My name's Zico." He held out his hand.

"It's fine....I'm Se Ri." She reached out hesitantly and shooked his big hand.

"Ahem." A voice interrupted their little introductory session. Se Ri looked over to the frowing Baekhyun. She cleared and introduced her two bestfriends to Zico. He shook hands with Eunji who smiled broadly and a reluctant Baekhyun.

"Order anything you want. It's on the house. Treat this as a welcome gift." He winked at Se Ri. Baekhyun's frown grew.

After giving him their order, Eunji nudged her.
"How come you know all the cute guys?"

"Who?" Se Ri asked, giving her best girl friend a confused look. She motioned to Zico with her head. Se Ri turned around and watched Zico grind the coffee beans behind the counter. He met eyes with her and grinned making his eyes dissappear. Se Ri turned back around to Eunji.

"But you said guys in plural. I barely know Zico and there's my boyfriend and Baekhyun..." *And Chanyeol* Her heart suddenly deflated at her close friend whom she missed dearly.

"Exactly, Zico is cute, your boyfriend is cute, Baekhyun's...well..he's cute too.." Eunji nodded, tapping her chin.

Baekhyun's head shot up at that comment. "I hear hesitation there Miss Lee Eunji."

Se Ri exploded with laughter. "Okay Baekhyun, you are cute okay, so let it go."

Baekhyun rolled his eyes. "He likes you." He blurted.

"Excuse me?" Se Ri stopped laughing.

"Your waiter friend. He likes you." Baekhyun pointed out.

"No he doesn't. Plus he's not my friend. And if he likes me, I should be able to tell. I'm smart like that." She retorted, crossing her arms on her chest and snorted.

*But you don't realise my feelings, do you?* Baekhyun stared at her.

Eunji broke the silent atmosphere. "I'm curious, would you guys see me off tomorrow?"

"DUHH!" Both Baekhyun and Se Ri chorused. They looked at each other and laughed at the synchronized answer.

Their orders came.

"Enjoy your dessert. Oh. Please send my regards to Kai for me aye?" Zico saluted as he walked off to attend another customer.

Baekhyun eyed him with narrowed eyes. "He likes you. Period." He said, his gaze not leaving Zico.

"Baekhyun, so what? I don't like him. Period. Now eat your waffle before I steal them." Se Ri threatened as she lifted up the fork and direct it towards his waffle ice-cream.

This time Baekhyun slid his waffle ice cream away from the two girls.

"Such a miser." Eunji made a face and ate her hot fudge sundae.

And their night continued with bickering and laughter over the late night dessert.

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Chapter 38: So sad it's over. But there a sequel ~
Chapter 34: Holy cow... He's so crazy!
Chapter 33: Now you know! Get the hell out of there!
Chapter 30: I hope he's not in any danger...
Chapter 28: Ooooh Zico ^^ Such a cutie
Chapter 20: That's what happens when you're too stubborn!
Chapter 18: What Chanyeol said was tough, but it's the truth. It had to be put out there so she'll finally realized what's going on....
Chapter 16: Don't give him a chance! He will never forget Saejin because he will see her in Seri! Don't fall for that BS!
Chapter 15: FINALLY!!! Her cluelessness was driving me crazy!