One stays, the other leaves

The Psychopath

Se Ri stood by her window, gazing out at the night sky. It seems exciting to explore, from the man on the moon, shooting stars and to the constellations one's eyes can create with the stars is truly a magical effect. But the perfect night sky wasn't perfect for her. Bits and pieces of the argument she had with Chanyeol earlier that day kept playing in her mind. She had cried so much to the point that there weren't any tear left to shed. She glanced back and eyed the picture of her and Chanyeol when they were still in their first year in high school in New Zealand. Chanyeol had his goofy smile plastered on his face while he pinched her cheeks while she continued smiling even though her face was looking like a spastic kid. She look back out of the window and her shoulders slipped in depression.

*I can't believe you're leaving me behind. Everyone I love seems to be leaving me.* She sighed and shifted her gaze to the empty street. A movement caught her eye and she shifted her gaze. A figure seemed to be jogging towards her house with his backpack slapping violently against his back. When the streetlight casted a warm light on him, Se Ri immediately recognize the figure. Her eyes followed his figure as he began to ring the doorbell.

*Ding Dong*

She went out of her room, practically jumping off the steps and flung the front door open. There stood the person she wanted to see the most.



He looked out of breath and there were little beads of sweat on his forehead. His hair was dishevelled by the wind but all he did to fix it was to flip his hair once to the side, and it would fall back in place. The look on his face was genuinely concern, his eyes were searching her face as though he would be able to get an answer without her even telling him.

"Are you alright?" he asked as he stepped into her house. Se Ri moved aside to allow his entrance as he closed the door behind him. Kai turned back to face her.
Se Ri nodded with a glum expression. Kai approached her and pulled her into his arms. She buried her face in his chest and supress her tears. Kai rested his chin on her head and her hair gently.

"Tell me what happened." he asked gently.

For an hour, they sat on the couch and Se Ri revealed tearfully the event of the day. Occasionally, Kai would wrapped his hands around her or dry her endless tears. Eventually, Se Ri grew tired and fell asleep on his shoulders. With slow and steady steps, Kai scoop her up in his arms and carried her to her room. After tucking her comfortably, he bent down and kissed her forehead.

"Goodnight Se Ri. Don't think too much." With that, he turned to leave but something caught his eye. He flinched a little at the sight and exhaled heavily. As he walked out, he turned Saejin's picture frame face down on the flat surface of Se Ri's dresser.


"Are you sure you don't want to see her for the last time?" Mrs Park asked Chanyeol who is busy stuffing his things into his luggage. She leaned against his door frame and watched his helpless son pack on his bed.

Chanyeol look at his mom and nodded slowly. It's been 2 weeks since he had talked to Se Ri and today's the day that he would be flying back to New Zealand before offically move to LA at the end of the month.

"She hates me, mom. I don't think she would want to see me." he said as he continued stuffing his favorite stuffed penguin into his almost-full luggage.

Mrs Park walked to him and sat on his bed. She smoothed the fabric of his bed with her hands and smiled weakly. "I remember how she would always come running to me complaining that you would always pull her ponytail. And you would never admit what you did because you were afraid that your dad will give you an earful for bullying a girl." his mom chuckled at the memory.

Chanyeol stopped packing and sat down beside her. He smiled, "Yeah, I remember that too. She was so annoying back then. If I could pull out, I would." he joked lightly. Mrs Park chuckled along but the mood instantly turned somber again.
"I don't think she hates you, my dear. She's just in shock when the news was broken to her. What's more she wasn't even prepared for it. She only has you after the shocking death of Saejin. That's too much for someone to take in. But now, you're leaving her, she definitely feels unloved and that's probably why she reacted that way. It's human nature. She could never hate you. Both of you knew each other since you were in diapers and have gone through thick and thin together. How could she hate her own bestfriend? Do you see my point, Chanyeol?" Mrs Park advised him as she played with his hair. Chanyeol looked down and played with his fingers silently thinking.

"Go and talk things out with her. She'll come to understand your actions. You know Se Ri better than anyone else." she smiled hopefully at him.

After much thought, Chanyeol nodded his head and smiled back. "I will, mom. Thank you." He gave her an appreciative hug, got ready and left the house.

An hour later, he reached Se Ri's neighbourhood. He walked past the playground which he would occasionally visit to play with Seajin and Se Ri. At that thought, he smiled to himself.

"Chanyeol-sshi?" a voice said. Chanyeol whipped his head to find Kai standing before him.
"Oh, hey Kai." Chanyeol acknowledge him with a nod.
An awkward silence was present and both of them didn't bat and eyelash from staring at each other. Kai had an unreadble expression while Chanyeol shifted from foot to foot, awkward at the situation they were in. Honestly, they haven't officially talked to each other. The last time they did was when both Se Ri and him crossed path with Kai when he was on his way to work.

"So I heard." Kai broke the tensed silence. His eyes were dark. Chanyeol noticed a tad of anger in them.
"Yeah, I bet she told you." Chanyeol rubbed the back of his neck and chuckled lightly.
"You think it's funny?" Kai's voice rose up an octave.
Chanyeol's face contorted, appalled and stared wide-eyed at Kai. "Excuse me?"
"You heard me. You're leavng her. Do you not care about her?" Kai challenged him.
Chanyeol turned his head away and scoffed. He look back at Kai, "I don't think you should be the one talking. And for the record, do not question me if I care about her or not. It's because I care that I'm doing all these for her!" he snapped, clearly annoyed.
"If you care, she won't be having a hard time like this!" Kai snapped back, closing in on him.
Chanyeol glowered at him with his eyes turning into caustic slits. "Kai-sshi, before you point out other people's mistake, you should realise your own first. Do not pretend to be a good guy here." he whispered dangerously as he poked Kai's chest with his finger.

"What did you say?" Kai growled.
"The reason why you stuck with Se Ri is because she has the exact same features and looks as her sister. You're in your own delusional mind thinking that Se Ri is Saejin. Now I'm turning the tables back at you. Do you realise you hurt her a lot since you both started dating. All these while, she believed that you're in love with her but sadly, she only got to find out after 100 days of her sister's death that you were Saejin's boyfriend. Isn't that selfish of you, Kai-sshi?"

Before Kai could open his mouth to retaliate, Chanyeol cut him off.

"You lied to her. You toyed with her feelings. She fell in love with you even before knowing who you were. That's how naive she is. But to think that you still continued dating her when you knew who she's related to. That's...despicable." he spat at Kai's face.

Without warning, Kai swung his fist on Chanyeol's face. Chanyeol stumbled back in shock. Pain started in his nose and caused throbbing in his eyes, it was like stubbing a toe, but worse. Tears ran down his eyes as the pain persisted. He gathered himself and in return, he swung around and roundhouse kicked him in the gut. Kai sputtered out a curse laced with blood and crumpled to the ground.

A series of punches were exchanged between the two before another voice screeched in the air, stopping them from the gruesome battle.


Both of them released each other with one last glare and turned to the voice. Se Ri stood there, horrifed with the scene that was playing in front her. The grocery bags she was carrying dropped on the ground. Se Ri looked from Kai to Chanyeol. She ran to Kai's side and cupped his face, examining his injuries. She whipped her body towards Chanyeol and strode with big steps towards him.

"What the hell Park Chanyeol?! What are you doing?!!" she screamed at his face. Chanyeol flinched at the tone of her voice but his face was replaced with an displeased facade.

"Me? You're blaming me?! Your damn coffee boy started this!" he shouted. Se Ri began to feel piqued from hearing Chanyeol repeatedly calling Kai "coffee boy".

"For the last time, his name is Kai. You have got to learn respect Park Chanyeol. Your mom definitely taught us manners. Unless of course, you couldn't absorb anything, being an airhead you already are." she cynically implied.

Chanyeol took all her insults calmly. He stared into her eyes, "We have to talk Se Ri."

Se Ri scoffed and mock him. "We have nothing to talk about. LIke I said, I don't need you anymore. You can bring your pretty with you and leave this country. I've put a stop to our friendship. I hope I don't see you around anymore."

At those words, Chanyeol heart shattered into pieces. Unkowingly, tears began to trickle down his face. He felt crushed, defeated and vulnerable. The words that spat out from Se Ri's mouth was unexpected and he knew, there was no way he could get through to his best friend right now. He took a step back, shifted his teary eyes to Kai and spun around.

*Goodbye Lee Se Ri* he walked off without a second glance.

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Chapter 38: So sad it's over. But there a sequel ~
Chapter 34: Holy cow... He's so crazy!
Chapter 33: Now you know! Get the hell out of there!
Chapter 30: I hope he's not in any danger...
Chapter 28: Ooooh Zico ^^ Such a cutie
Chapter 20: That's what happens when you're too stubborn!
Chapter 18: What Chanyeol said was tough, but it's the truth. It had to be put out there so she'll finally realized what's going on....
Chapter 16: Don't give him a chance! He will never forget Saejin because he will see her in Seri! Don't fall for that BS!
Chapter 15: FINALLY!!! Her cluelessness was driving me crazy!