Baekhyun's help

The Psychopath

Se Ri arrived at Yongsan Park rather early. Both Baekhyun and her had agreed to meet there at 3pm but it was only 2.45pm. She still had 15 mins to kill so she decided to find a place to sit. Finally, she settled down on a bench below a shady tree. It was November and the breeze was cold enough to make Se Ri rub her palms together and blow hot air on it. She took out her phone and started to play Candy Crush. Engrossed, she didn't know how many minutes passed. When she was about to clear the last jelly in the corner of the screen, her phone rang and caused her game to pause momentarily.

"Dammit!" she cursed. The caller id showed Baekhyun's name. "Oh." she said as she looked at her watch. It's already 3.20pm. She pressed the accept call button.

"Hello?" she answered.
"Hello? Se Ri, where are you?" Baekhyun's voice sounded rather panicky.
"I'm here. Where are you?" Se Ri answered, her eyes darting around the area in hope to see Baekhyun.
"You're here? I'm here too. But where are you exactly?" he asked again, sounding breathless which Se Ri assumed he was running.
"I'm under..." Se Ri look up at the tree above her and around the area to find a perfect description of the place so that Baekhyun would be able to recognize from wherever he was. She saw a playground across from her. "....I'm under the big shady tree, directly opposite the playground. If you see 2 kids in red playing on the swing, I'm right across from there." she described.
"I see a big tree but I don't see a play- ...Oh! I saw it! Okay. I'll see you soon." he hung up.

After a few seconds, she recognized a figure jogging towards her. Baekhyun panted and bent over to catch his breath. Se Ri stood up from her seat and walked over to him. Baekhyun straightened up, still catching his breath. She eyed him from head to toe. Baekhyun was wearing a blue and gray baseball jacket with a long sleeved hoody on the inside paired with black jeans and sneakers. He looked like a typical college boy with his adorable grin.

"Did -- you-- wait--long?" he asked in between breaths.
The corners of Se Ri's lips twitched and she tried to supress her laughter from seeing Baekhyun's hair in a wild mess thanks to the wind.
"What?" Baekhyun asked, puzzled.
"Your" She chuckled but quickly covered with her palm.
"Huh?" Baekhyun took out his phone and stared at his reflection from the black screen. His eyes widened and turned his back on her, patting his hair in the right places. Satisfied, he turned around and cleared his throat. "Sorry, you had to see that." he grinned sheepishly.
"No problem, it was a good laugh." Se Ri teased.
"Ha-ha. Very funny. Sorry I'm late... Actually no. I was here a little early, but uhhhh...I was..." he scratched the back of his neck with an embarrassed grin. "I caught up with...something...I didn't realise the time had gone by. I'm really sorry."
"It's okay, I was actually here 15 minutes early too, and uhh, to kill time, I played Candy Crash. I didn't realise we were suppose to meet 20 minutes ago until you called." Se Ri shook her phone in the air and laughed lightly.
"You were playing Candy Crash too?" Baekhyun stared at her, stunned.
"What do you mean too? Don't tell me, that 'something' you got caught up with was Candy Crash?" Se Ri stared at him before she broke out into a laughter. She clutched her stomach from laughing too hard.
"Uhhh...yeah..." he answered and grinned.
"Well, you should have called me a minute later, I was about to clear one last jelly!" she feigned anger.
Baekhyun laughed. "Oh yeah. I have something for you." He swivelled his backpack to the front and it. He fumbled the contents in his bag and brought out two cans of coffee. "Here, it's still warm, thank god." Baekhyun held one can out to her.
Se Ri gratefully accepted it. "Thank you. You're so thoughtful."
Baekhyun smiled and shrugged.

They sat down on the bench and opened their can of coffee. Se Ri took a sip and the warm liquid travelled down her insides. Baekhyun took his sip and glance at her.
"I thought you would never call." He chuckled and took a second sip.
Se Ri turned to him and sighed. "I'm sorry for calling you out here. You must be in the middle of something important. I guess....I just...needed someone to talk to...."
Baekhyun nodded. "Thanks, I like being used." he teased.
She look at him with an apologetic expression. "I'm sorry for using you, but if you have to go, please go ahead."
Baekhyun chuckled and flicked his wrist in the air. "Nahh. I'm cool. So what is it about?"
"You know, Kim Jongin, the guy we talk about the other time? The guy who dated my sister?" Se Ri asked.
Baekhyun nodded and took another sip off his can.
"I'm dating him now." she finished.
Baekhyun sprayed coffee out from his mouth and turned to look at her with wide questioning eyes. Se Ri took out a paper tissue from her bag and handed it to him. He took it and wiped the dribbling coffee from his lips. "I'm sorry, that was rude of me." He apologised and bowed his head a little.
"Why?...I mean...but how?" he inquired.
Se Ri turned to look at the playground ahead of her. "He thought I was my sister. That's why he approached me."
Baekhyun felt bad for her. "And?"
"I was pretty shock when I got to know that Kim Jongin and Kai were the same person."
"Kai? He goes by that now? Why?" he interrupted.
Se Ri shrugged. "I confronted him about it and eventually, he admitted that he used to date Saejin and the reason why he didn't tell me was because he didn't want to lose another Saejin. I don't know why but I'm not happy about that."
Baekhyun nodded once. "If it was me in the same situation, I wouldn't be happy either."
"He's so mysterious. We've been dating for three months now, but I don't even know where he lives. He could be quite temperamental at times. Other than the facts you told me the previous time, he wouldn't tell me anything else. There's a lot of questions that I've been meaning to ask him but, everytime I had the chance, it doesn't seem like the right time. It's so weird."
She sighed and played with the can in her hands. "I have been told that I was just being used by him, but I'm denying it greatly because...because...." she paused.
"Because you love him." Baekhyun finished her sentence. Se Ri lingered her gaze on him and nodded slowly. "Yeah. I do, but now, he's angry with me."
"Why?" Baekhyun seemed to ask that question a lot today.
"He accused me of cheating on him." she answered. "With who?" he pried.
"My own best friend. Can you believe it? He's my best friend for god sake!" she half-yelled but then realized, Baekhyun was there. "But, he left and it was all my fault." she sighed and closed her eyes.
Baekhyun was silent and the silence urged her to go on. "He told me Kai was using me and I went berserk with him. I was harsh to him. I couldn't accept what he was saying because he was apparently talking about my boyfriend. But I forgot that he was my best friend at that time. I sent him away and told him not to come back. I'm such a "good" friend, aren't I?" she turned her gaze at him with a sad smile.
Baekhyun returned a small smile. "I'm sure, wherever he is, he will eventually forgive you. Best friends aren't best friends for nothing. They forgive and forget. And as for Jongin, just give him some time to cool his head. He'll come to his senses for sure. Also, your curiosity about where he lives, I think I might be able to help you out."
Se Ri's eyes widened, "You know where he stays? You told me you didn't know."
"I don't. But I will find a way. Remember what I said? I want to help you out." he grinned showing his perfect set of teeth.

Se Ri couldn't be more grateful to Baekhyun.

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Chapter 38: So sad it's over. But there a sequel ~
Chapter 34: Holy cow... He's so crazy!
Chapter 33: Now you know! Get the hell out of there!
Chapter 30: I hope he's not in any danger...
Chapter 28: Ooooh Zico ^^ Such a cutie
Chapter 20: That's what happens when you're too stubborn!
Chapter 18: What Chanyeol said was tough, but it's the truth. It had to be put out there so she'll finally realized what's going on....
Chapter 16: Don't give him a chance! He will never forget Saejin because he will see her in Seri! Don't fall for that BS!
Chapter 15: FINALLY!!! Her cluelessness was driving me crazy!