Meeting you again

The Psychopath

The bus came when they reached the busstop. Se Ri climbed up followed by Chanyeol. They tapped their card and made their way to the back of the bus. Chanyeol aimed for the window seat but got yanked away by Se Ri. Chanyeol scowled and plopped himself on the seat beside her. The bus was empty and they liked the feeling of having only the both of them conquering the bus.

"Just so you know, Park Chanyeol, I always get the window seat." she tugged the skin under her eye and stucked out her tongue.
"So pushy" he muttered under his breath, rolling his eyes dramatically. The question that he had been meaning to ask Se Ri formed in his mind. He glanced at Se Ri who was creating steam on the window with her hot breath. He nudged her and she whipped her head immidiately.

"So...uhh...who is...Kai? That's his name right? Kai? The one you told noona about?" he hesitantly asked.
By hearing his name, Se Ri's lips tugged into a smile and she nodded.
"Like what you've heard just now. He's a very very mysterious guy." her mind suddenly was filled with the moments she had with Kai.
"I want to meet him." Chanyeol stated.
She broke out from her thoughts and blinked at Chanyeol fast. "Why?"
"I want to see if he's worthy enough for you."
Se Ri's eyes grew soft. She knew Chanyeol was looking out for her. She looked down and played with the hem of her shirt.

"He doesn't know it." she whispered.
This time, Chanyeol was the one who blinked down at her. "Know...what?"
She met his gaze. "That I'm in love with him. We've only hung out for a few times but I don't know why, I will get all fuzzy and nervous everytime he's with me. Then it dawned on me, that I've fell for him, a mere stranger. And he doesn't know anything about me yet."
Chanyeol reached out and squeezed her hands with an affectionate smile.

"Don't worry. Anyone would fall in love with you Se Ri, you're such an angel. Those who can't bring themselves to like you are just plain stupid." he grinnded.
"Thanks....oppa..." Se Ri smiled at him.
Chanyeol flicked her forehead. "Do I have to do or say something sincere to you, to get you to call me oppa?"
"Owww! I take that back, you ugly creeper!"
"WHAT?!" he shouted, he was about to lunged for her when she stood up.
"We've reached our stop. Let's go!" she pulled him up and dragged him out of the bus.

Chanyeol yanked away from her grip and began chasing her down the street. Abruptly, Se Ri stopped and Chanyeol crashed onto her back. She stumbled forward but her gaze was fixed to the figure walking towards her direction.

"Yah!" Chanyeol yelled from the back.

Her heart sped up, heat crept up from her neck to her ears and her stomach flipped countless times in her belly. Only one person could make her react like this.




Chanyeol followed her gaze and notice the male figure waking in their direction with his hands tucked in his jeans pocket, a dark blue hoodie over his head and he was looking at the ground. He looked back and forth from Se Ri to the figure. Right at that moment, Kai chose to look up. Se Ri's breath hitched in .
*Oh crap! Caught! He must think I'm a creep*
To hide her embarassment, she turned to Chanyeol and whack his arm. His eyes registered shock and with his reflexes, he tried to dodge Se Ri's hit.
"Yah! Park Chanyeol! I told you not to eat that strawberry ice-cream in the fridge! How many times do I have to remind you?!" Seri blabbered. She was too flustered that Kai caught her staring at him that she decided to use Chanyeol as a distraction.
Chanyeol on the other hand was dodging Se Ri's hits with one hand covering out trying to defend himself while the other protectively covered his head.
"Yah! Lee Se Ri! I didn't eat your ice-cream! There was barely anything in that freezer of yours!"
Se Ri gave Chanyeol a look that seem to pleading his to follow along *Please Yeol, go with the flow*
Chanyeol stopped thrashing and look at Kai who was a few metres in front of them.
*Oh...OH!! I get it!* "You should have known to keep those things stashed away in a place that I couldn't find! Serves you right! HA HA HA!" he gave an awkward laugh while his eyes darted from Se Ri to Kai.
Se Ri sighed. *Park Chanyeol, you at acting.*

Kai spoke up. "Ummmm...Se Ri?"
At hearing her name being called, electricity zapped through her body. She swallowed hard and fixed her expression before turning back to face Kai.

As if he had confirmed that he had called the right person, Kai's face lit up into a smile. "Se Ri! So it is you." Kai tilted his head to the side.

*Don't do that! Oh God. Kill me now!*
Se Ri cleared and tried to sound normal. "Oh hey Kai!" she raised her hand and waved awkwardly. She look at her hands and quickly bring them down.

"Are you okay Se Ri? You look like you've seen a ghost." He chuckled.
*Ghost? More like a y star - OMG WHAT AM I THINKING?!!* Se Ri shook her head. Both the males stared at her in confusion. Chanyeol was the more confused one. Then it dawned on him. He stared at the guy in front of him and concluded. *This must be Kai*

She managed a smile and nodded her head.
"I'm fine, Kai! Long time no see huh?" she beamed.
Kai smiled back, glad that she was okay. "Yeah, it's been a while."
Se Ri rocked back and forth on her heels and stared at the ground. She wasn't sure how to continue the conversation.

"AAHHHEEEEMMMM" , an exxagerated clearing of throat broke the silence. Both Se Ri and Kai whipped their heads and turned to Chanyeol.
"Good, now you guys are fully aware that I exist!". He flailed his hands up in the air with an exxagerated roll of eyes. Trust the drama king.
Se Ri blinked and realised she hasn't introduce both of them to each other.

"Umm..Kai, this is Chanyeol, my childhood friend. He just popped by from New Zealand." she gestured towards Chanyeol. "And Yeol, this is....uhhhh..." her cheeks grew red. "...Kai" she finished.

Both males held out their right hand for a handshake.

"So you're Se Ri's...*cough* crush *cough*" he said making the crush part sound inaudible for Kai to hear. Se Ri, however, caught it and starts to punch Chanyeol on his arms and gave him a deadly glare.
Chanyeol snickered at retracted his hands back.

"I'm sorry, what?" Kai asked, confused with the secret coded conversation that they had with their facial expression.
"Nothing! Chanyeol, Kai's my friend. I told you about him before." she scrutinized Chanyeol with her eyes and tight jaw.
Chanyeol ignored the piercing stare and nodded. "Yeah, she told me A LOT about you." he emphasized.

*Park Chanyeol! You are so dead!*
Kai smiled that signature smile of his and nodded.

"Where are you going Kai?" Se Ri asked him.
"Oh, I'm off to work. Remember the cafe we used to have our daily coffee? Yeah I work there now." he grinned.

Se Ri was about to lose her sanity with that smile of his. Chanyeol tried to suppress his giggles with his fist over his mouth. He cleared his throat and look away when he noticed Se Ri staring at him at the corner of his eyes.

"Wow, you work there now huh. That's good." she nodded.
"Drop by sometime, we could hang out again." he said. He turned to Chanyeol. "You're welcome too if you want, Chanyeol-sshi."
Chanyeol nodded his head eagerly and earned a whack from Se Ri.

"Sure Kai. I'll text you." Se Ri replied.
Kai rolled up his sleeve and look at his watch. He look up at Se Ri and said. "I'll be going now. See you around Se Ri." he winked her way. Her face went from pink to tomato red.

"AAHHEMMM" Chanyeol cleared his throat.
"And you too Chanyeol-sshi." Kai chuckled as he gave a friendly wave to the both of them. Se Ri watch his back till he disappeared around the corner.

She turned back front and bend down to take her right sneakers off. Chanyeol watched, wondering what she was doing.
"You better run Yeol." she unlaced her sneakers and stood up with her right sneakers in her right hand.

Chanyeol's eyes widened. Se Ri lunged for him. "AAAAAAHHHH!! PREPARE TO GET YOUR WHIPPED PARK CHANYEOL!!!!!!!"

"CRAP!" Chanyeol made a run for it with Se Ri trailing behind him like a mad dog.

Kai's head popped back around from the corner he turned and watched the bickering duo. He chuckled and continued his way down to his job.

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Chapter 38: So sad it's over. But there a sequel ~
Chapter 34: Holy cow... He's so crazy!
Chapter 33: Now you know! Get the hell out of there!
Chapter 30: I hope he's not in any danger...
Chapter 28: Ooooh Zico ^^ Such a cutie
Chapter 20: That's what happens when you're too stubborn!
Chapter 18: What Chanyeol said was tough, but it's the truth. It had to be put out there so she'll finally realized what's going on....
Chapter 16: Don't give him a chance! He will never forget Saejin because he will see her in Seri! Don't fall for that BS!
Chapter 15: FINALLY!!! Her cluelessness was driving me crazy!