Supermart Buddy

The Psychopath

The sun was giving off warm heat so Se Ri decided to hang her laundry out to dry. She went up her rooftop while carrying a month worth of laundry in a basket. She rolled up her sleeves and began hanging up the clothes and securing it with a clothespin. Her mind suddenly drifted off to the weird encounter with Kai the day before.
He looks so normal, but there's a creepy aura around him

She shook that thought off and assumed that Kai probably woke up at the wrong side of bed.

Done with her laundry, she decided to set out to the mart for some grocery shopping. She entered the mart, grabbed a trolley and scanned the aisle for her neccessities.

"Se Ri...." someone whispered in her ear.

"OH MY GOD!" she yelped and spun around to see Kai smiling down at her. He was wearing a white wife beater underneath a this blue cardigan and jeans. His hair was in a mess, yet he looked exceptionally gorgeous.

Her heart beat triple its normal rate.
"You scared me."

Kai grinned, "Sorry"

"Where were you from?", she narrowed her eyes at him.

"Home. I followed you", he replied without hesitation. He was rocking back and forth on his feet while his hands were tucked in his jeans pockets.

The hairs at the back of her neck stood up. She swallowed hard.


"I wanted to apologise to you about yesterday."


" I didn't have your number so....," Kai held out his right palm "give me your phone number. We're friends aren't we?"
Se Ri blushed and look down to play with the hem of her t-shirt.

"S-Sure, h-hold o-on," she stuttered. She fished her phone from her bag and held it out to Kai, avoiding eye contact with him.
Kai took her phone and their hands brushed against each other. Sparks zipped through Se Ri's arms and she quickly withdrew her hands.

Why is my heart reacting this way?

Kai was busy typing away his number in her phone and did likewise to his. Done, he held her phone put towards her.

"Here, I've saved my number in your phone"

Nervously, Se Ri clicked open her bag and held it out to Kai. He chuckled and placed her phone in her bag. She clicked it shut and look at him.

"You want company? I'm free right now." Kai tilted his head in an adorable manner and smirked.

Flushing another shade of red, Se Ri looked away to calm her crazy beating hard.

"I guess you don't want, so...I'll go", he said from behind her.

Se Ri whipped around suddenly, "YES!".
Realizing what she just said, she covered her gaping mouth. By this time, her face was tomato red.

Se Ri, you

Kai laughed as though he hadn't laugh before in his entire life. Embarrassed, Se Ri spun around and pushed her cart fast down the aisle.

"I'm going now. You don't have to keep me company!", she hollered.

Kai stopped laughing and caught up with her.
"Hey, that's rude to leave someone who's doing you a favour behind.", he teased.

Se Ri made a face. When she did that, as fast as he could, he snapped a picture of her with his phone.

"Hey! Delete that!", Se Ri tried to grab his phone but he held it up high beyond her reach.

"Not happening!", he said, helding it up higher.

Giving up, she huffed and stomped off, mumbling, "Weirdo".

"I heard that", Kai leaned into her ear and whispered.

She pushed his forehead with her finger and continued down the aisle.

Kai followed slowly behind and chuckled at her antics.

"Thanks Kai. I can go on my own from here," she said as soon as they stepped out of the mart.

"You sure? I can help you carry those bags to your doorstep." he asked, concern.

She nodded, "Don't worry. I can handle. Besides, you were a great company today. Couldn't have asked for more." She smiled and waved at him.

"Okay, I've got somewhere to go anyways. I'll see you sometime this week. We can grab coffee again", he winked and walked off.

That was it, Se Ri's heart melted into a pool of goo.

Se Ri, get a grip. He's still a stranger to you. You don't even know him that well

Taking her own sweet time, she walked up the slope towards her lonely home.

"I'm home.", she said to no one in particular. She sighed, took off her shoes and entered her house. Placing the bags of groceries on the counter in the kitchen, she leaned against the kitchen cabinet and thought about the incident with Kai earlier. She smiled to herself and quickly pulled out her phone from her bag. She flipped her phone open and went through the list of her contacts.

Puzzled, she scroll her contact list once more. She couldn't find Kai's name in it.
I was sure he said he saved his contact in it

But one particular name caught her eye, "Kim Jongin? Who is Kim Jongin?"

Right when the words left her lips, she got a message from this Kim Jongin guy.

**Kim Jongin**
That's my real name. Be happy about it. I don't tell this to just anyone - Kai

Her heart stopped for a split second. She could die of happiness right now. She closed her phone and skipped upstairs to her room.

A figure stood outside her kitchen window, watching everything intently. Slowly, he walked off leaving no evidence behind.


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Chapter 38: So sad it's over. But there a sequel ~
Chapter 34: Holy cow... He's so crazy!
Chapter 33: Now you know! Get the hell out of there!
Chapter 30: I hope he's not in any danger...
Chapter 28: Ooooh Zico ^^ Such a cutie
Chapter 20: That's what happens when you're too stubborn!
Chapter 18: What Chanyeol said was tough, but it's the truth. It had to be put out there so she'll finally realized what's going on....
Chapter 16: Don't give him a chance! He will never forget Saejin because he will see her in Seri! Don't fall for that BS!
Chapter 15: FINALLY!!! Her cluelessness was driving me crazy!