
The Psychopath

A/N: Chanyeol.. TT TT


She couldn't believe her eyes. Just 7 months ago, they had been shouting irately at each other's faces and now here they are, one of them lying lifeless on the dirty ground.

"C-Chanyeol..?" Wavering, she shook his arm that was the nearest to her. She got on her knees and gulped. Her hands were shaking hard, she thought she was having seizure. She saw a large gaping wound on his side and gasp. She gulped down her nausea and put her finger under his nose to see if he was breathing.

He wasn't.

Tears that she didn't knew were there, fell onto his soaked jacket. Her eyes were bloodshot red as she examined the inert body. Her entire body felt cold. Immediately the flashbacks of their fight flashed through her mind.

"How could you be so heartless? How could you not tell me? How could you be so selfish?"

"He's not in love with you. Wake up! He's madly in love with your sister who thinks that you are the exact replica of her. I know you are hurting. I'm trying my best as a best friend to lift you up from being down there. But you seem like you don't want to get up! He's just using you to relive his memories from the past. Can't you see that? I feel so useless when you're so stubborn like this!"

"I don't need you. So go on your little stupid trip to wherever you're going and don't come back. Stay that way Park Chanyeol. You're a selfish bastard to me."

"I've put a stop to our friendship. I hope I don't see you around anymore."


"Yeol...." She whimpered as she shook his body. She felt nothing but only regret. A great amount of it. "Yah...Park Chanyeol...." Se Ri shook him as if she was waking him up from his deep sleep. She wiped her tears on her sleeve and chuckled humorlessly. "Yeol...wake up....don't pull this prank...."

Chanyeol didn't move. open in disbelief and she lost it.

"CHANYEOL!" She screamed. She buried her face into his soaked jacket and bawled like a child who lost her parents. "CHANYEOL!! I'M SORRY!" She yelled, as if doing that would erase all the regret she was feeling. She mumbled incoherent apologies and gripped hard onto his jacket.

She heard a wheezing cough and stiffened. She looked up with alert eyes.

Chanyeol let out a groan. She sat up with wide eyes. "Chanyeol!" Se Ri scrambled up and cradled his head so it was resting on her lap.

Chanyeol opened his eyes. He looked around with half-lidded eyes and landed his gaze on Se Ri. At the sight of her, his lips curled up slightly. "H-Hey...bestfriend.." His voice croaked. Se Ri choke back a sob at that word. "Happy...B-Birthday...."

Se Ri stared at him as if he had grown a third head.

"I-I wish...." he winced, feeling a sharp pain on the side of his stomach. "I- want to's...why I came...." He said with much difficulty. Chanyeol accidently pressed on his wound and cursed.

For a few minutes, Se Ri stared at him. The next moment, she was fumbling for his jacket pocket for his phone, carefully not to touch his wound. Chanyeol was too weak to ask.

She dialed a number and put the phone to her ears. "Hello 911! I need an ambulance! Now!"


When Chanyeol was taken away in an ambulance, Se Ri stood outside of her house thinking of the next step when a black Volvo screeched to a stop in front of her. Baekhyun hastily got out and walked up to her.

When Se Ri saw him, her eyes widened. Baekhyun pulled her into his embrace. He could feel her small figure shivering against him. "'re safe...." She whispered inaudibly.

Baekhyun pulled back and examined her face. "Are you okay?" He asked. He saw the small cut on her forehead and bruise on her neck and his heart flared with anger.

Se Ri shook her head and her lips quivered. She let out a wretched sob and clung onto his shirt. "Baekhyun.....he killed.....her...." Her shoulders moced up and down uncontrollably.

Baekhyun's eyes narrowed. "Come with me...I need you to help us..."

Se Ri look up at him. "Us...?"

"Let's get into the car first." He beckon.


25 minutes later, they arrived at Kai's neighborhood. They sat in the car as Se Ri stared at Kai's house at a distance, not believing. This was the last place she wanted to go.

"Why...are we here?" She said, eyes not leaving Kai's house.

Baekhyun rested his hands on the steering wheel and narrowed his eyes at the house. "I need you to lure him out."

Shocked crossed her face. She turned to look at Baekhyun and was ready to lash out at him for making such a suggestion when she saw a different aura that was radiating from him. She closed shut and stared at him.

Baekhyun turned to her. "What?"

Se Ri shook her head then spoke. "Okay."

"Ring his doorbell. Make sure he comes out. Don't follow him in. I'll be watching you from here. Go." He stated.

Se Ri nodded her head and opened the door. Before she could step out, she was yanked back in. She turned around just in time as Baekhyun crashed his lips against hers. He cradled her cheeks with his hands and pulled back.  "Be careful okay? Now go. Stay in my line of sight. I promise, nothing will happen to you." He assured with a soft smile.

Se Ri, still dazed from the sudden kiss, nodded absentmindedly. She stepped out and slammed the door shut. Baekhyun ducked his head a little to get a good look at whether his plan would go as planned.

With quavering steps, she approached Kai's house. There wasn't a doorbell in sight so she resorted to yelling out his name. Se Ri looked back at Baekhyun and shook her head. The door swung open suddenly which caused Se Ri to stumble back a little. Kai appeared at the door with a grim look. Se Ri's eyes flitted to his hands. She felt relieve somehow as he wasn't carrying any weapon. When Kai saw her, his lips curved upward. "Se Ri."

Se Ri felt shiver running up her spine as Kai spoke her name. There seem to be something about his tone which she couldn't comprehend.

"Come in." He beckon her with a smile. Again, the smile caused Se Ri to develop goosebumps.

Se Ri shook her head. "No...I...I just" She looked for an excuse. Her eyes landed on the ring he had given her a few weeks before. She quickly took it out and held it out to him. "I give this back..."

Kai stared at he palm and began to approach her. With every step he took towards her, she took many steps back away from him. Her eyes flitted to Baekhyun again and back to him. Her heart thumped madly and she was extremely afraid.

"Why?" He questioned. Se Ri noticed his eyes had begun to turn hostile again. The same eyes she had seen earlier on. Se Ri shifted her gaze away from him, afraid to look into them. If looks could kill, she would have been eaten alive by now.

"We....can' together." She spoke.

"Why?" He asked again, with mockery in his voice.

Se Ri shiffled back again.

In one quick move, he pinned Se Ri against the wall.

"KIM JONGIN! LET HER GO AND STEP AWAY!" Baekhyun yelled, already out from his car with a gun in his hands. Sirens began to cut the silent air. In 10 seconds, five police cars were surrounding Kai's house. Every officer were already in their stance, aiming their guns at Kai.

The next moment, Kai had already took out his gun from the back of his shirt and pulled Se Ri along with him. He aimed the gun at her head and yelled back. Se Ri struggled in his grip but Kai pushed her head with his gun.


" DROP YOUR WEAPON AND LET THE VICTIM GO!" An officer spoke through a loud-hailer.

"Kai....." Se Ri whispered. "Don't do this...please...don't kill innocent people anymore..."

"SHUT UP YOU LITTLE !" Kai screamed and pulled the trigger.

Double gunshot rang in the air.

Se Ri felt Kai's grip loosening and she opened her eyes. Kai plopped to the ground along with a gunshot wound on his shoulder. He had lost grip of his gun and it was lying near her feet. With her quick thinking, she kicked the gun far away so it was out of Kai's reach. The police officers had closed in and pinned him down. Kai struggled angrily as they hooked a handcuff onto his wrists. Baekhyun ran towards Se Ri and envelope her in his arms.

"I told you I'd keep you safe." He kissed her head and her hair. She look up and him and smiled. Baekhyun was about to lean in when she saw her smile faltering.

"What's wrong, Se Ri?"

Her eyes rolled upwards and immediately her world became pitch black. The last thing she recalled was Baekhyun screaming her name in panic.


A/N: See? I'm so nice. I didn't make Chanyeol end his life. How can I have the heart to do that? He's my ultimate bias after all. Hehe. Till the next update! Thanks for commenting my lovely readers!

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Chapter 38: So sad it's over. But there a sequel ~
Chapter 34: Holy cow... He's so crazy!
Chapter 33: Now you know! Get the hell out of there!
Chapter 30: I hope he's not in any danger...
Chapter 28: Ooooh Zico ^^ Such a cutie
Chapter 20: That's what happens when you're too stubborn!
Chapter 18: What Chanyeol said was tough, but it's the truth. It had to be put out there so she'll finally realized what's going on....
Chapter 16: Don't give him a chance! He will never forget Saejin because he will see her in Seri! Don't fall for that BS!
Chapter 15: FINALLY!!! Her cluelessness was driving me crazy!